Dropshipping With Shopify Ninja Book A Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners On How To Start A Dropshipping E-Commerce Business With Shopify (Best Dropshipping Books Audiobooks) by Dave Connally (Connally

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Louvier Javi
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Chapter 1 How to Earn Millions with an online store?

Chapter 2 Eliminating your complacent mindset.

Chapter 3 How A 20,000 PHP Monthly Earner Became A Millionaire

in His 20s.

Chapter 4 Starting your E-commerce business.

Chapter 5 What can you do right now?

Chapter 6 Step by step guide on: How To Start Your Own

Dropshipping Online Store in the Philippines.

Chapter 7 What to do next?

Chapter 8 Meet the author.

How to Earn Millions with An Online Store?

Let me take a guess, you downloaded this E-book because you are
tired of having the same routine every single day—working 9am to
5pm from Monday to Friday, while earning average salary barely
enough to cover your expenses.

We get it, you want something great and new that can definitely
change your life. Now, what if I tell you that you can turn your life
around through effort and dedication, and by following the secrets that
I am about to tell you?

Interesting, right?

With these steps, you will be able to:

· Earn the average monthly salary in just a few days;

· Monitor your business in the comforts of your own home;

· Expand and scale your business digitally;

· Create sentences that can make your audience thrilled to buy your

· Learn strategies that can increase sales; and

· Live a comfortable life earning money while you sleep, while you enjoy
time with your family, or even while you are on a vacation.
Sounds amazing right?

But for you to make this possible, you will need to have strong sense
of commitment and dedication. I am here to share with you everything you
need to know, but it is you who should be someone who is willing to give
his best in order to achieve this goal.

Yes, E-Commerce is a profitable business. But in order to start one, you

first need to have a proper mindset. I want to start by saying that without a
proper mindset, you won’t be able to achieve what you want .

Eliminating Your Complacent Mindset

What is a complacent mindset?

I know you can relate to this since a lot of people already experienced or
still has this way of thinking.

Did you ever have this feeling that whenever you need to do something, it
feels like someone is whispering through your ears saying that “YOU

This is what we call a complacent mindset.

The same goes for work, or going to the gym, or even as simple as waking
up early. It feels like someone is telling you to do your work tomorrow
because there is still time. Someone is telling you to not go to the gym
because it is better to watch Netflix or play games. Someone is telling you
to get more sleep because it’s your day off

after all. That voice is your complacent mindset telling you to be


You need to get rid of it by making yourself productive on a weekly basis.

How are you going to do that? You must think of what you really want to
achieve and how you will be able to reach it.


· A person who listens to audiobooks and studies on a daily

basis can achieve bigger growth than people who choose to watch
Netflix and play games.

· A person who decides to go to the gym will actually be able

to do more things because of better health.
· A person who decides to wake up early and work early can
achieve more than people who prefer to sleep the whole day.

However, I am not telling you to work until exhaustion. Relax and

recreation once in a while is also a necessity to have a healthy mind.
But if you can eliminate this complacent mindset, I can guarantee that
you will be able to achieve in 1-2 years what most people can achieve
in 10-20 years. Once you are able to fully understand and agree that
you should eliminate having a complacent mindset, we can now start
your journey of having an e-commerce business.

How A 20,000 PHP Monthly Earner Became A Millionaire in His


How can you start your own E-Commerce business?

Do you need to post your products or services on social media? Do you

need to have your own website for your products? Do you need to create
your own products, or do you need your own suppliers? Do you need your
own delivery system?

The answer is, you will be needing everything I mentioned to create a

successful E-Commerce business.

When I was just starting to build my first ever E-commerce store, I was still
inexperienced since I was new to the business world, let alone the digital
marketing world. All I had was a slow internet connection, and an old
laptop from my parents. With my dedication, commitment, and my risk-
taker attitude, I immediately invested all of my time and energy into
building a successful online store. But ofcourse, just like all normal start-
ups, it had its share of problems and challenges.
So, what happened with my first attempt?

