Assessment 2 Learning Portfolio and Step by Step Guide - Final Version

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200914 Working in Professions

Assessment 2:
Learning Portfolio (Individual) 40%
Assessment Guide

UEH T3 2020

Final submission due Week 9, Friday 20 November 23:59 pm (via Turnitin on vUWS)

Your Learning Portfolio showcases your experiences and learning in the unit Working in Professions. It
is also intentionally designed to help you to reflect on your learning in a regular and integrated manner.

The Learning Portfolio provides you with an opportunity to share your learning and your activities in
various areas. It also allows for a stronger overview and profile of your activities in relation to your studies
and your profession. In addition to explaining what you have learned, you will reflect upon the ways in
which that learning has affected you and how you will utilize it in the future. You will use questions in
the Assignment Guide to assist you in the creation of the content for your Learning Portfolio.

200914 Working In Professions Assessment 2: Learning portfolio (individual) : UEH T3, 2020 Page 1 of 8
Details: Learning Portfolio (individual) (2,000 words excluding references and appendices)
Due: Weekly from week 1, final submission due Week 9, Friday 20 November 23:59 pm (via Turnitin on

Your final Learning Portfolio has following three parts.
1. A response to Learning Portfolio questions and reflections each week starting week 1. For the
purpose of Assessment 2, your final Portfolio submission must summarise your learning portfolio
reflections from week’s 1-8 for your weekly portfolio questions. (approximately 1,200 words). You
may change, amend, re-write, structure based on topic, week or any other format of your choice.
2. Complete a minimum of 4 activities from Networking (due in week 5) and 4 from Job Applications
in Career Launch (Due in week 8) and provide a reflection of approximately 300 words on your
learning from these for the final Learning Portfolio. It is recommended that you completed the
activity "Make the most of an employer networking event" before attending the employment events
offered by the School of Business or an outside employment event to get most benefit from the
networking. To access the modules please go to You will be asked to Log
in to Career Hub. Just use your students number and your WSU password. Evidence of completion
of the Networking (due in week 5) and Job Applications in Career Launch (Due in week 8) must be
attached as appendix.
3. Students will research on job opportunities in various sectors including their own profession,
government, quasi-government and not-for-profit sector and prepare two job applications (cover
letter, resume, selection criteria address where applicable, and obtain feedback) for one advertised
job in their professional field and one in government, quasi- government or non-for-profit sector.
Note the job need to be suitable for your current educational qualification and experience.
Students must obtain feedback on their cover letter, resume and selection criteria address (not all
job applications require a separate selection criterion address). Students will need to provide 500
words reflection on the learning about the job search and application process including the
feedbacks. Feedback may be obtained from employment agencies or recruitment firms, employers,
careers fair or employment events where feedback is available, WSU employments events may
provide limited opportunity for feedback, Careers Office (limited feedback is available), anyone
whom you know or come across who are or have worked as human resource personnel, manager,
director, or as business executive. Appendix must include your original and final cover letters and
resumes, selection criteria address where applicable and feedbacks received including name,
position and contact details of the person who provided the feedback.
The final learning portfolio submission will contain reflections on week’s 1-8 portfolio questions, 4 activities
from Networking and 4 from Job Applications in Career Launch, reflection on the learning from job seeking
process, the two job applications including cover letter, resume and selection criteria address and feedbacks.
Final submission will also contain in appendix evidence and documentations relating to items 1, 2 and 3
above. Step-by-Step guide is provided on page 8.
– A marking guide is provided to assist in the preparation of the Learning Portfolio.
– The learning portfolio is to be prepared in accordance with the Learning Portfolio instructions.
– Final Learning Portfolio should be no longer than 2,000 words, +/- 10% to 15% (excluding appendix and reference list).
– The due date for final portfolio submission is due Week 9, Friday 20 November 23:59 pm.

