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A Research Proposal Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis

Ababa University School of commerce in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for the Award of Master of Arts in Marketing Management

June 2021
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This research has been carried out to examine the influence of advertising in social media on the
purchase of Kidame Beer for customers. The papers examined explored theories, kinds and other
studies of the variables of the investigation. Consumer conduct was briefly also discussed. The
research followed an explanatory method and quantitatively described factors connected to the
intention to buy Kidame beer. The influence of social media advertising characteristics on the
purchasing intention of customers was examined mainly. The independent variable
advertisement was sub-classified to understandably, to appeal for messages, memory, credibility
and originality. The intention to buy has been established as the variable of dependence. Primary
consumer data have been acquired from diverse sources utilizing a five-point questionnaire like a
hard scale questionnaire. A total of 384 questioners were distributed of which 327 were returned
for further analysis. All the 327 questioners were analyzed using SPSS. The Pearson correlation
coefficient indicated that all the independent variables are correlated positively with the
dependent variables. Regression analysis was also applied and the results indicated that all the
aforementioned variables are significant. On the basis of the conclusions, a statistical regression
model had been presented and it is proposed that the factors be used in an effective advertising
campaign. This research therefore contributes to the advertising sector a new dimension.

Key words: Social media, Social media marketing, Purchase intention


1.1 Background of the Study 

Advertising can be traced back to the very beginning of record history. Archeologists working in
countries around Mediterranean have dug up signs announcing various events and offers. The
Romans painted walls to announce gladiator fights and Phoenician opined pictures on a large
rock to promote their wares along parade route. Modern advertisement however is far from those
early day efforts [ CITATION Kot121 \l 1033 ]

The modern marketing communication uses different digitalized methods like online marketing,
social media marketing, and many more to interact with their audience. Digital marketing
techniques create a two-way interaction and engagement with consumers. In addition, with
digital marketing, marketers are able to identify and target a larger audience and even an
international audience. (Kotler and Keller, 2009) defined digital media marketing as a form of
direct marketing which links consumers with sellers electronically using interactive technologies.
The introduction of digital marketing has resulted in the paradigm shift in global markets and
increased dominance of consumer purchasing power, as a result of the implementation of the
new technology have created tougher business competition (Korkpoe & Nyarku, 2013).

Organizations in Ethiopia are utilizing the social media platforms and some of them have a
strong presence on at least one or two of these platforms to communicate with their customers.
Moreover, the use of social media advertising has become a strategic communication tool to
directly influence the purchase intention and the buying behavior [ CITATION Hei11 \l 1033 ].
Overall, social media is influencing the marketing communication environment in most of the
organizations. Not only allowing interacting between customers and the organization, but also
among customers themselves [ CITATION Gre13 \l 1033 ].

Purchase intention represents customer retention and is influenced by extrinsic factors like brand
image, customer satisfaction, product quality and many more [ CITATION Haw14 \l 1033 ].
[ CITATION Swi93 \l 1033 ] and [ CITATION McQ00 \l 1033 ] analyzed effect of purchase intention

values and involvement in customer satisfaction. [ CITATION Swe99 \l 1033 ] studied how customer
satisfaction influenced purchase intention of a consumer.

Social media advertising if used at the right time and in an effective way can lead to the creation
of awareness about a product and service and very importantly, create and build a brand. This
study focused on identifying the effect of social media advertisements on the consumer purchase
intention making with special reference to Kidame beer.

