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Market Environment Analysis: Washing Machine

Consumer Behaviour Analysis: Tea

Marketing Management 1
Section G

Submitted to
Prof. Devashish Das Gupta



Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow

Table of Contents
Market Analysis of Washing Machines in India 1
Political environment 2
Economic environment 2
Socio-cultural factors 2
Technology 2
Environmental 2
Legal 2
Microenvironment analysis of the company 2
Macro environment analysis of the company 2
Opportunities for the company 2
Marketing environment changes 2

Consumer behavior analysis of tea in India 4

Introduction 5
Abstract 5
Scope of the study 5
Types of consumer behavior 5
Research Methodology 5
Primary research overview
Consumer behavior and market trends 5
Buying decision process of tea in India 5
Problem Recognition 6
Information search6
Evaluation of alternatives 6
Purchase decision 6
Post Purchase behavior 6
Marketing Implication 5
Executive Summary 5
References 5
Over the forecast period, India's washing
machine market is expected to rise rapidly.
Washing machines are a well-liked choice
for laundry clothes since they save both
energy and time. Various technological
advancements in washing machines are
made within the recent decade, leading to
increased efficiency in terms of saving
electricity and water. A washing machine
is powered by water. This has also allowed
important industry players to capture a
substantial share of the washer market.
Furthermore, the govt has recently  
launched many efforts aimed mainly Market Leaders in Indian Market: 
towards the event of rural households, and
with a rise in India's per capita income, On the Indian market, there are 34 companies
demand for laundry machines is probably selling washing machines. LG is the market
leader in the industry with 29% market share
going to rise.
followed by Samsung (18%), Whirlpool
India has a washing machine size of 6.5 (16%), Godrej (11) and others.
million units with the lowest penetration  
level of 11 percent. The market size in  
2018 was found to be near about Rs. 9571
Crore with automatic machine portion has
a share of whopping 62 percent.

Type of washing machines in Indian


 Air dresser 
 Dryer 
 Washer only 
 Washer with dryer 
 A fully automatic front load 
 Fully automatic top load 
 Semi-automatic top load 
Indian Washing Machine Market: End-
The market is divided mainly and broadly into
two categories based on the end-use of
washing machines i.e. commercial and
residential. The demand for washing machines
for households in India is predicted to grow
further in the next few years due to an increase Political Environment: 
in disposable income and a decrease in the
average selling price of the washing machine.  Current State
The GST rate for household electronic
appliances like washing machines is fixed at
28% and it is very likely that 2-3% of the
burden is being transferred to the customer and
the total aggregate custom duty on the washing
machines is 40.8% which is enormous and
make the washing machine out of the reach of
the average Indian. 

Made in India Campaign is focused on

manufacturing washing machines in India
and In 2018, around 5 million washing
machines were manufactured in India and it is
estimated that the market size of washing       
machines will reach USD 1698 until 2026. 
China is the biggest producer washing machine industry growth rate - The
of washing machines in the world as their Washing machine industry is expected to grow
production reaches 76 million units in 2016. at a CAGR of 3 % while the fully automatic
But, India’s relation with China is continuous washing machine will grow at a rate of 5.6 %  
on a roller coaster ride which can affect the Higher electricity consumption affects and the
washing machine industry of India.  washing machine market growth 
Social-Cultural Factors
Economic Environment
Rising Growth of Urbanization spiking
Reduction in GDP - The per capita GDP has market development: 
reduced nearly 10% from 2019 to 2020, owing Better infrastructure, corporate rise, better
mainly due to Covid. This economic school and colleges, and the presence of
slowdown can reduce the market for Washing hotels, motels that require a quick laundry
machines. But it is predicted that it will cleaning process has clearly spiked the
increase from 2021 - 2026.  demand for the washing machine. 

Per capita income – The per capita income of Upsurging growth of the Apparel and
India has increased around 3% though there is fashion industry: 
a decrease in the GDP. There is a continuous shift in the fashion
industry across various cultures and this results
Exchange rates - The exchange rate in high demand for fashion garments and
of Indian rupees vs the US dollars is apparel. According. to The World Bank the
continuously increasing from 2009, there is a total consumption will increase from 62
slight dip in the past year with the exchange million metric tons in 2019 to 102 million
rate around 73 rupees. The exchange rate will metric tons in the period of 10 years which
affect the companies who make imports & will increase the market size of washing
exports.   machines. 