I bought 200 pieces of products which I thought will be easy to sell since I
liked the products myself. I already had my website and ads up and running,
but I only made 3-5 sales each month. This made me lose all my money and
start all over again. As a matter of fact, I had no choice but to start working
as an office employee again to save money in order to run another test of
having my own E-commerce store.

How A 20,000 PHP Monthly Earner Became A Millionaire in His


While working as an employee, I tried building online stores several times,

but it all failed. It was really frustrating, so I have listed down all of the
Do’s and Don’ts of running an E-commerce business. I literally binged on
books about selling, marketing, consumer psychology books, and other
business books. Since I have a stable income during that time, I was not
afraid to test out a lot of methods that came into mind. And after failing
several times with the different stores that I had put up, I was finally able to
hit the right formula or what we call the “Secret Sauce” of the business.

I got overwhelmed by the result of all the experiences and knowledge I’ve
gained. Sales literally flooded in just week after knowing the

right formula, and my life has started to change.

From being a marketer who earns 20,000- 30,000 PHP monthly, I became
someone who started earning 100,000 PHP on a weekly basis on my first
ever successful store. I immediately resigned and dedicated my time in
building more online stores. I was able to replicate the system that I have

using, and started expanding my financial income .

The countless mistakes I made in the past made me discover this formula,
so, I am now here to also teach it to you. You are probably wondering, why
am I willing to tell this secret to the public? It is because I believe that I am
fortunate enough to achieve these milestones, and that it is also my job to
put that ladder back on the ground, so that dedicated individuals meant for
greatness can also use that ladder to achieve success.

Now it’s your turn!

Starting Your E-Commerce Business

It’s time for you to learn the fundamentals and I want to make it as simple
as possible for you. As I have mentioned, you need to have your full
dedication and commitment to achieve success in this industry.

Now, let’s discuss about the skills that you need to learn.

You need to learn the following points below:

· Website Development thru Shopify, Wordpress, or any relevant

websites Facebook Ads

· Copywriting

· Financial Management Logistics Inventory Management

· Business Management

You are probably thinking, “there is a lot to study!” During my time a few
years ago, I literally studied everything on my own through books, through
my failures based on actual experiences, and I also got mentored by
business owners. Back then, I would message these business owners to give
an insight about how they manage their business.

Let me ask you this, would you choose spending 2-3 years studying
everything and burning cash on Facebook ads to know what is really
Or would you choose to invest a small amount of money and have someone
mentor you and literally spoon-feed every strategy, technique, and
knowledge that he has to create a

profitable 6-7 figure revenue-generating store for you?

Make your decision !

The Rewards of Having A Successful E-Commerce Business

With the right decision and dedication, I can confidently say that this is
absolutely possible to achieve in less

than a year. Imagine earning 5-7

figures on a daily basis with minimal effort once you successfully pass the
stages of hard work needed to start this system and apply it to your own life
or business. A life that gives you comfort and freedom.

What can you do right now?

This is the most common question I have been receiving from people
who wanted to start their own E-commerce business. You have two
choices right now:

1. Start studying the items I’ve mentioned above and once you have
the capital, start your first store and learn from the mistakes you
are about to experience; or

2. Get a mentorship, prepare a capital of 20,000-40,000 PHP as

starting, build a store with mentor’s guidance, and learn while

I want you to have a proper mindset and build full dedication to really be
successful in this business. The only thing that will hinder you is your
decision on the next step that you are about to take. Let’s go ahead and talk
about the technical steps you need to take to build your own store!

How To Start Your Own Dropshipping

Online Store in the Philippines
What to Expect

You will be encountering a lot of challenges in understanding the next

several pages. Remember, this is a business that we are discussing so we
should be first familiarizing ourselves with the technical aspects needed to
run the business.

You need to first learn all the fundamentals and skills that you need before


What is E-Commerce Business? E-Commerce in the Philippines

What is Dropshipping?

Creating your own Shopify store

Decide a name for your store

How to build your own store using Shopify

Deciding and Adding Your Products with Pricing and Designing

Your store

Buying Your Domain Connecting Your Domain Publishing Your

Shopify Store

Creating Your Own Facebook Page Creating a Facebook Page

Uploading Your Logo
Uploading Your Facebook Cover Photo Facebook Business

What is Facebook Business Manager?