1.2 Statement of the Problem 

Decades back the Ethiopian brewing industry was characterized by very few actors of the
market, many of them owned by the government and the competition to sell or win a market
share was not as stiff as it is today because the sale of the products was somewhat focusing or
concentrated on the regions and around the regions where the brewing companies are located, the
other reason for lesser competition was the volume of beer production was too small as
compared to the demand in the market as a result it was not that usual to see as many
advertisements of beer products as we see this days. After the privatization of the government
owned breweries which are bought by internationally experienced brewing companies and the
emergence of new beer producing companies the structure and strategy of the industry is
changing in many ways which include the way the companies communicate the customer in
particular how they advertise their products.[CITATION Ben17 \l 1033 ]

Social Media has completely transformed the activities related to buying process. Consumers are
searching products online through social media shows that there are number of benefits of having
presence on Social Media that the marketers are lacking in the traditional Marketing [ CITATION
Ren19 \l 1033 ]. Social Media has brought new opportunities for companies to reach and interact
with their current as well as potential customers. With the numerous options available to
consumers and ever-changing nature of market, its crucial for companies to get insight about
customer purchase intention in order to align their strategies and to live up to customer’s

Therefore, this study was tried to fill the empirical gap, as there is no specific study conducted to
investigate the effect of social media advertisement on consumer purchase intention. Keeping

this in mind the research will try to minimize the gap and contribute to the academic world by
answering how social media marketing can be used to enhance consumer purchase intention.

1.3. Hypothesis of the Research

Form literature review as well as author’s intuition, the following hypothesis for the research
questions that are raised:

H1: The understandability of social media ads has a significant effect on the purchase intention
of consumers for Kidame beer.

H2: The message appeal of social media ads has a significant effect on the purchase intention of
consumers for Kidame beer.

H3: The memorability of social media ads has a significant effect on the purchase intention of
consumers for Kidame beer.

H4: The credibility of social media ads has a significant effect on the purchase intention of
consumers for Kidame beer.

H5: The originality of social media ads has a significant effect on the purchase intention of
consumers for Kidame beer.

1.4. Research Objectives 

1.4.1 General objective 

To analyze the effect of social media advertising on consumers' purchase intention of Kidame beer.
1.4.2 Specific objective 
 To analyze what factors are considered by consumers in their purchase intention of
Kidame beer.
 To assess the effect of understandability of social media ads of Kidame beer on the
purchase intention of consumers.
 To assess the effect of message appeal of social media ads of Kidame beer on the
purchase intention of consumers.

 To examine the effect of memorability of social media ads of Kidame beer on
purchase intention of consumers.
 To investigate the effect of the credibility of social media ads of Kidame beer on the
purchase intention of consumers.
 To describe and measure the effect of the originality of social media ads of Kidame
beer on the purchase intention of consumers.


2.1. Theoretical Review
The rapid growth of social media platforms has permanently altered the way that numerous
consumers interact with each other and with businesses. Hence, this has changed the way that
organizations attract and retain prospective consumers [ CITATION Leu15 \l 1033 ]. Previously,
marketers would create captivating advertising messages and purchase space in the mass media
with a hope that consumers would become aware of and develop a preference to and purchase
the brand. Social media has irrevocably altered marketing communications by shifting ways in
which consumers select, share and appraise information. With the advent of social media,
traditional media such as television and newspapers have lost uninterrupted viewership, and their
influence as advertising channels may have been weakened. The speed of online communication
and numerous information sources make advertising on traditional sources less relevant.
Furthermore, marketers quickly realized the influence of social community in terms of
interactivity that comprises of personalized sections, shopping experiences, greater convenience
and widespread information search [ CITATION Cha12 \l 1033 ][ CITATION Pat12 \l 1033 ][ CITATION
HeW14 \l 1033 ].

2.1.1. Purchase Intention

Purchase intentions can be defined as an individual’s conscious plan to make an effort to

purchase a brand. Purchase intention is an important index for evaluation of consumer behavior.
It represents the degree or possibility the consumer would be willing to purchase. Purchase
intention can measure the possibility of consumer to buy a product, and the higher the purchase
intention, the higher a consumer’s willingness to buy a product. Consumers’ are more likely to
have a stronger intention to purchase a product when they react favorably to an advertisement
about that product [ CITATION Hal00 \l 1033 ][ CITATION Mac89 \l 1033 ]. Many researches
considered the attitude toward the advertising had the significant effect on consumer’s purchase

