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Bachelor’s Thesis Proposal



(Đánh giá tác động của bài hát đến việc học tiếng Anh
đối với học sinh trường tiểu học tại Trung Tú, Hà Nội)



Supervisor: ……………

Hanoi -11/ 2021

Contents Page number

1. Introduction 1
1.1. Rationale 1
1.2. Aim and objectives of the study 2
1.3. Scope of the study 2
1.4. Research questions 2
1.5. Structure of the study 2

2. Literature review 3
2.1. Review of previous studies 3
2.2. Theoretical background 4
2.2.1. An overview of modalities 4
2.2.2. An overview of offers 4

3. Proposed Research Methodology 5

3.1. Research types 5
3.2. Population and sample 5
3.3. Research methods 5

4. Proposed chapter outline 5

References 5
References 6

I. Introduction
1.1. Rationale
English is one of the most widely spoken languages on the planet. Many research
strategies have been investigated to aid English learning. Furthermore, teaching
English to children is a major concern. It is critical to start getting children excited
about learning foreign languages at a young age. There are numerous methods
available to assist children in learning English effectively and without stress.
Storytelling is a good way to encourage students to learn English in the teaching
and learning process for young learners because children enjoy narratives
(Rokhayani, 2010). Chirandon, Laohawiriyanon, & Rakthong (2014) said that
pupils expressed the greatest preference for learning English via games. Besides,
many researchers have studied the method of learning English through songs. This
is a very effective method of teaching English to children, but it is not widely used.

The most important reason is that learning English through songs allows students
to have fun while learning. When songs are played in class, children can learn
different words and improve their spelling. Overall, songs can enable students to
learn a new language because the learning process becomes unaware (Aguirre & et,
2016). According to Almutairi and Shukri (2016), young learners adore songs and
enjoy both learning and singing them. In addition, songs also assist them in
imitating and remembering words. Learning English through songs also aids passive
learning. However, researchers frequently discuss learning English in the classroom
through songs without mentioning pupils' learning at home.

For the reasons stated above, the writer would like to select the topic "Assessing
the impact of songs on English learning for primary school pupils in Trung Tu, Ha
Noi" in order to investigate the benefits of learning English through songs. It is also
hoped that this study will be of some assistance to those that are interested in this
method of learning English.

1.2. The study's aim and objectives

The study's goal is to assist pupils at Trung Tu Primary School in improving their
English skills.

The research objectives are:

 To assess the learning English results of Trung Tu primary school pupils

after learning English through songs.

 To discover the relationships between song-based English learning and

 To investigate the pupils' opinions on the benefits of learning English

through songs.

1.3. Scope of the study

Many authors have looked into primary school students learning English through
songs. However, the focus of this research will be on students at Trung Tu Primary
School learning English through songs.
1.4. Research questions

The study is being conducted in order to answer the following research questions:

- What effect do English songs have on the learning of English by pupils at Trung
Tu primary school?
- What are the solutions for improving and encouraging Trung Tu primary school
pupils’ English learning through songs?
1.5. Structure of the thesis
This study consists of four chapters:
Chapter 1. Introduction introduces the rationale for selecting the field for study,
the aim and objectives, the scope of the study, the research questions, research
methods, and the study's organization.
Chapter 2. Literature review discusses the previous studies on modalities relating
to the area of the research and presents some theoretical background that could be
used as foundation for the process of conducting the research.
Chapter 3. Methodology presents Research types, population, sampleand research
2. Literature review

This chapter provides theoretical background and is divided into two sections. The
first section refers to previous research on the advantages of learning English
through songs. The second examines the relationship between songs and learning
English, as well as strategies for effectively learning English through songs.
2.1. Review of previous studies

Learning English through songs is a useful technique, particularly for children.

Many researchers have found that songs have a significant impact on a student's
ability to learn a new language (Aguirre, Bustinza & Garvich, 2016). In their
research study (2016), students were more willing to learn English as a second
language when they were exposed to songs in class. On the other hand, students
become distracted and uninterested in classes where there is no music. As Lems
(2018) has shown, songs have unique advantages for people who are learning a new
language. Listening to songs and singing, when you are probably aware of your own
learning of English or other languages, is a natural and pleasurable way to practice
vocabulary and pronunciation well. In fact, learning a song or instrumental music is
similar to learning a language in many ways. Many children are unable to
comprehend the lyrics of foreign music. However, youngsters can quickly
memorize the melody and pronunciation of the words. Because grammar rules and
vocabulary are difficult to remember, teachers can use songs to help students
remember them. The combination of lyrics and melodies helps toddlers recall
language more quickly than memorizing single words. As a result, primary school
students are ideal for remembering complex vocabulary and grammatical principles.