Unemployment rate - The unemployment rate Needed for work-life balance for a working
of 2020 hit a spike of 7.11% due to the impact couple:  
of covid. Still there are lockdowns being The washing machines have become an
imposed which causes unemployment.   alarming need in the face of continuous
increase in the number of working couples in
skilled and unskilled sectors for maintaining
the work-life balance in their life. 
Adequate tech advancement for operations-
The country does not have the adequate tech
India has one of the stringent labour laws as it
infrastructure to build manufacturing tech.
is a socialist country. But now the labour laws
Typically the technology needed is imported
are slowly slackened to support the businesses
from other countries. 
and the government outlook in also looking
Cost & availability of Technology - As the
very positive towards the business if we look
tech is to be ordered & imported from other
at our industry particularly.
countries, it’ll take a lot of time to set up a
There are various safety rules under the
manufacturing facility. The import will drive
factories act, 1940 which every company has
up the cost of the technology and in addition
to adhere in order to run their plant
there are higher tax rates for imports. 
successfully and without any disturbances.
There are no complex entry and exit laws are
in placed in India currently which is currently
Environmental try to attract the FDI in order to boost the
  economy GDP.
Water Pollution: Consumer protection rights also affect the
Every time you run that washer; you'll be industry which persuades a company to adhere
releasing over 700,000 microscopic plastic to the rules for satisfying the consumer and
fibers into the environment. These plastic avoiding any defrauding activity in the
fibers can poison the aquatic animals that organization, and the companies are expected
accidentally to provide the after-sales services in order to
induce them. maintain the consumer royalty and saving
himself from the legal proceedings.
Depending on the sort of washer you employ,
up to 40 gallons of water could also be used
per a load of laundry. if we continue this
LG: A Market Leader  
behavior the environment and humanity will  
face serious consequences. LG is the market leader in the washing
machine industry in India. LG has 37% market
by volume and has 29% market share by
revenue in FY2020.  Company produces semi-
The washer utilizes a big amount of energy to
automatic washing machines, fully automatic
heat up the water system so as to scrub the
washing machines (front load and top load)
garments, when these fossil fuels are burned to
and dryers. In fully automatic segment, Front
supply that energy, this will contribute to the
load machines reign 60% of the revenue share.
worldwide warming crisis, meaning water
Company also produces other home appliances
level rise and dangerous weather changes.
like TV & Refrigerator but washing machine
machines forms the largest product category
Future step for the industry: for the company with a contribution of 65% of
A 2013 report by the American Council for an the total home appliances’ revenue.  
Energy-Efficient Economy and therefore the The company’s market is dominated by fully
Natural Resources Defense Council Water automatic machine with a share of 64% while
suggests that upgrades of economic washing the semi-automatic washing machines have a
machines may result in savings of 9.3 to 29.6 share of about 25%.  
gallons of water. The company has set up 2 manufacturing sites
So, it's necessary to bring out the important in India in Pune and Noida which caters to the
changes within the technology or the policies demand from India. It also exports 10% of its
of the producers in order that the washer produced units to some middle- east countries. 
industry can thrive. The Company plans to focus on growing this
category further given that there is very low
market penetration and huge potential with intense. The competition leads to continuous
new energy and water saving technologies.  innovation in the sector, thus increasing the
rivalry. The homogeneity in the product and
low switching cost is also one of the prime
Market share by Revenue reasons for the fierce competition enjoyed by
this industry. 
for XYZ   
Threat of New Entrants 
11% Fully automatic
Semi-automatic As the industry is oligopoly, and it’s a highly
Dryers capital-intensive and major players have
25% developed brand equity, so there is less threat
from the new players. But here the brand
loyalty enjoyed by the players are moderate. 
Threat of Substitute Product 

