Module Unit 1

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3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,
seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,
kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta
menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai
dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajari di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu
menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks
4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Learning Objectives
1. Identify the meaning, purpose of communication, text structure, and language
elements contained in the related oral and written transactional interaction
texts with identity, and family relationships according to the context of use.
2. Asking and giving information about identity and family relationships by using
the right text structure according to the context of use.
3. Interact appropriately using expressions and statements relating to the act of
giving and asking for information related to identity and family relationships in
the context of the right time.
Nice to meet you
A. Introducing Myself

Introduction includes nouns, while for verbs it is introduced, which means to

introduce oneself.
Let me introduce myself, which means "allow me to introduce myself" in a self-
introduction conversation. I would like to introduce myself or I’d would like to
introduce myself, two other sentences that appear more subtle or polite. This
sentence is then usually followed by my name is (your name), and so on until it
becomes a complete introduction.

The following box is a description of the expression of the act of giving and asking
for information related to identity.

When you introduce yourself to someone older or in a higher position at work, or

when you are at a formal meeting, you use a formal introduction.

Informal introduction Responses

 Hello, I am … Nice to meet you.  Hi, I am … Nice to meet you.
 Hi, I am……Nice to meet you.  Hello, I am … Nice to meet you.
 Excuse me. I am … what’s your name?  I am …
 Hi, what’s your name …  Hello. I am … / My name’s …

When you introduce yourself to someone your age, you use an informal introduction.
In a casual setting, an informal introduction is used.

Asking and Responding expressions

Asking Responding
What’s your name? My name’s …
What’s his/her name? His/her name is …
How old are you? I’m 16 years old
Where do you come from? I come from Tarakan
Who is your favorite singer? He’s/She’s …


Dialogue 1
William : Hello, my name is William. I am your new neighbor.
Ben : Hi, William. I am Ben. Nice to meet you.

Dialogue 1
Julita : Hello. I’m Julita.
Arni : Hi Julita. I’m Arni. (hold out hand to shake)
Julita : Nice to meet you Arni. Where are you from?
Arni : Malinau, Tanjung Lapang. And you?
Julita : I’m from Tarakan. I live in Kampung 6.

Dialogue 2
Lidia : Good afternoon!
Sinta : Good afternoon! My name is Sinta.
Lidia : Hello. My name is Lidia.
Sinta : Have we ever met?
Lidia : No, we haven’t met yet. Pleased to meet you!
Sinta : Pleased to meet you too.

Dialogue 3
Dian : Good morning. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Dian.
Rian : Good morning. My name is Rian. Nice to meet you.
Dian : Nice to meet you too.

Introducing Yourself
The following is an example of a text talking about self-introduction in front of the
class as a new student entering or transferring.

Good morning everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is

Tasya Julian. I was born in Malinau on July 20 2000. I now
live in Tarakan. Right now I am staying at my aunt’s house.
Now allow me to introduce myself further. I like adventure,
and small things like singing, swimming, and spending my free
time eating. Okay now about me and my family. I am the
third child in my family. I have a little brother, and he is a
middle school student. My father is a doctor named Julian
Angkasa and my mother is a nurse. I love my family more
than anything. Well, that’s my introduction this time. Pleased
to meet you.

Let’s Act!
Exercise 1
Complete the dialogue below with the correct word!

1. Wandha : Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit beside you? I’m waiting my cousin.
Ajeng : No. It’s OK. …… .
Wandha : Hi, I’m Tuti.

2. Ester : Hello, …… Nice to meet you.

Andien : Hi, I am Andien. ……

3. Markus : Good morning. …… . I’m Markus.

Nino : Good morning. My name is Nino. …… .
Markus : Nice to meet you too. We are in the same class, right? I noticed your
name on the list of students in my class.
Nino : Yeah, right.

4. Allen : Excuse me. Are you Jody?

Jody : Yes. I’m Jody Mulya.
Allen : How do you do, Jody? I’m Allen from Borneo Tarakan University.
Jody : …… . Nice to see you.
Allen : …… . Did you have a good journey?
Jody : Yes. It was fine, thanks.

5. Josef : ……
Lili : I was born in Samarinda.

6. Vivi : ……
Andy : It's 15 Udau Jalung.

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with personal information about yourself. You can select some
data from the boxes.


School subjects: Jobs: Movies: Months:

English, Teachers, Architects, War movie, thriller, January, February,
Mathematics, Fishermen, Nurses, sci-fi movie, action March, April, May,
Biology, Sociology, Midwives, Doctors, movies, comedy, June, July, August,
Cultural Arts, Firefighters, romantic comedy, September,
Physical Education, Conductors, Lawyers, horror movie, October,
Economics, Physics, Farmers, Breeders, animated cartoons. November,
Chemistry, Pilots, Machinists, December.
German. Journalists, Writers,
Chefs, Tailors,
Drivers, Police.

