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Eighth Southeast Astan Geotechnical Conterense/11—15 March 1985 /Kuale Limmpur BEHAVIOUR OF A RAFT FOUNDATION ON IMPROVED SOIL AND ROCK CX. TOH —Zeidun-Leeng Sdn. Bhd, Kusla Lumpur, Malays, TA OOL —Filecon Engineering Berhad, Kusla Lumpur, Malaysia, ‘WAH. TING © Zaidut-Leeng Sdn. Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Meleysia, swHo?sts This paper presents the results of predicted and measured settlenente of tower raft and podtun stripe of the Wiena Saberkas, Kuching. The rafe and strips rest partly on rock and partly on soll which hes been im proved by Dyaauic Consolidation. Analysis of the raft was by use of three (3) dtmensfonal and two (2) divensional Finite Elenents and the rafe vas instrumented for settlenents and pore-water pressures. Reasonable agreement Detween predicted and measured settlenent was obeained. 1, urRoogerrow The Wises Saberkas building located tn Kuching, Saravak, Malaysia consists of « 20- Storey ‘tower block which rests on a raft foundation and 2 surrounding 7~storey podiua ‘which 1s founded partly on strips and partly on piles. The raft and stripe rect in part on tock end in part on sol which has been tm- proved by Dynanie Consolidation. Prior to construction, a three dtmen~ stonal finite elenent analyots of the raft was carried out to deternine the settleneat behav four of the rafe and the stresses within. Two dimensional finite clenest analysis of the podium strips were also conducted to determine the settlement of and the stresses wichin the stehpss ‘The raft and podtua strips were sub sequently instrumented with pleconeters and Settlesent ponte and the conpuced gettlenents compared against actual ueasurenents. 2. GROUND coNDTTTONS Geologicatty, Kuching tom ‘te underlain mainly by rocks of the Tuang formation comprising predominantly ¢lates, phyllites, and metagreywacke with einor chert, eflieified volesnic rock and tuff. Subsurface exploration showed the geo- cechnical profile to couprise of clayey stley sand overlying loose sand over unveathered Tock varying from Breccia co sfltstone and Sandstone and occuring at depths ranging be~ twoon BeL. ~ 0.920 to Rel. #1-52m. Ta corteta locations, soft clayey or ollty organic softs wore found to overlay the clayey stlty sand. A cross-section of the geotechateat profile is shown in Figure 1. The variability Of the soil condition across the site is re flected in the summary of presureneter tests and Standard Penetration Test results given ia Figures 2a, 2b and Ze. 3. FOUNDATION Systm As shown in Piguee 3, the foundations for Viena Saberkes conciet of a raft for che tower block and strips for parte of the podiun. Because of the occurrence of unveath- ered rock at varying depths, the raft and the strips rest ie part on rock and in part on Soil as shoun in Figure 4. ‘The orkginel soll condition was con sidered warginal for shallow foundations which Would have resulted in excessive post cor structional settlenent arising £ro (2) uneven tanadiate settleneat fn the dif ferent areas arising fron ground heterogen eleys LY) uneven long tere settlement due to com solidation settlenent of localized clay pockets. Sot inprovenent by Dynamle Gonsolidation wa used to render the sof1 conditions nore on fora byt (4) generally increasing the cotl stiffness and bearing capacity thereby reducing the de~ gree of post-construction diffeccatial settle- Bente 3-64 7 (44) “punching in” sand colums through the Tocalized pockets of soft clayey or silty or ganic soils thereby increasing the pernoabi~ Lity and reducing uneven long tera settlewent ‘dye to concoltdstion. 