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The Kissing Booth 3

Movie Script

[rock music playing]

[Elle and Noah shouting]
[Elle] Well, after graduation,
Noah, Lee, Rachel and I decided
to take one week and go on a road trip,
just the four of us.
And while I was busy putting off
the inevitable decision
between the two colleges
where I got accepted…
[Lee] So, what about you?
I... I got wait-listed.
Both Berkeley and Harvard.
I was fully focused on making sure
we all had as much fun as possible.
- [shouts]
- [Elle] And that's exactly what we did.
Let me run you through the highlights.
On our way up to Northern California,
we camped in the woods.
- [Lee] Hey!
- [Elle] Went fishing on a lake.
Fed some wildlife,
caught some waves at Big Sur.
Watched Noah becoming friends with Rachel.

Watched Lee watch Noah

becoming friends with Rachel.
Watched a shooting star
with someone special.
Oh, my God!
Saw the fish at the aquarium in Monterey.
Saw a sunset with colors
I had never seen before.
And got a reminder
about rule number 19. [sighs]
Decided to think about it later.
- Drove to San Francisco.
- [bell ringing]
Went to Fisherman's Wharf.
- Ate clam chowder out of a bread bowl.
- [all chattering]
- [Elle] Watched the sea lions on Pier 39.
- [animals bark]
Watched our naughty video
from chemistry lab.
[chuckles] Destroyed our naughty video
from chemistry lab.
- Rode tandem bikes in Golden Gate Park.
- [laughing]
[Elle] Rode a speedboat in the bay.
- Caught a movie.
- [laughing]
- Caught a concert.
- [cheering]
[Elle] Even caught a baseball
in a kayak outside Oracle Park…
Whoa, whoa!

- [Lee] It's coming!

- I got it! [gasps]
- Whoa.
- [Lee] Whoa!
- [stadium fans cheering]
- Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
But the absolute best
was watching the Bay Lights
with my favorite two guys in the world.
But when you decide to escape reality,
you know that eventually
you're gonna have to come back to it.
So, when we got back home,
I got a job so I could make some money
for college,
whichever one I wind up going to.
Oh, hey, guys…
But as hard as that was for me to decide,
a few days later,
things got even more complicated
when Noah asked
a very unexpected question…
So, anyway, I was thinking, uh…
when you get off the wait-list
for Harvard, maybe you and I
could go off-campus
and get an apartment together.
Wait. You mean, like…
like, get our own place?
Yeah, look. [clears throat]

I've been online all day.

There's some pretty cool places.
- You wanna live with me?
- No.
[laughs] Yes, of course I wanna live
with you. I wanna do everything with you.
- Really?
- Yes, really.
- How long do we have till Lee gets back?
- I don't know.
[Elle sighs, laughs]
- No, no, no, no, no, no! [screams]
- [Noah] Oh, shit!
- Hey, guys. Look what I got.
- Ooh!
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
[cell phone rings]
[Elle] Oh, boy.
Is everything okay?
Yeah, fine.
- Um, in fact…
- Hmm.
- Yes, I would like that very much.
- Yeah, I thought you might.
- See you.
- Where are you two going?

Hmm. Noah wants to read me poetry

and tell me all about his feelings.
- Really? Is that what you wanna go with?
- [clattering]
- [laughing]
- [Lee] Smooth move!
Oh, I wanted to show this to you.
[Rachel] What is it?
I have painstakingly coordinated
my Berkeley schedule
with your Rhode Island School of Design
- [Rachel] Aww.
- First up, we've got Labor Day.
I know it's early in the semester,
but it's a long weekend,
and I'm pretty damn sure
I'm gonna be having my Rachel withdrawals.
That could work.
Of course it'll work. We'll make it work.
[Rachel] Okay.
This place is so nice.
Thank you for bringing us here.
Well, we wanted
to finally take you somewhere special
to help celebrate your graduation.
So, any big plans for the summer?
Well, actually, now that you mention it,
we were all talking about heading over
to the beach house this weekend,
if that's cool.

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