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Give the principles underlying instructions. In what ways do principles guide the teachers?

Principles underlying instructions guide the teachers the best ways and approach to teaching students. Firs, principle of focus is
about giving clear and concise directions to students in order for them to be able to concentrate on what to study. The teachers
ensure that topics to be discussed are detailed and organized ang provide students concepts to deal on. Next is the principle of
context. Principle of context designs a situation to which learning can be fully understood by students. Usually, materials used in
the classroom dictate the learning that takes place inside. Say when teachers provide textbooks only, the discussion revolves
mostly on verbal discussion and no problem-solving experience is required. Whereas in field experiences, there is a concrete and
abundant first-hand experience of learning that takes place for the students. Next is the principle of individualization. This
principle takes care of the fact that learners themselves approach the learning through their own ways and initiatives. It gives them
autonomy and independence to think on their own, and may do individual undertakings that could have different outcomes for
everybody. Next is the principle of evaluation where methods are scrutinized and provide feedbacks to instructional approach
whenever needed. This principle assesses the quality of the teacher’s instruction to which they would give review and reflection to
their performance and would offer a great view on the quality of teaching by the teachers. Lastly, principle of sequence depends on
following sequence to produce meaningful learning. It is an organized instruction that gives direction to learning, say from simple
to complex, whole to part and etc. Learning stages are grouped in terms of what can be learned readily and level up as
development of skills go up as well.

Different principles have different ways into providing the students the best instruction and learning available at the teachers’
disposal. It explains the process of learning and show how things can be achieved with results. Students have varying interest,
motivation and skills. Thus, it is imperative for the teacher to apply due importance to different principles to help students develop
he necessary skills and knowledge they need and guide them all throughout in their learning experience. When the teachers use
appropriate principles along with some strategies, the students will be able to learn better and more excellently. Thus, their school
performance would also improve.

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