4. STL IMPROVEMENT BE DYNAMIC CON SOLTDATION 4.1 Treacuent Process ‘The optiaun treatment pareneters as determined from heave tests are given in Table 1. Phase 1 2 ‘Treatment Grid fax bm bax 6 Pounder Weight (Tomes) 13.5 1345 Drop Hesghe (a) 8 25 No. of nous 8 a Energy (tral 15 7 Table 1 Dynamte Consolidation Treatment Pare eters A 1.0m thick sand blanket was provided for operational reasons and aleo to enable send to be punched into the soft clayey pockets by the process of Dynante Replacenent. Dynante Consolidetion could aot be carcied out immediately adjacent to the Northern boundary due to the close proxtaity of the adjacent buildings and the podium in thie area was subsequently aupporced on steel feptlea. 5S. THREE DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT ANALY= ‘STS OF RAPT POUNDATION Sel Diserectzation The entire continua vas subdivided into a tots! of 950 eight node brick elenents with a total of 1,242 nodal points. Mesh dis~ eretization was ouch ap C0 ensure that coluan Positions cofnaided with nodal points. Super Structure stiffness vas neglected in the analysis. The discretized raft and sur Founding soll/rock 1 fTlustrated in Figure 5. 5.2 Applied Loads ‘The loads used in the analysis {6 illustrated in Figure 6. For the parpose of the analysis, where distributed loads occar e.g. 4n the 11ft pit regions and the retaining wail slong line Nan equivalent point loed wos calculated and applied to the ‘nearest nodal point. Ths 3~ 65 manner of distributing che applied pressure ts Likely to result in a slight overestimation of Settlewent in that vickatey- 5. Rock/Soil Distribution Because of che highly heterogeneous nature of the grouad conditions some wncerrainty extste a to the depth of rock et different potate aerome the macy Figure 7 illustrates the depths of rocks beneath founding level at discrete points as determined fron boreholes and pressureueter tests while Figure 4 {1lustrates the assused distribution of soli and rock. ‘The locations of rock at founding level were algo determined from field observations after excavation to founding level was carried out Figure & illuserates the idealization of the rock/soil distributions for the purpose of the acalysis. Tn genoral the rock vas assumed to occur at three different levels, the deepest of which te approximately 2.Jé beneath the founding Level of the rafts 5.4 Assumed Materiel Propertics (Rate ‘The une weight and the Young's Hodulusso£ the conergte vere assuced to pe 23.36 Kia (1501 I/te9) and 20670.0 mi/a” (3 x 10pst) res pectivaly and a. Poisson's Ratio’ of 0.3 Adopted. The concrete was assumed co bebave fag a Linear clastic material. soit ‘The values of Young's Modulus used in the analysis were approximately twice the average Preseurencter Modulus Yalues weasured by means of the Menard Presgurencter as suggested by Baguelin et al. (1976). The adopted Young's Modulus values and the geasured Menard Preasureneter Modulus values for the different areas are chova in Pigure 92, 9b, 9¢ and 92. Due to the praccence of closely spaced send colunas created by the process of Dynante Replaceneat, 2 drained stere wes expected to ocest very ‘soon after an application of load and che Young's Modulus obtained through use Of the Menard Pressurezecer and corrected by a factor of about 2.0 was deemed to be the drained wodelus. To compute the final settle Rent expected Co occur ‘soon after coxpletion of load application, 2 Poisson's Ratio of 0.3 was adopted. (444) Rock The value of Young's Modulus of Rock assuscd in the aualysis vas 1378.0 MPa. Subsequently unconfined _coupression tests on rock sauples gave Youog's Modulus values ranging from 5912 MPa to 17,225 MPa. The laboratory test results are given in Figures 10a and 10d. 5.5. Computed Settlements: ‘The computed vertical settlenents at the face of the nat are given in Figure 11. maxinun deflection of approximately (an observed to occur in the vicinity of ordinate (H+ 12", 9) in the region vhere Soll ds deepest and the ctiftnese least. Angular atstortions ere computed for @iscrete points and showa in Figure 12. The