Chapter 6-Item Analysis and Validation

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Cuwrrer 6 ITEM ANALYsIg AND VALIDATION & LEARNING OUTCOMES = Explain the meaning of tem anal lysis, item validity, reliability, item Gificulty, discrimination index > Determine the Validity and reliability of given test items INTRODUCTION The teacher normally prepares a draft of the test, Such a draft is subjected to item analysis and validation in order to ensure that the final version of the test would be useful and functional. First, the teacher tries out the draft test to a group of students of similar characteristics as the intended test takers (try-out phase). From the try-out group, each item will be analyzed in terms of its ability to discriminate between those who know and those who do not know and also its level of difficulty (item analysis phase). The item analysis will provide information that will allow the teacher to decide whether to revise or replace an item (item revision phase). Then, finally, the final draft of the test is subjected to validation if the intent is to make use of the test as a standard test for the particular unit or grading period, We shall be concemed with these concepts in this Chapter. 6.1. Item Analysis There are two important characteristics of an item that will be of interest to the teacher. These are: (a) item difficulty, and 85 ‘Assessuent oF Leawunes Ourcowes (Assessuen™ 1) pl a ls ee ee a We shall learn how to measure the ation index (b) discrimin: in making « deena characteristics and apply our knowledg about the item in question. The difficulty of an item or item difficulty is defined as yy, number of students who are able to answer the item corregy, divided by the total number of students. Thus: Item difficulty = number of students with correct answer total number of students The item difficulty is usually expressed in percentage, Example: What is the item difficulty index of an item if 25 students are unable to answer it correctly while 75 answered it correctly? Here, the total number of students is 100, hence, the item difficulty index is 75/100 or 75%. One problem with this type of difficulty index is that it may not actually indicate that the item is difficult (or easy). A student who does not know the subject matter will naturally be unable to answer the item correctly even if the question is easy. How do we decide on the basis of this index whether the item is too difficult or too easy? The following arbitrary rule is often used in the literature : Range of Difficulty Index Interpretation Action 0-0.25 Difficult Revise or discard 0.26 - 0.75 Right difficulty Retain 0.76 — above Easy Revise or discard Difficult items tend to discriminate between those who know and those who do not know the answer, Conversely, easy items cannot discriminate between these two groups of students. We are therefore interested in deriving a measure that will tell us whether an item C3? discriminate between these two groups of students. Such a measure is called an index of discrimination, Chapter 6 — item Analysis and Validation An easy way ¢ aifnichlt aa ties S a wud ® Measure is to measure how : SPECK t0 those j mead ho fecee in the upper 25% of the ies oe X18 with respect to those in the love i508 oe the clas Upper 25% of the ‘ lower 25% found it difficult, then ee the item easy yet the between these two groups, Thee can discriminate properly Index of discriminatio, = DU~DL Example: Obtain the ind of discriminati ish upper 25% of the class iad a ‘scrimination of an item if the ‘ upper 25% got the correct answer) while the lower 25% of the class had a difficulty index of 0.29 Here, DU = 0.60 while DL = 0.20, thus j fea ae 60-30 Sap, 20, thus index of discrimination Theoretically, the index of discrimination can range from -1.0 (when DU =0 and DL = 1) to 1.0 (when DU = 1 and DL = 0). When the index of discrimination is equal to -1, then this means that all of the lower 25% of the students got the correct answer while all of the upper 25% got the wrong answer. In a sense, such an index discriminates correctly between the two groups but the item itself is highly questionable. Why should the bright ones get the wrong, answer and the poor ones get the right answer? On the other hand, if the index of discrimination is 1.0, then this means that all of the lower 25% failed to get the correct answer while all of the upper 25% got the correct answer. This is a perfectly discriminating item and is the ideal item that should be included in the test. From these discussions, let us agree to discard or revise all items that have negative discrimination index for although they discriminate correctly between the upper and lower 25% of the class, the content of the item itself may be highly dubious. As in the case of the index of difficulty, we have the following rule of thumb: Index Range Interpretation Action -1.0 — -.50 Can discriminate Discard : but item is questionable 55 - 0.45 Non-discriminating Revise 0.46 — 1.0 Discriminating item Include ASSeSSwENT oF Learn OuTcowes (Assesswex™ 1) Example: Consider a multiple choice ‘Pe of test of which the following data were obtained: Item Options ‘ B* Cc 1 ; 40 20 20 Total 3 7 OS 0 Upper 25% 0 gee 1g tS Lower 25% The correct response is B. Let us compute the difficulty index ang index of discrimination: Difficulty Index = no. of students getting correct response/total = 40/100 = 40%, within range of a "good item” The discrimination index can similarly be computed: DU = no. of students in upper 25% with correct response/no. of students in the upper 25% = 15/20 = .75 or 75% DL = no. of students in lower 75% with correct response/ no. of students in the lower 25% = 5/20 = .25 or 25% Discrimination Index = DU - DL = .75 - .25 = .50 or 50%. Thus, the item also has a “good discriminating power”. It is also instructive to note that the distracter A is not an effective distracter since this was never selected by the students. Distracters C and D appear to have good appeal as distracters. Basic Item Analysis Statistics The Michigan State University Measurement and Evaluation Department reports a number of item statistics which aid in evaluating the effectiveness of an item. The first of these is the index of difficulty which MSU (http/ defines as the Proportion of the total group who got the item wrong. “Thus a high index indicates a difficult item and a low index indicates an easy item. Some item analysts prefer an index of difficulty which is the Proportion of the total group who got an item right. This index may be obtained by marking the PROPORTION RIGHT option on the item analysis header sheet. Whichever index is selected is show! (Chaper 6 — Nem Analysis and Validation fim 3 igher than 80, with an 0 oF 40 to @ maximum of 60. The INDEX OF DIS. i CRIMINATIO) the proportion of the y, IN is the difference between is, when 100% of the upper answer the item correctly, F 50 difficulty, the j i More Sophisticated Discrimination Index Ttem discrimination Tefers to the ability of an item to differentiate among students on the basis of how well they know the material being tested. Various hand c; just high and low scoring groups. The item discrimination index provided by ScorePak® isa Pearson Product Moment correlation between student responses to a particular item and total scores on all other items on the test, This index is the equivalent of a point-biserial coefficient in this application. It provides an estimate of the degree to which an individual item is measuring the same thing as the rest of the items, Because the discrimination index reflects the degree to which an item and the test as a whole are measuring a unitary ability or attribute, values of the coefficient will tend to be lower for tests Measuring a wide range of content areas than for more homogeneous tests. Item discrimination indices oe always be interpreted in the Context of the type of test which is being analyzed. Items with low discrimination indices are often ambiguously worded and should T Assessuent oF Leaswans OuTcowes (ASSESSMENT 1) 90 (ee eae ee ith negative indices should be examined 4, Jue was obt mis-keyed, s negative value may. indicate that the item was 1 ie 50 that i in unl students who knew the material tended to choose al eyed, buy correct, response option. be examined. Items w! or example i saative val ained. For example, , determine why a negative I consistency consist of items with mostly positive relati ‘ore, In practice, values of the discrimination index will seldom exceed .50 because of the differing e distributions. ScorePak® classifies Tests with high internal ionships with total test sc shapes of item and total scor os item discrimination as “good” if the index is above -30; “fait” if i i between .10 and.30; and “poor” if it is below .10. ‘A good item is one that has good discriminating ability and has sufficient level of difficult (not too difficult nor too easy). In the two tables presented for the levels of difficulty and discrimination there is a little area of intersection where the two indices will coincide (between 0.56 to 0.67) which represent the good items in a test, (Source: Office of Educational Assessment, Washington DC, USA http://www. item_analysis.html) At the end of the Item Analysis report, test items are listed according to their degrees of difficulty (easy, medium, hard) and discrimination (good, fair, poor). These distributions provide a quick overview of the test, and can be used to identify items which are not performing well and which can perhaps be improved or discarded. UMMARY The Item-Analysis Procedure for Norm-Provides the following information 1. The difficulty of the item 2. The discriminating power of the item 3. The effectiveness of each alternative Benefits derived from Item Analysis 1. It provides useful information for class discussion of the test. 2. It provides data which helps students improve their learning, 3. It provides insights and skills that lead to the preparation of better tests in the future. Chapter 6 - lem Analysis and Validation Index of Difficulty p= Ru+e. whee Where: Ru — The number in the Upper group who answered the item correctly. Ru — The number in the lower gro T — The total number up who answered the item correctly. who tried the item, Index of item Discriminating Power Ru+ oe RL ”’T Where: P — percentage who answered the item correctly (index of difficulty) R_ — number who answered the item correctly L — total number who tried the item, 8 P= — x 100 = 40% 20 The smaller the percentage figure the more difficult the item Estimate the item discriminating power using the formula below: Ru — RL 6-2 Pepa ean eS ee OAD AT 10 The discriminating power of an item is reported as a decimal Fraction; maximum discriminating power is indicated by an index of 1.00. Maximum discrimination is usually found at the 50 percent level of difficulty 0.00 — 0.20 = Very difficult 0.21 — 0.80 = Moderately difficult 0.81 — 1.00 = Very easy ‘Assesswent oF Learun Outcomes (Assesswent 1) pe 6.2. Validation After performing the item analysis and cere the items which need revision, the next step is to validate i instrumen, The purpose of validation is to determine the cl aren of the whole test itself, namely, the validity and relia lity of the test. Validation is the process of collecting