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COM Nama :
TAHUN PELAJARAN 20../20.. No. Absen :
Mata : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 2 (Dua) Nilai :
Waktu : 90 menit
Tanggal :

I. Answer the following question with the correct answer!

1. Look at the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Eating together
B. Mutual assistance
C. Study together
D. Waching a movie

2. “Friend” in Indonesian language is…

A. Teman
B. Berteman
C. Bersahabat
D. Sahabat

3. Dayu lis playing the kite. Kitein Indonesian language is…

A. Kelereng
B. Bola
C. Layang layang
D. Sepeda

4. Look at the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Study together
B. Playing together
C. Fight with friends
D. Dancing together
5. Look at the picture!

What is the picture does?

A. Playing football
B. Study together
C. Class picket
D. Rested under a shady tree

6. Look at the picture!

Beni and friends are team working to cleaning the school environment.
Picture that cleaning the school environment is…





7. “Environment” in Indonesian language is…

A. Membantu
B. Lingkungan
C. Sosial
D. Mengunjungi

8. Look at the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Play bicycle
B. Play simpai
C. Play paper boats
D. Play marbles

9. Ballon have character…object

A. Liquid
B. Solid
C. Gas
D. Wet

10. The picture shows a broom is ...





11. Beni and his friend go to park. “ Park “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Laut
B. Pantai
C. Taman
D. Kolam renang

12. Milk has a shape…

A. Gas object
B. Liquid object
C. Solid object
D. Rought object

13. Dayu sarapan menggunakan nasi goreng.” Sarapan” in English language is…
A. Have dinner
B. Have lunch
C. Have a breakfast
D. Eating

14. Look at the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?
A. Help mother to cook
B. Wake up
C. Clean the house
D. Study

15. Look at the picture!

Where is the activity in the picture?

A. Home
B. School
C. Social
D. Family

16. Look at the picture!

What is the activity the picture?

A. Study
B. Playing football
C. Art show
D. Discution

17. Siti diligently saving money in the school. The picture shows a saving money is…




18. Where is the Muslimsplaceof worship?

A. Mosque
B. Church
C. Temple
D. Pagoda

19. Look at the picture!

What is the name of workship place in the picture?

A. Mosque
B. Church
C. Temple
D. Pagoda

20. Hidup bersih membuat kita selalu sehat. “ Sehat” in English language is…
A. Healthy
B. Clean
C. Comfortable
D. Neat

21. Dayu is mopping the floor. The picture shows mopping the floor is…





22. Look at the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?
A. Clean the window
B. Clean the whiteboard
C. Sweep the floor
D. Tidy up the table

23. “ Lingkungan “ in English language is…

A. Cleanliness
B. Environment
C. Comfortable
D. Shady

24. Look at the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Clean a playground
B. Clean the house
C. Clean the classroom
D. Clean the school

25. Look at the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Clean a highway
B. Clean a garden
C. Clean a school’s garden
D. Clean the public place

II. Answer the following question!

1. clean – We – blackboard – a
2. a – window – is – She – cleaning
3. Smoke have …object
4. Milk have…object
5. Siti – to – cook- mother – help
6. breakfast – Edo – family – with
7. and – Beni – together – discussed – edo
8. is – Dayu – the – mopping – floor
9. a – clean – playgroun
10. dirty – market – The – smelly – and

I. Multiple Choice

1. C 11. B 21. C
2. A 12. C 22. B
3. C 13. C 23. B
4. B 14. A 24. A
5. D 15. B 25. A
6. B 16. B
7. B 17. C
8. B 18. A
9. C 19. C
10. D 20. A

II. Essay
1. We clean a backboard
2. She is cleaning a window
3. Gas
4. Liquid
5. Siti help mother to cook
6. Edo breakfast with family
7. Edo and beni discussed together
8. Dayu is mopping the floor
9. Clean a playground
10. The market dirty and smelly

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