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MATHEMATICAL FORMULA FOR MARKET PREDICTIONS Time Cycles Tell the Trend of Commoditi Stocks and Business To make success investing in stocks or speculating in commodities you must have @ well defined plan and must know the tules that heve stood the fast of time for 50 yeats or more. After you learn the rules you must elim- inate guess work, hope and fear and follow rules and you will make profits. When you buy @ course of instructions look up the record of the man tho has discovered and developed if and if he has made a success with ft and made money you can afford to buy the course and follow the rules. W. D. GANN'S RECORD FOR 52 YEARS 1902 August 15th made first trade in commodities and started studying mathematical principles to determine the future trend. 1905 September 12th the daily Texarkanian of Toxarkena, Toxas, printed an article giving Mr. Gann's view on Cotton prices. 1907 he predicted tha panic in stocks and the decline in commodities and made large profits. 1908 May 12th left Otlahoma Ci made one of bis 9 mathomatical discoveries for predicting the trend of stocks and commodities. Started trading with a capital of $300 and made $25,000. Started another account with $130 and made $12,000 in thirty days time. 1909 December the Ticker magazine (now the magazine of Wall Street] printed an article "remarkable predictions and trading record". ‘The article was written by the late R. D. Wyckoff, owner and oditor of the Ticker Magazine at that time, is copy of part of the “In order fo substentiate Mr. Gaan's el this mathod, we called upon Mr. William & Silay, an In Streat, Naw York Mr. Gilley is well known in tho dowatown di stock market movements for twenh for New York City. August 8th Imports, 16 He Kimself has during which time he has examined ‘of market literature that hat beer ‘procureble in Wall Street. IF was he who rn to study nd mathematical possibilities of the subleel. had been 10 of Mr. Gann's work and. predictions, he ions of Me. Gann ew: In 1908 when Union fore i had 9 good break, We ts and patting it out agein teen-potnt more. 4 ing Pacific was 168/, bo told ma that it ould not foveh 16? sold it short all the way down to 152%, covarieg on the weal ‘on the rates, securing twenty-three points ""'Me, Gann's calculations are based on natural lew. 1 have followed his work closely for years. | now that he has a firm graip of the Basie principles which govern slack mark movements, and 1 do not believe any thor man on eatth can duplicate the ides or hi ‘nathod at the preseat time, “Early th ba Figured that the tap of the advance would fall on » certain day in August and calculated the prices at which tho Dow Jones everages would then stand. The ‘marist culminated on the exact day and within fourtenths of one por cent of the figures predicted. “You and Mr. Gann must have cleaned up conti was wggeited “Ya, made a great deal of money. He of the market in the past few yoars, | anco saw him ‘aq it up to ever $12,000. He 2am compound money f rable money on all these operations, faken balf a million dollaes out ks $130, and in loss than one month than any man t ever me forishing calculations made by it 1902) when he predicted that September wheat would soll at $1.20. This meget that jt must uch that figure before the end of the month of September. At twelve o'clock. Chicago ima, on September 30th {tha lost dey) the oplion wet selling below $1.08, tt hough Be prediction weald nl bo flied: Mr. Gann ssid Ht doar nat touch $120 by the the markat it will prove that thera i 1omething wrong with my whole method celeulation. | do nat care what the price is now, it must go there. It is common history sat Seplomber wheal svrprited the whole country by sslling at $1.20 and no higher i the vary last hour of the trading, closing af that gute.” "Se much for what Mr. Gann has said and done as evidenced by himuelf aad others. Now as to whet damonsvations have taken place before ovr the month ef October, 1909, in twenty-five market days, Mr. Gann mai the presence of eur representative, two hundred and eighty six transactions {ni varicus stocks, cn both the Jong and short side of the market, Two hundred and sisty-four of these transac: 4 tawulted im profits; twenty-two in losses. “The capital with which he operated was doubled ten times, ro thet at tha end of the month he had one thoutand per eant on hit 0 “Ia our presnce Mr. Gann seld Stoel common short af 9474, saying that Ht would not 90 40 96. 1 did not. in ich ceeurred during the week ending Oc Stoel common at B8Y4 saying thet it would not go to 86, The low “We have seen him gi f which turned out to be he above we can potitively verify, "Such performances as there, coupled with the foregoing. history of the Str "Jams R. Kaore has said, "The man who it right six times out of tan will make hit fortuna.’ Here is a trader, who, without aay attempt fo make 2 thowieg [fer ho did nol know the te be published), establishes a record of over mnety-two. per cent "Me, Gann inclined ho has unquestionably ad. elusad to disclote his mothed at any price, but te those scientifically 3d fo tho stock of Wall Street knowledge and pointed out infinite possibilities. "We have requested Mr. Gann to figute out for the teadars of The Tickor a few of the most sh In Presenting these we with if ico, stockmarket shoul bor Lunil Marek or Apri, (910. ny wheat, which ie now selling at $1.02, should rot sell below should sll af $1.45 vost spring. ‘On cotton, which is now at about the #5e fe icon the commodi ‘comer in the March or May option, “Whether these figures which Mes Gann has already "Ae. Gonn wat bor in tufkia, Texas, and ts thirty-one years of a has an linary memory for figures, and is an export Tape Roads Fake eway his science and he would beat the market on his intuitive tape reading alone. "Endowed a he i it uch quien, wo have re, oition in pedi 2 comparotively fow years Wm. D. Goan will receive fl on a one leedhng operaters ae RD. W: December, 1909—The Commercial West Magazine and other news- papers carried articles about W. D. Gann's successful speculation. 