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PENILAIAN AKHIR SEMESTER I (PAS) 6. Sari sometimes ... children’s story book.

SDS AHMAD YANI SURABAYA a. read c. cooks

TAHUN PELAJARAN 2021 - 2022 b. Prepared d. eats
7. What ... do you get up at six O’clocvk?
Tanda Tangan Bidang Studi : BAHASA INGGRIS Paraf
Orang Tua Kelas/Semester : V (Lima) / I (Satu) Guru a. old c. speak
Hari/Tanggal : ………………………..………. b. time d. play
Waktu : ………………………..………. 8. Teacher : Ok children, please ...
Nama Siswa : ………………………..………. Student : Yes, sir!
a. stand up c. sit down
NILAI : b. keep silent d. eat ready
9. Look, it’s so dirty. Please ...
I. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER BY CROSSING (X) a, b, c, d ! a. open the door.
1. I … at five O’clock in the morning. b. clean the board.
a. get up c. take a bath c. sweep the floor
b. have dinner d. take a lunch d. put the rubbish into the dustbin
2. Father ... a cup of coffee. 10. Salsa : I am sorry, I ... join playing skate.
a. drinks c. does Putri : It’s Okay.
b. studies d. plays 11. Almas : Would you like some ... ?
3. Deni has ... at 01.00 pm. Balqis : Sure, thanks.
a. breakfast c. swim a. bread c. chicken
b. lunch d. dinner b. drink d. fruits
4. She ... her flowers every day. 12. Angger : ... you like some coffee?
a. swims c. studies Shofito : Sure.
b. plays d. waters a. Would c. Will
5. Doni always take a nap in the ... b. Can d. Does
a. garage c. bedroom 13. A : Where is the hotel?
b. bathroom d. kitchen B : It’s on Darmo ... in front of a bank.
a. street c. left
b. right d. back
14. If you want to save your money, you have to go to ...
a. bookstore c. drugstore
b. bank d. post office
15. If you want to watch movie, where will you go?
a. theater c. school
b. museum d. super market...............


16. I ........................................... the clothes.
17. I ........................................................ up.
18. I ....................................................... TV.
19. I ............................... home from school.
20. I .............................................. to school.
21. I ................................................... books.
22. I ................................................,..... bath.
23. I .............................................. shopping.
24. I .................................................... lunch.
25. I ........................................... Newspaper.

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