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After Fortnight of

The blue paint on the walls dominates the

surrounding. The white was becoming bright for Jed's
eyes. "Turn it off, turn it off, turn it off," he would
“ shout repeatedly.

Jed” He finally stopped talking and walking,

facing one corner of the bedroom's walls. He stayed
By Stanley Guiller M. Arce there for a minute, so still, as if he wasn't breathing.
He then slowly crawled to sit, and heavy breathing is

It was another day of the countless

evident. His palms are now covering his ears as if he
hears the sonorous voices again. His knee almost
mornings Jed woke up with a bad dream, leaving bleeds for his teeth. For Jed, the room began to feel
headaches and echoes as he stood up. As always, he like an inch big.
wasn’t touched by ‘sunlight’ and barely remembered
how it felt. Looking in front of the mirror Jed stared at The door creaked open, and Jed wasn’t aware
how pale his lips are. of it as in his ears the voices were too loud. Two
figures rushed in wearing blue cloth and white pants.
"Dreams", he sighed, while reimagining the They immediately held Jed’s hands, carefully lifting
horrific faces in his dreams. Loud sonorous voices him up back to his feet. Jed’s eyes begin to feel heavy
bounce back and forth while he runs. Tired, he and the voices are slowly fading away. Then he was
stopped and got mauled by a gigantic monster. Jed unconscious.
shook his head and proceeded to walk outside his
room. The dream didn't even bother him at all, he felt Outside, tears and subtle sniffs, Jed’s mother
hungry. cries. A doctor stands in front of her, telling another
"Mom?", he asked, searching the kitchen, if episode of Jed. “Jed’s still in constant restraints of his
his mother's home, but there wasn't anyone. "Probably memory, he is trying to forget what had happened in
out," he said. his past,” the doctor explains.

Jed knows for himself he could make his own “If we were more open to each other this
breakfast so he decided to do so. As he wandered the wouldn’t have happened”, Jed’s mother said in a
kitchen he realized how much the interior had subdued tone.
changed, and in fact, everything was reshaped. The
kitchen seems to be empty and the wall is painted in It all started for a fortnight of sadness and depression.
simple colors, white and blue. Think of what you could’ve done.
"White and blue?" Jed asked out of confusion.
"Since when did they color the house?" he said and
then went back to his bedroom to look for his phone.

The bedroom was empty too, wherein the

bed stood-out all alone to his right. Jed searched,
throwing the sheets and pillows on the floor.
"Where is it?" he looks for his phone in a
panic. "I left it here, somewhere.." he added and now
walking back and forth from his bedroom to the

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