  As there is no product differentiation, and the

technology advancement included in the
Micro-environment Analysis of product has increased. The buyer has
the Company tremendous prosperity to substitute, so the
   company enjoys medium threat from this
Porter's Five Forces Analysis can reveal the factor 
profitability of a specific market segment as   
well as the power balance that exists within it. Bargaining power of suppliers 
To accomplish so, we only need to evaluate
the five elements listed below. 
As product differentiation is very low, so by
 Buyer power 
changing the inputs, the firms cannot
 Supplier power  drastically differentiate on price. Also, there
 Competitive rivalry  are many suppliers for the components, and
 The threat of new entrants  the company purchases them in bulk.
 Threat of substitution  Suppliers in an agreement do not enjoy the
bargaining powers. 
Bargaining power of Customers 
 As with the fast and efficient exchange of
information, this has made the customers to be
powerful. The threat is high under this section
as the buyer’s switching cost is very less. 
Macro Environment Analysis of
PESTEL Analysis is a strategic framework
used to evaluate the external environment of
   the business by breaking down the
Competitive rivalry  opportunities and risks into 
Political, Economic, Social, Technological, E
The product is an augmented product, as there nvironment and Legal factors. 
are large numbers of players in the consumer   
washing machine industry, the competition is Political
launched a new fully automatic washing
Washing machine industry attracts 28% GST machine which is 40% more energy efficient
and an additional custom duty of 20%. This and 30% more water efficient compared to
has led the company to set up its other models in the price range. The product is
Manufacturing plants in India itself. The among the most demanded product of the
company has set up two manufacturing plants company.  
in India which satisfies the demand from the   
domestic market. It also exports 10% of its Environmental Factors
productions to some middle-east countries. 
   Demand of the washing machines are mostly
Economical concentrated in areas where energy and water
  are easily available and in ample amount.
Company XYZ has 29% market share (India) Reduction in availability of water largely
in 2020 which is around 3000 crores with 2 reduces the demand of washing machine. The
million units being sold. The company has lost company’s research focusses mostly on
some of its market share to smaller companies improving the energy efficiency and water
in previous years.  The rise in number of usage efficiency. The more efficient models
people in middle class and increase in their are more attracted in the market. 
average income per annum has led to huge   
demand of electronic appliances in Indian Legal
market as these appliances have now become
In India, the company is set to follow the basic
affordable to increasing number of people. 
energy efficiency of the product and labeling
Availability of these appliances on EMI has
the energy requirements and efficiency of the
also seen a rise in demand.     
product. A new law of “Right to repair” is
proposed in the legislation and is expected to
be passed and implemented in next few years.
The company is already taking steps to
Most of the demand of the washing machine
improve its customer services. 
comes from middle class urban population.
India is among the countries which has seen a
very large increase in middle class population.
It is expected that about 55% of the population Opportunities for the Company
will belong to the middle class which could be   
largest in the world.   1) In the Low-cost segment, other
Increase in dual-earner household and competitors 5-star electricity rated products
increased time constraints has led to washing and with 10% lower cost. If we achieve a 5-
machine demand. The company is perceived star rating & also reduce our cost,
as a high-quality washing machine we would have a good opportunity attracting
manufacturer. So, many of the 2nd or 3rd time the customers of the competitors. 
buyer usually want improvement in the quality
2) The Fully automatic washing machine
of the washing machine compared to the
market is growing at a high pace of 5.6%. We
previous washing machine they used. Many of
should adopt a penetrative pricing strategy to
these customers tend to buy this company’s
capture the growing market and also to
penetrate the rural market, as the competitors
Majority of the market share comes from
are providing nearly 10% lesser price for the
domestic usage (about 70%). Commercial
same specification. 
Usage market have a demand which majorly
consist of fully automatic machine.   3) The government is working towards
  providing pipe facilities to all the houses in
Technological  rural areas, this will facilitate the usage of
washing machines along with the increased
Offers fully-automatic and semi-automatic
availability of electricity in rural areas. We
washing machine. The company’s focus is on
should build a strong distribution network in
improving the efficiency of water and energy
rural areas to capture the rising rural market 
usage of the products. The company recently
4) Hard water is a common problem in various Sponsored Brand Ads – 
places in India. Usage of hard water for
washing damages and dulls the color of the
fabric. The company is working incorporating
hard water treatment technology within their
new models. The company expects that this
will help to penetrate the markets which face
the hard water problem.