200914 Working In Professions Assessment 2: Learning portfolio (individual) : UEH T3, 2020 Page 2 of 8
Reflection GUIDELINES Possible questions you could use to meet these guidelines
must be used
Evaluate Significance What is the relative value of the overall learning experience from the weekly
portfolio questions, the two online careers modules and the job application
process? This section must also include in brief introduction (one or
sentences) on weekly portfolio questions, online careers modules and the job
application process and what you going to focus on.
Reconstruct the experience What are the most salient points of what you experienced at the weekly
portfolio questions, the two online careers modules and the job application
Analysis: Why did it happen Using at least three weekly readings, what interpretations, explanations and
that way? theories help you to make sense of the learning experience about weekly
portfolio questions, the two online careers modules and the job application
process? Please note that in text citation and reference is required.
Distil: What lessons can be What positive aspects from the weekly portfolio questions, the two online
learnt? careers modules and the job application process are worth using in the
Apply: Prepare for future What will you gain through these changes? What preparation do you need to
situations now do to respond to situations in the future? What conclusion can you
draw? Summarise key points you have made reinforcing your overall
Reflection. The content of the conclusion provides you the opportunity to
make a final convincing summary of what you have learned and why it is
valid and what will you change in future.
Citation and referencing When writing Reflection, you must acknowledge quotations, information and
ideas taken from other authors through a bibliography or list of references.
Please use APA style. Referencing guide is available from the Library web
Appendix Attach all required appendices (this must be presented as appendix 1, 2, 3, &
4) as status on page 4 above.
(Cottrell 2015: 236-237).
Guideline for writing reflections. You may use this guide line and write in distinct/separate sections about the weekly
portfolio questions, the two online careers modules and the job application process for your final reflection.

Key factors to keep in mind when writing your submission are:

• Ensure your Learning portfolio is professionally presented. An ideal structure for a Learning Portfolio includes a
coherent series of topics, main points, critically analysed and presented in a logical sequence under the sub-headings
1. Weekly Learning Reflections (you may structure based on sub-topics, weeks or any logical format of your
2. Career Launch Online Module Reflections (Networking and Job Applications modules in Career Launch)
3. Job Application Reflections
• Each paragraph should contain a topic sentence that summarises the main idea in the paragraph and be followed by
supporting sentences (and citations), which expand and provide more detail on the idea raised. A common student
mistake is to write topic sentence after topic sentence. This seems like they are jumping from one idea to the next
and will often attract feedback stating "no depth" or "confusing". The supporting sentences are crucial to examine
the initial idea in more detail and demonstrate an argument along with understanding. Ensure you examine each idea
in enough detail – examine the idea fully before moving on.
• The most common criticism faced by students not providing a reflection. Discussion around a topic is not providing
your reflection. It is often a helpful technique to use the sub-headings as part of your submission structure. You are
the bouncer at the door of your own submission: choose which ideas get in. Choose the ideas that provides your
• Remember that the marker can only mark what you actually said/wrote in your reflection, not what is in your head
or what you “meant to say/write”. For this reason, it is essential to review your own work in order to reveal flaws in
structure or writing.
• Ensure you use accurate spelling and grammar. It is often best to state things simply and clearly rather than using
complicated language in the wrong context. Prior to submission make sure you use tools like spelling and grammar
checkers in WORD. You may also want to make use of online tools (e.g. the Writer’s Diet, to improve the quality of your written work).
• Ensure that all in-text references are accurate and comply with the APA referencing style. A guide is available on the
WSU Library website with examples to assist you
citation Ensure you use only credible sources appropriate to your level of studies. Wikipedia, for example, is not a
credible source. A Reference list of all works cited in your submission must be provided.