maximum angular distortion conputed vas 1/470. top. The the Slight heave vas computed along Grid Line 16 and che corner denoted by coordinate (©, St 10"). " Heave vas also computed in the ‘area bounded by Grid line D end Grid lines 13 and 16 + 10", ‘The maxlaua value of heave cosputed was O.2em and it 4s probeble that these small values of heave are a result of numerical tc accuracies due to the high modular ratio be- tween the rock and concrate and the soil 5.6 Computed Stresses 5.601 Contact Stresses Figure 13 illustrates the distrtbation of ver tieal stresses at the contact face between the raft and the ground. The waxtnos contact Presgure on the sgil vas computed to be 0.62 w/e (5.8 ton/ée) ta the vicinity of the Lite pit and defined by coordinate (il + 10", 9), Tha jeaximun cantgct pressure on rock wed 1.93 w/a? (1B tone/tt). 56:2 Worizontal Stresses, Ox and oy In general, the distribution of horizontal sttesses across the thickness of the mat is Linear as shown in Figure Ib which {Ive Erates the horizontal stress dietributtoa for two select points; the fibre streases tend to be approxintely double that at the eantre of the element although sone naccuractes occured at the top and bottom faces. Additionally the nagnitute of stresses at the top and bottos fibres tend to be the sane but with a sien reversal. Te 4s well established in che theory of Finite Hlenents that stresses at the Gauostan Antegtation points (one of which coincides with the elenent centre) are the most scx curate. Hence in interpreting the vast amount of stress values from the analyeis, only the atressos at the centre of the top eleseat are plotted. The strasses at the top fibre 1s ob- tained by doubling che sttess value at the cantee of the top elenent and the stresses at the Botton fibre 4s conotdered equal to but ‘opposite in sign to that at che top fibre. The distribatton of ~—_hortzontal stresses, Ox at the centre of the top elenent As" shown in Figuee 15. Tensile stresses at the top of the mat occur where the wat ofte atreetly on rock. Figure 16 Wlustretes the distribution of Gy across the mat at the centre of the top eleaents. 6, SETTLEMENT OF THE RAPT FOUNDATION 6.1 Settlenent Meagurenent Stations Settlenent nescureneat stations were located sctoss the raft foundation as shown in Figure 17. Settiesent measurements vere taken before end after construction of each floor. The settlement tise behaviour throughout the period of construction 42 shom in Pigure 18. The construction progress chart te given in Figure 19. 6.2 Couparizon of Predicted and Measured Setelenent Figure 20 summarizes the predicted and measured (at end of construction) settlenent of the raft at most of the settlenent seasure~ nent stations Figures 212 to 21f tLiueceatos the prem dicted and measured settlenent profiles across Asfferent sections of the raft foundation. In general, the aagnitudes of predicted settlenent conpares well with the meacured settlenent. Wowever, as shown in Figures 21, the point of weasured naximun gettlenent of each of the sections is displaced from the Points of predicted maxinun settlement. This is Likely ‘to be due to inaccuracies ta the ascumption of bedrock level. and in the idealization of bedrock profiles for finite clonent discretization. The gualysis was carried out for dead plus Live foadae At the time of the lasc settlenent measurement live loads were yet to be inposed and it 1s expected that a” snall anount of additional sectienent aay occur a6 result of the application of Live loads. 