In addition, Yumurtaci et al. (2018) confirmed that songs are extremely beneficial
to a child's development because they help the body and mind work together.
According to Saricoban and Metin (2000, p.1), "Songs are one of the most
enchanting and culturally rich resources" and facilitate foreign language learning for
students. One advantage of learning English through songs that the preceding
researchers have not demonstrated is that it raises the spirit of the class; the
connection between students makes students more excited before the class begins.
Conesa and Rubio(2015) suppose that in the elementary classroom, the employment
of rhymes and songs is an useful method for language development, not only for the
mother language but also for the different language. In conclusion, the use of songs
and music in foreign language learning has numerous advantages.

2.2. Theoretical background

2.2.1The relationship between songs and English learning

"Language acquisition has a profound relationship with music in that they can
both develop and support each other" (Israel, 2013, p.1362). Children hear a lot
from their parents when they are born, which aids in the formation and development
of their language. Language is essentially imitation and repetition. Because
children's minds are not fully formed at birth, they learn language through imitation
and repetition. As people get older, their brains thrive on logical thinking,
remembering, and learning; everything is dependent on logic. It is extremely
difficult to learn without logic. When we learn a new word, such as "fish," we
simply memorize it; there is no logic involved. As a result, youngsters can passively
listen to English without feeling forced to. Israel (2013) found that students would
be more energetic and positive after learning a language through lyrics. Music
allows for the development of automaticity, which is the primary cognitive benefit
of employing songs in the classroom (Schoepp, 2001). Conesa and Rubio(2015)
pointed out that rhymes and melodies allow children to develop their mother tongue
as they grow into adults. Music and foreign language learning have a very close
relationship. Music is the most genuine means of conveying messages and
emotions. Many students say they enjoy learning English through songs because it
makes them feel more at ease and makes them love English more.

2.2.2 Methods to help children learn English through songs

There are many ways to learn English through songs. Young learners can sing and
dance along English songs. Another way is listening English songs in pupils free

3. Proposed Research Methodology

3.1. Research types

The author employed two primary research methodologies to achieve the study's
purpose. Quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used. The data for the
study was acquired using a quantitative method, which included both teaching and
learning English through songs. To describe and analyze the study's data, the
qualitative technique was used.

3.2. Population and Sample
This research was carried out in Trung Tu, a suburb of Ha Noi City. The
participants in this study were students in the third grade at Trung Tu Primary
School. This study enlisted the participation of 50 students, 25 from each of two
third-grade classrooms. The majority of them were under the age of eight.
Furthermore, data samples were obtained from English publications and literature
3.3. Research methods
In order to accomplish the goal and objectives, the questionnaires and participant
and non-participant observation methods used in the thesis are described. The
questionnaire method is used to show the effects of pupils learning English through
songs. The questions revolved around learning English, including the use of songs
in the classroom. And the method of participant and non-participant observation is
to find out the differences between pupils who learn English through songs and
pupils who do not learn English through songs.
4. Proposed chapter outline
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Rationale
1.2 Aim and objectives of the study
1.3. Research questions
1.4. Scope of the study
1.5. Structure of the study
Chapter 2: Literature review
2.1. Review of previous studies
2.2. Theoretical background
2.2.1 The relationship between songs and English learning
2.2.2. Methods to help children learn English through songs
Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1.Research type
3.2.Population and sample
3.3.Research methods

Aguirre, D., Bustinza, D., & Garvich, M. (2016). Influence of Songs in Primary
School Students' Motivation for Learning English in Lima, Peru. English
Language Teaching, 9(2), 178-191.

Almutairi, M., & Shukri, N. (2016). Using songs in teaching oral skills to young
learners: teachers’ views and attitudes. International Journal of Linguistics, 8(6),

ÇEVİKBAŞ, G., Yumurtaci, N., & Enisa, M. E. D. E. (2018). Effects of songs on

the development of vocabulary among first grade EFL learners. Language
Teaching and Educational Research, 1(2), 101-120.

Chirandon, A., Laohawiriyanon, C., & Rakthong, A. (2014). The effects of

teaching English through games

Israel, H. F. (2013). Language learning enhanced by music and song. Literacy

information and computer education journal, 2(1), 1360-1366.

Lems, K. (2018). New Ideas for Teaching English Using Songs and Music.
In English Teaching Forum (Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 14-21). US Department of State.
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language
Programs, SA-5, 2200 C Street NW 4th Floor, Washington, DC 20037.

Rokhayani, A. (2010). Motivating Students of Young Learners through Story

Telling in English Class. TEYLIN 2: from Policy to Classroom, 36-44.

Rokhayani, A. (2010). Motivating Students of Young Learners through Story

Telling in English Class. TEYLIN 2: from Policy to Classroom, 36-44.

Saricoban, A., & Metin, E. (2000). Songs, verse and games for teaching
grammar. The Internet TESL Journal, 6(10), 1-7.

Schoepp, K. (2001). Reasons for using songs in the ESL/EFL classroom. The

internet TESL journal, 7(2), 1-4.

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