and analyzing evidence to support the meaningfulness and usefulness of the test. Validity. Validity is the extent to which a test measures what it purports to measure or as referring to the appropriateness, correctness, meaningfulness and usefulness of the specific decisions a teacher makes based on the test results. These two definitions of validity differ in the sense that the first definition tefers to the test itself while the second refers to the decisions made by the teacher based on the test. A test is valid when it is aligned to the learning outcome. A teacher who conducts test validation might want to gather different kinds of evidence. There are essentially three main types of evidence that may be collected: content-related evidence of validity, criterion-related evidence of validity and Construct-related evidence of validity. Content-related evidence of validity refers to the content and format of the instrument. How Criterion-related evidence of validity refers to the relationship between scores obtained using the instrument and Scores obtained using one or more other tests (often called criterion), How strong is this relationship? How well do such Scores estimate present or predict future fies teen type? certain oe ‘The teacher then rewrites any item So checked and resubmits to the experts and/< i i ‘Or Writes new items to cover those objectives not heretofore covered by the existing test. This continues until the experts approve of all items and also until the experts agree that all of the objectives are sufficiently covered by the test. In order to obtain evidence of criterion-related validity, the teacher usually compares scores on the test in question with the Scores on some other independent criterion test which presumably has already high validity. For example, if a test is designed to measure mathematics ability of students and it correlates highly with a standardized mathematics achievement test (external criterion), then we say we have high criterion-related evidence of validity. In particular, this type of criterion-related validity is called its concurrent validity. Another type of criterion-related validity is called predictive validity wherein the test scores in the instrument are correlated with scores on a later performance (criterion measure) of the students. For example, the mathematics ability test constructed by the teacher may be correlated with their later performance in a Division wide mathematics achievement test. Apart from the use of correlation coefficient in measuring criterion-related validity, Gronlund suggested using the so-called expectancy table. This table is easy to construct and consists of the test (predictor) categories listed on the left hand side and the criterion categories listed horizontally along the top of the chart. For example, suppose that a mathematics achievement test is constructed and the scores are categorized as high, average, and low. The criterion measure used is the final average grades of the students in high school: Very Good, Good, and Needs Improvement. The two way table lists down the number of eee ek See ee erga ES irs of (test, students falling under each of the possible pairs of (test, Stade) as shown below: Grade Point Average Needs Improvement Test Score Very Good | Good - a 0 10 5 Average 10 2 — ; 10 14 The expectancy table shows that there were 20 students getting high test scores and subsequently rated excellent in terms of their final grades; 25 students got average scores and subsequently rated good in their finals; and finally, 14 students obtained low test scores and were later graded as needing improvement. The evidence for this particular test tends to indicate that students getting high scores on it would be graded excellent; average scores on it would be rated good later; and students getting low scores on the test would be graded as needing improvement later. We will not be able to discuss the measurement of construct- related validity in this book since the method to be used require sophisticated statistical techniques falling in the category of factor analysis. j 6.3. Reliability Reliability refers to the consistency of the scores obtained — how consistent they are for each individual from one administration of an instrument to another and from one set of items to another. We already gave the formula for computing the reliability of a test: for internal consistency; for instance, we could use the split-half method or the Kuder-Richardson formulae (KR-20 or KR-21) Reliability and validity are related c is unreliable, it cannot yet valid outcomes validity may improve (or it may not). 1. shown scientifically to be valid then it is reliable. ‘oncepts. If an instrument 8. As reliability improves, ‘Owever, if an instrument is almost certain that it is also the following table ig g educational tests and meas Reliability 50 - 60 .50 or below Standard fo) low. ‘urement ‘ed almost Universally in Excellent relia bility; at the level of the best Standardized test ts, Very good for a classroom test oad for a classroom test; in the range of most. here are Probably a few items which could be Improved. Somewhat low. This test needs to be supplemented by other measures (e.g., more tests) to determine Brades. There are probably some items which could be improved. Suggests need for revision of test, unless it is quite short (ten or fewer items), The test definitely needs to be supplemented by other measures (e.g., more tests) for grading. Questionable reliability. This test should not contribute heavily to the course grade, and it needs revision.

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