2.1.2. Factors Affecting Consumer Purchase Intensions

Companies advertising message should be understandable. It should not be complex. The
simplicity of the advertisement leads to impact the information on consumers so that they are
well informed and can make a good choice (Mewal, 2015).
Message appeal
Kotler et al., pointed out that the message senders or advertisers need to consider the kind of
message that they send or transmit to target receivers or consumers in order to achieve the
expected reaction. In the same vein, several researches have admitted that advertising and
marketing message approaches can be categorized as informational or transformational.
Lange and Dahlan (2003) believed that Ad memorability has a double effect. When consumers
are exposed to a typical Ad for a familiar brand the ad should be easy to be recognized and to be
stored in memory to be easily retrieved from the schema. Furthermore, incongruent Ad actually
made familiar brand easier to remember. The Ad makes consumer to process information more
carefully and it evokes stored brand schema.
According to Lutz (1985), advertising credibility is defined as the degree to which the consumer
perceives claims made about the brand in the Ad to be truthful & believable. It refers to the
consumer perception of what extent consumers perceive the message of the ad to be believable
and to what extent the consumes really trust the source of the advertising.
Advertising original idea has been considered as an important factor that influences consumers’
reaction to the message and in turn advertising effectiveness. The essence of original idea is that
anyone else didn’t think like that before (Chernkova 2012). This study revealed that original
idea, humor, and music were what respondents notice in creative advertising.

2.2. Empirical Review

Role of advertisement is to carry message to the far distances. It is also used to target the scatter
mass audience. The role of advertising on sales volume is very important. It is proved to be very

essential tool in enhancing the sales of brand. Advertisement is directly linked with the sales of
the products (Abiodun, 2011).
Sharma and Sharma (2009) conducted a study on the impact of advertising on consumer
intentions in India. They studied 134 companies using fixed effect model of panel data analysis.
They found that besides advertising, factors like company’s brand, quality of the product and
company’s reputation affect sales of a company.
Ayanwale et al (2005) conducted a study on the impact of advertisement of Bournvita on
consumer buying intentions in Nigeria. They found that advertising has major influence on
consumers’ likeliness for Bounvita food drink.
Adelaar et al (2003) conducted a study on online compact discs shopping intentions of
consumers through emotional advertising in Asia. He found that impulse behavior is preceded by
consumer’s intention to buy impulsively the products.
Associated chambers of commerce and Industry (2013) in India, conducted a study on the impact
of advertising on consumer buying intentions. They found that high increase in consumption of
cosmetics goods as a result of advertising. They also found that men on average spend more on
cosmetic products than their female counterparts and attributed this increase to awareness created
by the product/ Ghulan, Javana, Burham and Ahmed (2012) conducted a study on the impact of
advertising on consumer buying intentions in Pakistan. They examined the relationship between
environmental response and consumer buying intentions. They found that moderate relationship
exists between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The result showed that
consumers buy those brands from which they are emotionally attached.
Nawazish and Ahmed (2015) conducted a study on the impact of advertising on consumer
buying intentions in Pakistan. They examined how emotional responses are generated, after
watching effective advertisement they persuaded consumers purchasing intentions and they
found that the environmental response and sensory stimulated activities represented in the
advertisement has influence and can even change the buying intentions of consumers. They
found that emotional and environmental responses have significant impact on consumer buying
2.3. Conceptual Framework

[ CITATION Mos00 \l 1033 ] states that conceptual framework is a written or visual presentation that
explains either graphically or in narrative form. Reichel and Ramey (1987) added that a
conceptual framework is a set of broad ideas and principles taken from relevant fields of enquiry
and used to structure a subsequent presentation. It is a type of intermediate theory that attempts
to connect to all aspects of inquiry such as problem definition, objectives, literature review,
methodology, data collection and analysis. Conceptual framework can act like a map that gives
coherence to empirical inquiry. Because conceptual framework is potentially so close to
empirical inquiry, it takes different forms depending upon the research question or problem.
This study is designed to determine the effect of social media advertising on consumer purchase
intention of Kidame beer. It will assess the social media advertising characters and their impact
on consumer purchase intention process.

