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Zara is a Spanish apparel brand specializing in fashion brands such as clothing, accessories,

shoes, and perfumes. Zara company was formed in 1975, which Amancio Ortega and Rosalia

Mera founded. Over the years, the company has increased market share and revenue generation

within the fashion industry. Zara sneakers are the selected product that will require detailed

analysis and evaluation to understand the marketing strategies required. Zara sneakers shoes had

managed to target the young generation who embrace and have a great taste in fashion. Zara

home designs are located in European stores, and it takes 10 to 15 days for the products to reach

the stores. Zara has managed to ensure product diversification in sneakers to provide customers

with a wide range of choices. Zara shoe sneakers have unique designs and products that embrace

unique marketing strategies.

Importance of value chain

The value chain is considered a vital business model that describes the full range of activities

required to create a new product. For Zara to produce sneakers, a value chain will be involved,

which concerns bringing a different product from conception to final distribution. Within Zara as

a fashion brand, the value chain has helped increase the firm's efficiency, allowing the business

to deliver the most value to the customers for the least cost. Overall, its focus is on attaining a

competitive advantage in the fashion industry. Besides, the value chain is essential to Zara

Company as it helps to understand core competencies and some of the suggested areas of

improvement during the production of Zara Sneakers.

Zara Sneakers and its Chain

There are a lot of actors involved in the Zara value chain process to ensure the quality product

has been delivered. Different raw materials are gathered towards the production of the sneakers

in the company. It is the supply chain team's role to ensure the delivery of high-quality raw

materials for production purposes. Notable generic value chain involves production inputs,

production, packaging and control, distribution and sales, and retailed and consumption. As part

of the production process, there will be cutting, sewing, assembly, and packaging of the final

products in the fashion industry.

Inventory management is one of the notable themes discussed to ensure business operations are

efficient. Inventory management helps to ensure Zara maintains only the optimum inventory

level to avoid any financial loss in terms of overstocking. Besides, inventory management avoids

stock-outs and allows better product visibility in the market. Some of the notable actors in this

theme include the company management, supply chain team, and finance team to ensure only

correct and reliable inventory records have been maintained.


Zara sneakers are made from a combination of various materials. The sneakers' sole has three

layers: insole, midsole, and outsole. The insole is a lean layer of man-made ethylene vinyl

acetate. The midsole components provide bulk cushioning. Generally, it consists of polyurethane

adjoining other materials such as liquid silicone, gel or polyurethane. The outsole of the sneaker

is made of hard carbon rubber. The rest of the sneaker covering is typically made of synthetic

matter with plastic slabs or boards to support the shape. Overall, the company product has a

unique and appealing design that helps create a good impression among the customers.
Zara sneaker design is a crucial piece of work for the product's good look. The design of the

footwear is vital in attracting glances (The engineering behind Shoe Design). The footwear is

made in combination with beautiful designs to attract the entire customer's look and comfort. In

addition, the design takes place in its European stores, focusing on the production of a high-

quality product. Zara stores have both men and women sneakers as well as children. The

majority of its product clients range from 18- the mid-30s. Such a target market has been reached

through social media in the market.

Its footwear has adjustable lace closure, front and back pull tabs for ease, memory foam fabric

insole, interior lining, and a thick outer sole. The company has invested more than $200,000 on

its latest sneaker design. The engineers of the sneakers design have worked hard to achieve

optimal design for the product. Everyone is different and unique in his way: movement,

structure, and gait pattern. Therefore, the efforts to meet the concerns are further accelerated by

the crucial factors that must be considered in the design; flexibility, shock absorption,

breathability, sole wear, and weight.


There are a number of raw materials involved in the production of Zara Sneakers, such as

polyester, rubber, and cotton, to ensure the only quality product has been delivered. Leather, Eva

form, PVC sole, threads, dye, foil paper, and neolite. Such raw materials always help ensure the

production of sneakers is carried out based on the customers' specifications. Zara is the shoe

production company selected with its headquarters in Arteixo, Spain. The product is produced in
its storage based in the headquarters within Europe. In recent years, the geography of its

production has not shifted, which has allowed increased market share and sales growth.