5) With growing demand for high quality

cleaning and hygiene in recent times due to
Covid pandemic, company has come up with a
Hygiene steam technology which can remove
strains as well as kill about 99% of germs,
bacteria and remove inactive allergens.
Sponsored Product Ads –
Marketing environmental changes
Ecommerce Advertisement

Covid has impacted the buying behavior &

people are now buying more on E-commerce.
This pattern is expected to stay even after
covid. To leverage the traffic of the
ecommerce site, We can use the sponsored ads
provided by the ecommerce sites  

Display Ads -    

OTT Advertisement
  The OTT platform has heavily penetrated the
urban consumer segment. Many brands are
now trying to leverage this and improve their
brand awareness and product visibility. We
should adopt to this changing trend
and utilize the OTT platform for our
promotional activities.
is easier to use their satisfaction sell another
product of the same brand. 
Try Bundle selling 
    Buddle selling – Bundle selling and bundle
pricing is a promotional method to combine
two or more products
and providing promotional offer on the
sale. This will reduce the cost of marketing,
which can be used to provide the promotional
offers. This is a win-win situation for both us
and our customers. 


Google display Ads (Mobile)
Smartphones have penetrated the urban and
rural areas. To leverage this, we can use
Google display networks to promote our
products to the potential customers with
highly focused targeting methods of the digital
marketing platforms.

Try Cross selling

     Cross selling – Cross selling is pushing a

different product to the existing customer and
selling it. This is an efficient method because,
if the existing customers are satisfied it
CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR consumption pattern through various
questionnaire we ask and focus on the area and
ANALYSIS OF TEA characteristics of distinct consumer behaviour
in relation to tea consumption.
Tea is the world's most popular non-alcoholic
beverage, enjoyed by both the rich and the Tea is indigenous to India and is a source of
poor. Regardless of its widespread use, great pride for the country. India as a country
consumer behavioural patterns change over has the largest tea drinking population in the
time, and these changes are driven by a variety world. More than 80% of the tea produced in
of elements such as brand popularity, loyalty, the country is consumed domestically.
aroma, colour, price, and many more. Nonetheless, despite the existence of a strong
Although black, white, and green tea are well- tea culture in India, per-capita consumption of
known, tea as a health drink is gaining this beverage is lower in contrast to other
popularity in India. European and Asian countries.
The health-conscious Indian of the twenty-first
century is increasingly responding to teas that The following report focuses on consumer
provide both health advantages and novel behaviour when it comes to tea consumption.
experiences. The study of buyer behaviour is focused on
consumer purchasing behaviour, with the
Teas that enhance immunity and energy levels, consumer performing three separate roles:
help with weight loss, digestion, and sleep, user, payer, and buyer. Consumer behaviour is
among other things, have become important difficult to anticipate, according to research,
marketing features. Apart from that, tea is now even for specialists in the area.The Consumer
at the centre of experiential offers, with Decision Process is essentially a cognitive
complete tea menus featuring varieties process. The consumer is aware of a need or
flavoured with exotic components like wine, want and looks for methods to satisfy it.
chocolate, floral elements, and other flavours
being the most recent additions. Consumer awareness is not an automatic
process; rather, it is a deliberate external
In examining of consumer behaviour, we focus effort.
on questions such as why, how, where, when Consumers, for example, are exposed to
and how much consumers are willing and able hundreds of messages persuading them
to buy the product at a particular market price. through advertising, political organisations,
The behaviour of consumer in question is religious groups, food items, and a variety of
influenced by various factors such as cultural, other resources. This mass communication that
social, psychological and personality. seeks customer attention, is then filtered out by
individuals in order for them to make a
The primary objective of this study is to purchasing choice. To buy a product, a buyer
investigate consumer behaviour, their must go through the five phases of the
purchasing preferences and also to make consumer choice process. These five steps of
decisions when buying a consumer food the consumer decision-making process are
product- Tea. critical for consumers to make appropriate
decisions in meeting their needs and desires.
The rise in disposable incomes in India, The phases are listed in chronological order,
especially in the urban areas, and the abundant beginning with issue identification and
availability of tea varieties augurs well for concluding with post-purchase evaluation. The
tea’s future in India. We reached out to various five steps are depicted in the flow chart below:
consumer of tea, mostly in northern part of
India to comprehend and appease the
consumer's genuine demand and behaviour
toward tea. Thus, the study creates a robust
platform from which we can evaluate the
relationship of consumer behaviour with
 Brand Switching factors and
quantitative consumption
 Consumption of tea for other than
drinking purposes
 Occasions for consumption of a
particular tea type