1914—Predicted the World War and the panic in Stocks. 1918, March—Issued a prediction indicating the end of the war and the Kaiser's abdication, 1918. This prediction wes accurately fulfiled. The Beau- mont Journal, Houston Post, New York Herald and many other leading news- papers commented on this prediction. 1919—The Annyal Forecast issued in the fall of 1918 indicated a big boom in oil stocks as well as general bull market in shocks which was ac- curately fulfill. geod reaction the spring ef 1910. He looks for WWW, TRADING-SOFTWARE-COLLECTION.COM 1920, November—issued an Annual Forecast on Stocks for 1921 pre- dieting a panic and extreme low for stocks for August. Also predicted ims provement in business starting in the summer of 1921. Many newspapers com. mented on these forecasts. 1922—Predicted better business conditions. The Loz Angeles Sunday imes and many other newspapers carried his article. 1922, December 6—The Daily Northside News of New York carried an article headed "Gann Foretold Course of Stocks.” Tho Morning Telegraph also gave W. D, Gann credit for forecasting bull mecket in stocks for 1922. The Angelina County News of Lutkin, Texa gave wide publicity to’his accurate predictions. The Boston American, Evening Telegram of New York in March, 1923, commented on W. D. Gann's mathematical ability. 1923—Wrote “Truth of the Stock Tape.” This book pronounced by er. perts as the best book ever written on the Stock Market. It was favorably reviewed by the Wall Street Jéurnal, Financial Times of London ond othe, newspapers in Canada and the United States, Predicted a crop failure and a big advance in Cotton for 1923. Cotten prices advanced I7¢ per pound between August and November 30, 1923. Mr..Gann made enormaus profits Srading. in’ Cotton during this period. Below we quote from a letter: W. D. GANN’ STARTED “AN ACCOUNT WITH $973.00 AND MADE OVER $30,000.00. IN ‘SIXTY DAYS' TIME [Read the Letter Below Confirming This) New York, N.Y, March, 1933 Mr. Gann's home town, Doar Me, Gann: | am.very glad to write you a letter stating ay perional observation of the application cof your system to trading. in Cotton. Qe November 30,1922, star of over $30,000 a4 th wrth 4 capital of $973.00, you showed « clear profit close of Business on Jancary 28, 1924. Thie profit was made through the purchazs and tale of contract for the delieety and sale of colton Oa she Nee Tet Gettin Exchange through: one of tha leading Diew York brelerage sllecy. {pe af all he trades made inthis sommadty forthe sseaent, operations, from the broker on the day following the day On Januaty 22, 1924, » check for $24,766.04 was livared toa person with whom Tam perzotlly at | am glad to add that I had one of ptr cotton forecasts for the year 1922 diagram ptopared by you foetal, wilbout exemption, te Ininor moves of the market would sarh and fnah With best wishes remain snd the yt On shiek all the moigr and Yory. tay yoies, cm 1924—Forecast big-advance in Wheat. In the fall of 1925 issued an *Arinual Forecart predicting a big decline in Cotton for 1926. Decomber, 1926—Cotton wes selling for 12V4¢ per pound. He wrote an article entitled’ “King Cotton to Regain His Throne.”. Newspapers through. out the South printed this forecast. ‘The forecast for Cotton in 1927 indicated big advance, calling final high for September, |927.. Cotton advanced to 241/42" pound in Septembsr, 1927,” One elient in Alabams wrote, "You had the Cofton forecast 100%), atcurate.” September, 1927—The New” York, Morning Telegraph concluded -an article with the followitg: ““Mr..Gann»may nat beta sucesso 3 novelist ) WWW. TRADING-SOFTWARE-COLLECTION.COM convinced that there is ro man alive wha cauld com ‘own ground.” (Moaning Wall Street). Most Remarkable Forecast 1928—cin November W. D. Genn issued an Annual Forecast predicting the end of #1 la : ae greatest panic in history to follow. We quote from this forecast ~ Ohne of the sharpest declines af the year is indicated. There will be loss of confidence by Investors, and the public will fry to get out after itis too late. Storms will damage crops ard the gonoral business outlook will bocome cloudy. upset the merket and unfavorable developments in foreign day’ indicated and a panicky decioe In stocks with only small rallies. The short side wil prove the most profitable, You should id on the way dove.” Many newspapers commented on the accuracy of this forecast. ‘The newspapers in Bombay, India, commented on Mr. Ganr's accuracy ‘the decfine In Cotton prices. Wall Stract Stock Selector In the spring of 1930, Mr. Gann wrote, “Wall Street Stock Selector,” which was published in June, 1930. In this book he had a chapter headed, “Invastors’ " which described conditions just as they occurred during 1931, 1932 and 1933. We quote from the book, pages 203-04: "The coming investors’ panic will be the greatest in history, because there are at least [5 to 25 million investors in the United States who hold stocks in the leading corporations, and when once they get scared, which they will after years of decling, then the selling will be so terrific that no buying power can withstand it. Stocks are so well distributed in the hands of the public that since the 1929 panic many people think that the market is panic-proot, but this seeming strength is really the weakest feature of th The pradictions in this book were remarkably fulfilled by pa in stocks during 1930 fe 1932. |e April, 1930, when this book was written the Dow Jones 30 Industrial Averages were selling at 2571. They declined to 401/, on July 8, 1932. “Thousands of people have bought this book and profited by reading and studying if. The bock has been favorably commented on by such papers as the Financial Times of London, England, Well Street Journal, New York Daily Investment News, Coast Investors, and many other newspapers and magazinos throughout thé world. Member of Commodity Exchanges 1931—In March W. D, Gann was elected to membership on the New York Rubber Exchange, The New Orloans Cotton