7.” PORE~PEESSURE, MEASUREMENTS Four (4) high air ontry type pneunatic piezo- Seters were located beneath the toverraft. The pore-pressure response is shovn in Figure 22. “With che exception where construction of the dmhoft tank necessitated lowering of the water table, no change tn pore-varer pressure was recorded ducing the period of construction indicative of the relatively high perseability of the eokl. 8, TWO-DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF TuE POOTUN STRIPS 8. Analysis Finite elenent analysis of che podiva strips running along line 18 was carried out indepen dently the tover raft to estiate the total and differential settlement and the stresses induced vithin the etrip due to the applied loads and the heterogencity of the soli/rock Forsacion resulting in the podius strips resting partly on soil and pactly on rock. The three dimenefonal nature of the problem wes approximated to a two digensional, Plane strain cltuation- To enable increased accuractea and reduced couputational costs, the tvo disenstonal etght node Tsoparanetric Quadrilateral vas enployed vith a reduced in- tegretion scheme. This method of Sdealization allovs only the deternination of bending stresses In the longitudinal direction, Soperstructure stiffness was neglected in the analysis and the atrip vas considered im feolation. An tehorent aasunption wae that Settlenoat of the podtum atripe due to the tover block has beea fully induced before loading of the podium strips commenced. Figure 23 illustrates the depths of rock beneath founding level along one edge of the tower mat as determined from JKR Probes, Pile driving records end field observations after excavation to founding Level was carried out. Fig 24 shows the idealization of che Podium steip along ins 18, 2.2 Results of Analysis ‘The pattern of setclenent and the distribution of vertical contact stresses acrosa the Lengen of the podion strip ts {llustrated in Figure 25. The maxioum vertical contact stress js estinated to be 0.25 Mi/u” (2.35 tons/ fe) occurring in the vieinity of Grid Line N where the saxiaue coluan loads occurs The maximum settlement computed was about Idan (0.46") which leo occurred in the vicinity of Grid Line We In general the magnitude of the settlenect is roughly proportional to the depth of rock. The maximun angular dletortion estinated was 1/2570 between grid lines WE 10" and Ne 8.3. Comparison Between Measured dicted Setelenanta and Prew Figure 25 also compares the measured and predicted settlenente, Im general, the Finite Blesent nethod predicted reasonably accurately the podiua settlement 9. SUMMARY AND CONCL,ISTON @) the results presented herein shoved Feasonably good agreement between computed and settlenent measured at the end of conetrucy tion. ‘The difference may be due to uncertata- ties in the bedrock profil (2) The reasonably good agreeneat between the couputed and measured results tends to confira that the Young's Modulus of the soil 4s approximately twice the Menard Pressure- neter Yodulus- (2) Phezonatete records show Lttle to no excess pore water presure during the period of constraction ond this tends to confirn {eld observations that Dyaante Consolidation has resulted in the foraation of send columns and sufficiently high permeability as to re- sult in a drained condition alnost innediately after application of load. (The agreesent etween computed and nessured settlenents also tends to indicate that Dynasie Consolidation has resulted in fairly untform soft conditions with com- pressibility parameters ctetlar to that as- uned in che analysis. Jo, AckNoNLEDoeMeNT ‘The authors are grateful to Promet Construction sda Bhd for peratasion to publish this papers TL. REFERENCES Baguelin, F., Jezequel, J-¥., Shields, Dike, The Preeeureneter ‘and _ Foundation, weering, ean Tech Pblicatione, Flest Heer as. | 3 oped 3.) i 5. 3 Flowe 1 1 Geotechnical Profie of the Site PRE- S01 UAPROVEMENT Pr MopaLs» Em CARS) 08222 Me tye Ayo spo Ago M70 80 . aoe REpucES LEVEL Cm REDUCED LEVEL Cn? “a “4 -of ~- Figure 28 : Summary of Precol Improvement Menard Pressure: Figure 26 Imeter odoter PREM SOU IMPROVEMENT PRESSURE LIMIT » CRAKS? 