Release Notes - HYSYS 2.2: April 26, 2000

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Release Notes - HYSYS 2.

2 April 26, 2000

Welcome to the HYSYS 2.2 general release. This version of HYSYS includes new features and improvements to version

Neural Networks, HYSYS.RTO, AXSYS, and HYSYS.ECONOMIX are now available as fully integrated HYSYS tools,
in both HYSYS.Process and HYSYS.Plant. These optional plug-ins can be used to further extend the functionality of
your HYSYS package, thereby increasing the power of your simulation and the extent of your process understanding.
Table of Contents
1 HYSYS.Process/Plant Release Version 2.2
1.1 New Functionality/Improvements in HYSYS.Process and HYSYS.Plant
1.2 New Functionality / Improvements in HYSYS.Plant
2 Neural Networks
4 HYSYS.Economix

1 HYSYS.Process/Plant Release - Version 2.2

1.1 New Functionality/Improvements in HYSYS.Process and HYSYS.Plant 2.2
· PFD Show/Hide Sub-Flowsheet Objects - The objects contained in a sub-flowsheet can be displayed in the parent
flowsheet PFD by object-inspecting (right-clicking) the sub-flowsheet icon and choosing "Show sub-flowsheet
objects". Most of the newly revealed icons will look as they do in the sub-flowsheet PFD, except that their labels
will have the flowsheet name appended (e.g. "P-100 @ TPL-1"). Streams that are connected across the flowsheet
boundary will be shown as connected through an intermediate "Boundary Stream Info" object, the icon for which is a
small square. Object-inspecting a Boundary Stream Info icon and selecting "Hide sub-flowsheet objects" will hide
the icons of the sub-flowsheet objects and replace them with the template icon
· PFD Cut/Paste Sub-Flowsheet Objects – Objects can now be duplicated or moved about within a simulation using
the "Cut/Paste Objects" submenu available by object-inspecting PFD icons or the PFD background. In addition,
objects can be exported or automatically converted into or removed from a sub-flowsheet.
· 'Home' Key Zooms to Selected PFD Objects - Pressing the Home key on the keyboard will now zoom the current
PFD to show only the selected object(s). (If no objects are selected, pressing 'Home' will zoom to show the entire
PFD.) PFD Objects may selected by using the navigator or selecting them directly on the PFD. This feature was
implemented as a navigation aid for large flowsheets.
· 'Shift' Key Blinks Selected PFD Objects – Press and hold the Shift key on the keyboard to blink the labels and
bounding rectangles of items selected in the PFD. The same blinking of selections will occur automatically for a few
seconds after selections are made using the object navigator dialogs. This feature was implemented as a navigation
aid for large flowsheets.
· ActiveX Controls in PFD – ActiveX controls may be embedded in the PFD by object-inspecting on the PFD
background area and selecting "Insert Object…". These embedded controls may then have their properties and events
associated with HYSYS variables or user variable VB script. Other embeddings are supported such as bitmaps .
Oils Manager
· Oil Viscosity Curves – You can now choose to input either one or both viscosity curves, and have the choice of
using none, one, or both of the viscosity input curves.
· Modifications were made to separate the Oil Input and Output options. Users have the ability to select various
output options (conversion methods, IBP, FBP options) when using utilities, column specifications, etc. In addition,
there are D2887 conversion options and consolidation of terminology of conversion methods throughout the program.
Component Mapping
· Users may specify composition transition across fluid package boundaries, accessible in both the Basis Environment
and on Flowsheet Property Views. This allows one hypothetical component (i.e. NBP310) to be mapped to another
(i.e. NBP307).
· Column Refining/Side Ops Column Wizard – Implemented as an aid to newer users to add side- strippers,
pumparounds etc. to their column.
· Three-Phase Column Wizard. – Implemented as an aid to newer users implementing three-phase distillation.
· Specifications - Pumparound duty ratios, Std Liquid Flow and Gas Flow are now available as column
· Primary and Alternate Column Specifications – By selecting an Alternate specification, the column has the
ability to exchange specifications (alternate for primary) during solution if a primary specification cannot be met.
· Ranged Column Specifications – Specifications can be identified as ranged specifications, which allows the
column to utilize the specified range during solution as a convergence aid.
Heat Exchangers
· Significant speed improvements.
· Various exchanger specifications can be incorporated into the rating model. Supplied geometry information is