Types of Consumer Behaviour

Since tea is a product where purchase time

devoted by the consumer is less than other
durable and expensive products, we can rule
out the possibility of Complex Buying
Behaviour and Dissonance Buying
Behaviour as they exhibit high consumer
Tea Consumers usually show Habitual
buying behavior as people develop
preferences for a particular brand (Tata tea
gold, tata tea premium) and specific products
(Black tea, green tea).
Consumers usually prefer a particular brand
Scope of the Study that they like or have been referred to by
some influencer(social group, friends,
In the primary research, final and potential family). There are various factors
consumers where data was collected and influencing consumer buying behavior like
segregated into different categories by social, cultural, personal, and psychological.
analysing on the basis of:  According to our primary and secondary
research, the following are the specific
factors irrespective of the types mentioned
 Consumption of a particular type of above that influence the buying process:
tea(Green, Black, White, Normal)
 Reasons behind choosing a particular  Affordable prices
tea type and brand  Fine quality product and taste
 The time involved in each step of the  Packaging of the product
buying process and overall consumer  The aroma of the tea
involvement  Availability in the nearby store
 Factors influencing the buying  Brand Name and associated status
process   Advertising campaigns 
 Recommendation
over 14 brands showing consumers prefer
tea based on factors other than brand.

19% of the respondents have been using a

Research Methodology particular brand for over ten years. Tea is
used for purposes other than drinking and
Consumer behaviour is very dynamic, and refreshment. 23% of the respondents use tea
factors influencing it keep affecting the for different purposes. These purposes
buying process both ways. A proper include cooking, gardening, and manure
methodology is required to analyse the formation. Almost 50% of the respondents
reasons behind the buying behaviour, the use 500 grams of tea per month. 55% of the
time associated with each step of the buying respondents showed their interest in
process and influencing factors. Following switching to different brands in case of sales
an extensive discussion, a questionnaire was discount or reduction in prices of rival tea
prepared to reach out to consumers and brands.
potential consumers of different age groups
and income levels to ensure diversity in the
sample. Consumers were interviewed, and Consumer Behaviour and Market
responses were recorded, listing all the
details followed by analysing the responses Trends
to determine the marketing implications.

Primary Research Overview

Primary data obtained through the interviews

had more male respondents (72%) than
females (28%). In the research, most of the
respondents were from the age bracket of 18
to 24 (58%), followed by 32.3% in the 25 to Graph 1: This graph shows the upward
30 age group and the rest 9.7% in the 31 and trajectory in tea consumption from FY 2015
above age brackets. 18 to 24 and 25 to 30 to FY 2020, which in turn contributes to the
age groups are most important to the study overall growth of the tea industry. A positive
since we assume frequent and preference- trend in absolute tea consumption can be
driven tea consumption in these age groups. attributed to growth in population, rise in
Data shows that most of the respondents consumption of tea variants such as black
(55%) have yearly income within a range of tea, green tea, herbal tea.
0 to 5 LPA followed by 6 to 10 LPA
(21.9%), 11 to 15 LPA(15.6%), and 16 &
above (7.9%).