2 & 2 Ip 70% sos a 4b OB \ > / ~ aa 5 Sumary a Presailtmorovement Presure Lite From Menard Prssiremeter Tess igure 20 + Summary of All resol improvement SPT. Rests Va =929%4 Fig 3 icloo AO 4 Uy Figure 4 + Dictrbvtion and Bropentoe of Soil/Rock >oovmnpzexre ave reatrtth Figure 5: Finite Element Dsereieaton of Tower Ratt Pata Cad E ate Est Pua? Patd Pate Pats eas Fate Fe Ie faced fasad| Ml =a re saya ot Applied Load for Finite Element Analyse > AT soe. ws ws, tm 2328 { i> co [ baa. | by Figure 7: ‘Dape of Fock rom Borehole and Bresvremeter Teste | | | | I nore. ta=3agRt oan 66, Ja fote} at fet fost fatl act fact tt at asd nee fad bay 2365 67 ton herpes 6 iB Figure 8: Ieslces Sack Dierisution RRGUCED LEVEL Cm) Em, ¢ BARS) 252 1g0 fo 190 250 sp0 apo 430 sto “| 4! Be b Assumes Youns!s mocuLus| REDUCED LEVEL Cm? Ems EC BARS) © 52 uo iGo ayo spo ago aB0 400 Location OF PA TEST Figure + Atessued tena Pesuremeter Median Assi RERUED LEVEL Cu? Youngs Modules Em) (ears) ve sre PNGURE T FOR LOeETIONG OF FR TESTS Fioure Se ! Messured Menard Presureneter Modubie and Assued REDUCES LEVEL Cm) Youre’: Modutss Ems = (OARS) 4 228212 ie £90 250.300 ato 490 480 , owt smon LEVEL 82 | \ ‘ jeraesunce vowels TT wenatee, Figure $b: Measured Mena Pressuremeter Modulisand Assumed Yours’ Modulus igure 9d Mesuired Menard Precuremeter Medals nd Assumed < Youngs Hodutvs mun, ARES TS ex SHARES ng weak tora, sual LORD WN TONS. Fine vertical cracks appear ‘beeen 3105 fan PEW Modulus « 062 «1st between 005594 ond 004% stain) 0 0 Os SOO VERTICAL SRA (7) Figure 108 + Uniosaf Rock Te 0 1QAD IN Tons owas nade =199 2 i baleen 002% and’ 013% stron) @ O te 0 0s VERTICAL STRAIN. (%) a 08 Figure 108 + Until Rock Tost NORTH rort tmeoa0n, Figure 11 + Vertical Detection of Top of Matin tnches NORTH ye 8.26 M4 id] L z x ied) 2a Zo x =| =] = Taod| a wore Proust © tokPa Figure 13. + artical Contot Stes ¢ MatSolt~RockInertace 2 wesc <— | —> ros ee ee ee tent eu eno : vara oc ie mmr i tote wore Figure #4: Horlzntal Suess Dlebutons for Coordinate Were, 11910 > z |e = aay Sel > es \ TT pte _—_ at 3 “7a Ps Tao anf ie = of eS el =| zs fo et q a pind 29 REST |Al eo leed 3 3 ir = Was Cy 4 is vere: AS tmnoze A. : ete rove = 160 KPa ph fr 7 fool a | at aid) = ele=[- | =| = [avo 2 ied] eof p 7 atl <> “4 faa | NORTH 4a 7 . a tis “2 J a zi a iz] UT 6 7 io + te it em etl i if ‘ of Zh? wale [ole Pal Ss 6 Bee Me q Figure 16 + Horizontal Stress (ay) Beribation Centre of Top Met Elmont oy : p, z <> NORTH 3 4 a 1 J 7 1 1 Tne asen, 5 6 7 on 2 Bw 6 4 Fique 17. = Locations of Secement Measurement Stations 3-76 <2 ae ‘SETTLEMENT (mm) 2 SETLEMENT: “STATION lofs SETTLEMENT STATION ar 10/3. 20 >» TIME ee ‘SEITLENENT (mm) 2 FLOOR LeveLs Ota Se wePres Bar 35 WOVSS BATS TANTS) \SETILEMENT STATION to/o- SEREMENT Sracion id TIME, 1983 <—+ 1904 Figura 18 + Sstdement Behaviour for Setement Stations 10/3, 1015, 106 0d 1007, TOWER BLOCK wote* TERMINAL BLOCK PopIUM BLOCK 20303040 30 39 30 30 30 30 30 30 303050 Jaane a 1985. TTA SOT ND lane MA Mo TE ead Figure 19°: hems Sobers Floor Contuetion Progress Record 2 Coz SETTLEMENT 2d-c | w-| 240' |10'!| eo Tower Block ArT 29 9 © @ O@ ® DER CHI KUM AP 3 k oe ocd val Paes ve £ ie : 2 £ eo g Ba E wo sed - esd i ants | Gt Le here Ped Stet Tee ad eee co SETLEMENT Cm) SETILEMENT Cm) ‘Floue 2fe : Gre Line 10 Mesure nd Computed Settament @ @ e@ DRE GHY KEM Ne sai FOITE ELEMENT gx 7 ie : 2 g a oss j e * Bae as. as so Figure 210 : Grid Line 12 Meousred and Computed Setement Figure 210 + Grid Line 14 Measured and Comuted Setiement Fp? oF PEN Fe ry i eae) St Figure 29. + Estimated Rock Profi Aong Line 18 cet 8D 4 Opt Ops Out Ove ue Duy Oue® Asana sm=3aere Figure 24. + desiaton of Podium Stra Along Line 18 en | fms 328 6 Hise so kee ‘inet & abn Figure 25 + Dicrbution: of Settlemsat And Bearing Pressure crass Polum Strio Along Line 18 3-8

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