Hi, my name’s …… I’m from …… (country). I live in …… (city). I’m …… years old. My
birthday is on …… I’m a student at …… My favorite food is …… My favorite drink
is …… There are …… people in my family. They are …… My father is a …… and my
mother a …… I would like to be a …… because …… My hobby is …… In my free time,
I also like …… I don’t like …… My favorite subject is …… My favorite sport is ……
My favorite day of the week is …… because …… My favorite month is …… because
…… My favorite singer (or band) is …… I like …… (movies or dramas). My favorite
place is …… I like it because …… The most beautiful place in my country is …… I
study English because ……

B. Introducing Others
Introducing others entails introducing people to one another and telling their
names so that both parties can get to know one another. Introducing others
does not only refer to introducing one person to another, but it can also refer
to introducing two or more people, such as introducing family members.

The following is a description of the expression of the act of giving and asking for
information related to family and others.

Formal introduction Responses

 Good morning, may I introduce our  How do you Mr./Mrs. … nice to meet
guest here, … you.
 Her name is …  My name is …
 Mr. … this is … my friend in this
 I‘d like to introduce you to Mrs.
 Sonya, let me introduce you to …
 Angel, may I introduce you to …
 Mr. Juno, allow me introduce you to
Miss ...

Informal introduction Responses

 Let me introduce my friend, his  Hello Jay, glad to meet you.

name is Jay.  Hello Ody, I am Alya.
 Alya this is Jacob my friend here.  Glad to see you.
 Chika, this is Didi, Nana and Oliv.  How do you do nice to meet/see you.
 Oh … Nini, I d like you to meet …  No, I don’t think so.
 By the way, do you know each other?  No, I haven’t.
 Do you know Lisa?  Hi, glad to meet you. I’m Jody.
 Have you met Jansen?  Hello, Nana. Pleased to meet you.
 This is a friend of mine, Jody.  I’m glad to know you.
 Lily this is Jeno, my friend.  It’s nice to meet you.
 May I introduce our new member,  How do you do?
Mrs. Juliet Anderson?  How do you do? It’s very nice to meet
 Please allow me to introduce our new you.
 Let me introduce you to Mr. Thomas
our Finance Manager. Mr. Thomas,
this is Mrs. Yolanda from Borneo
Fisheries Company.

Example :

Dialogue 1
Irene : Joy, this is my brother Daniel, and Daniel this is Joy.
Joy : Nice to meet you.
Daniel : Nice to meet you, too.
Irene : Daniel, Joy likes dancing. I think both of you have the same hobby.
Daniel : Really? We have to practice dancing together sometimes.

Dialogue 2
Peter : Josh, I would like you to meet my friend, Grace.
Josh : I am delighted to meet you.
Grace : I am delighted to meet you, too.

Dialogue 3
Mika : Sella, I would like you to meet my cousin, Julia.
Julia : Hi, Sella. My name is Julia. I am Mika’s cousin.
Sella : Hello. I am Sella. Nice to meet you.
Introducing Others (family and other people)

Hi, class! Let me introduce my friend. Her name is Desty

Astika. Her nickname is Desty. She was born in Malinau, 06
March 1999. Her father is a teacher in Tarakan. Her
hobbies are eating, taking pictures, and singing. Her favorite
food is fried chicken. Her favorite drink is chocolate. She
wants to be a nurse. Her favorite dramas are romance and
comedy. Her favorite songs are K-pop and I-pop. I think
that’s enough. If you have questions about her, she will
answer happily. Thank you.

Hello everyone. Let me introduce my cousin. His name is

Hartoyo. You can call him Toyo. He was born in Kuala on 20 July
2000. His father is my father's older brother. His father works
as an accountant and his mother is a housewife. He likes any
food, but he doesn't like spicy food. He also really likes any
drink that contains coffee. He doesn't really like watching
movies, but he likes The Avengers movie. For his favorite songs,
he likes to listen to Western songs, especially Bruno Mars'
songs. I think that's enough from me about my cousin. Thank
Let’s Act!

Exercise 3
Write the following dialogue and practice it with your friends.

Situation: You're going to introduce your sister Bella to a new neighbor, Jasmine.
Ask and give information related to hobby and favourite subject at school.

You : Bella, I want to introduce our new neighbour. Her

name is Jasmine.
Bella : ………………………………………………………………………………
Jasmine : …………………………………………………………………………
Bella : ………………………………………………………………………………
Jasmine : …………………………………………………………………………
Bella : ………………………………………………………………………………
Jasmine : …………………………………………………………………………
You : Let’s play in the garden. It is a bright day.
Bella and Jasmine : Let’s go.

Exercise 4

Let’s Speak Up!

Make the identification of other people (family or friends). After that, try
reading it aloud in front of your friend. Remember to use the Text Structure of
Introduction that you learned previously. Take note of your pronunciation and

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