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6 Practice:
Solving Business
Problems with
Spreadsheets Practice
Introduction to Name:
Business and
Technology Sem 2 Date:

Reflect (10 points)

Answer the questions about the characteristics of spreadsheets.

1. Provide two examples of how businesses use spreadsheets. (2 points)

2. Why are advanced features helpful when businesses use spreadsheets? (2 points)

3. Provide an example of how businesses might apply a conditional formula to

spreadsheet data. (2 points)
4. Why would businesses apply cell protection to spreadsheet entries? Provide one
specific example. (2 points)

5. How are lookup tables useful to businesses analyzing data in a spreadsheet? (2


Analyze (10 points)

Analyze different spreadsheets.

1. Consider Emily's balance statement:


1 Assets FY 2014

2 Accounts Payable $2,000

3 Wages $75,000

4 Taxes Payable $10,000

5 Mortgage Payable $15,000

6 Total $102,000

8 Liabilities FY 2014

9 Cash $800

10 Inventories $36,000

11 Investments $25,000

12 Accounts Receivable $61,800

13 Total $122,800


15 Balance -$20,800

a) Emily's supervisor asked her to revise the balance statement. What does she need
to revise? Why? (2 points)

b) Emily is halfway through revising her balance statement when she realizes she
forgot what formulas to use. What formulas should Emily put in cells B6, B13, and
B15? (2 points)
2. Miranda is working on an inventory sheet for her restaurant:


1 Item Amount Weight Order More?

2 Powder Goods

3 Flour 1 bag 4 kg

4 Sugar 1 bag 45 g

5 Baking soda 1 bag 8 oz

6 Salt 3 boxes 3 lb

8 Produce

9 Garlic 15 No

10 Onions 2 Yes

11 Scallions 8 Yes

a) Miranda needs to build new shelves in her pantry to store all these items. She
wants to put each type of item on a separate shelf. The shelves will be able to
support 25 lbs. Will the new shelves be able to support her current supply of powder
goods? Use the conversion table below and a spreadsheet to help you determine the
answer. (2 points)
Standard 1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces (oz)

Metric 1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams (g)

Metric to Standard 1 kilogram = 2.20 pounds

Standard to Metric 1 pound = 0.45 kilograms

b) Miranda has used a conditional formula to indicate if it's time to order more
items. For the produce items, she has a formula set up in column D to have the word
"No" appear if there are 15 or more items, and the word "Yes" to appear if there are
less than 15 items. What is the formula that Miranda used in cell D9? (2 points)
3. Consider the following invoice:

What information
is missing that is necessary for generating the total? (2 points)

Synthesize (25 points)

Format spreadsheets effectively, and use the spreadsheets to analyze data. Be

sure to hand in any spreadsheets, graphs, and calculations along with your
responses to your teacher.

1. Read the following data regarding payroll deductions, and answer the questions
that follow:
Lydia: $9.50/hour, worked 20 hours this pay period
Thomas: $12.50/hour, worked 40 hours this pay period
Bruce: $8.50/hour, worked 30 hours this pay period
a) Using a spreadsheet program, create a payroll spreadsheet with the information
above. Be sure to include proper headings. (3 points)

b) Add a "Tax (%)" column. Apply a nested IF statement to the spreadsheet to

determine the percentage of taxes that needs to be deducted. For someone who
make $9.00 or less an hour, the rate is 5%. For someone who makes between $9.01
and $12.00 an hour, the rate is 6%. For someone who makes more than $12.01 an
hour, the rate is 7%. (4 points)

c) Describe how you generated this column. (1 point)

2. Read the following data from Maria's personal monthly bank statement and
answer the questions that follow:
Rent: $850
Groceries: $276.89
Public transportation: $45
Utilities: $135.24
Entertainment: $150.26

a) Enter Maria's data into a spreadsheet using a spreadsheet program. Be sure to

include proper headings (3 points).

b) Maria would like an efficient way to analyze how she spent her money this month.
Using the spreadsheet program, create a bar graph representation of her monthly
expenses. Briefly describe how you create the bar graph (4 points).
c) Based on the bar graph representation, what is one thing you would recommend
to Maria in the future? (1 point)

3. Read the following data from Wesley Publishing and answer the questions that
Author: Henry Stratford; Author ID: 8945; Book sales: $2,862.26
Author: Carrie Berkshaw; Author ID: 4903; Book sales: $56,234.48
Author: Russel Owens; Author ID: 8321; Book sales: $9,245.67
Author: Finius Menken; Author ID: 7564; Book sales: $27,356.11

a) Enter Wesley Publishing's author revenue data into a profit-and-loss spreadsheet.

Be sure to include proper headings. (2 points)
b) Now sort the authors by their ID number in descending order. (1 point)

c) Wesley Publishing earns 10% of each author's book sales. In order to efficiently
calculate the company's profit, add a "Percentage" column and lock the cells so that
it's standard for each entry. Briefly describe how you locked the cells. (2 points)
d) Add three more rows above row 1 and set up a lookup table to find the book sales
total by searching the Author ID. Use Author ID 8321. Include the formula. (2 points)

e) Wesley Publishing has an office in England that would like the American office to
share their data on profits. What steps should the American office take in order to
determine the profits in pounds for the England office? (2 points)
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1.1.6 Practice: Solving Business Problems with Spreadsheets

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