The production of sneakers involved a number of the production process, such as sourcing for

raw materials, cutting, stitching, sole making, assembly, and finishing. Such methods are

considered capital-intensive production, which requires a lot of financial resources to make the

final product. Therefore, Zara Company fits well with the post-Fordism model of production. In

this model, employees work on the set production line while repetitively performing specialized

tasks. Through such a model, the company enjoys economics of scope, specialized production,

and new information technologies. The use of the selected model helps ensure there is large-

scale production of shoes to meet and exceed the customers' needs in the market. It is craft-based

artisanal production supported by modern means of technology to create business efficiency.

Different conditions of employment are available in the industry, which concerns the rules and

policies set by the employer towards the employees. Some of the special conditions of

employment include; work for a minimum of 8 hours a day, 30 days leave once per year,

allowance allowed based on the tasks assigned. Zara Company employs a different workforce to

ensure the production of sneakers shoes, such as skilled and unskilled staff. Employees, both

male and female, are hired based on their level of qualification to support the production and

distribution of the final product in the fashion industry. These employees are paid competitive

remuneration based on their skills and overtime for any extra hours worked. Such a remuneration

level helps ensure employees are highly motivated to perform the production process.

Zara Company has embraced a unique code of conduct applied among the employees in its

operations. For example, the company does not employ employees below the legal age and does

not support any form of discrimination among the employees based on race or gender. Besides,
the company ensures there is the safety of the employees in the workplace by providing all the

necessary safety measures. Such code of conduct are vital to ensure the rights of workers are

upheld which it focus to ensure there is competitive remuneration and no form of discrimination

and sexual harassment among the employees.

Since Zara Company is based in European region and ensure there is production of high quality

products, the company lacks any consumer botcotts. However, there are union campaigns

focused at ensuring employees’ rights and welfare has been addressed in the long run. There are

a number trade regulations that have affected Zara value chains such as high tariffs and taxation

which affects the sales of the products in different regions. It is the role of the necessary

government agencies in Spain to ensure such trade regulations are controlled to attain financial

success for the company. In addition, there is a strong buyer-supplier relationship which has been

maintained hence creating good corporate image in the market. Overall, Zara company has

managed to maintain good network and social ties with its customers through introduction of

social media platforms and supportive customer care team.


Zara Company has invested in marketing efforts to ensure its products will attain higher market

share in the fashion industry. Its outdoor advertising is eye catching and attractive to the

customers through the use of billboards which focus on the fashion trends. Such advertisement

has high preference on the youth as the target market. Through such billboards, the company is

able to introduce different sneakers in the market in a bid to attract new and existing customers

in the market. Besides, Zara makes of use social media and influencers to increase the product

public awareness. Through Facebook, Twitter and You Tube, the company is able to engage the

customers about any new or existing product in the market. The company has more than 30
million followers on Facebook and 45 million followers on Instagram which provides ready

market for the product. Besides, the company also makes use of celebrity endorsement who also

as influencers on social media such as Cipriana Quann, Shayla Mitchella, Manny Gutierrez

among others. The role of such influencers is to convenience the target market to embrace use of

Zara sneakers in the industry hence growth of market shares and revenue generation.

In addition, Zara also heavily invested on its location as a unique marketing. The company focus

on investing in location and appeal of its stores to attract all the potential customers. The

company will always be located on high-street retailed areas and malls with large number of

human traffic. Its growth and expansion of its stores has provided good and improved corporate

image in the market. The company has more than 3000 stores across the market which helps to

create excellent customer service.

Pricing is also an important marketing efforts put in place by Zara which focuses on the average

shopper who requires the latest fashion at affordable prices. Since customers are always sensitive

to prices, the company has managed to control and regulate the level of prices to attract bulk

purchase from the customers. However, in some stores, the company also uses premium pricing

targeting high income customers. It therefore creates a unique brand image and increases the

brand market share in the market.



Zara sneaker is a fashion brand with its main market concentrated in Europe and USA. The

company uses price discrimination which helps to ensure both low and high income earners can

afford to purchase such a product in the market. The main demographics for this market ranges

from 18 to 30 years who have a taste of fashion in the market. On average, the price of Zara

sneakers cost $ 89. Most of the customers decide the purchase the product due to affordable

price, unique and attractive design as well as appealing features. Such an item signifies high

level taste of fashion and elegance among the target market. Since the product is sold globally

through online platform, the geography of its manufacture is not considered when making any

purchase. Overall, ethical consideration was considered in the consumption of the product to

ensure customers are able to purchase from an environmentally friendly company.

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