Figure 2.4 Conceptual Framework

Source: Adopted from Mewal N, (2015), Mainu &Zahire(2014),Reinartz &Saffert 2013).


This chapter deals with the methodology of the study where the research approach, the research
type, sample and sampling techniques, source of data collection, data collection instruments,
reliability & validity of the study and the method of data analysis were discussed.

3.1. Research approach

The researcher chose quantitative research to describe the effect of social media advertising on
consumers buying intentions by collecting quantitative data from consumers of Kidame beer. In
addition, the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable consumers buying
intentions is quantitatively measured by this study.

3.2. Research design

On this study, the researcher was collected data on the effect of social media advertisement on
consumers buying behavior. So, the researcher was used descriptive research for this purpose. In
addition, the researcher was analyzed the casual relations between the dependent variable and the
independent variables using correlation and regression, which makes the research explanatory.

3.3. Data types and Data sources

The main source for this study was primary data source. Primary data was sourced through
customer survey. As the researcher intends to investigate the effect of social media advertisement
on consumers buying intentions, the primary data was collected from primary sources via

3.4. Population of the study and Sample size

The total population for this study is unknown since it is very difficult to determine the total
number of social media users as it is dynamic, complex and increases daily. With the study title
in Ethiopian context, to determine the estimate of p and q, the researcher was used the
recommendation by Corbetta (2003) in determining the standard deviation, with 95% confidence
interval and 5% sampling error in calculating the sample size.

Z 2 pq
n0 = 2 , where
n0 -Sample size
Z – z value at specified confidence interval, e.g. z=1.96 at 95% CI
p – Degree of variability (0.5)
q – Q=1-p (0.5)
e – Desired level of precision (±5%)

Z 2 pq 2 ¿
n0 = 2 =( 1.96 ) ( 0.5 ) 0.5 ¿
2 =384.16  384 respondents

Each participating customer was consented to understand the aim of the study and questionnaire
will be administered.

To illustrate, it was assumed there was a large population that we didn’t not know the variability
in the proportion that adopted the practice; therefore, assumed p=.5 (maximum variability).
Furthermore, it will be desired to have a 95% confidence level and ±5% precision.

3.5. Sampling Procedure

In this research, Convenience sampling technique was used where the population elements were
selected in the sample based on the ease of access or respondents were selected because they
happened to be at the right place at the right time. The researcher contacted the target element in
Addis Ababa, who were willing to participate.

3.6. Data Analysis

The data gathered from the questionnaire was entered and all the analysis was performed with
the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 20). Descriptive analysis was used
to organize and summarize the demographic data of the respondents which include age, gender,
educational level and occupation status. On the other hand, correlation analysis was used to see if
there was any relationship between the independent and the dependent variable. In addition,
regression analysis was also used to know how much the independent variable has influenced the
dependent variable.

3.7. Reliability of the instrument

In order to test the internal consistency of variables in the research instrument Cronbach alpha
coefficient will be calculated. Cronbach-alpha is widely used in educational research when
instrument for gathering data have items that are scored on a range of values, i.e. different items
have different scoring points or attitude scales in which the item responses are in continuum
[ CITATION OLU12 \l 1033 ] . This coefficient varies from 0 to 1, and a value of 0.6 or less generally
indicates unsatisfactory level of internal consistency [CITATION MAL06 \l 1033 ]. This coefficient
was calculated for all items under each variable and the results showed an acceptable level of


The table below shows the customers preference level on the influence of social media beer
advertisement in which the Kidame beer is advertised. As it can be clearly seen in the above
figure majority of the customers which accounts (32.6%) prefer Habesha Beer based on their
advertisements that are transmitted through social media. Kidame beer is their second best
preference which accounts (22.3%) next to Habesha.

