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3/12/21 15:36 5 techniques for ITIL problem management | Problem solving techniques

Last updated on: August 20, 2021

For this section, we will dive into the various techniques employed to find the root cause of a problem in an IT

IT Problem The problem management process can be mandated with a good service
desk tool, but the techniques used for investigation and diagnosis should
vary according to the organization. It's recommended that investigation
techniques used techniques are flexible
based on the organization's needs rather than

in ITIL® being overly prescriptive.

Since problems can appear in any shape or size, it's impossible to stick to
one technique to find a solution every time; instead, using a combination
of techniques will yield the best results. A simple LAN connectivity
problem might
be solved with a quick brainstorming session, but a
network or VoIP issue might need a deeper look.

Here are several techniques you can practice in your organization's

problem management process.

Brainstorming 2/21
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By establishing a dialogue between departments, you gain various

perspectives and new information, generating many potential solutions.

To have a productive brainstorming session, you need a moderator. The

moderator handles the following:

Driving the direction of the meeting

Documenting the insights obtained

Highlighting the measures to be taken

Tracking the discussed deliverable

Preventing a time-consuming session

Brainstorming sessions are more productive when collaborative problem-

solving techniques, such as Ishikawa analysis and the five whys method,
are used. These techniques will be discussed later in this section.

Kepner-Tregoe method

The Kepner-Tregoe (K-T) method is a problem-solving and decision-making

technique used in many fields due to its step-by-step approach for
logically solving a problem. It's well-suited for solving complex problems in
both proactive
and reactive problem management.

The method follows four processes: 3/21
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Situation appraisal: Assessment and clarification of the scenario

Problem analysis: Connecting cause with effect

Decision analysis: Weighing the alternate options

Potential problem analysis: Anticipating the future

However, problem analysis is the only part that concerns ITIL® problem
management, and it consists of five steps.

Define the problem

Identifying what the problem truly is can be a problem in itself. Since

problem management is inherently a collaborative effort, having a
comprehensive definition of the problem eliminates preconceived notions
that any participating
member might have, saving a considerable amount
of time.

For example, if an organization's automatic data backup on a server has

failed, the problem can be defined as:

Failed backup on server

This definition indeed describes the deviation from the normal situation,
but it demands more questions and information. A good model of a
definition should be unambiguous and easily understood. 4/21
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To remove ambiguity, the above definition can be updated to:

Data backup on November 15 failed on server #34-C

This definition provides more clarity, and spares employees from

redundant questions. Nevertheless, this definition can be further
improved. Suppose the cause of the data backup failure can be attributed
to an event such as the application
of a new patch; then the initial problem
analysis would undoubtedly lead to this event.

To save time and effort, let's update the definition to:

Data backup on November 15 failed on server #34-C after application of

patch 3.124 by engineer Noah

This detailed definition leaves no room for redundant questions, and

provides a good amount of information on where the problem could lie.
These extra minutes spent on the initial definition save valuable time and
effort, provide a
logical sense of direction to analysis, and remove any
preconceived notions about the problem.

Describe the problem

The next step is to lay out a detailed description of the problem. The K-T
method provides the questions that need to be asked on any problem to
help identify the possible causes. 5/21
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The questions below help describe four parts of any problem:

What is the problem?

Where did the problem occur?

When did the problem occur?

To what extent did the problem occur?

Each of these questions demands two types of answers:

IS: As in, "What is the problem?" or "Where is the problem?"


COULD BE but IS NOT: As in, "Where could the problem be but is not?"

This exercise helps compare and highlight the what, where, when, and
how the deviation from normal performance in business processes is

Establish possible causes

The comparison between normal performance and deviated performance

made in the previous step helps in shortlisting the possible causes of the 6/21
3/12/21 15:36 5 techniques for ITIL problem management | Problem solving techniques

problem. Making a table with all the information in one place can be
helpful to make the

Is Could be Differences Changes

but is not

What Server #34-C Failed New engineer New patch

backup failed backups in (Noah) applied procedure
after patch other servers the patch followed
3.124 with patch

Where 4th floor Basement Normally done Level 1

server servers by Level 3 engineer
engineers applied it

When November 15, Any other None noted

12:32am time

Extent Only on Any other None noted

server #34-C server

New possible causes become evident when the information is assembled

together. For our example problem, the root cause can be narrowed down 7/21
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Procedural error caused by the inadequate transfer of knowledge by the

Level 3 engineers.

