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Date: _15/07_ Intermediate Level, Module 3

Name: _____Susej Rivas______

Written Sufficiency Assessment (EER) – 30%

PART I. Listening. Listen to the radio program about ‘ The Price of Fame ’.
Mark the sentences true ( T ) or false ( F ) according to the information you
hear. (0.5 points e/o = 4 Points)

a) The first big ‘stars’ appeared in the USA in the 1930’s. (F )

b) Rudolph Valentino attracted a lot of excited fans. (F )
c) Celebrities are more famous nowadays because of the massive media.
(T )
d) Film starts do adverts as part of their film contracts. (T )
e) Paparazzi are aggressive photographers. (F )
f) John Lennon was killed in a crash. (T )
g) Many famous celebrities have died young. (F )
h) James Dean starred in three films. (T )

PART II. Grammar. Rewrite the sentences below into Conditional Sentences. (2 points e/o =

6 Points)

a) I went to a school in Mexico, where I learnt Spanish.

R- If I hadn't gone to school in Mexico, I wouldn't have learned Spanish

b) I didn’t do any sport at high school, and I wasn’t very fit when I graduated.

R- If I had practiced any sport in high school I would have been in shape when I graduated

c) My teachers were fantastic, so I loved going to school.

R- If my teachers hadn't been fantastic, I wouldn't have liked going to school

PART III. Language in Context. Rewrite the newspaper report using the Passive Voice where
possible. (Structures = 1 point; Accuracy = 1 point = 8 Points)
e.g.: ‘We can bring more out live’
More can be brought out alive

Thousands were died by a earthquake in

Iran, but as a british rescue team goes
in, there is optimism that lives can be save by they.
Rescue teams have been sent to the city by many countries such as the UK, Germany, China,
Russia and Japan and they still hope they will find survivors. As they arrived, their journey to the
desaster zone had hampered by queues of injured people surrounded the difficult traveling
Graham Payne, the director of the 60-strong British team said: “We are still optimistic that we can
bring more out alive” also “If anyone is trapped, there is a good chance we will find them”.
Snake-eye cameras, hi-tech listening devices and carbon dioxide detectors had been used by the
team to locate survivors at the first day

PART IV. Skill Development. Look at the names of the services. What can you have done there?
Use the Causative Form to explain your ideas. (Structures = 1 point; Accuracy = 1 point = 8

a) Dry Cleaner’s: I had the dress washed

b) Dressmaker’s: I want to have a skirt adjusted

c) Optician’s: I get to buy some glasses

d) Dentist’s: I'm going to have my teeth cleaned

PART V. Reading Comprehension. Read the article ‘A Home in

Space’. Write a reflection explaining the author’s main ideas.
(Structures = 2 points; Coherence = 2 points = 4 Points)

the text refers to the alpha in space, informs us about the daily life of
astronauts living in the alpha. Despite not having much
entertainment, they were able to communicate with their relatives and
listen to the radio. They stay in shape as they do spacewalks a lot.
The food that they can consume are those that have already been
chosen months before the trip, they do not have to choose what they
are going to eat since a computer tells them. The crew must organize
to keep the alpha clean. Despite the fact that the space shuttle is almost self-sustaining, it cannot
produce food for the autronauts, which is why it has had to bring food from the earth, although the
results were not as expected.

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