More than 72% of the respondents chose

Normal/Orthodox Tea over any other tea
variant. Green tea is consumed by 27.9%,
black tea by 14.8%, and white tea by 1.6%.
The frequency of consumption is also an
essential factor. Most of the respondents
(49.2%) consume only a cup of tea a day. Graph 2 shows the average market price per
32.8% of them consume two cups of tea in a kg for Normal tea and green tea in FY 2021.
day, and the rest of them consume more than The price per kg of green tea is on the higher
2 cups. side as compared to orthodox tea. Even the
rise in consumption of green tea can be
There is no specific brand that has emerged attributed to the healthier lifestyles of
as a familiar brand or leader in our consumers since many tea brands have
respondents. Brand-wise data is scattered positioned green tea as a healthier tea. 
The challenge of the producers is to identify
the triggers and be ready with a solution to
satisfy the consumer needs.
Extending this principal of problem
recognition to Tea, the first step for a
multitude of tea producers becomes easy as
the habit of tea drinking gradually develops
among majority of individuals through their
circle of influence which can be either their
parents or grandparents or relatives. The
Graph 3: This graph shows the average very idea of tea being a social drink is
price of tea in 4 major cities of India in ingrained in the subconscious of many from
December 2020. These four cities lie in 4 the start. Which is also backed by our
different regions (North, South, East, West), interaction with a variety of respondents
which we have also covered in our primary whom we interviewed to gain insights about
research. The difference in average prices consumers behaviour towards tea. A
can be linked to the varied consumption of staggering 90% of respondents claimed that
tea across regions. Tea is a commodity their exposure to the concept of tea drinking
where consumer involvement is low, but started at a very early age, and by the time
with the rise in consumption of Black tea they grew up almost 60% of the respondents
and green tea, consumers are making already developed a habit of drinking tea.
informed purchase decisions by comparing
all the possible alternatives and choosing the But this totally does not eliminate the
healthier one. process of problem recognition, as the world
is changing and so is the consumer
behaviour and a confluence of both internal
and external factors are creating new
Buying Decision Process of Tea demands in an already 100% penetrated
In India sector. As consumers are becoming more
health conscious driven by both personal
Tea has broadly remained a social beverage, health factors or choices or influence of the
which transcends through the entire strata of social circle which might have adapted to the
demographics. It can be broadly classified as change, this very change in the behaviour of
a habitual product, the need for which stems the consumer has accelerated the growth of
mostly from want rather than necessity. Tea which is targeted towards a more health-
Breaking down tea as a product through a conscious audience. Teas like green tea,
consumer buying decision process, we first black tea and other non-conventional teas
need to understand what constitutes of a like hibiscus tea, pea pigeon tea, rose tea etc
consumer buying decision process and then have varying health benefits, while some
through that understanding we will extend may have a higher content of anti-oxidants
tea as a product over the broad categories of others may have improve your immunity or
buying decision process. skin condition. These alternatives have
gained wider acceptance among the masses,
Problem Recognition who are purportedly sold on the benefits
A consumer develops the need of the product
rather subconsciously through everyday To illustrate, a regular tea drinker drinking a
activities or may be influenced by the CTC tea, might be facing from diabetes
surroundings. In technical terms these have which require a complete cut down on the
been segmented into two categories. sugar. He might look for alternates to satisfy
the very habit of drinking tea, with just
 Internal Triggers (Hunger, Thirst) green tea replacing his tradition cup of tea.
 External Triggers (Friends, This hypothesis is again supported through
Neighbours) the interviews conducted, in which 30% of
the respondents above the age of 40 claimed
that considering better health benefits they
switched to new alternative while approx.
50% of the youth claimed that their social
circle played a major hand in them
developing their choice of drink. A minor
segment of respondents also said the sensory
pleasure they derive out of a cup of tea is
very essential to them, and for them price is
not an issue. Hence, from being a
unidimensional product, both the tea and tea
drinkers have evolved over time to create Below advertisement from Leeford targeting
new alternatives and opportunities, and the customers who are health conscious and
lifestyle and circle of influence of the adore a healthy lifestyle.
consumer has a lot of dictating powers over
these in trends. The sources of information to the consumer
have remained the same which are
Information Search
 Personal groups
Considering it is India in 2000’s the market
 Commercials
of tea and the available products remained
 Public
more or less the same. Families had their
preferred brand of tea, which they purchased  Experiential
without giving a single thought, and the Of the above, commercial remains the most
cycle of replenishment continued. Fast effective way to disseminate information to
forward to India of 2020, and the consumers the consumers but the most effective in
have a plethora of information available, terms of persuasive power to influence the
scores of celebrities and internet influencers consumer to actually buy the product is still
telling the consumers that this product is information through personal group or either
better to a more awakened consumer who is experiential.
more conscious about the choices he is
making. A heterogenic mix of the above Roughly 70% of our respondents said that
factors have in ways transformed an dormant their decision to buy a new tea or switch was
sector. Though the percentage of population majorly driven action of their close group,
is still limited, it is still on a rise. which affects the consumer psyche both
consciously and sub consciously. When a
Classifying the consumers on the basis of close friend first drinks green tea infront of
their search of information, our study shows you, you might ridicule him, second instance
that you might brush it off, but surely the third
 Heightened Attention 35% instance would create some curiosity within
 Active info search 15% that you might try it, and then coupled with
the health benefits/quality, the switch can be
Of our respondents fall in these categories,
and this is only expected to rise in coming
times. These are the consumers who are
The consumer might then research about the
actively looking out for what’s new in the
perpetrated benefits or quality of the product
market and the accompanying factors with
and find a suitable choice in his desired price
them like, improvement of taste or smell,
range and then give the product a try.
health benefits etc.
Also, the market lobby’s behind these
products are huge, and they by hook or
crook would like they consumers to be
engaged with their product, which happened
with the green coffee which was actively
marketed as a weight loss alternative only to
be later refuted of any such claims, and to go with a brand based on previous
hence was prohibited to advertise any purchases, suggestions from friends and
messaging of weight loss on the product. family, his personal needs and wants, self-
The same is happening with various analysis of the features, customer is
segments of teas. The consumers mode and expecting from the product and many other
approach for information search also parameters. More often in India, as far as
partitions the market to cater to broadly FMCG market is considered, people evaluate
three segments of consumers. products at the point of sale.