Whatever the problem, a sound analysis for possible causes can be done
based on relevant comparison.

Test the most probable cause

The penultimate step is to short-list the probable causes and test them
before proceeding to the conclusion. Each probable cause should follow
this question:

If _______ is the root cause of this problem, does it explain what the problem
IS and what the problem COULD BE but IS NOT?

Again, it's beneficial to populate all the information into a table.

Potential root True if Probable root

cause cause?

Server #34-C has a Only server #34-C has Maybe

problem been affected 8/21
3/12/21 15:36 5 techniques for ITIL problem management | Problem solving techniques

Incorrect procedure Same procedure affects Probably

another server

Engineer error Problem did not reoccur Probably not

with same procedure

Verify the true cause

The final step is to eliminate all the improbable causes and provide
evidence to the most probable causes. With this verification, it's time to
propose a solution to the problem. Without evidence of the possible root
cause, the solution
should not be attempted.

Ishikawa analysis, or fishbone diagram analysis

Ishikawa analysis uses the fishbone framework to enumerate the cause and
effects of a problem, and can be used in conjunction with brainstorming
sessions and the five whys method. The simplicity in executing RCA using
an Ishikawa diagram
shouldn't deceive you of its prowess to handle
complex problems.

To start the analysis, define the problem and use it as the head of the
fishbone. Draw the spine and add the categories that the problem could be
originating from as ribs to the fishbone. 9/21
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Generally, it's easiest to start the categories with the four dimensions of
service management: partners, processes, people, and technology.
However, these categories can be anything relevant to your problem,
environment, organization,
or industry.

Once these categories form the ribs of the fishbone, start attaching
possible causes to each category. Each possible cause can also branch out
to detail the reason for that occurrence. This could lead to a complex
diagram of four to
five levels of causes and effects, subsequently drilling
down to the root cause of the problem. 10/21
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It's recommended to split up dense ribs into additional ribs as required.

Alternatively, merging empty ribs with other suitable ribs keeps the
fishbone clean and easy to read. Additionally, you should ensure the ribs
are populated
with causes, not just symptoms of the problem.

This analysis is again a collaborative effort, and requires a moderator to

direct the brainstorming sessions in an effective way. Every participant has
the opportunity to engage, providing a comprehensive view of the

Pareto analysis

The Pareto principle is an observation that approximately 80 percent of

effects come from approximately 20 percent of causes. This observation
applies to a wide range of subjects, including problem management.

When trying to reduce the number of incidents occurring in an

organization, it's highly efficient to apply Pareto analysis before jumping
into solving the problems. Pareto analysis prioritizes the causes of
incidents, and helps in
managing problems based on their impact and

This analysis is carried out by generating a Pareto chart from a Pareto table.
A Pareto table consists of the cumulative count of classification of all 11/21
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problems. A Pareto chart is a bar graph showing the cumulative

percentage of the
frequency of various classification of problems.

To create a Pareto chart, follow the steps given below:

Collect problem ticket data from your service desk tool.

Remodel the data into categories based on various attributes.

Create a Pareto table to find the frequency of problems in each

classification over a period of time.

Compute the frequency of problem occurrences in each category.

Generate the cumulative frequency percentage in decreasing order.

Plot the data on a graph to create a Pareto chart.

The most important step is to remodel the data into a countable set of
classifications and attributes.

Classification Attribute

Impact Affects business Affects Affects user

department 12/21
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Priority Low High Urgent

Category Network Hardware assets Software assets

Duration In SLA Outside SLA No SLA

Classification Attribute Count Cumulative % of


Duration No SLA 670 1,470 38.72%

Priority High 550 2,020 53.21%

Duration Outside 500 2,520 66.39%


Category Network 430 2,950 77.71%

Priority Urgent 300 3,250 92.73%

Category Software 270 3,520 92.73%

assets 13/21
3/12/21 15:36 5 techniques for ITIL problem management | Problem solving techniques

Category Hardware 150 3,670 96.68%


Impact Affects 80 3,750 98.79%


Impact Affects user 35 3,785 99.71%

Impact Affects 9 3,794 99.95%


Duration In SLA 2 3,796 100% 14/21
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This chart helps identify the problems that should be solved first to
significantly reduce service disruption. This analysis complements the
Ishikawa and Kepner-Tregoe methods by providing a way to prioritize the
category of problems,
while the other methods analyze the root cause.