Facebook Business Manager Terminologies Setting Up Your Users

Creating Ad Account Adding Your Facebook Page Creating A Pixel

Installing your pixel on your Shopify and Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Terminologies Creating A Campaign

Setting up your objective

Setting Up Your Ad Sets

Creating Your Ad Creative

What is E-Commerce Business?

E-commerce is the activity of electronically buying or selling products on

online services or over the internet. This is basically the business that is
currently skyrocketing in the marketplace right now!

There are a lot of challenges in doing E-Commerce in the Philippines. Top

of the list is that Filipinos prefer receiving their ordered goods in a Cash-on-
Delivery basis which is a really big challenge for E-commerce Business
Owners. Fortunately there are some dropshipping companies who provide
their partners and other aspiring people who want to build their own online
store the opportunity to sell and have a Cash-on-Delivery System. They
also allow Filipinos build their online business without leaving their
doorstep. They will even able to manage their online business anytime,
anywhere they are!

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a supply chain management method in which the retailer

does not keep goods in stock but instead transfers its customer's orders and
shipment details to either the manufacturer, another retailer, or a wholesaler,
who then ships the goods directly to the customer.

Unlike most countries, the Philippines is not yet a country that uses
credit/debit cards for buying online products. The consumers in the
Philippines are still wary of online transactions that is why 70-80% of
consumers are still relying on Cash-on- Delivery Systems which gives
them more assurance. Because of this, we created a dropshipping
system customized for the Philippine market. Some drophispping
companies in the Philippines provide supply, inventory management,
deliveries, and remittances for each partner/client so they can manage
their business the same way they can with Dropshipping. Now, let’s
learn how you can build your own E-Commerce or Online Store!

Creating your own Shopify store

Deciding A Name for Your Store

· Keep it short and simple

· Be different

· Consider your online presence

· Get creative with your domain name

· Be original

· Find new inspiration

How To Build Your Own Store Using Shopify

Step 1 : Sign Up with Shopify visit Shopify.com.

Use the signup form to create an account.

Enter the required details and click the ‘Start free trial’ button.
Your store name needs to be unique or Shopify will ask you to choose
something else.

After this initial screen, you’ll be asked for a few more details, including
your name, address, country, and contact number.

You will also be asked if you have products and, if so, what you aim to sell.
If you’re just trying out Shopify to see if it works for you, you can select
‘I’m just playing around’ in the ‘do you have products?’ dropdown, and
‘I’m not sure’ in the ‘what will you sell?’ section. Once complete, click
‘I’m done’.

Step 2: Start Setting Up Your Online Shop

After you’ve signed up, you’ll be directed straight to your store admin
screen. Now you are ready to start customizing your store, uploading
products, and setting up payments and shipping. Your home admin screen
tells you all you need to know to get you up and running.

Step 3: Choose a “Theme” or a “Layout”

Shopify has its own official theme store. These themes are all guaranteed to
have full support from the designers so you know that your store is in good
hands. To find a theme that suits your needs, we recommend the following:

1. Browse the Theme Store

Log into Shopify and visit the Shopify Theme Store at themes.shopify.com.
You’ll find over 70 theme variations to choose from, including a good
selection of free ones.

You also could find Shopify themes on other Marketplaces, like

Template Monster one.

Use choose, category, features to pick your theme.

You can filter by paid or free, industry, and features. You can also sort
themes by price, popularity, and most recent.

2. Check the Functionality and Reviews

Once you’ve found a theme you like, click on the theme’s sample

You’ll be given more information about

the theme, such as whether the theme is responsive/mobile ready

among other features. Scroll down to read some reviews about what
other E-

retailers using the theme think of it.

3. Preview the Theme

To see the theme in action, click View Demo. You’ll see this below the
green ‘Preview Theme in your store’ button. If the theme comes in a range
of styles, you can also view demos of the different styles by clicking on
4. Get the Theme

Once you’ve found a theme you like, click the green button.