Exchange and later became @ member of the Commodity Exchange of New York. In 1941 was elected a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. He was in good standing when he sold his membership, 1932 Stock Forecast ‘On Fobruary 10, 1932, Mr. Gann said that Stocks were bottom for a ig rally, His 1932 Stock Forecast. issued October 21, 1931, called March 9 for last top for another big decline. During the latter part of June, 1932, and carly July he strongly advised buying stocks, stating that final bottom had been reached, as shown by his market letter issued July 8, the day that most stocks reached final bottom, We quote from page & of the 1932 Fore- 4 in for y declines WWW.TRADING-SOFTWARE-COLLECTION.COM cast: “The latter port of June, July, August and September are the most ‘activo and bullish months of the year, when sherp advances will be recorded, Fiest extreme high is indicated around September 20 to 21, when stocks should make exireme high for the year. Then follow e decline, reaching bottom around October 4 to 5." Jetveen July 8 and September 8 many socks advanced 20 to 60 points. ‘The markot reached high of a secondary relly on September 23 from which @ big decline followed, maki i Her part of November and early Decomber,.as indicated “On March |, 1933, by the use of hit Master Timo Factor Mr. Gann forecast bottom for stocks and commodities and advised buying for a big ‘as shown by the market letters issued March | and 3 given below, ther proof of the great value of Mr. Gann’s discovery of a Master Time Factor.” 1932, Decomber—The New York Daily Investment News printed an article written by W. D. Gann entitled, "New Era of Prosperity will be Born in 1933 Student of Cycles Declares in Forecast.” This prediction was ful- filed by the Roosevelt Boom, 1933, March—W. D. Gann bought an airplane to tour the country to make crop surveys and study business conditions. His 1933 Stock and Cotton Forecast were fulfilled with remarkable accuracy. The 1933 Stock Forecest called for top July 17 and a sharp decline to July 21st. The Dow Jones In- dustrial Averages reached high July I7th and @ wide open brek followed. ‘Tha Avorages doclood 25 points ind days. W. D. Gann's Trading Record Mr. Gann made large profits speculating for his own account in Stocks, Cotton and ether commodities during 1932. Below we publish a record taken from brokers’ statements, showing the trades mada by Mr. Gann for 3 years. This is proof that he can end does make money by following his own rules and methods. 1933—From August 1 to December 31, total number of trades 135 of which [12 showed profits and 23 losses. Percentage of accuracy on tote! number of trades, 834,. Percentage of profit to losses, 89.9%. Total number of Trades for the year 1933, 479 of which 422 were profits and 57 losses. Percentages of accuracy, 88.1%/,, Percentage of protits on eepital used 4,007, or 40 ta I. 1934—January | to December 31, total number of Trades, 362, COT- TON, 147 trades of which 135 shows profits and 12 losses. GRAINS, 170 trados of which 161 shows profits and 9 losses. RUBBER, 23 trades of 21 showad profits and 2 losses. SILVER, 7 trades, All showed profit losses. SILK, 4 trades, 3 showed profits, | loss. STOCKS, II trades: 10 profits and I loss. Tolal for the year, 362 trades of which 337 showed profits ‘and 25 showed losses, Percentage of accuracy on fotal number of srades, 93.09%. Percentago of profits to losses, 93.10%,, Percontage of profits on Capital used, 800%, or 8 for 1. 1935—Total trades in Cotton, Grain and Rubber, 98, of which 83 showed profits and 15 showed losses. Percentage of accuracy in total trades, 85%), Percentege of profit to lostes, 82. Percentage of profit on capital used, 338%. Stocks, total trades 34, of which 29 showed profits and 5 showed losses. Percentage of accuracy on total number of trades, 85. of profits to Tess, 83%. Percentage of profits on capi During 1935 W. 0. Gann visited ail of the Latin Amorican countries to study crop conditions and business conditions, 1935, March 31—The Buenos Airos Herald carried an article about W. D. Gann's record of accurate forecast. W. D. Gann was in Buenos Aires at the time this article was written. Writes New Books 1936—"New Stock Trend Detector” was written by W. D. Gann, This book was a further advance over “Truth of the Stock Tape" and ‘'Wall Street Stock Selector” and contained an actual frading record for 10 years in Chrys- ler Motor: according to the rules set down in these books. 1936, July-Bought special built allmetal sirplano, “The Silver Star," for making crop surveys. 1937—Wrote and published a book, "How to Make Profits Trading in Puts and Calls." Scientific Stock Forecasting again proved equal to the test of predicting a bear year, sharp declines coming in March and September. ‘A Fronimam decline of 40 points was called for and the actual decine from the March high to the November low was 82 and a fraction points. These books were favorably reviewed by the Wall Street Journal, The New York Daily Investment News and various other newspapers. In the 1936 Grain Forecast predicted crop failure and higher prices. 1936, November—Issued the Annual Forecast for 1937 and predicted @ panic in stocks. The dectine was very severe and lasted info March, 1938, with the Dow-Jones Averages declining 97 points. 1937, November-—The Milwaukee Jouraal gave Mr. Gann credit for pre- dicting the 1929 and 1937 erashes in the Stock Market and the accuracy of his timing. Mr. Gann made laege profits selling stocks during 1937 and the certified public eecountant has seen the statement of these profits. 1939, July—Bought a new Fa plane to use for business purposes in making crop surveys, He predicted the beginning of World War Il and made large profits buying grains. 1941, September [4th—Mr. Gann forecast the top for Soy Beans and sold short, making large profits on the decline. Prices declined to October 17, 1941, being down 48 in 30 days’ New Commodity Book In the fall of 1945 W. D. Gann wrote "How to Make Profits Trading in Commodities." This book har been pronoucced the best book ever written ‘on commodities and hat been reviewed by many newspapers. 