200914 Working In Professions Assessment 2: Learning portfolio (individual) : UEH T3, 2020 Page 3 of 8
How to present your work:
1. You must submit Microsoft Word copy (font Arial size 12, 1.5-line spacing, headings may be larger font size) by
Week 9, Friday 20 November 23:59 pm (via Turnitin on vUWS). It is an individual assessment.
2. Use the Individual Assignment Cover Sheet and include Name and Student ID on the cover sheet.
3. Ensure that on the Assignment Cover Sheet the declarations are checked, signed and dated.
4. Reflections on following presented in the body of your submission.
a. Weeks 1 to 8 Learning Portfolio questions
b. Career Launch Online Networking and Job Applications modules
c. Job application process
5. Attach as Appendix 1 evidence of completion of the two online modules (Networking (due in week 5) and Job
Applications in Career Launch (Due in week 8). (not included in the word count). Reflections are presented in the
body of your submission.
6. Attach as Appendix 2 for job in your professional field (not included in the word count).
a. Job advertisement.
b. Original and final cover letter, resume, selection criteria address where applicable.
c. Evidence/copies of feedback received on your resume and cover letter, and the name, position and
contact details of the person who provided the feedback.
Note: Reflections are presented in the body of your submission.
7. Attach as Appendix 3 for job in government, quasi-government or non-for-profit sector (not included in the word
a. Job advertisement.
b. Original cover letter, resume, selection criteria address where applicable.
c. Final cover letter, resume, selection criteria address where applicable.
d. Evidence/copies of feedback received on your resume and cover letter and the name, position and
contact details of the person who provided the feedback.
Note: Reflections are presented in the body of your submission.
8. Attach as Appendix 4 evidence of your job search process (i.e. list media/web sites or any other tools used in your
job search), (not included in the word count).
9. The submission should be approximately 2,000 words (+/- 10% to 15%) in length (excluding appendices, tables,
diagrams and references) and conform to the marking guide provided.
10. Your assignment must be scanned using the anti-plagiarism software Turnitin®. The Turnitin plagiarism
prevention system is being used with this unit. It is an important tool to assist students with their academic writing
by promoting awareness of plagiarism. Please make use of this tool to improve your essay and iron out any plagiarism
issues prior to your final submission. The system will allow you to overwrite your submission up until it is due. All
assessments must be submitted via the Turnitin system (unless alternative arrangements are advised by your lecturer)
on or before the due date and time.
Your report will be scanned using the Turnitin software and if you have copied material from the internet or other
sources improperly, you will be penalised. Even when using references properly, the amount of material copied
verbatim from the internet should not exceed 15% of the report’s word length (excluding the bibliography
and cover page), otherwise, the awardable marks will be reduced for the excess copying . Staff in the unit will
perform a check on the similarity of your report to others. The scanning will tell us if you have copied from another
student, or from an assignment from another unit. Severe penalties apply to cases of plagiarism (e.g., copying Internet
resources without referencing, copying other students’ reports, copying other unit’s assignments etc.).
Please use the Turnitin link below for students on how to check and make sense of the originality report
11. It is extremely important that you are familiar with the University policy on Student Misconduct that is
included in the Learning Guide.
12. Students are to keep a copy of all assignment submitted for marking.
13. The file name for the electronic copy must follow the following pattern: your student ID number followed by 200914
Learning Portfolio- individual task.
14. Learning Portfolio (individual) task is 40 % (out of 100% total for the unit).

200914 Working In Professions Assessment 2: Learning portfolio (individual) : UEH T3, 2020 Page 4 of 8
Marking criteria and standards
A matrix outlining the assessment criteria and how your work will be assessed against these criteria is
presented below.