Shopify will ask you to confirm that you want to install the theme. Click
Publish as my Shop’s Theme.

Don’t worry if you’re not 100% sure it’s the right theme for you. You can
always change your mind later.

After the theme has installed, Shopify will let you know and will give you
the option to go to your Theme Manager. Your theme manager shows
published themes (the one you installed or activated most recently) and
Unpublished themes below (previously installed themes).

5. Edit Shopify Settings

The majority of Shopify themes allow you to make simple changes that can
massively change the appearance of your store. Knowing that you won’t
end up with a

website that looks like a clone of thousands other stores. Rest assured you
won’t end up with a website that looks like a clone of thousands of other
Step 4 . Deciding and Adding Your Products with Pricing

Before starting to sell your products in your own store, you should first
decide on what products you should sell.

Product Research

First, you have to find a good product that you can sell. The best thing
about this is, some dropshipping companies already have a product research
team that can help you out.

Ordering Supplies from Your Store

Before you start selling, make sure you have a good number of the products
that you are about to sell.
Step 5. Warehouse and Inventory Management

Without a dropshipping you have to planned out and handle warehouse and
inventory management yourself which eats up a lot of time. You have to
make sure that you are on track when it comes to your inventory count and
make sure that your products are stored safely. But if you'd like to partner
with a dropshipping company, they will take care of this for you!

Step 6. Packaging Your Products and Transmittal Preparation

You must make sure that your products are covered by bubble wrap
especially when they are fragile. You should always take an extra step
to protect the quality of your products by having good packaging. This
process also involves organizing documents or records to make sure all
products being shipped out have proper documentation/records. But
the best thing about this is that some dropshipping companies will
cover this for you! They have a team of professionals when it comes to
operations in handling your products and deliveries.

Step 7. Buying Your Domain

Once you've decided to build a website, you need to make an

important decision, even before you consult our round up of the best
web hosting services. I recommend using GoDaddy for buying

Buying a domain name may seem like a daunting process. After all,
since there are so many domain extensions and domain name registrars
to choose from, it can be quite difficult to know where to start.
However, once you know what is involved in buying a domain name,
the process becomes pretty straightforward.
There are three steps that you have to follow to buy a domain

Choose a domain name registrar where you will register the domain name.
You should choose a reputable registrar company that satisfies several
criteria to ensure your domain name is in the right hands. We’ll explore
those criteria below.

1. Search for your desired domain name and see if it’s available.
Domain names are a hot commodity, which means your first choice
might not be available. Fortunately, you’ve got plenty of options.

2. Register your desired domain name with your chosen domain

registrar. Once you chose an available domain name, you’ll be ready to
register it within a specific amount of time. We’ll show you exactly
how to do that, too.

3. Connecting Your Domain to Your Shopify Store

Steps: From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Domains. Click
Connect existing domain. Enter the domain that you want to connect,
such as johns-apparel.info. Click Next. Now, you need to set up your
existing domain to point to Shopify.

Here's a link for a more detailed step-by-step explanation:

http://docs.minionmade.com/shopify/s etting-up-your-domain-with-
godaddy- shopify

Step 8. Publishing Your Shopify Store

From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Preferences.

Go to the Password protection area.

Uncheck Enable password.

Click Save.

Creating Your Own Facebook Page

Facebook Page

Go to facebook.com/pages/create click to choose a page type. Fill out

the required information Click Continue and follow the on- screen

Uploading Your Logo

1. Go to your Facebook page

2. Click on display photo + sign

3. Upload your photo

4. Save

Uploading Your Cover Photo

1. Go to your Facebook page

2. C lick on cover photo add a cover

3. P age button

4. U pload your photo

5. Save
Facebook Business Manager

Business Manager is a Facebook tool that helps organize and manage your

When you join the Business Manager, coworkers can't view your personal
Facebook profile unless you approve their friend requests.

Coworkers can only see your name, work email address, and the pages and
ad accounts you have access to. You need a Facebook profile to create a
Business Manager account.

