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Passing score: 70%.


1. It is assumed that there are 3 networks: 192.168.0, 192.168.1 and 192.168.2 for domains, and The domain
includes trusted systems, contains untrusted systems and includes
all other systems. All exercises are assumed to be performed on 192.168.0 network unless
otherwise noted.
2. For each of these exercises, ensure that the settings and modifications made are available
across system reboots. Also ensure that configured services work properly with SELinux
mode set to enforcing and iptables firewall enabled.
3. It is assumed that a pre-configured server called server1 is available with RHEL5 loaded, two
network interfaces with (gateway on eth0 and (gateway on eth1, default run level 5, RHEL software
packages available for installation at pub/Server yum repository, SELinux enabled in
enforcing mode, iptables firewall enabled, NIS server configured with domain testdom,
master DNS server configured, DHCP server configured, NTP Server configured, and
exporting /testdir via NFS.
4. It is assumed you have access to a virtual machine or standalone system to be called client1
loaded with base RHEL 5 operating system, two unconfigured network interfaces connected
to 192.168.0 and 192.168.1 networks, has TCP/IP networking disabled, default run level 3,
default display manager GNOME, default Desktop GNOME, SELinux enabled in permissive
mode, iptables firewall disabled, root password lost, NIS/DNS/LDAP/DHCP/NTP client and
server capabilities disabled, about 10GB of free space available on lone /dev/sda disk and
with the following disk partitioning configuration.

Mount FS Type Size (MB) Volume Group Logical Partition

Point Volume
/ Ext3 1000 N/A N/A Standard
/boot Ext3 500 N/A n/A N/A
/home Ext3 500 Vg01 Homevol N/A
/tmp Ext3 1000 N/A N/A Standard
/usr Ext3 3000 Vg01 Usrvol N/A
/var Ext3 1000 N/A N/A RAID 1
/opt Ext3 500 N/A n/a RAID 1
N/A Swap 1000 N/A N/A RAID 1

This is the system where you will be performing all the exercises provided.

1. The root user is lost and you are unable to log on. Change the root password to welcome01.
2. Configure eth0 network interface to have hostname client1, static IP Address, gateway and broadcast address to
3. Configure eth1 network interface with IP Address, gateway
and broadcast address
4. Modify the configuration so the default run level for the system is set to 5.
5. Set teh default desktop environment for new users to KDE.
6. Configure a private yum repository to install packages from
7. Modify SELinux mode to enforcing
8. Configure slave DNS service for the local network
9. Configure DNS client to get queries resolves from server1
10. Configure DHCP service for the local network to assign IP Addresses between the range and with two IPs and reserved for
systems with MAC addresses XXXXXX and YYYYYY.
11. Create user1, user2, user3 and user4 accounts with home directories in /home. Set their
passwords to Temp123$ and make user2 and user3 accounts to expire on December
12. Configure quote for user1 and user2 so that they cannot store any data in their home
directories beyond 70MB. The lower limit should be 50MB.
13. Create a file called testfile in user2’s home directory and configure ACLs on it to allow user3
and user4 to be able to read, write and execute it.
14. Create a RAID 1 partition of size 500MB with label PART01, mount point /mntpart01 and
ext3 type file system structures.
15. Create a RAID 1 swap partition of size 500MB with label SWAP01.
16. Create a logical volume linuxadm of size 500MB in vg01 volume group with label LINUXADM,
mount point /linuxadm and ext3 type file system structures. Define a group called linuxadm
and change group membership on /linuxadm to linuxadm. Set read/write/execute
permissions on /linuxadm for the owner and group members, and no permissions for others.
17. Create a logical volume lvol1 of size 500MB in vg02 volume group with label LVOL1, mount
point /mntlvol1 and ext3 type file system structures. Also create a swap logical volume
called swaplvol1 of size 300MB in vg02 volume group with label SWAPLVOL1.
18. Add linuxadm to users1 and user4 as secondary group. Give both users full access to
/linuxadm to read, write and execute each other’s files without modifying any permissions
or ownership/group memberships.
19. Configure eth1:1 logical interface with IP Address and gateway
20. Install vsftp, httpd, squid, bind and system-config-* packages.
21. Extend homevol in vg01 by 300MB online and without losing any data.
22. Configure a cron job to search for core files in /usr and delete them the first day of each
week at 11:49pm.
23. Add a local print queue called lplocal using a raw printer model /driver and make it system
default. Create a print class called prn class and add lplocal to it.
24. Set permissions on /linuxadm so that all files created underneath get the parent group
25. Configure /mntlvol1 so that users can delete their own files only and not other users.
26. Install a new kernel and make it default. Do not overwrite the existing kernel.
27. Configure the system to act as an IP forwarder.
28. Configure the system to be able to receive syslog messages from other systems on the
network, and record them locally.
29. Enable cron access for root and user3 users only and deny to everyone else.
30. Perform a full dump of /home in /tmp.
31. Set the default system-wide display environment to KDE.
32. Set the primary command prompt for user root to display hostname, username and current
working directory information.
33. Write an interactive shell script in /home/user2 that displays directory contents and
prompts to enter a file name for deletion.
34. Change the default base home directory for new users to /usr.

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