Homework Chapter 1 Paragraph Format Capitalization

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Chapter 1 paragraph format

I. Use capital letters, wherever necessary, in the following sentences

a. can your mother speak good english?

…………… Can your mother speak good English?……………………………….

b. she asked, "do you like german food ?"

………… She asked, "Do you like German food ?"………………………………………….

c. " pirates of the caribbean ", he said, "is my favorite film."

………………" Pirates of the Caribbean ", he said, "Is my favorite film."

d."my friend was born on 25 december 1999. she doesn't like having her birthday

 on christmas day."

…."My friend was born on 25 December 1999. She doesn't like having her birthday

 on Christmas Day."……

e."my father brought me back a beautiful carved indian elephant from his bu
siness trip to asia last week."

…."My father brought me back a beautiful carved Indian elephant from his
business trip to Asia last week."……..

"i do like chinese food," mary said, "but i prefer french or italian."

… I do like Chinese food," Mary said, "But I prefer French or Italian.….

g.the new grade 6 student is from israel. her mother tongue is hebrew, but h
er english is good so she will do spanish.

…… The new grade 6 student is from Israel. Her mother tongue is Hebrew,
but her English is good so she will do Spanish.…

h. the amazon River is the longest River in south America

……. The Amazon River is the longest River in South America ………

Simple sentences

II. Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ against the following sentences. If it is a simple sentence, write ‘yes’ in
the blank and if not, write ’no’ in the blank.

a. Sarah and Ira drove to the store…………yes……..

b. Jenny and I opened all the gifts. ………yes………….

c. The mangy, scrawny stray dog hurriedly gobbled down the grain-free, organic
dog food. ………yes…………..

d. The frog jumped and landed in the pond. ……no……….

e. The pizza smells delicious. ………yes………….

f. She is going to the movies, or she is going to the mall. …no………….

g. I am very smart, yet I do not enjoy school. ………no………………….

Subject-verb Agreement

Identify the error in subject-verb agreement in the following sentences and

correct them. If no correction is required, do not change the sentence.

.1. Annie and her brothers are at school.

2. Either my mother or my father is coming to the meeting.
3. The dog or the cats are outside.
4. Either my shoes or your coat is always on the floor.
5. George and Tamara don’t want to see that movie.
6. Benito doesn’t know the answer.
7. One of my sisters is going on a trip to France.
8. The man with all the birds lives on my street.
9. The movie, including all the previews, takes about two hours to watch.
10. The players, as well as the captain, want to win.
11. Either answer is acceptable.
12. Every one of those books is fiction.
13. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.
14. Is the news on at five or six?
15. Mathematics is John's favorite subject, while Civics is Andrea's favorite subject.
16. Eight dollars is the price of a movie these days.
17. Are the tweezers in this drawer?
18. Your pants are at the laundry.
19. There are fifteen candies in that bag.
20. The committee debates these questions carefully.
21. The committee members lead very different lives in private.
22. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, greet the press cordially.
23. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, are in this case.

Chapter 2 Narrative paraghraphs

Directions: In the following exercise, turn the sentence pairs into single compound sentences,
each with a coordinating conjunction. You can rearrange or add words in the sentence to
make it sound better, but only if it's necessary. Use but, and, so, or conjunctions.

1. The black dog has won many prizes. He doesn't know many tricks.

The black dog has won many prizes although he doesn't know many tricks.

2. You can cry like a baby. You can clean your room like an adult.

You can cry like a baby or clean your room like an adult.

3. I didn’t do my homework. My parents punished me.

I didn’t do my homework so my parents punished me.

4. You can make a big poster. You can make a little clay statue.

You can make a big poster or make a little clay statue.

5. I need to go to the store. I'm feeling too sick to drive.

I need to go to the store because I'm feeling too sick to drive.

Exercise 2

Correct the following sentences by putting comma in the right place

1. We were out of milk, so I went to the store.

2. Tom ordered steak, but the waiter brought Spam.

3. I rang the bell and pounded on the door, but no one answered.
4. The pet store has cats, dogs, hamsters, fish and turtles.
5. Yesterday afternoon, I went to the mall to buy a dress for the dance.
6. My dress was blue, sparkly and long.
7. Last summer, I went to France, Germany and Italy.

Exercise 3

Write a narrative paragraph on the following topics and use time order signals given in
the textbook. Use time order organization and punctuation correctly.