You use your Facebook username and password to sign into Business
Manager. It's a more secure way to log in than with just an email address
and password.

Note: You can create only 2 Business Manager accounts. If you need more,
please work with someone else in your organization to create additional
Business Manager accounts. Before you begin make sure that you have a
personal Facebook account to confirm your identity.

Creating a Business Manager

1. V isit business.facebook.com/overview.

2. C lick Create Account.

3. E nter a name for your business, your name and work email address
and click Next.

4. E nter your business details and click Submit.

Facebook Business Manager and Facebook Ads Terminologies

Users – Accounts that can work on your business manager

Pages – Facebook Business Pages that can be advertised in your business


Ad Account – Accounts that can be tied up to a user and page to make paid
advertising possible for the businesses.

Ad - The unit that determines what you are advertising, where it is

advertised, to whom & the bidding method.

Campaign - The structure that organizes similar ads together, and where the
overall ad budget (daily or lifetime) and start/end dates of promotion are

Conversion Tracking - With the help of an offsite pixel, optimize for &
track specific types of conversions (checkouts, registrations, leads, key page
views, adds to cart & other website conversions).

CPC - Cost Per Click bidding -- setting the maximum amount of money you
would spend per click on an ad.

CPM – Cost Per 1,000 Impressions bidding

-- setting the maximum amount of money, you would spend per 1,000 times
an ad was shown.

Custom Audience - Target offline customers (email list, phone number list,
Facebook User ID list) in Facebook Ads, regardless of whether they are

Lookalike Audience - Create an audience of users similar to the users

within a Custom Audience.

Placement – Determining where a Facebook Ad will be displayed (desktop,

a news feed, sidebar, or mobile).
To give people access to your business:

1. Go to Business Settings.

2. Click People.

3 . Click + Add.

4. Enter the work email address of the person you want to add.

5. Select the role you'd like to assign them. Be sure to read the
description for each role. Choose either Employee access or Admin
access. You can also select Show Advanced Options to choose a
Finance analyst or Finance editor.

6. Click Next

7. Choose a type of asset in the first column

8. Click Invite

Add Ad Accounts in Business Manager

In your Business Manager, you can add ad accounts that you own and get
access to ad accounts that other people or businesses own. In the Ad
Accounts section of your Business Settings, you’ll see ad accounts that you
own and ad accounts that you have access to that are owned by others. If an
ad account is owned by another person or business, below the ad account
name, you’ll see the name of the person or business who owns the ad
account. If you own the ad account, you won’t see additional information.
You can filter by Advertising for self, Advertising for partner, Owned by
self, Owned by partner, Active, Disabled or Closed. There are 3 ways to add
ad accounts to your Business Manager.
Add an Ad Account : Adding an ad account moves it permanently into
Business Manager. You must be both the owner of the ad account and an
admin in Business Manager to add the ad account. Please note, once you
add an ad account and it's moved into your Business Manager, this action
can't be reversed. All management of your ad account must be completed
within your Business Manager profile. You can't add an ad account that's
owned by another Business Manager. If you still want to work on an ad
account that's owned by a different business, you can request access to it. If
you request access to an ad account in Business Manager, the admin of that
Business Manager can grant you permission to work on it. Create a new ad
account: If you create a new ad account in Business Manager, it'll
permanently belong to that Business Manager. Once created within
Business Manager, the ad account can't be transferred to an individual
owner who doesn't own a Business Manager.

Go to Business Settings. Click Accounts and click Ad Accounts.

Click + Add. Choose one of the 3 options: Add Ad Account, Request

Access to an Ad Account or Create a new ad account.

If you choose to request access or add an ad account, enter the ad account

ID. Learn where to find the account ID.

Follow the prompts to select people and access levels.

Note: Deactivating an ad account doesn't delete the ad account from your

business. A deactivated ad account still counts towards your ad account

Add a Page to Business Manager

To add a Page to your Business Manager: Go to Business Settings.

Below Accounts, click Pages.

Click + Add.

Select Add a Page.

Enter the Facebook Page name or URL.

Note: Anyone who had access to the Page before it was added to Business
Manager will still be able to access and manage the Page.