1946—Predicted a big advance in stocks and eotfon and which followed, Figured the exact date, October 15, 1944, for the big decline in cotton. ined nearly |8e per pound in three weeks and he sold short all the 19 big decline Trading Record ‘October |, 1946, to December 30th—One account started with a capital of $4,500 showed a gross profit of $18,981.20. Total lossos $1,165. Net profit $17,816.30 or epproximately 400%, on the capital used. Another account started with a capital of $6,000. Gross profits $19.- 972.75. Total losses $634.75, Not profits $19,338.00. A percentage of over 320% on the cepital used. Other accounts which he handled showed profits as groat as these. 6 WWW. TRADING-SOFTWARE-COLLECTION.COM W. D. Gann hes always ma vory active fast-mov- ing markets great record for predicting the extreme high and extremo low «and stocks. These accurate predict jscovery of THE MASTER TIME CYCLE which repeats at certain intervals. 1949—Wrote "45 YEARS IN WALL STREET." giving now rules for stock trading. The International Mark Twain Society awarded Mr. Gann an Honor ary Mombership in the Society based on the merits of his book, "45 YEARS IN WALL STREET." This book was favorably received by throughout the country and is stil selling. tt has been newspapers and magazines. 1951, June 6th—On hit 73rd bicthday completed writing a new edition of "How to Make Profits Trading in Commodities," giving new rules bringing this book up to date and giving the benefit of his years of experience. 76th Year Trading Record and New Discoveries Mr. Gann is active and keeps up to date, During his 7éth year he made 1a new discovery and completed two MASTER CALCULATORS for saving time and getting accurate indications en the trend of stocks and commodities. In the spring of 1954 he completed « MASTER THREE-DIMENSION CHART which proves the relative position of TIME, PRICE and VOLUME which pro- duces VELOCITY or SPEED and shows when the trend is changing to a very fas} active advancing market or a slow upward movement. The relative position of PRICE TO TIME TELLS the TIME CYCLES when prices decline very fast or move very slow. History repeats in the stock or commodity markets but you must learn the rules end the GREAT TIME CYCLES in order to take adventage of rapid advances and declines and make profits. Many people have the idea that W. D. Gann is old and in his dotage and that ho cannot sill make money trading in the market From Soptember 30, 1953, to October 26, 1953, he made 26 trades in Grains, 25 showed profits end one jrade showed a small loss of $40. During this peried he made six trades in Eggs, five showed profits and one trade showed 2 small loss. We have stated before that W. D. Gann has nearly always been right when there was big advances end big declines in Commodities and Stocks ‘and in markets of this kind you can make LARGE PROFITS ON SMALL RISKS by following the rules which he hat discovered and which he follows 1954, Apri 27 to May 7—W. D, Gann made 17 trades in Coffee, Soy Beans, Rye and Eggs. Sixteen of these trades showed profits and one trade in eggs showed a small loss, ‘April 27, 1954, he sold July Soy Beans short at 412 and on May 5 bought in these beaas at 4851/2, making a profit of 26'/5¢ per bushel in eight calendar days. He placed a stop loss order on the trade at 416, limiting the tisk to 4c por bushel, and mado 26!/c per bushel or a gain of 6/2 times the tisk He sold more Soy Beans at 4001, 395!/, 390, 392//, and bought them in or covered shorts at 384, 387 and 388/4. After he covered the shorts July Soy Beans rallied 40 3953 on May & and he again sold short at 392/, 7. The above record of trades shows that W. D. Gann is still active he is nearly 76 years of bis own rules and makes profits. With some of the mon 19 in Coffee and Soy Beans he bought @ fast expross cruising boat and named the boat "The Coffee Bean.” , You can make money following the seme cules that Mr Gann followed and the rules ere not hard to learn. 1954 Coffee Trades Coffee prices advanced the most rapid in the spring of 1954 and reached the highest prices in history. 1954, April Ind—Coffee prices reached the highest in history at the opening, The last advance started October 13, 1953, when December coffoo was low at 56.70. April 2, 1954, December Coffee high 95.20. Up 381/2¢ per pound is less than six months and up 30c per pound since January 19, 1954. W. D. Gann's MASTER TIME CYCLE and MASTER THREE-DIMENSION CHART indicated that December Coffee would be high on April 2nd at 9520. When it reached ths price he gave an order to sll shot. The martes tedte very repidly and he sold December Coffee at 94.31,and on April 14, bought December Coffee at 84.05 which was the extreme low for the 1 that time. He made 1,038 points profit in |2 calendar days. Based Me topless order he made. 1.000%, on the risk and ho gat In percentage on the capital used was 140%. April 15th sold December Co! Coffee at 85.50. A profit of 225 fhe profitable trades that ho made in C tember Coffee alio. This is proof that his methematical rules work accurately in extreme wild markets and when his rules indicated high for Coffee April 2nd, W. D. Gana fed the faith in his knowledge and the nerve fo sell Caffee and make quick profits. This record answers the question that he can and does make profits 2 the age of 76 by following his rules. You can lear these rules and make profits in Rye, Soy Beans, Wheat, Cotton, Coffee, Cocoa and other com Trodifies, You must learn to fallow the rules strictly, eliminate hope and fear ‘and protect your capital and profits with stop-loss orders and succoss is aswred, We will not sell the course of instructions or teach the mathematical formula for market predictions just to get money, which we do not need or have to have; we will only sell the courses to people who meat our requi ments, ard if we feel after a thorough investigation that a men or woman Connot make a success investing or trading we