Assessment 2: Learning Portfolio (Individual) 40%


Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction Total

Written Dumps Sound grammar, Good grammar, Very good grammar Excellent grammar and
communicatio information. No spelling and spelling and and spelling with very spelling with superior
n and visual evidence of structure but in structure but in good sentence, sentence, paragraph
presentation critical need of some need of some paragraph and overall and overall structure,
skills consideration. improvement. improvement. structure. Narrative which lead to a clear
No adequate Narrative content Narrative content and sub-narratives narrative and sub-
grammar, is clear and easy to is clear and easy to provide easy-to-follow narratives. Additional
spelling and follow. The follow. Additional story lines that are well relevant material has
structure. In majority of supporting interlinked. Some been incorporated into
need of additional information is relevant graphical the portfolio, such as
significant supporting supplied to some information has been graphical information
improvement. information is not extent. Has good incorporated into the (e.g., photos, and/or,
No introduction supplied. Poor introduction and portfolio and reflected samples of notes
or conclusion. introduction or conclusion. upon critically. Has taken) among other
conclusion. very good introduction relevant additions that
and conclusion. support the learning
encountered and
reflected upon.
Excellent introduction
and conclusion .
1 2 3 4 5
Level of Student makes Student describes a Student describes a Student describes Student describes
critical little attempt to very limited limited number of significant learning significant learning
reflection personally relate number of significant learning events and reflects events and reflects
learning events significant learning events and reflects critically on them in a critically on them in a
during the events and reflects on them by significant way by deep and significant
Session's learning on them by reporting reasons relating the reflections way by relating the
Experiences and reporting reasons behind the to their learning reflections to their
makes few behind the event. learning event (e.g. experiences. The learning experiences.
attempts to No reflection 'I did x because of student reports on The student considers
critically analyse using critical y'). However, reasons behind the and evaluates the
these situations. analysis on their student does not learning event (e.g. 'I reasons behind the
Few attempts are performance deeply reflect using did not do X very well, learning event and
made to examine during the critical analysis on because of Y'), but explores alternatives
the reasons why significant learning their performance does not mull over and (e.g. I did not do X
learning event nor mull during the explore alternatives to very well. This was
experiences did over and explore significant learning deep and significant probably because of Y,
not work out alternatives very event nor mull extent. but may have also
well or explore well. over and explore been due to Z).
alternatives to alternatives very
find ways as to well.
how they could
have been
5 10 14 16 20

200914 Working In Professions Assessment 2: Learning portfolio (individual) : UEH T3, 2020 Page 5 of 8
Use of The student Student fairly Student attempts Students makes very Student makes clear
documentary makes no links attempts to make to make links clear links between links between their
evidence between their links between their between their their personal personal reflections
personal personal personal reflections and the and relevant evidence
reflections and reflections and reflections and relevant evidence with and cites an excellent
the documentary some evidence but some evidence but a very good range of range of supporting
or other forms of these are not very these are not very supporting evidence, evidence, for example,
evidence. No clear and cite a clear and cite a such as from from documents,
meaningful use limited range of limited range of documents, specific specific situations in
of evidence. supporting supporting situations in the the classroom,
evidence. evidence. classroom, regarding a regarding a textbook,
textbook, personal personal events that
events that have a have a positive or
positive or negative negative impact on the
impact on the student's student's learning, or
learning, or other other learning
learning events/experiences.
1 2 3 4 5
Identifying Student does not Student rarely Student identifies Student identifies Identifies realistic and
learning issues identify any identifies learning learning goals realistic and appropriate learning
and goals learning issues goals appropriate appropriate to appropriate learning issues and goals and
and goals to their critical their critical issues and goals fully explores and
appropriate to reflection but reflection but explaining how s/he explains how s/he
their critical these learning these learning plans on achieving plans on achieving
reflection. issues and goals issues and goals these goals. Obstacles these goals, as well as
are not fully are not fully to improving learning any obstacles that are
realistic or realistic or outcomes are included needed to be
complete in their complete in their and are demonstrably overcome.
presentation. presentation. considered.
These entries are These entries are
completed each completed each
week, and reported week, and reported
on in the following on in the following
week's entry. week's entry.
1 2 3 4 5
Student does not Student states Student states Student states whether Student states whether
Achieving identify many whether s/he has whether s/he has s/he has achieved any s/he has achieved any
learning learning goals achieved any of achieved any of of her/his learning of her/his learning
improvements appropriate to her/his learning her/his learning goals identified goals identified in the
their critical goals identified goals identified previously and reflects portfolio and reflects
reflection, nor previously but previously and critically on the critically on the
provide adequate does not fully fairly reflect on the process of achieving process of achieving
plans to achieve reflect on the process of these goals (e.g. 'I did these goals (e.g. 'I did
any goals process of achieving these not achieve this goal not achieve this goal
described. achieving these goals. because of X', 'I because of X', 'I
goals. achieved this goal achieved this goal
because of Y'). because of Y'). S/he
However, the student also fully discusses
does not fully discuss what further work
what further work s/he needs to do in
s/he needs to do in this area and a clear
this area but does and achievable plan as
provide a sound plan to how this is going to
for how this is going be completed.
to be completed.
1 2 3 4 5
Weekly Up to 3 marks per weekly portfolio submission may be deducted for non-submission, late submission,
Portfolio incomplete or sub-standard weekly portfolios but marks will not be awarded for weekly portfolios. No weekly
submission portfolios may result in the reflection receiving a fail grade overall.
Citation Inadequate, inappropriate or inaccurate referencing that does not conform to the conventions of
and APA may result in the reflection receiving a fail grade overall and the possibility of academic
referencing misconduct. Marks may be deducted for poor referencing technique but marks will not be awarded
for appropriate referencing technique.
Appendix Attached all appendices as required listed in the Learning Portfolio Assessment Guide. No appendices
may result in the reflection receiving a fail grade overall and marks may be deducted for inadequate,
inappropriate or inaccurate appendices but marks will not be awarded for appendices.