Creating a Facebook Pixel

Create a pixel in Business Manager

Go to Business Settings in Business Manager.

Select your business. Click Data Sources.

Select Pixels.

Click the + Add button.

Type in a name for your pixel. Optional: Enter your website URL. Click

To install your pixel on your website, click Set up the Pixel Now. If you'd
like to stay in Business Manager, click Continue Managing My Business.

Installing Your Facebook Pixel in Your Shopify Store

Add a Facebook pixel ID to your online store preferences

You can add a Facebook pixel ID to your online store preferences in

Shopify to integrate the pixel with your online store. Using this integration
doesn't require you to edit your online store code.

Instead, you'll enter the Facebook pixel ID in your online store preferences.

Find detailed instructions for connecting your Shopify account to Facebook

from Facebook Advertiser Help.

From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Preferences.

In the Facebook Pixel section, you’re your Facebook pixel ID:

If you're adding a pixel for the first time, then enter the Facebook pixel ID

If you're changing to a new Facebook pixel from an existing one, then click
Change before entering the new Facebook pixel ID.

Click Save.

Facebook Ads Manager Terminologies

Reach – The number of unique people who saw your ad. Reach is 10,358 or

Amount Spent – The total money spent on a campaign, e.g. 1000 PHP

CPA – cost per acquisition - The cost to acquire a customer or lead.

CPC (All) CPC – Cost per click. CPC is the amount you pay each time
someone interacts with your ad. Your total charges are the amount spent
divided by all clicks on the ad.

Frequency – is a measure of how often one person see your ad. Frequency
is one ad impression divided by reach – displayed as an average, e.g. 2.1,
3.6 etc.

Yes, people can see your ad more than once.

Facebook Pixel – The Facebook Pixel for your Facebook ads. The pixel lets
tracks people and measures their action on your website. Page views add to
carts, conversions, and more. The pixel optimizes ads for valuable actions,
and you can create custom audiences for remarketing The Facebook pixel is
a piece of software (Java Script) code which places a blank 1×1-pixel sized
image on your website. When someone visits a page of your website the
pixel will ping Facebook and record their visit. This allows you to track
performance and calculate ROI of your campaign. The Facebook pixel is
critical to your business. Why? To track ads performance and retarget
website visitors who left before taking the action you desired.

Retargeting - In Facebook Ads and Facebook parlance retargeting is

advertising again to a person. Think of retargeting ‘a second bite at the
apple’ trying to convince a person they should buy from you.

E.g. a person visits your website to look at your products, services, or a

blog post. You then advertise, to re-engage that person. Use a ‘hey I noticed
you visited page X, anything I can help you with’ (not worded exactly like
that, because it would freak people out, but you get the idea).

Funnel - A funnel is a process. A series of steps, a journey, people take

from unaware to aware to ready to purchase.

Lookalike Audiences - A Lookalike Audience is a clone of seed audience.

Lookalike is part of the Custom Audience group of audiences.

E.g. starting with an email list of 100 customers Facebook will find
‘identical’ people to your 100 and match them with 1% (or 2, 3, 4…10)
closest match to your seed audience in a country .

Ad Auction- Facebook advertising is an auction. Yes, you are competing

with other advertisers to put your ad in front of the same audience. For each
auction, the Facebook ads platform selects the best ad to run. The auction
winner is not always the highest bidder. Because Facebook has standards. A
winning bid combines on the ads’ maximum bids, anticipated performance,
account history, and many other factors. All ads on Facebook compete
against each other in this process. The platform determines the ad is most
likely to be successful and will choose that ad.

Ad Set – The ad set controls budgeting, scheduling, audience, placement,

and optimization & delivery of ads.
Ads - The individual ad includes the creative (ex: the image, video and text
it uses).

Audience (Target) – A group of people who you choose to see your ads.

Bid – Bid is the amount of money you choose to pay to get your ad seen by
your audience. Choose automatic or manual bidding depending on how you
want to pay for your ad. See ‘Ad Auction’ above.

Budget – The most amount you’re willing to spend on each campaign.