utilized consistently with any of the solution models.
· Old HYSIM and HYSYS 1.x rating cases now go to the appropriate steady state rating model. These old cases are
completely checked when recalled to correct any illegal configurations, which may have been configured in HYSIM
and HYSYS 1.x rating.
· The limitation that tube passes must be an even multiple of shell passes has been removed, allowing any number of
tube passes for E and F shell types.
· When using the detailed rating model, clean U and clean UA are no longer specifiable. Overall U and UA are back
calculated according to Q = U A Ft LMTD. Ft factor is calculated according to terminal temperatures and geometry
configuration (tube passes and shell passes).
· TEMA type parameters such as shell passes, shells in series have been standardized.
· Two parameters have been added to make the rating model more accurate. When the shell orientation is vertical,
the user can specify whether the shell feed is at the bottom or the top. Similarly, the user can also specify whether the
tube feed is co-current or counter-current.
· Interface of rating parameters is significantly improved by adding explanations in the flybys in the detailed model.
· Reading 1.x cases has been improved. Incorrectly specified shell passes in old 1.x cases are correctly re-specified
during the recall.
· Simple Heat Exchanger rating based on geometry is available.
New features include:
· Conversion of a reaction as a function of temperature.
· Kinetic reaction model parameters as a function of temperature.
· Simple Rate reaction model parameter as a function of temperature.
· Heterogeneous Catalytic Reaction model parameter as a function of temperature.
· Expanded Ln(Keq) versus temperature expression for equilibrium reaction.
Additional Features
· Object Viewer - By clicking on "Flowsheet" and selecting "View Flowsheet Objects" the user may quickly
navigate and view any object property views in the simulation case.
· Generate Input - The ability to generate a text file indicating flowsheet configuration and specifications is now
· OLE Automation - Several improvements for access and manipulation of the PFD and "back door" access to
objects and properties not currently wrapped. Column specifications and heat exchanger specifications have been
1.2 New Functionality / Improvements to HYSYS.Plant
The following section lists the new functionality particular to HYSYS.Plant.
· Unit Op Stripcharts - Default strip charts, specific to each unit operation, have been added.
PID controllers have been enhanced as follows:
· The user can choose from three controller algorithms (Velocity or differential form, positional form with anti-reset
windup(ARW) and positional form without ARW )
· A new auto-tuner function has been added where the user can select various design parameters for the auto-tuner.
· The user can select setpoint-tracking mode when the controller is in manual mode (PV or no tracking).
· Cascade mode is now changed to remote setpoint.
· The remote setpoint units can be selected as percentage or engineering units.
· The user can set hard limits on the setpoint and output values, e.g., a calculated output can be limited to a max of
80% if the user so desires.
· The ramping function has been changed. Ramping of the setpoint is now continuous when ramping function is
turned on.
· Gain scheduling for three regions of operation is now available.
· Gain scheduling can be based on the current process or current setpoint value.
· Internal model control (IMC) design methodology has been included. A basic process model must be supplied.
· There are changes to the faceplate views to reflect the new functionality.
· Model Predictive Controller - An unconstrained Model Predictive Controller (MPC) has been developed and is
available in HYSYS. The controller will handle up to 12 inputs and 12 outputs. Input information can be in the form
of a text file or a process model form, entered at the interface model setup.
2 Neural Networks
The Parametric utility is available as an optional plug-in within HYSYS 2.2. The utility integrates Neural Network (NN)
technology into the HYSYS framework. The parametric utility allows the user to approximate an existing HYSYS model
with a Parametric model which has been trained using data generated from the rigorous model. Using a Parametric model
with neural network capability to approximate a HYSYS model can speed the calculation time, improving overall on-line
performance. The Parametric Model can be a collection of unit operations, an entire flowsheet, or a number of selected
variables. Using input and output data sets as training data, the neural network algorithm will determine the values of the
parametric model parameters.

