Shiksha Group Eduction: Notice

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Subject – English

Format of Notice Writing : (Marks – 04)

 You are the cultural secretary of your school.You have been asked to inform students of class 8 to 12
about an inter-school Folk Dance Competition .Draft a notice in about 50 words to be put up on the
school notice board, with all necessary details .

August 15th,2021
Inter-School Folk Dance Competition
Notice is hereby given that / This is to inform all the Students
Our School is going to organise an inter-school folk dance competition
on Date , Day in Location (August 25th,Monday in School auditorium)
This inform will start at 10:00 am in the morning and will last till 6:00
pm. Interested students may contact the undersigned for further
(cultural Secretary)

Add : 81, Shri ji Society , part – 03 opp. Surya Ami flat Ranip. (M) 94 27 38 66 55
Write a letter to the Editor –in-chief of Times of India , raising concern regarding the bad
conditions of roads in your city. Its effect on the daily life of citizens and the rductance of the
authorities in taking appropriate actions.

81 shri ji Society,
Ranip, Ahmedabad- 382480. (Sender Address)

15th August 2021.

The Editor , (Receiver`s Address)

Time of India,
Ahmedabad – 382450.

Subject : Bad condition of road (4-6 words only)


Through the column of your esteemed newspaper I would like to

draw the attention of concerned authorities towards SUBJECT .


It will be good if you publish this in your newspaper and the
concerned authorities will see the gravity of this matter and some
measures will be adopted to PROBLEM.

Thank you
Your faithfully

Add : 81, Shri ji Society , part – 03 opp. Surya Ami flat Ranip. (M) 94 27 38 66 55

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