200914 Working In Professions Assessment 2: Learning portfolio (individual) : UEH T3, 2020 Page 6 of 8
200914 Assessment 2 explained: (Step-by-step guide)

Assessment 2 Learning Portfolio is due in Week 9, Friday 20 November 23:59 pm, however, to prepare for the Week 9 submission,
there are three steps/stages you must complete.
1. Weekly Learning Portfolio (started from week 1)
2. Career Launch Online Modules (Networking module due week 5 and Job application module due week 8),
3. Job applications: resume and cover letter for a job in your field/profession of interest and a resume and cover letter for
another position in a government, not-for-profit or semi-quasi government job/role.
Step Explanation Further instructions Why is this
1 Weekly Portfolios: Save your 100 to 150 words from every week’s overall weekly reflection that In week 9 you are
you are doing at the end of each h/w submission (after the AFR question). going to put the
You are to complete weekly You can edit this overall weekly reflection as you progress over the weeks – weekly 100 to 150
homework that is due every add new ideas/reflective thoughts from our class tutorials as well. You will words of weekly (1 –
Friday 11:59pm. You will not be able to resubmit the homework, but you can save the polished 8) reflections into
need to type your responses to version of your weekly reflections to place in your final submission of Section 1 of your
all Portfolio questions (do not Assessment 2 in week 9. Final Learning
select a few to do). After you Portfolio due in
complete the last question Note: Up to 3 marks per weekly portfolio submission may be week 9. These weekly
(AFR), create a “conclusion” deducted for non-submission, late submission, incomplete or sub- reflections support
that you may call “Week 1 standard weekly portfolios from your week 9 Learning Portfolio that you are
Overall Reflection”, “Week 2 submission but marks will not be awarded for weekly portfolios. No reflecting on
Overall Reflection”, Week 3. weekly portfolios may result in the reflection receiving a fail grade overall. Portfolio questions
and so on. Every week you Refer Marking criteria and standards on page 6. and events that have
need to write a reflection on occurred during the
the overall Portfolio learning weeks as you have
– you can select few key progressed towards
themes from each week to week 9.
reflect on (refer to weekly
learning portfolio guide and
our class discussions on
2 Modules on Career Instructions on how to access these modules is below: The networking activities
Launch/Hub 1. Go to the link are supposed to help you prior to attending a
You are to complete two 2. When you click the link, create a Careers Hub account using your student virtual networking event
online Modules on Career ID as username and your password that you access emails/vUWS. (on Zoom) – you learn
Hub. One module is called 3. Complete the careers questions to create your profile and then confirm more about your
Networking (has 4 activities your email (you will receive an email from the careers to confirm). You networking skills.
due by Sunday of week 5) and will not be able to see the modules if you do not complete the questions
the second module is called (they are more like a survey at the beginning stages). The job application
Job application (also has 4 4. Once your careers profile is set, click "Dashboard" found on the upper module activities help
activities to complete and is right side of the page on the CareerHub page. you to prepare writing
due by Sunday of week 8). 5. Go to 200914 Working in Professions under "Dashboard". The your cover letters and
networking module activities will be there (due in week 5). If you scroll resume. This is supposed
Upon completion of each down further – you will also see the Job Application module there that is to help you in your
module you need to write due in week 8. preparation of Step 3 of
and save on your Note: The Networking module will give you 3 activities to complete (compulsory). The Assessment 2 (discussed
