Teach Prof Quiz

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0. Essay Type.

Thoroughly discuss or explain the following questions

based in your own understanding, ideas, opinions, and
perceptions.  (10 points each number)

1. How Dunn and Dunn learning style provide significance to the teaching-
learning process? Explain each element stated below. 

0. Environmental

Environmental refers to the structural environment on how do students

prefer to learn, do they like sounds, bright or dim light, warm or cold
temperature, and how they prefer to set. If a student is comfortable to their
environment they can succeed and value gaining information, they will be
highly motivated. Students who are interested in seeking information and
gaining understanding will naturally engage if they have positive learning
experiences and influence over the learning environment.

b. Emotional

Emotional attributes are related to the motivation and persistence of the

student.  If an educator fails to appreciate the importance of emotion, they fail
to appreciate a critical force in students’ learning.  Emotion is the fuel on how
are they going to approach a task. Are they going to do it no matter how bad or
good their day is?
  We deeply think of the things we care about. And helping students care
about their studies is essential for the development of truly useful transferable,
motivated learning.

c. Sociological

The sociological side is about how students want to learn with others.
Are they independent or social? Some students prefer to learn with teams and
groups where they can gain insights and bounce their ideas to other people.
They are verbal learners. In contrast, some students prefer to learn alone who
like to read, and the independent option that comes without a learning
experience. There are also students that are flexible, who like the variety of
being in the group sometimes and set in the corner of the library. 

d. Physiological

The Physiological aspects determine how they engage their learning

environment. Are they visual, audio, kinesthetic, read/write? It refers to their
perceptual preferences. It also includes their preferred time of the day. There
are students that learn best early in the morning. Some like to work late at
night. We have also what we called passive learner who simply prefers to
observe. On the other hand, some need to move and be hands-on in order to
deeply understand a topic. 

e. Psychological

How students process and respond to information and ideas is related to

psychological influences. Some students look at the big picture while others are
very detailed oriented.  If they are interested about the topic more likely they
will be motivated to participate more on class.

0. In learning, can we do away with memory in our desire to develop higher-

order thinking skills in the learners?

No, because memory is what maintains our ability to perform the

aforementioned thinking skills, without memory, it would be impossible to
maintain any skill. Short-term memory is necessary for logical thinking in
steps, and long-term memory is important for a stable research direction and
also for creative leaps. 

0. How do feelings and emotions affect the learner’s learning?

Feelings and emotions make a huge difference in the learning process.  
It will affect your focus on your learning.  If a learner comes in after a bad day
it is often very hard to learn something new. Likewise, if a learner is happily
motivated, he can maintain a focus and can comprehend topics easily.

0. How different is Gardner’s MI theory from the traditional concept of


The traditional concept states that people are born with a fixed amount
of intelligence and it does not change over time. In traditional practice,
teachers teach the same material to everyone. It defines that intelligence as a
uniform cognitive capacity people are born with. A capacity that can be easily
measured by short-answer tests. In contrast, Garder's theory asserts that
individuals have multiple intelligence that can foster learning and problem-
solving style. There are many more types of intelligence that reflect different
ways of interacting with the world. That we can all improve each of the
intelligence we have.  And the potential for finding or creating solutions for
problems, which involves gathering new knowledge. 

0. Does each student have all of these multiple intelligence? Why?

Yes, every student has a unique combination of intelligence and

different ways to learn. As George Evans said, "every student can learn, just
not on the same day or in the same way." In other words, not every person
learns best from a single teaching approach.

0. In the light of Gardner’s theory, why does Gardner claim we have been
unfair to many of our students in the past as far as teaching and testing
strategies are concerned?

Gardner claims we have been unfair to many of our students in the past
as far as teaching and testing strategies are concerned because according to
his theory no two people are the same. As a result, it is not fair to assume
every student will learn best with the same instructional strategy. Each
student has unique multiple intelligence and different ways to learn. In other
words, not every person learns best from a single teaching approach. Teachers
must constantly be aware of the learning styles of the students in order to
incorporate instructional strategies that will enhance their learning potential.

0. A true story below. Read carefully and try to reflect the challenges that
you might encounter during the actual practice of your profession in
order to show how passionate and committed teacher you are. (15 points)

A teacher named Alice, a fresh graduate of B.E.Ed from BSU

situation is given was immediately hired as a substitute teacher in
a far flung barangay wherein mostly, the residents were
uneducated. On her first day of school, she was very much
surprised. Why? The pupils went to school without proper clothes,
most of them were malnourished, untidy and even smelled foul

What do you think Alice did to her pupils? Certainly, she

wasn’t hesitant to let them enter in their classroom and started to
talk softly and asked their parents to come with them the following
day. However, Alice tried to bring bath soaps, tooth brushes, tooth
pastes and combs using her own money to buy such hygienic
materials. She tried to demonstrate on how to use these materials.
First, she brought the children to the river and she took them a
bath, combed their hairs and with clean water she demonstrated
the proper brushing of teeth and shown them to their parents how
clean they were after doing such activity. 

Alice successfully taught her pupils the proper dressing and

personal hygiene, they all attended to her classes attentively even
in a span of two months being a substitute teacher.

Well, the school in-charge was greatly impressed on her

accomplishments and sacrifices. Upon passing the teacher’s board
exam, she was absolutely hired with permanent position.

Answer the questions in a paragraph form:

1. What particular powers/faculties Alice tried to develop with

which every learner is equipped? In what way these faculties
affect to the teaching-learning process? Can you do what Alice
did to her learners despite you are only a substitute teacher?
Support your answer. If you are Alice, how will you describe
Teacher Alice develops students' appetitive faculties which refer to
feelings, emotions, and rational will. As she successfully taught her pupils the
proper dressing and personal hygiene her students gain the feeling of self-
confidence. Children with poor hygiene become social outcasts, which affects
their self-esteem, and their desire to even come to school. Also, it affects
attendance. Good personal hygiene will help students stay healthy, ward off
illnesses, and build better self-awareness. 

And I, as a future teacher will be willing to do what teacher Alice did.

Aside from it is a duty of a teacher to encourage students to learn. It is so
inspiring to see students attending class attentively. To impact young minds
that would somehow change their lives positively. Teacher Alice is one of the
noble teachers who will take extra miles for the love of their profession.

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