will refuse to teach them the courses, WHAT PEOPLE WHO HAVE USED W. D. GANN'S SERVICE AND COURSES SAY OVER A LONG PERIOD OF YEARS New York, October, 1931 wok closely for the part 22 year wall 87.75. April 21st bought December seven days, These were not alt of coffee, He traded in July and Sep- Geter (9h to fab ex peice heed fhe ei cow & ate died sod of gril ome cat hg ne i oie ae nian eae cull Someone, ought to 7 the Wall Streat Jourea eos tad you reed se sexs and tfer thom proct in form of Your uliled in Sephumbor, 1929. when you std ned See pn re ee yie Met sacha: would. mabe fap wd ‘that the CELT ME he hto—SR Th pend ee tee New York, October, 1931 1 mutt congratl on your ranteloay preditione | hava followed Your {allied and have bean, otpacally infarsted je veer forecast on the stock market for Galdbee ded, 1931.1 had watched stocks go Seeehcnd Tou as no boom was in tt Gnd when [att Saturday, October 3rd, storks sched the lowest laval in years Laid fo my fiend, Gann has called the form a for pe to take wey martes bas ‘Walt scot wed fill i wih bergai ye October Sih, arived. and. stocks heal to the lowes! af the years Today, at hey are op 10 io 15 init trom Monday's lowest. You mised the tim by to day spating Sunny: Wal Shan, we contder you ‘eu have aril a th 4 mon underttonds the practical rules the feture become Very oly your WES. (Tolageam} Vanadium yielded about $40,000.00 weak 5 Follow ‘a intwo JH. hit telegram this same man lows genuine plassure in sending you iow York draft for balance due E, thir morn ‘at your 00 worth et Safran lee Ing. el heving hed a nel prot ca Hoe dee dona, ea tn Smee moval “Our ‘little Senta. Barbara, class willl smoke good: it tates some a bit longer than Shhere" bot es for ss I am concerned, Ui ES hl aoe need Face ie These aateh wl wnleck pris th 9 at would wot tobe all that T have paid you for Tutt oe. of hove iin pocket Phir which wil do let of protitble Atading. al by mysll Ss of your letter of the 281% ‘Mise WD. Gann and his mo- chosical trend indicator Ihave known Mr, Gann fore number of yours and have (cilowed and sdied. Ms ees dering thie time. Some time ge, | ‘evar, | have proven most 0 Ing to be # 4 We detailed that it wou you te lore the theught he is Mr. Gana " and one. of the most brilliant men have wer contacted. He has made hit entre for ine out of the marke! through the metheds he will teach you and hee bean over ® period of thirty years. 9 you the information requested: however, if you shocld like for Ime to. answer further questions, # will be & Pleasure fo beat from your Yous vory truly. WK. Pedtland, Ore rat 1 have. taken all the principal wrvins pending a1 high: as four ot five thovsand ‘Zila per year for these, ond 1 think Mi, Goo hep amathng Tat ino fr a Vance ‘af sajthng® aie. 1 have seen er Corita Si lot tre fe no co Now Bare, N.C. Angus, 1937 In reply to yours of the 19th, frown Mr. WD. Gono for any evo’ bere to his office on Wall ‘him trede wit his method Ihe money out of the marhal. With mmede frtune in spaculetien. And the money he gels for bis Mmethod or market service any mare than Me. Ford does for sale of cart His method as boon uned by W921, suecentfully. Io my opinion, 1 ie the Snly ‘one with which ona ear mabe money in Fie’ mathal and oop i. Mf you mill fellow We method pd fe as bo oe down you Jou witht H you wll make a filre, Ths statement Te made after having ceed vary beck Treeuld find om the subject, fa- Thidhag “the Ivey of alt the. big. operators SP the puat and scribed ta every financlal Shee Spubtithed” ced. most of the vartet Yours very tly mye ek. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS REPORT Senuarye 1933 he 400-ahare lot tramiactions ware begun on lune 4 VHil,_ and were completed on WWW.TRADING-SOFTWARE-COLLECTION.COM i frvsry 27, 1931 Tig therefter wer done’ on secumulatad profit, 1 hereby cectify that the, schedules sub: mitted correctly Vadicate the. protite at could have been mada by this Method. igh be allow to pce i ti 11 ny private opinion, teat the Method, Sr yeu demons ce sal fa fol Wire he orginal capital Trorttded tor by ake Method whi iy los, and thereafter picily plainly stated in 1 Te fallow the simple instructions sntheut any bumansmade dev Tha rules. If the uier of thie Simple suggestion of there ie no que "7 aoubt but ‘rill make money for the user has been in such secoml hott petied of mathematical rales, so Sigrarmer shel boy a gil cul Yllow them (Cam, mating thie dlgresion in my_ report to yeu beeavea { bought the Mathod ie 1930 tnd am ning H with good results ive bought and proved Method and cowie ¥ Eifion than your Method vos in (930. tre al liberty fe wa this and I will be very fod to recommend the system Respectfully submitted, SM. td Public Azcountant er ‘August §, 1953 Covering the period from April Ist to duly 3a 1933. you made 9 total of 344 trades in’ stocks colton, rubber and Shoot theve tradox showed. profits and 34 showed lottes. Your percentage of accuracy wat 89%, on the total nomber of *rades. The Capital ‘wih which you operated was ine cronied 26/2 Himes. On sach $1,000.00 cap al with which you started, you made a profit of $24,500.00 net. Thi wan aftor pay ‘ng all tases, interest and commisions and deductions of ali lossoe. Your very truly. 5 Jom. Public Accountant Now York. N.Y: May, 1933 1 have examined the brokers’ statements aed trades made by W. D. Gann during the thot Apa 190. They show profes lows: Cotton Account $ 83829 Rubber Account 138701 Groin Account 758.20 ‘$10,261.60 that time there was only one low 35, and the above profits are cet had been caught, the loss would have $800. CLs. New York M.. January, 1 know of a0, one with 2 deeper — landing of tho basic causes of trends in the tock aed commedity markals than W. D. Gann and through the years have developed a high togard for his ability to succesfully Forecast long range movements. He is a practical ecencmist of the Sf his forecacts for a ye fo preciioly accurate at to atlract tho ablon- lon of leading newspapers that have fe tured them in large space stor ing rally intererts, ond the business jucted by aha L. Gann, anisted by Mis Siisen, Both af wo have hed many years ing. undue tha direction of Me. WD. Gann. aed bots ef whom ar Yours very sruty. We MP, Miami, Fla Janwary, Gant 1 take pleasure in stating that 1 have Known W. 9. Gann, Joh L Gana and C.