Either daily or lifetime.

Campaign - Facebook Advertising Campaign Structure

Campaign is at the top of the pyramid. The structure follows: Campaigns >
Ad Sets > Ads, Ad sets and Ads exist within one campaign. Campaign
determines how each subsequent level functions.

Cost per 10-Second Video View - The average cost per 10-second video
view. Calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of 10-second
video views.

Cost Per Action - This is the average amount you pay for each action
people take on your ad. The amount depends on the target audience and the
number of competitors. Well-designed ads encourage people to take action.
More actions, the lower your cost per action.

Cost per Lead (Conversion)CPL – The average cost for each lead you get.
Either actions on your website or lead form completed. Cost per Offer
Claim The average cost for each offer claim as a result of your ad.

Cost per Page Engagement – The average cost per action related to the Page
and your Page’s posts as a result of your ad. Cost per Page Like. The
average cost for each Page like as a result of your ad.

CTR - is the click-through rate for all clicks. Defined as the total number of
clicks you received (ex: offsite clicks, likes, event responses) divided by the
number of impressions.
Device - The device on which the conversion event you’re tracking
occurred. For example, “Desktop” if someone converted on a desktop

Lifetime Budget – A lifetime budget is an amount for a campaign. Budgets

are set at the ad set level. Except for CBO, campaign budget optimization,
which is set at the campaign level.

Link Clicks – The number of clicks on links an ad directing people off

Facebook. E.g. clicks to install an app, view an offsite video, clicks to a
website, call-to-action etc.

Conversion Campaign – Get sales. Website conversion objective is you

asking Facebook to find people in the audience most likely to convert on
your website.

Convert = signup, buy, etc.

Website Conversion Value – The total value returned from conversions on

your website as result of your ad.

How You Can Start Creating Your Campaign

Step 1: Select Your Campaign Objective

Step 2: Give Your Ad Campaign a Name

Step 3: Set Up the Audience Targeting

Step 4: Set Up Your Ad Placement

Step 5: Set Up Your Campaign Budget and bidding

Step 6: Set Up Your Facebook Ads

I recommend you to study Facebook blue print and get a mentor in order to
simplify this big process.

What to do next?
Being able to learn the content in this E-book will give you a better
foundation on how you can create a store that can give you millions of sales
monthly. Although, I am not expecting everyone to move forward with this
business because this requires strong dedication and effort.

Meet the Author

"When hard work, discipline, and talent come together, great things will
surely happen."

This line basically sums up the life of the 27-year-old multimillionaire and
digital entrepreneur, Louvier Javi. Aside from being a businessman, he is
also an Day Trader in the stock market and crypto market, and is currently
creating his own fitness brand with his own clothing line. However, same
with every success story, Louvier also had his own share of challenges and
difficulties before becoming the person that he is today.

Louvier was originally an aircraft mechanic; but being unsatisfied with the
results, he decided to take up another job as a sales manager in a digital
marketing company. To be more financially stable, he also tried entering the
stock market but he could only earn little amounts due to the small capital
he had for his investments. But this did not dishearten Louvier. Rather than
dwelling on the past, he decided to take the risk and maintain a positive
outlook in life.

Armed with the resources he borrowed from family and friends, and with
the help of the advice of his mentor, Zack Briones and Tristan Ilay, he
entered the world of e-commerce and succeeded. He believed in his
capabilities and proved all his doubters wrong.

“For me, it’s about not giving up and believing in yourself. Do not let others
who do not believe in you put you down, rather use their words as a
challenge for you to push yourself beyond your limit. Be strong mentally
and emotionally because it is only through this that you will grow and
succeed,” he stated.

Now, Louvier’s goal is to train people to have the same success as him. For
him, his purpose now is to help and guide those who have the same dreams
and aspirations as he has before, for them to be able to lead others in the
future as well. This has become his sole purpose in life. By using his
success as living proof to prove that anyone can become successful with
hardwork. And because Louvier is a very religious person, he also wants to
change the perception of people about religion by using his fame in
reaching out to those who have lost their way.

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