For example- when a customer goes to a

shopping mart and picks up a product, say
shampoo bottle. At that time, he will think
about whether the current shampoo he is
using, is giving the desired results or not, is
the current shampoo too much expensive or
is the product in hand have good response in
Brand Concious Type Consious Price Consious the market or not. After proper evaluation of
the product, he will decide whether to go
Type A – Brand Conscious with the new shampoo brand this time or go
This consumer has a very strong affinity with the current one which he is using.
towards a particular brand of tea, for
example Taj. Now for this consumer he is So, consumer travels the journey of
open to try new products as long as they evaluation of alternatives mainly through 3
brand is same phases-
Type B – Type Conscious
This consumer is fixed on the type of
product he wisher to by, for example out of
green, black, white and CTC tea our
consumer prefers black tea only. For him all
the other types are redundant but for black
tea he is willing to explore different brands
offering the product.

Type C – Price Conscious

Irrespective of the brand or type, the major
driving factor for this consumer is the price
of the product, and if the product falls within
his specified limits, he will purchase it. We In case of tea, a consumer can evaluate
also saw in our respondents this very alternatives in three ways-
segments, when asked what your first
filtering criteria is to buy a tea, and the split Brands of tea: making decision within CTC
was nearly equally divided among the three tea but among different brands. One may
categories. We also saw a interchange choose to go with the same brand due to
between the brand conscious and type deeply rooted beliefs, long family tradition,
conscious consumers, who switched from positive attitude towards the other product of
one to the other category or vice-versa over the manufacturer, etc.
a period of time.
Types of tea: Choosing from different
Evaluation Of Alternatives varieties of tea available in India. For
example- green tea, CTC tea, White tea. One
While making any purchase decision, may prefer to go with green tea due to aging
consumer will evaluate multiple options and health issues.
available in the market based on certain
parameters. Consumer will make decisions Types of beverages: One may choose to
change the type of beverage he/she is
consuming on daily basis. For example- if a
person consume tea in breakfast and Out of those who changed, almost 66% of
someday influenced by a newspaper report the respondents changed in 0-5 years of time
about the benefits of orange juice in the period. Which says about people who wants
morning may prefer to switch to orange juice to have different tastes of tea on their tasting
instead of tea. buds, usually change in shorter period of
In India, people have perceptions about
everything either on positive or negative
connotation. This attitude formation about a
category of product, is consistent throughout Purchase Decision
the choices that he makes.
After evaluating different brands, a
The interviews that we conducted for 50 consumer is now ready to make a purchase
people gives us insights about whether intention but its not necessary that the
people prefer to change brand and in what intended product will be the product that the
interval of time. customer end up buying. The journey from
evaluation of alternatives to purchase
decision is shown below in the Fig.

