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What Are The Vital


vital signs are a way to detect any changes in

the body system. The four main vital signs
routinely monitored by medical professionals
and health care providers include the

1. Blood pressure
2. Body temperature
What the purpose of vital

1. To determine the range of body temperature .

2. To Know the pulse ( rhythm , frequency , and Strength )
3. To Assess the ability of the cardiovascular
4. To Know the frequency , rhythm and depth of breathing
5. To Assess the ability of respiratory function
6. To Know the value of blood pressure .
What’s the blood
according to the WHO limit of normal blood pressure is 120-140 mmHg systolic pressure and diastolic pressure of 80-90 mmHg

According to the WHO, the limit of normal blood pressure is

120-140 mmHg systolic pressure and diastolic pressure is
80-90 mmHg

hypertension is systolic is >140 and diastolic is >90 mmHg

Hypotension is systolic is <120 and diastolic is <80 mmHg

The Tools The Name The Function

Stethoscope to listen to the pulse

to measure blood pressure.

Notes and pen to document the results

Picture Explanation

1. Inform consent
2. Prepare the equipment

3. Wash hands
Picture Explanation

4. Roll up the patient’s sleeve and

Identify the pulse using index,
middle, and ring fingers on
radial site.

5. Attach the cuff on the patient’s

upper arm and attach the
manometer on the cuff in line
with the patient’s heart.
Picture Explanation

6. Put on the ear pieces of

stethoscope and check the
diaphragm of stethoscope

7. Slide the diaphragm of

stethoscope, and lock the valve
and put the index, middle, and
ring finger on the radial site.
Picture Explanation

8. Pump the rubber bulb until the

pulse on radial site can not be

9. Unlock the valve slowly and

listen to the first beat, if you
hear the first beat this is
systolic and when you hear the
last beat this is diastolic

* Repeat the procedures if you

cannot hear the beating sound
Picture Explanation

10. Put off the earpieces of stethoscope and

take the diaphragm under the cuff on

11. Take the manometer on the cuff and

open the cuff from the patient’s upper

* Ask the patient to roll down the sleeve

Picture Explanation

12. Tidy up the equipments and tell the result of

measurement to the patient

13. Documentation
Body temperature is the result of a balance
between heat production and heat loss
from the body to the environment
Factors that affect body temperature :

▪ Age Weather changes

▪ Body activity Food, beverages

▪ Sex Cigarretes and drug

▪ Changes in emotions
Temperature sites


The Tools The Name The Function

See the time

Watch examination

Measuring body
The Tools The Name The Function

Tissue Clean the armpits

to document the
Notes and pen results
Picture Explanation

1. Inform consent
2. Prepare the equipment

3. Wash hands
Picture Explanation

3. Ask the patient to open her cloth

and ask the patient to relax.

4. Wipe the armpit (axilla) using

tissue and discard the tissue into
kidney bowl.
Picture Explanation

5. Turn on the digital thermometer

and check the number shown on
the thermometer, wait until the
number shown is zero.

6. Put the digital thermometer on

axilla site then ask the patient to
clasp the thermometer.
Picture Explanation

7. While waiting for the thermometer

result, check the patient’s pulse
rate and respiratory rate.

8. Hold the patient’s arm and place

index, middle, and ring fingers on
radial site.
Picture Explanation

9. Identify the pulse and put firm but

light pressure on radial site.

10. Count the pulse by seeing the

secondhand of mechanic watch in
one minute
Picture Explanation

11. Take the patient’s arm to the

patient’s chest.
Count the chest movement of the
patient without telling the
procedure in one minute.

12. After the thermometer blipping,

take the thermometer from the
patient’s axilla.
Picture Explanation

13. Wipe the thermometer using the

tissue then discard the tissue into
kidney bowl.

14. See the number shown on the

digital thermometer and turn off
the digital thermometer.
Picture Explanation

15. Tidy up the equipments and

tell the measurement results
to the patient.

16. Documentation.
Vital sign include: blood pressure and body temperature. Vital
signs have values that are essential for body functions. The
changing of vital signs has meaning as an indication of the
activities of the organs inside the body

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