computer/USB fourth activity you will be given a choice between two activities (this is clearly seen when below).
approximately 150 words you open the module). When the module is completed – green ticks will appear next to
reflection on each module it. Please screenshot the page for your future reference/support to place in your appendix
(not each activities but the as proof of completion. Once both Networking module and Job application modules are
overall modules), what was completed -the careers team will email you with a confirmation email to place in your
the overall learning appendix for week 9 submission.
experience like for you (you 6. If there are still issues, go to "Question?" on the upper right side of the
need 300 words in total for CareerHub page and ask the careers team for assistance
the modules). You will place 7. If you don’t have access to the modules, issues with your login or the
this reflection under Section modules on Careers Hub please contact Adam Clayton on his email:
2 of the Final Learning Label your email clearly to indicate that
Portfolio in week 9). you are a 200914 Working in Professions Student and would like access to
the Networking & Job application modules.
NOTE: When you complete each module you may receive an email from Careers Team
stating something along the lines of “you can now place your reflection/proof of
completing this module in your assessment portfolio” – this does not mean to attach your
300 words combined reflection in any of the week’s learning portfolio but to place under
Section 2 of your final submission of the Learning Portfolio in Week 9.
Save any email you get from the Careers Team as “proof of completing
these modules” to place in the appendix of Final Assessment 2 submission
in week 9.

200914 Working In Professions Assessment 2: Learning portfolio (individual) : UEH T3, 2020 Page 7 of 8
3 Job Application: You did the Job application module activities above to prepare you for this This task is preparing
section. you when you start
You are required to create: When you draft your 2 cover letters and 2 resumes, you will need to send applying for different
-1 cover letter + 1 resume for a these through to a professional individual in the industry or networks who types of jobs and
job advertised (companies web can provide feedback on what needs improvement in your cover letters and provides you with that
site,, Careerhub, or any resume. This person needs to provide you with an objective view, and you first step foundation so
other profession job website) in need to be open to feedback that will help you to improve your job that you better
your profession that you could application writing (cover letter and resume). One person can give you understand what is
do if you were to apply for it feedback on both jobs (this is not a problem). Ensure the feedback received required in order for
(must be a legitimate job in email etc. is saved so you can place in the appendix of week 9 Assessment 2 your to apply for jobs in
advertised so you can show For the Final Learning Portfolio submission please ensure you also save a the industry.
evidence in your appendix) business card of the individual who gave you feedback, if they email it to you
- 1 cover letter + 1 resume (their email, contact details, position is important to attach). Do not meet
(selection criteria address if anyone face to face please – consider meeting the individual on Zoom or ask
required) for a job in for feedback through email.
government, not-for-profit You will write approximately 500 words of reflection on the job application
organisation or a semi- process and feedback you got on both jobs, (250 for the job of your choice
government organisation that and 250 on the government, not-for-profit or semi-gov. role). You will reflect
you could still do with the on how you felt, what you agreed with/disagreed with, how do you plan to
current degree/skills you have improve, what did you get out of this process? (did you maybe even go ahead
and apply for the job?), etc.