A Parametric Unit Operation has also been added that may be trained from plant data or other "raw" data sources.

If you are interested in learning more about the available neural network capability, contact your AEA-Hyprotech
The optimization and data reconciliation routines used by HYSYS.RTO for real-time on-line optimization are available as
optional plug-ins within HYSYS 2.2. HYSYS.RTO combines two proven technologies: rigorous first principal models
and thermodynamic methods from HYSYS, with optimization and data reconciliation routines from RTO, developed by
MDC Technology.

If you are interested in the RTO capabilities of HYSYS, contact your AEA-Hyprotech representative.
ECONOMIX is an optional extension to HYSYS that integrates sizing, design and costing capabilities into HYSYS. This
is the first release of the anticipated integrated process simulation and evaluation application from AEA Technology and
its partner, ICARUS. ECONOMIX combines AEA Technologies in-dept process understanding with ICARUS' costing
repository, KbaseTM technology, in one common application. ECONOMIX provides an intuitive environment that is fully
interactive with HYSYS.Process or HYSYS.Plant that can readily be used to do process design economic optimization on
either an entire flowsheet or on an individual simulation object. Now a process may be simulated, sized, designed, and
evaluated all in the same environment. ECONOMIX is a collection of modules assembled to combine the best-of-breed
equipment selection rules, sizing, and other rule based utility modules developed internally by AEA Technology with
ICARUS KbaseTM technology into one integrated package.

Some of the major features available with ECONOMIX are highlighted below:

· Two-way integration with HYSYS.Process/Plant

· The ability to update HYSYS with accurate equipment capacity information for simulating in rating
(HYSYS.Process) or dynamics mode (HYSYS.Plant).
· Automatic equipment selection options that recommend an equipment types based on process conditions and
· Size equipment based on process simulator derived data using industry-accepted methods.
· Implementation of a wide variety of mechanical design standards to conform to engineering and construction
practices such as ASME, BS5500, JIS, API, NEMA, TEMA, and DIN.
· General methods for selection, sizing, design and costing can be customized to incorporate legacy best practices.
· Intuitive Detail Reports on Project, Equipment, Plant Bulks, and EPC Capital Costs estimates .
ECONOMIX employs KbaseTM to:
· Simulate vendor methods for cost of process equipment that conforms to design standards and manufacturing costs
based on self-contained and updated multi-national cost bases (UK, Japan, US).
· Develop installation bulk quantities independent of process equipment cost, by:
· implementing design methods for piping and instrumentation through P&IDs and stored isometrics,
· control system network schematics, foundation design and volumetric for civil and steel structures,
· insulation, fireproofing, and paint,
· General Capital Cost, equipment category, plants bulk, engineering, procurement, construction and schedule
estimates (level 1 and level 2).

AXSYS is an integrated, multi-user, front-end engineering design environment, which links to HYSYS, cost estimating
applications, and equipment design packages such as HTFS. AXSYS automatically develops Process Flow Diagrams
(PFDs)and Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs) based on configurable design rules and logic. It also provides
seamless integration with Microsoft Excel and other standard desktop applications for data entry and reporting. The
AXSYS multi-user database provides change management and configuration capabilities to manage complex project
needs as well as providing the capabilities to easily share project information over the web.

If you have any further questions regarding HYSYS 2.2 check our web site at site or
contact your AEA Technology Engineering Software representative.

The HYSYS Development Team at AEA Technology Engineering Software.

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