It's important to remember that the 80/20 rule suggests likely causes, and
may be incorrect at times.

Five whys technique

Five whys is a straightforward technique for RCA. It defines a problem

statement, then repeatedly asks why until the underlying root cause of the
problem is discovered. The number of whys doesn't need to be limited to
five, but can
be based on the problem and the situation.

The five whys technique complements many other problem-solving

techniques like the Ishikawa method, Pareto analysis, and the K-T method.

Using the previous example of the data backup failure in a server, let's
apply the five whys technique.

Why did the data backup fail in server Due to the application of patch 3.124.
#32-C? 15/21
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Why was it due to patch 3.124? The procedure used was different.

Why was the procedure different? A Level 1 engineer was responsible for it.

Why was the Level 1 engineer The Level 3 engineers were busy with a
responsible? major incident and had improper
transfer of knowledge.

Why was there an improper transfer of There isn't a standardized schedule or

knowledge? format used in the organization.

The above iterative process reveals the absence of a standardized format,

which has led to the problem of data backup failure.

For our purposes, the example above is a simple execution of the method.
In a real scenario, the next question depends on the answer to the previous
question, so it's imperative to collaborate with stakeholders who have
elaborate knowledge
of the domain the problem resides in.

By adopting parts of the K-T method along with the five whys technique,
such as providing evidence to each answer before validating it with a
return question, you can ensure precise analysis during problem-solving

Other techniques 16/21
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Apart from the five major techniques, there are still numerous others, each
with their own unique strengths. Overall, problem investigation is carried
out using a combination of techniques suitable for the situation. Some
other techniques
that are prevalent in the problem management
community are chronological testing, fault tree analysis, the fault isolation
method, hypothesis testing, and pain value analysis. It's worth taking the
time to learn many techniques
as your organization's problem
management process matures.

Up next:

You have made it so far! In our penultimate part of the six-part series, you will learn about the best practices of
problem management that can help you jump past any hurdles during your problem management journey.

Previous Next
Reactive vs Proactive problem management Problem management best practices
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3/12/21 15:36 5 techniques for ITIL problem management | Problem solving techniques

Assess your incident response

readiness to kick-start your problem
management journey

The zeroth step in the journey towards proactive problem management is establishing
a robust incident management process in your IT environment. Discover how Zoho,
our parent company, handles the spectrum of incidents thrown at it
year over year and
assess your incident management readiness at an enterprise scale.

Download a free copy of our incident management handbook and a best practice
checklist to review your problem management solution. 18/21
3/12/21 15:36 5 techniques for ITIL problem management | Problem solving techniques

Problem management ITIL incident management

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3/12/21 15:36 5 techniques for ITIL problem management | Problem solving techniques

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Guide : An extensive guide to building an IT service catalog

Learn more about ITIL problem management: Incident vs problem,

ITSM with our Reactive vs proactive approach,

extensive resource ITIL problem management techniques, Best practices,

KPIs & metrics

ITIL knowledge management: DIKW model, ITIL SKMS,

Best practices, KPIs & metrics, Glossary

Guide : What is a CMDB?

Webinar : ITIL® 4 and the digital enterprise - working beyond IT

Webinar : 7 practical ITIL 4 tips by Barclay Rae, ITIL 4 co-author

Webinar : All about ITIL®4 by Dr. Mauricio Corona, ITIL 4


Ebook : ITIL heroes handbook

Ebook : How ITIL based IT helpdesk can help SMBs

Ebook : When reality hits ITIL implementations

Infographic : The lighter side of IT history

Infographic : 7 steps to build a service catalog

Other features in ServiceDesk Plus

Incident management 20/21
3/12/21 15:36 5 techniques for ITIL problem management | Problem solving techniques

Asset management Enterprise service

Project management
IT release management
Problem management
ITIL best practices
ITIL for small business
Service catalog
ITIL implementation
IT project management challenges
Service request management
Configuration management
database ITIL software

ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

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