Assessment 2 Learning Portfolio suggested structure:

Coversheet checked and signed

Introduction: (not part of the word count) Briefly what this assessment is about and what you intend to present in
your reflection/document
Section 1: Weekly portfolio overall reflections In your reflection use the reflection guide line summaried below.
Section 1.1 Week 1 Reflection Evaluate Significance, Reconstruct the experience, Analysis: Why did it
Section 1.2 Week 2 Reflection happen that way? Distil: What lessons can be learnt? And Apply: Prepare
Section 1.3 Week 3 Reflection for future situations.
Continue until week 8 You may also use reflection guide line as headings/sub-headings e.g.
You may use key themes/topics as headings instead of Week numbers (E.g. Evaluate Significance, Reconstruct the experience, Distil, and Apply.
working internationally, ethics, professions, communication, technology, Note: approximately 1,200 words in total
networking, work life balance…. etc.
Section 2: Reflection on the 2 online Career Launch modules In your reflection use the reflection guide line summaried below.
Section 2.2 – Reflection on Networking Module – about 150 words Evaluate Significance, Reconstruct the experience, Analysis: Why did it
Section 2.3 – Reflection on Job Application Module – about 150 words happen that way? Distil: What lessons can be learnt? And Apply: Prepare
for future situations. Note: approximately 300 words in total
Section 3: Job application process In your reflection use the reflection guide line summaried below.
Section 3.1 Reflection on the job application process and the feedback on Evaluate Significance, Reconstruct the experience, Analysis: Why did it
your cover letter and resume designed for job in the profession of your happen that way? Distil: What lessons can be learnt? And Apply: Prepare
choice for future situations.
Section 3.2 Reflection on the job application process and the feedback on Note: approximately 500 words in total
your cover letter and resume (plus selection criteria address if required)
for job in the government, not-for-profit or semi-government role/job.
Conclusion: to the document (not part of word count) Your overall concluding thoughts and appreciations
Reference: Very important that you have in-text referencing and Note: Inadequate, inappropriate or inaccurate referencing that does not
provide a reference list for all the Portfolio questions you reflected on a conform to the conventions of APA style may result in the reflection
weekly basis i.e. any AFRs, any readings, additional resources and journal receiving a fail grade overall and the possibility of academic misconduct.
articles, videos of your choice that you included in any of the 8 weeks of Marks may be deducted for poor referencing technique but marks will
overall reflections not be awarded for appropriate referencing technique.
1. Appendix 1 evidence of completion of the two online modules (Networking (due in week 5) and Job Applications in Career Launch (Due in week
8). (not included in the word count). Reflections are presented in the body of your submission.
2. Appendix 2 for job in your professional field (not included in the word count).
a. Job advertisement.
b. Original and final cover letter, resume, selection criteria address where applicable.
c. Evidence/copies of feedback received on your resume and cover letter, and the name, position and contact details of the person who provided the
feedback. Note: Reflections are presented in the body of your submission.
3. Appendix 3 for job in government, quasi-government or non-for-profit sector (not included in the word count).
a. Job advertisement.
b. Original cover letter, resume, selection criteria address where applicable.
c. Final cover letter, resume, selection criteria address where applicable.
d. Evidence/copies of feedback received on your resume and cover letter and the name, position and contact details of the person who provided the
feedback. Note: Reflections are presented in the body of your submission.
4. Appendix 4 evidence of your job search process (i.e. list media/web sites or any other tools used in your job search), (not included in the
word count).
Note: No appendices may result in the reflection receiving a fail grade overall and marks may be deducted for inadequate, inappropriate or
inaccurate appendices but marks will not be awarded for appendices.

200914 Working In Professions Assessment 2: Learning portfolio (individual) : UEH T3, 2020 Page 8 of 8

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