While in the purchase intention process, a

customer may take a stand on the following
sub decisions-

 Which brand to choose?

 From where (dealer/retailer) to buy?
 How much quantity should I buy?
 When (Timing) should I buy?
 How should I make payment?

Almost 51% of the respondents have said

that they have changed brands at some point
of time while 49% remained intact with their
beliefs and attitudes towards their tea brands
and didn’t change it.
over brand A if his/her colleague at work
used brand B and observed satisfactorily
results. It also depends on our inclination
towards other’s opinion or feedback and
comply with it. External factors such as
healthcare and lifestyle magazines also
affect the buying decision.

Post purchase Behaviour

Whether a consumer will come again to buy

the same brand of tea depends on the post
purchase experience of the current tea brand.
The post purchase behavior can be measured
on the basis of following measurement-

Satisfaction: While purchasing tea, a

consumer associate certain expectations
from the tea based on marketing campaigns,
mouth of words from the near and dear ones
and personal expectations. The actual
performance of the tea attributes are
measured by the user against the benchmark
set by the user, lesser the gap, more the
satisfaction of the user, more chances that
Often the consumers of tea make decisions the user will continue to use the same brand
based on some mental shortcuts called of tea and vice versa.
heuristics. They may go with the product
that satisfy all their minimum requirement or Action: After or during the period of
they can choose one that attains maximum consumption of tea, a user may have two
attention on one such attribute that user is reactions, positive or negative and based on
looking for say price, aroma, etc. this, he will lend his feedback or
recommendations to other people.

Uses and Disposal: How often a consumer

buys tea depends on his/her consumption
rate. Consumption rate depends on the
family size, cups of tea consumed in a day
per person, etc. So more the consumption
rate, more often the consumer will go back
to buy the product.

Insights from our respondents says that

almost 48% of them consume 500gm of tea
per month and 15.6% of them consume 1kg
of tea per month. Also, 48% drinks 1 cup of
tea per day and 34% of them drinks 2 cup
The responses from the interviewed per day.
consumers also confirms the same as in the
above bar graph.

Our choices of tea are also affected by the

responses from the people around us,
whether positive or negative. For example-
one may prefer to go with green tea brand B
Tier 1| Tier 2| Tier
3 cities

Age and Average

Demographic family size
Average Income

Fig. No. of cups consumed per day Convenience

Psychographic seeking

Medium to strong
Behavioural loyalty
Quality Conscious

Executive Summary
Fig. Quantity of tea consumed in a month
Based on the interactions with 50 individuals,
we have come to the conclusion that there is a
Marketing Implication correlation between age, gender, income, tea
consumption and other intrinsic factors in
Consumer behaviour research is extremely consumers.
significant for improving marketing These factors define the consumer behaviour
decision-making and increasing the efficacy which in turn affects their purchase
of marketing initiatives. preferences and decision they make when
buying Tea.
Consumer behaviour can influence drinking
behaviour, which drives the development of
tea marketing tactics such as advertising and
drinking environment.

On one hand, there are numerous tea kings;

on the other hand, if businesses want to be
accepted by customers and build brand
loyalty, they must focus on image and brand
management. Businesses can grasp each
index of numerous brands, such as visibility,
buy/usage, loyalty, conversion, and
reputation, through consumer behaviour

Enterprises can design a stronger brand

development plan if they understand the
image, status, and assessment of each brand
in the minds of their customers. The
following is the basis of market
segmentation for tea according to our
primary and secondary research

Marketing Management 15 th edition by Philip Kotler

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