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SCHOOL OF Applied Finance



Student name: Nguyễn Chí Cường Student ID number: 20403573


Unit name: Working in Professions Unit number: 200914

Tutorial group: Tutorial day and time:
Lecturer or Tutor name: Nguyễn Thuý Hằng


Title: Assment 3_Activit 1_Journal

Length: 581 words Due date: Date submitted:
Home campus (where you are enrolled): University of Economics Ho Chi minh


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Student’s signature: Nguyễn Chí Cường

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Journal: LinkedIn tasks
I. Screenshot images
1. Professional Profile
2. Sending Invitation to Connect with 2 Professionals:
3. Participate in a Relevant LinkedIn Group
II. How I Felt:

I felt professionally connected more than ever after this set of activities. Linkedin
is a professional social media platform as people are connecting more and more via
Linkedin. I also appreciated the importance of networking, especially with professional
media platforms. I now consider Linkedin as a “public CV” which can be accessed and
seen by everyone including potential recruiters. I can skip the recruitment process if a
recruiter finds the features shown in my Linkedin profile match the qualities they are

III. What I Learn:

Quality and quantity of my profile on all media platforms are the most important
lessons I deduce from the activities. Firstly, my profiles on any platforms should be and
designed in a purpose-oriented way so that it can catch the attention of people I want to
connect. It means that every platform has its own purpose, so a profile on a particular
platform should be particularly designed to match the characteristics of that platform.
For example, it is ridiculous that a profile on Linkedin is full of unconventional photos
such as those showing body tattoos, and vice versa. A profile on Linkedin is supposed
to be as professional as possible. Secondly, your profiles should show your
characteristics, a person’s own self. Although a person should consider the
characteristics of the platform they are using, she should not forget her own
personalities and standards. For example, although Facebook can be an entertainment
channel which supplies amusing trends, I cannot set aside my professional standards to
join the trends. Finally, I learned that the size of my network is as important as its
quality. In other words, it is essential for me to broaden my network and connect to
many professional people in any area. Not only should I focus on professionals and
workers in the finance industry, but I also get in touch with people from other areas. It is
because people working in different areas possess different perspectives about the
world, and thus they will react differently to the changes of the market. I may learn from
them and apply strategies and approaches from other areas to my own career.
What connections can you make to the weekly readings you have
learned so far?
The activities are practical exercises to apply the lessons in “Chapter 17: Social
Media for Business Communication, “Chapter 22: Where Are the Jobs?” (Cardon, 2018;
Blackett, 2019) found in 200914 Working in Professions (Prasad, 2020). Firstly, the
instructions and tips from Heather Austin (2020) is a much more detailed and Linkedin-
oriented version of the information in section “Using Social Media Tools for
Communication within Organizations” in Chapter 17 (Cardon, 2018, as cited in Prasad,
2020, p. 397). For example, she showed how to write a brief introduction for section
“About” of Linkedin profile, which should be short and has confirmed the example
shown on page 398 of the book. Secondly, there is a high possibility to be hired directly
by an employer without going through a recruiting process after they read their Linkedin
profile (Austin, 2020) is confirmed by the book’s section “Other Employment Trends”
(Blackett, 2019, as cited in Prasad, 2020, p. 562). Blackett (2019) stated that the hiring
process is gradually becoming online. Linkedin is the first and foremost professional
platform for employers to consider when they seek suitable candidates.

Prasad, K. (2020). Chapter 17: Social Media for Business Communication. In 200914
Working in Profession (Revised ed., p. 392-427). McGraw-Hill Education.
Prasad, K. (2020). Chapter 22: Where Are the Jobs? In 200914 Working in Profession
(Revised ed., p. 551-573). McGraw-Hill Education.
Professor Heather Austin. (2020, February 4). How To Get STARTED On LinkedIn In
2020 - (Step-By-Step For BEGINNERS) [Video]. YouTube.

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