-L Gilson of W. D. Gann & San, Iney for more years aod that they all are persons iy, high moral” choracter and bitty. Jota LGann was a captain ‘wat and relutned with citations af merit. Nome of these parties are volated ome by bleed or mar [have been racoivieg the W. D. Gann fi- jh ma. | consider term ejsinst and ahead of the market cath in 1929. ‘As to my bockground, | am # substantial stoctholder and director in PersiCole Botiling Ce Tanta, Southern Discount Co,, 220 Healy Bldg. ‘Atlanta, Ge. Cena ‘of Allanta, At Dishibutors, Inca Atlanta, Ga; Macon, Ga.; Jacksonville, Fla, and Tampa, Fla. Very truly yours, ak les Angeles, Cal. Janwary. 194 eae I hava traniacted basivess with the firm W. D. "Gann, Inc, for eppreximataly 24 indeed 2 pleasure fo bu able firm for ales quater of sth of ih 7 Gann, Mr. Jekm L. Gann and Mise C. L. Gilon to be honest, reliable, and trust: worthy. My experiance hat bee extort thal Lom a hope fo continue 40 in the years to come. Yours very truly, factory to the 1 completed. ome Tee Rotarh, hich thows my total dst “dendetmoenting 40 ovar $4050 -—tho rel i core tvorbnenty and = WTR Miami, Fla, November, 1961 «bee, Tah Of Th Stock Ct St only vowed by he The fest Your I'mot ht. Gann and since than, 1 fave reed sith pl ‘rot all the techs ellen by'Iar. Gaon en the sesh aod variate” What 1 learned. from fae paid me off in cosh Uva incu Ne. Gan, intintaly, 24 T find for roserch work and sie would cledat” Me. ‘Thomas, Editon. Mr. Gann be Tievee, ard so id Mr. Edison, to do what vrs thought impowible, jst takos mere Yime Sd work, than any one dt Men Iie fate go'ox and prove Very tly yours, ak Now York, N.Y. Novernber, (954 1 have studied Mr. Gann’s boots, coursat The courses of lestructian ore of gre value to theso with only « casual interest in the markets ax wall 04 to the epactalist ho acd to bnow. MATHEMATICAL PREDICTION FORMULA The four factors: TIME, PRICE, VOLUME and SPEED have beon supplemented by « filth Factor, MASS PRESSURE. TMe Time is the essentia| element. Time cycles which he ha developad cover the great time cree andi important for sacks, comme He hae proven a TRUE TREND LINE as wolf as a relalively TRUE TREND LINE shor prices are advancing. and a relatively TRUE J declining. He rcs eatoaf oes eae east what gti id he at face fe cea es contend wie ha oe the ralation batwaca fi and price and Seyi tae eae os drt es pr alae dete TRANSITION PERIODS (N TIME AND PRICE olor have been developed showing how tong pricy and etna he atin ER of the talon, prove that Thi Bike etentiat factor and that pies con farm te time when «TIME CYCLE Te com pla VouwMe Volume it the diving power which move rica op ot dom regerdien of wht ing ot saling i band on wpply and de — " tole he incense ia volume i it the velocity of prizes n an advan: ig or dectcing morta. foment in price MASS PRESSURE The Filth factor, mass prassure, owe when WWW. TRADING-SOFTWARE-COLLECTION.COM ‘the public becomes averplimistic and buys foo hope, and oftor a certain cycle of tle the public becomes passimitic and ‘caune they Fear pelees are going lower, The mate prettore curve can be calc (Years or more in the future, a6 Iie subject Mr. Gann has formeli ed aad arranged MASTER CHARTS AND TABLES wich tare fime and sive greater accuracy with less werk, "With bis ‘mothemetical formule and jocks, commodities, busi tedicted with rex hess'end crops can b ‘These. discovers and hope hit great work wi the Benoit of mankind. ie th Vat 9 epee valuable euler in these boeks thot | decided a tale hie courses of Instructions covering Stecke ard Commodit ‘December oe Mather able. It aeyone eave out gueuwart, they can make profits trading in stocks and comme! Alter three years” 1 the cules have stood the fest of HH gue advinory services on the markets and teading books published by ‘thers on the subject, | am fully convine is isthe Bett and mott_ comple ble at any pries. I Kighly tees ‘ominend Mr. Gana's work fo othery and fe Skat if they study his ules and fellow them, they cance! fail 10 make profits. hope that the work can be ea the benefit of business men, inves on for and AOK YO: Me CR Dear Me. Li I wont to say ©. Gann's course in Commaditis. ‘many others ara facta: fo Mes Gann to teach ws years to learn by J Witates man like Mr. Gann Fighly trainad in mathematics te find the eerels thet ho can give fo. 1 took the in Commodities becoane give you « run lke 107 Sandy and about the Sin week. ‘There ie only one thing | had trouble with with his courte s+. | could nat balieve it ould work and being a sboplic | tomatimes id net follow hit teaching ely 40 fied that vr that cost me somationss. 1 Monn cult radu. Sat ty trade in he teininim amounts thsl you can withthe mest tacking wet you. get the tel. ondeonh= cette techs of Mr Gann Yu ie graph i bic Doak. they work «+ « "Sect three deals cnt I want back ond ttosied and tememberad. what he anid ond then "checied. and sew that {could trade 2 iol of money sxcept | wos dent “unit tow i {want to alto tate the Stock and Bond eure at soon a {fel that | have mast that he hor’ given me +» (he. wi Jor enough fo Feep you bay for some time] Then'then | get bath course I wont fo hove shor vas ahd falls with Mie Gann 40 Reve Fie sharpen me wp I yu de ot tia is our thy est ad vice "cen give you in 40 sey. way from ects and bonds and commedition s =~ St is fongle wiihout » gun tae SWB ABOUT LOSSES. We have shown the race ord of W. 0. Gunn's profitable trader {hroughout the years. He wisho Sides ond does ot with to mh ‘ates that iF he had. raver hed Toner raed how to nt lous. and teach others to protect and. profit. and protect them W, D, Gann states that in the early yours had many loser ard at other Fi following. so-called sght im 8 rythieg i sci to de bal alow jedactions which he could prove and new would