1. My first journey to the countryside

My first journey to the countryside was unforgettable. I did many activities there. When
my grandfather invited us to spend the midterm vacation at his farm in the countryside we were
very excited. When we arrived there, we saw the green color everywhere. There are fields of
trees and plants. One thing I didn’t forget is the lovely weather. The sky was clear and we could
smell flowers everywhere. After that we had organic food for breakfast. It was really delicious.
Then, my grandfather took us to see the animals in the farm. I rode a horse but my sister road on
a donkey. We took a tour in the fields. In the evening my grandmother made us a barbecue party.
In the party we play games and sing songs. I was really very amazed with the magical
atmosphere. We went back home in the next day very happy and would like to go back again.

2. Your childhood heroes and how they influenced your life.

I have the best dad ever. He was my childhood hero. I love him for many reasons.
Firstly, he is a very brave person. He always helps people in need. He is also a hard worker. He
does his work perfectly. Another thing I admire about him is his personality. He is an outgoing
person who likes to interact with all people. This makes people immediately love him after they
spend too little time with him. In fact my father my dad never quitted his responsibility for his
family. He does his best to make us happy. He also supports me and all my family. I’m really
very proud of my dad and owe him much. I hope one day I can pay him back. He is my hero and
will be forever.

Chapter 3 paragraph structure

Apostrophes- put Apostrophe mark where necessary in the following

1. Who’s the party’s candidate for vice president this year?

2. The fox had its right foreleg caught securely in the traps’ jaws.

3. Our neighbor’s car is an old Chrysler, and I told him the other day that it’s just about to fall


4. In three weeks’ time well have to begin school again.

5. Didn’t you hear that they’re leaving tomorrow?

6. Whenever I think of the stories I read as a child, I remember Cinderella’s glass slipper and

Snow White’s wicked stepmother.

7. We claimed the picnic table was ours, but the Jones’ children looked so disappointed that we

found another spot.

8. It’s important that the kitten learns to find its way home.

9. She did not hear her children’s cries.

10. My address has three 7s, and Tim’s phone number has four 2s.

Chapter 4 Descriptive paragraphs

I.Join the two sentences with the conjunctions nor, yet, for and make it a
compound sentence. Use comma before conjunction.

I am counting my calories. I really want dessert.

I am counting my calories yet I really want dessert.

They had no ice cream left at home. They did not have money to go to the store.

They had no ice cream left at home nor had money to go to the store.

Cats are good pets. They are clean and are not noisy.

Cats are good pets yet they are clean and are not noisy.
We have never been to Asia. We have not visited Africa.

We have never been to Asia nor have visited Africa.

He didn't want to go to the dentist. He went anyway.

He didn't want to go to the dentist yet he went anyway.

She doesn’t drink milk. She doesn’t eat butter.

She doesn’t drink milk nor eats butter.

I can’t whistle. I can’t sing.

I can’t whistle nor sing.

He didn’t study last night. He didn’t read his book.

He didn’t study last night nor read his book.

They were not wearing jackets. They were not carrying umbrellas.

They were not wearing jackets nor carrying umbrellas.

II.Descriptive paragraph – Topics for practice

Write a descriptive paragraph in 150 words on the following topics and use spatial
order. Write a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding paragraph.

Write topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence

1.Describe your favorite place in this world and why you like it most
My home is my world. It’s my favorite place on earth. I don’t find peace or rest but only
at home. Take for instance the beautiful garden we have. It has beautiful flowers and lemon
trees. There are also a large table with a shade and chairs where we always have our breakfast in
the morning. There are also a swing and a tree house for my little sister. She enjoys them very
much. In the first floor, there is a big hall with large sofas and arm chairs. We meet our guests
there. In the second floor there are four bedrooms. My bed room has all the things I need. It has a
comfortable bed and sofa. It has a large TV screen and home theatre. I enjoy my times watching
movies on Netflix or play video games. I sometimes switch off the light and sit at the balcony in
my room listening to music and relax. My home is was, still and will be my best place in the
2.Describe your high school that played a big role in reshaping your life

My high school was unforgettable to me. I’ve spent a lot of great times there and have lots
of memory. My high School was very well organized. It had two floors. Regarding the first floor,
it had all the school management offices. For example, the principal’s office and the Teachers’
room are near the entrance. The wide playground and the Cafeteria are in the middle of it. It had
also all the science English labs. In the second floor, there are large classrooms and bathrooms
for the students. The classrooms are well equipped with smart boards, lockers and air conditions.
There are also very comfortable desks and chairs for the students. The teachers at my high school
were very experienced, helpful and supportive. The always offered help and gave us advice. My
high school was considered one of the most successful and modern schools. To be honest, it
played an important role in my life.

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