Table 4.5 social media beer advertisement that most influence the purchase intention a brand

Name of the Valid Percent

Habesha beer 32.6%
Kidame beer 22.6%
St. Goerge beer 14.6%
Meta beer 15.3%
Walia beer 14.6%
Others 0.3%
Source: Own Survey, 2021

4.1. Mean degree of agreement on factors affecting purchase intention of Kidame


Table 4.6 Perception of respondents about purchase intentions of Kidame beer

Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation
Family and friends influence the 324 2.61 1.225
Purchase intention for Kidame beer.
Overall the beer advertisement 324 2.75 1.272
influences the purchase intention for
Kidame beer.
Sales person influence the purchase 324 2.53 1.260
intention for Kidame beer.
Considering switching from one to 321 3.32 1.420
another beer brands due to product
quality than an advertisement

Consider switching from one to 324 2.55 1.259
another beer brands due to price
discount than advertisement
Valid N (listwise) 321
Source: Own Survey, 2021

As can be inferred from table 4.6, respondents agree (mean value of 3.32) that switching from
one to another beer brands due to product quality than an advertisement followed by overall the
beer advertisement influences the purchase intention for Kidame beer and Family and friends
influence the Purchase intention for Kidame beer. (mean value of 2.75 and 2.61).

4.2. Analysis on the role of social media advertisements understandability on the

purchase intentions of a product.

Table 4.7 The Role of social media advertisements understandability on the purchase intentions

of a product.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

  Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq %

 The message of Kidame
beer is understandable as
a result it helps decide to
buy the product.  27 8.3 123 37.6 102 31.2 51 15.6 21 6.4
 The social media ad for
Kidame beer is complex.  36 11.0 120 36.7 111 33.9 45 13.8 9 2.8
 The facts in the Kidame
beer social media ad
don’t convince the
benefits of the product.  24 7.3 114 34.9 69 21.1 60 18.3 57 17.4
 Since the social media ad
is very confusing, users
cannot understand what
the ad is all about.  36 11.0 114 34.9 93 28.4 54 16.5 27 8.3
Source: Own Survey, 2021

The first item which asks  the message of Kidame beer social media ad is understandable as a
result it helps decide to buy the product, revels that majority of the respondents 123 (37.6%) and
102 (31.2%) disagree and neutral with that the message of Kidame beer social media ad is

The finding revels that from the total participants majority of them 120 (36.7%) able to
understand from the social media advertisements.

The third item focuses on the facts in the Kidame beer social media ad don’t convince the
benefits of the product. As it can be seen in the above table item three, majority of the sample
respondents 114 (34.9%) disagree with the item three. 69 (21.1%) of the respondents were found
to be neutral.

The last item of this section deals with social media ad is very confusing, users cannot
understand what the ad is all about. The finding shows that 54 (16.5%) and 27 (8.3%) agree and
strongly agree

4.3. Analysis on the role of social media advertisements Message appeal on the
purchase intentions of a product.

Table 4.8 The Role of social media advertisements Message appeal on the purchase intentions of
a product.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

  Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq %

Social media ad which
uses music to transmit
the message influence me
more 45 13.8 96 29.4 69 21.1 72 22.0 42 12.8
Social media ad which
uses humor to transmit
the message influence
more 27 8.3 81 24.8 69 21.1 84 25.7 60 18.3
Social media ad message
which emphasizes the
benefit of the beer
influence more 33 10.1 87 26.6 87 26.6 66 20.2 48 14.7
Social media ad message
which emphasizes the
quality of the beer
influence more 33 10.1 87 26.6 84 25.7 48 14.7 72 22.0
Source: Own Survey, 2021

The first item deals with the Social media ad which uses music to transmit the message influence
more on the purchase intension. The finding shows that from the total participants 96 (29.4%)
and 45 (13.8%) said that social media ad which uses music to transmit the message doesn’t
influence more on the purchase intension they choose a beer. 69 (21.1%) are impartial regarding

the Social media ad which uses music to transmit the message influence more on the purchase

The second item focuses on Social media ad which uses humor to transmit the message influence
more. From the finding in the above table 69 (21.1%) are impartial regarding on Social media ad
which uses humor to transmit the message influence more.

