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Professional Careers Units – UEH T3 2020

Modified Common Assessment: Reflection 30%

200914 Working in Professions
200915 The Service Enterprise
200376 Managing and Developing Careers

The reflection is 1,000 words, due 11.59 pm 1 week after session 12, on Friday 18 Dec 2020 (via
Turnitin on vUWS). Students are required to include evidence of completion of all the extra-
curricular activities and events from their event journal into the Reflection (30%).

This assessment requires students to make connections to topics they have learnt during the semester
with what they experience through professional networking including compulsory attendance at two
employability events. Further details regarding the events will be available on vUWS as soon as they are

You will be required to build professional social networks for career development using the professional
online platform LinkedIn. You will be required to undertake several activities using LinkedIn that focus
on professional networking and career development.

Compulsory Professional Networking Activities

1. Complete the following LinkedIn tasks: (Hint: reflection approximately 200 words)
a. Create (or access) your LinkedIn account and check that your profile is professional and
up to date. A video to help you get started on LinkedIn is provided:
b. Find and send a personalised LinkedIn invitation to connect with at least 2 professionals
who are currently working in your chosen field.
c. Participate in at least one relevant LinkedIn group of your choice (they need to be related
to your chosen field). You will need to join the group if not already a member and
contribute to a new or existing discussion.
d. Create a post on LinkedIn. Your post should be a short article on the value of business
networking for graduate career success or a relevant industry topic.
i. Students should not post on behalf of WSU or UEH or use the logo/banner.
ii. Add suitable hashtags to your post to encourage networking. For more information to
using hashtags refer to:

2. Professional Networking Event (Hint: reflection approximately 300 words)

a. View webinar (Week 7, details on vUWS)
b. Record and upload to vUWS your personal elevator pitch (1-minute duration).

3. Professional Careers Conference (Hint: reflection approximately 500 words)

a. View webinar for Professional Careers Conference (week 11, details on vUWS)

Very important: Assignment links will be created on vUWS for students to post their activity journal
entries to demonstrate that the activities have been completed. Each activity journal entry is required to
be completed within five calendar days after completion of the activity. Failure to submit the journal
entries will result in a 10% penalty for the Reflection assessment.

Journal structure (3 separate journal entries are required, one for each activity):
1. Screenshot image of the activity
2. How did it make you feel?
3. What did you learn about for example: yourself, or your future graduate career?
4. What connections can you make to the weekly readings you have learned so far?

At the end of the semester, students will must submit a Reflection of their learning based from the
professional networking activities. It is this Reflection that will be assessed in accordance with the
marking criteria for the assessment. The Reflection should be no longer than 1,000 words and refer
specifically to three weekly readings outlined in the learning activities section of the learning guide. This
is an individual assessment and will count towards 30 per cent of the final grade.

Your experiences that you write about from the online networking activities could include making new
connections and networks, learning new ideas, fine-tuning your communication skills and learning more
about yourself and your future career, just to name a few. The following reflection guideline must be
used for your Reflection (30%) with the guidelines set out as separate headings. This is a reflection so
you are required to write in the first person and use ‘I’.

Reflection GUIDELINES must be used Possible questions you could use to

meet these guidelines
Evaluate Significance What is the relative value of the overall
learning experience from the professional
networking activities?
Reconstruct the experience What are the two most salient points of
what you experienced with the
professional networking activities?
Analysis: Why did it happen that way? Using three weekly readings what
interpretations, explanations and
theories help you to make sense of the
learning experience?
Distil: What lessons can be learnt? What positive aspects of what you have
learnt are worth using in the future?
Apply: Prepare for future situations What will you gain through knowledge of
these positive aspects? What preparation
do you need to now do to respond to
situations in the future?

Marking Criteria:


0-49% 50-64% 65-74% 75-84% DISTINCTION

Evaluate Unacceptable Acceptable evaluation Good evaluation of the Very good evaluation Excellent evaluation of
evaluation with no of the significance of significance of the of the significance of the significance of the
example and or the overall learning overall learning the overall learning overall learning
event/activities details. experience with experience with useful experience with useful experience with useful
examples to explain examples to explain examples to explain examples to explain
and includes event and includes and includes and includes
/activities details event/activities details event/activities details event/activities details

Reconstruct Unacceptable Able to synthesise a Able to synthesise a Able to synthesise a Able to synthesise a
synthesis. number of salient number of salient number of salient number of salient points
Poor writing skills. points using points using good points using very good using excellent writing
acceptable writing writing skills writing skills skills.

Analysis Unacceptable Some evaluation and Good evaluation and Very good evaluation Excellent evaluation
evaluation and consideration of consideration of and consideration of and consideration of
consideration of alternative alternative alternative alternative
alternative explanations using explanations using explanations using explanations using
explanations without literature/theories from literature/theories from literature/theories from literature/theories from
using at least 3 weeks at least 3 weeks at least 3 weeks at least 3 weeks
literature/theories from
at least 3 weeks

Distil Lessons for the future Lessons for the future Lessons for the future Lessons for the future Lessons for the future
that you draw from your that you draw from your that you draw from that you draw from that you draw from
reflection is not reflection are explained your reflection are well your reflection are very your reflection are very
explained adequately explained well explained well explained

Apply How you will make How you will make use How you will make use How you will make How you will make
use of your reflection of your reflection so it of your reflection so it use of your reflection use of your reflection
so it will impact on will impact on future will impact on future so it will impact on so it will impact on
future experiences is experiences is experiences is clearly future experiences is future experiences is
not clearly communicated communicated with very clearly communicated to an
communicated. adequately with some specific examples communicated with excellent standard
Examples are not examples provided. provided. specific examples with specific examples
provided. No Adequate conclusion Good conclusion is provided. Very good provided. Excellent
conclusion is is provided. provided. conclusion is conclusion is
provided. provided. provided.

Citation and referencing

Inadequate, inappropriate or inaccurate referencing that does not conform to the conventions of the American Psychological
Association (APA) referencing may result in the reflection receiving a fail grade overall and the possibility of academic
misconduct. Marks may be deducted for poor referencing technique but marks will not be awarded for appropriate referencing


Attached evidence of completion of the each of the Assessment 3 activities/events in the Activities Journals.

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