wort pew 1s 1913 W. D. Ganm lost atl of the meray re; again in 1919 he Tout anothar fortone [ated in a, Brokerage failure, He has been ‘hee bank failerat but regardioss of all of hese losiet and. misforlunes he has always been able to rely upon mathematical science and come back and mabe money egein. ts Tnowiedge of "No man aver became great ot ‘eilaw up sith slopfors yout profits 1 ik ‘tin we tapaat, follow all SEE and KNOW for yourself and you will part of them, and you make profits, sill make a wuccass. WHY TIME CYCLES PREDICT TREND OF COMMODITIES, STOCKS AND BUSINESS Alter fifty-two years of experience and research going back hundreds of years, | have proved to my entire satislaction that history repeats and that when we know the past, we can determine the future of prices. ! have put TIME CYCLES to the fest in my personal trading, and | have issued ‘Annual Forecasts on Stocks and Commedities for more than 50 years which have proved accurate. TIME CYCLES repeat because human nature does not change. That is ‘occur at regular CYCLES. Old enen do not want wars, neither do they want to go into war after they have been through one. Young men fight the wars because they read history and want to be heroes. Leadors of nations appeal fa the young men who have no experience, and induce them to fight. The same desire in men thet urges them to risk their lives ia war causes therm chaneo in business and in speculation, They take too many chances and get too optimistic after a long period of success in business and after prolonged advances in Stocks and Commodities. Old men in business, after @ prolonged period of prosper too hapeful and get evervestended’It ig eany fo bessow money ater long riod of busines prosperity. People wha borrow money on Tope have to EIQUIDATE when FEAR overtakes them and conditions ore af the worst ‘That is why CYCLES in business and the Stock and Commadity Markets havo always repeated and always will, Nature's laws are unchangeable and no man of set of men can change ‘them, The New Dealees have nat proved that they can stop infle le claim they can prevent DEPRESSION and PANICS, but no one has succeeded jn doing it in the past and the next few years wil prove that our Government leaders cannot stop a DEPRESSION by WASTE and SPENDING. The New Dealers have sown to the wind and must reap the whirlwind. During the past 20 years they have spent and wasted all the wealth that our country has accumulated during the 175 years. Our Federal, State and private dabts are the largest in History, and those conditions make the next few years the most critical in our hister The man who knows TIME CYCLES can predict # future, protect hs capital nd make money, while those who guess will los This is the time of opportunity to start to study mathematical, scientific rules for making accurate deductions to determine the trend of Stocks, Business, and Commodities. April 5, 1954 W. 0. GANN OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROFITS The greetest opportunities for profits occur at the end of great time ‘cycles when advances or declines are very rapid ond you can make large jolts in @ shork period of time and then stay out of the market and wait for another opportunity. Preparation for Retiring Businessmen, lawyers, doctors, engineors, accountants often with-to retire but they want something to do to keep them active end do not. want to spend money out of their accumulated capital. By taking a coure:of instr tions after you retire you will have a new interes! in life and can make income from the market and enjoy greater pleasures. Course for People in Trade Lines ‘We frain men or women who are buyers or purchasing agents for large concerns aad put Wr # complete tet of shack and record and prepare foe men or womet who de the buying to get quick trend indications in a, short period of time by the use of Mester Charts, Master Caleuletors and the Master Three-Dimension Chart. We teach the things that you necd fo lesrn and use ia connection with your business, if you beliove in mathematics, which is the only exact science, practical and provable, and ne. matter what language, men-speak-ihey all agree: on mathematical rules. You. ean take this coarse inowing, that it i tho: best be- vmatict and has stood the test of Hime. ach you the mathematical rules so thal” ya cen vow whit Yo buy and sal for yourself. Art or Learning is to understand but ite a “a time." (By Il knowledge is hurtful to hith wha ha wot the ‘good nature." (By Montagne}. 'W. D. Gann's groatest discoveries’ on Tinie Cyclés have come’ from’ the Bible, W, D. Gann is a Christian; a member’ of the Masonic Order aida er. Special consideration and #etms will be arranged for members’ of tho Order to wish to take a course. W. D. Gana Mathematifeal Formula for Market Predictions THE MASTER MATHEMATICAL PRICE. ‘TIME AND TREND CALCULATOR W. D. GANN'S latest and greatest invention for predicting, the trend on stocks and commodities. WHAT IT DOES, This Calculator-is madé of plaitic'and tan be laid over a chart ond it is easier to see through it than through las ‘This Master Calculator shows what these’ time figures are“and’ whet they ee 1. It shows major and minor time periods, E Uaceter © TRUE TREND LINE and » RELATIVELY TRUE.TREND-LINE:foe‘an sdvancig ard’ a desing rare. “ i srend and the proportion in minor time petieds in devs, weebi, months inze of honesty dnd Sh we Balan 7 eb z thier uinbir, fivalvo 3. Time and: Space for future indications of Time Tronds WWW. TRADING-SOFTWARE-COLLECTION.COM 4A. The Mattar Calculator locates the Corset Ston st ed time Trend. IF prover the why and how they work er Caledlaer prover 9 diviions of tnd shows ata glance wheter the price af stocks or eommed or strong pation, The Value of Master Colculator to You It is absolutely mathematically accurate and prevents you from makin: mistakes on price or time trend. It eliminates human judgment and guesswoi and saves af least 75% of the fime required to calculate trend indications. This is af great value to people who are busy and whose