The finding shows that majority of the respondents 87 (26.6%) are neutral and doesn’t consider
regarding with social media ad message which emphasizes the benefit of the beer influence more
on the purchase intension.

The forth item that tries to examine the social media ad message which emphasizes the quality of
the beer influence more. From this it can be concluded that consumers are not influenced to
select the beer with the factors the social media ad message which emphasizes the quality of the

4.4. Mean degree of agreement on Memorability of social media advertisement

As illustrated on table 4.9, respondents disagree that social media advertisement message being
memorable influences them into their purchasing decision of Kidame beer, Respondents disagree
with the social media advertisement message being weak and not sticking for long.

Table 4.9 Summary of Descriptive statistics of social media advertisement being memorable

Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation
The social media ad message of Kidame beer 324 2.75 1.012
is memorable as a result it influences to
decide to buy the product.
The Social media ad of Kidame beer 324 2.98 1.124
familiarizes me with the specific brand
Since Social media ads are so weak, they 324 2.75 1.048
don’t stick in the brain for a long time.
Mostly I discuss the Social media ad message 324 2.53 1.160
with my friends after viewing it.
Valid N (listwise) 324
Source: Own Survey, 2021

4.5. Mean degree of agreement on credibility of social media advertisement

The influence of Credibility in social media advertisement scored a high mean value of 3.12 for
source credibility. Respondents also agree with the statement that states credibility in social media
advertisement influences their purchase intention. Respondents on average do not agree with the
construct that states advertisements are exaggerated. In addition they consider advertisement as an
honest source of information source and realistic.
Table 4.10 Summary of Descriptive statistics of social media advertisement being credible

Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation
The Social media ad message is credible, it 321 3.03 1.221
influences to decision to buy the product.
When the advertising Kidame beer produced 324 3.12 1.305
by individuals who are credible, it enhances
its credibility.
I believe that Social media advertisements of 324 2.75 1.012
Kidame beer are exaggerated.
Since Social media ads are always 324 2.98 1.124
unrealistic, I cannot consider them as an
honest information source.
Valid N (listwise) 321
4.6. Analysis on the role of social media advertisements originality on the
purchase intentions of a product.

Table 4.11 The Role of social media advertisements originality on the purchase intentions of a
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

  Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq %

Originality in Kidame beer
Social media
advertisement influences
to decide to buy the
product. 48 14.7 96 29.4 126 38.5 42 12.8 12 3.7
I believe Out of ordinary
ideas in Kidame beer
Social media advertising
is irrelevant. 45 13.8 123 37.6 90 27.5 30 9.2 33 10.1
When Social media 30 9.2 84 25.7 120 36.7 66 20.2 24 7.3
advertising of Kidame
beer departs from

stereotypical thinking, it
grabs my attention
When Kidame beer Social
media ads are unique, it
sticks my mind. 60 18.3 90 27.5 66 20.2 66 20.2 42 12.8
Source: Own Survey, 2021

Kidame beer social media advertisement influences to decide to buy the product, revels that
majority of the respondents 126 (38.5%) and 96 (29.4%) neutral and disagree with that the
originality in Kidame beer social media advertisement influences to decide to buy the product.

from the total participants majority of them 123 (37.6%) doesn’t believe out of ordinary ideas in
Kidame beer social media advertising is irrelevant.

As it can be seen in the above table item three, majority of the sample respondents 120 (36.7%)
were found to be neutral with the item three. 84 (25.7%) were found to be disagree.