time is valuable, ‘One job of research work covering @ period of 150 years required one man three weeks fo complete. The Master Calculator covered the whole cai- culation in three hours' time and did not make one error. The man who did the research work averaged one error for every three years. W.D. GANN has devoted over 52 yeers 10 research work on stacks and commadities and hat spent a foriune 40 complete this rovolutionary discovery. The value of this Mattor Calculator to you cannot be measured in dollars. You have the use of it for your entire lifetime. You receive with the Master Calculator complete written rulos and in- structions on how to use if. We now have two (2) Master Calculators . . . Numbers 9 and 12. With these you can caleulate quickly and accurately all futur TIME CYCLES, PRICE and TIME RESISTANCE LEVELS. The new discovery used in connec: tion with this Calculator forecast the big advance in Soy Beans from August 20, 1953, to March, 1954; also predicted that Coffee would edvance to the est prices in history in 1954. Those Calculators gave the ations, based on the Master Timo Cycle, as related to prico. ‘One man who bought the Master Calculator says: "! invention since the wheel. It saves me time and makes profits. "A cotton trader says: “I first took your course in 1927, and it has beon of great value to me; but your new Master Calculator is the groatest discovery you have ever made, and the most valuable. It indicated top for March coHon at 4020 on September 8, 1952, and called for low at 3210 on January 12, 1953. March colton sold at 3212 on January 12. That is plenty close for me." The price of the Master Mathematical Calculator depends upon what courses you take ection with it. It can be used on any commodity or on stock averages of individual stocks. The Master Calculator can only bo used with the Master Courses. It is not sold separate from the courses and cannot be used with the Mechanical Method. ‘We are risking a special price to students who have taken the Master Courses on Stocks and Commodities. Please write if you are interested in the Master Calculator as we are having « supply made up and will reserve one for you. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION BY CORRESPONDENCE OR PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS We have to develop different courses to fit the needs of different people. Busy men like Doctors, Lawyers and Engineers need a course that requires very Title time to keep up every day to get market trend indications. Peeple who have more time and who want to make speculation and investing in business a different course. Largo Bus jons, of course, require a com- plete course thing. rep in trade lines who have to purchase raw commodit jo lorecast the trend for several months in advance. We have special courses for people in these fines of business. 15 the Key Stooa and the Cap ter Number and Matter Time is the greatest WWW. TRADING-SOFTWARE-COLLECTION.COM Course No. 1-SPECULATION A PROFITABLE PROFESSION. This is epte-dete course completed In May. 1954, The cour was gotten up principally to help jple with small meant fo got @ mariot edutalion and start with » small capital which hey can do and mate @ suceass if thoy follow the rules. This course for stocks i itustrated with 15 charts and you will receive one ew chart, the Dollar Trend, which it much mote Jecarate than the DowsJones Averages, This couria on stocks ja priced at $200.00 and it is fot sold just to make a profit but to help the beginners gel a start. Course Ne, 2—THE MASTER FORECASTING COURSE ON STOCKS, This i» com- slete course and with this course you recaiva weelly and menthly high end low charts on Individual stocks as well ax the new chart, the Dollor Trend. The price of this course it $2,500.00. COMMODITY COURSES: Course No. [SPECULATION & PROFITABLE PROFES: SION. This course covers Soy Beers, Corn. Rye and Whaat. Examples are given which prove the ries and the charts show how the cules work. You receive complete act of rules and inatevetions and everything # made’ plain to that a deginnor can understand It ond mete progress. The price of tha course by carraspondence is $200.00. Wilh 5) ination $308.00. Course No, 2—NEW TIME TREND INDICATOR, This courte than Course No. |. but with this course you rezeive Course N Il oF the some commodities at covered in Courte No. I, The prico of thit courte ir $200.00 by er fespordience or $800.00 with persone! instructions. Suppete you buy Course No. | and $200.00 and later decide that you wast Ceurse No. 2: Tha $200.00 which you hi can be applied on Course No, 2, and you would jest pay $400.00 more fer 2 cerrespondance Course Ne. 1—COVERING COTTON, COFFEE, COCOA OR ANY OTHER COM. MODITY, ‘is $200.00 for exch commodity. Goorse No. 2-—MASTER FORECASTING COURSE ON GRAINS. COTTON, COF- FEE, LARD AND EGGS, With this couree you raceive a complete sot of weetly ard moethly harte You tacrive two Mosler Coleclotors and other Mester Chats, written rales and com 10 40 109 years. The price of this complete course The Mower Time Foctor, Great Time Cycles, Master Charts Non. and 12 all With all Master Courses we send you 0 mass Inthe future, This Is free. W. D. GANN FOUNDATION, INC. P.O. Bor 399, Shenandoah Station sare chart esicslated for one year Miami, Flori 120'S. W, 26th Rosd, Miami, Florida fying W. D. Gans's record is printed bel JOSEPH ZITTRER CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Mr WD. Gann May 1%, 1954 1820 5, W. 26th Road ‘Miami, Fla. Iypentition proot of the bocklet which you intend publishing ia the “Jig tome hod before me your Fla coriaing many of fhe orginal “hippings. brabert sfetemonts and sthet data referred Yo in your booklet. ‘While practical considerations forb spang mora than half a century, | have delved sufi envinee me of the authenticity of the inte 2 remarkable history which tly inte the evidence submitted te jorical infermatign contained in Your bocklet. Very truly yours, 40S, ZITTRER shi Certified Public Acceunta

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