The last item of this section deals with the Kidame beer social media ads uniqueness and it sticks
on mind. The finding shows that 66 (20.2%) and 42 (12.8%) agree and strongly agree
Correlation analysis

Table 4.12 Pearson’s Correlation Matrix

Purchase Intension

Understandability Pearson Correlation .215**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 324
Message appeal Pearson Correlation .102

Sig. (2-tailed) .066

N 324
Memorability Pearson Correlation .206**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 324
credibility Pearson Correlation .179**

Sig. (2-tailed) .001

N 321
originality Pearson Correlation .212**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 324
Source: Own Survey, 2021

4.7. Summary of Hypothesis Test

Table 4.13 Summary of Hypothesis Testing

Sig. Independent Dependent Ho Rejected or

test Variable Variable Accepted
H1 The understandability of social media .215** understandability Purchase Accepted
ads has a significant effect on the intention
purchase intention of consumers for
Kidame beer.
H2 The message appeal of social media ads .102 message appeal Purchase Accepted
has a significant effect on the purchase intention
intention of consumers for Kidame
H3 The memorability of social media ads .206** memorability Purchase Accepted
has a significant effect on the purchase intention
intention of consumers for Kidame
H4 The credibility of social media ads has a .179** credibility Purchase Accepted
significant effect on the purchase intention
intention of consumers for Kidame
H5 The originality of social media ads has a .212** originality Purchase Accepted
significant effect on the purchase intention
intention of consumers for Kidame
Source: Own Survey, 2021



The key cause that initiates the concept of this study was the significantly expanding social
media advertisement campaign conducted by brewery firms to grab and increase a highest share
in the constantly developing and competitive industry.

This research was carried out by Habesha Breweries share company, especially on Kidame Beer,
in Addis Ababa city with the primary objective of examining the consequences of social media
advertising for the purchase of consumer goods. In particular, the researcher sought to identify
the effects of social media advertising on the products selection of customizes, explain the
understandability, the message appeal, the reliability, the reliability and the originality of social
media advertising that impact their choice of the products.

In relation to the goals of the research, it was found that all the study variables had a substantial
impact on consumer buying intention, by investigating the effects of understandability, message
appeal, memorability, credibility and originality of social media advertisements.

Many advertising variables affecting the purchase behavior of customers are the most significant
effects on the buying behavior of consumers, which may be easily remembered or remembered.
One element that is simple advertising or the simplification of advertising is not statistically
significant, though.

The researchers classed the answers as good, negative and neutral in relation to questions on the
attitude. In this respect, neutral reactions are higher than positive and negative reactions. In
addition to most queries, there are more positive answers than negative ones. However, certain
negatives were perceived as being more positive on concerns about comments, ratings,
information sharing on social media advertising and advertising response.

The data generally suggests that attempts by Kidame Beers to interact with consumers are less
than expected.


After the data obtained in this study have been reviewed, evaluated and evaluated, the researcher
offered the following advice.

The investigation began with the background and motivation of the researchers to do the study
on the subject of social media and buying intentions. It's apparent that social media is becoming
a global vital marketing tool that gives organizations the ability to interact with their markets and
know about the wants and profiles of customers. In addition, it has built a new communication
platform that allows customers to share their brand experience, comment and evaluate products
and services, to seek the best solutions, etc.

In terms of assessing consumers' considerations in purchasing decisions, the amount of publicity

that consumers agree on in affecting their decision is higher. Therefore, advertising followed by
price strategy should be the center of Kidame Beer's marketing plan.

As shown in the model, novelty has a greater effect on the propensity to buy from customers.
This signifies an original advertising message. The message must be convincing and credible,
because credibility is one of the characteristics that customers think affect their choice to buy.
(Intelligibility, appeal for messages, memorability, credibility and uniqueness)

Advertising companies should concentrate on innovative concepts in the creation of ads for this
particular product. They should also focus on credibility because it has a greater influence than
the two factors.

This study has been done on the FMCG-considered Kidame beer. The effects of advertises may
also be assessed on other rapidly moving consumer goods and high level of participation items.

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