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pISSN 1598-298X / eISSN 2384-0749

J Vet Clin 35(5) : 222-225 (2018)

Endometrial Polyps with Open-Cervix Pyometra in a Cat

Sang-Ho Lee†, Chul-Ho Park†* and Chang-Ho Son1
College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 61186, Republic of Korea
*Chonnam National University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Gwangju 61186, Republic of Korea

(Received: August 20, 2018 / Accepted: September 14, 2018)

Abstract : The current study describes a case of endometrial polyps accompanied by an open-cervix pyometra in a
15-year-old female Chinchilla Persian cat. The cat was presented with a history of a large mass in the endometrium
and purulent discharge from the vulva. Ovariohysterectomy was performed and pedunculated polypoid mass on the
endometrium was seen protruded into the uterine cavity. Histologically, the mass was composed of multiple cystically
dilated glands surrounded by fibrous stroma. Based on gross and histologic findings, the diagnosis for this case was
Key words : Endometrial polyp, Pyometra, Feline.

Introduction for several days.

Haematological examination revealed moderate leukocyto-
Occurrence of endometrial polyps are rarely observed in sis [white blood cell (WBC) 22.19 K/µL, normal range 2.87-
cats (18). Currently, only five reported cases of endometrial 17.02 K/µL], moderate neutrophilia [neutrophil (NEU) 15.48
polyps in cats are found in the literature (1,7,15,16,18). K/µL, normal range 1.48-10.29 K/µL]. Serum biochemistry
Endometrial polyps are generally one of the several benign examination showed a slight elevation in the levels of blood
growths consisting of a focal proliferation of both glandular urea nitrogen (BUN 55 mg/dL, normal range 16-36 mg/dL),
and stromal elements in the endometrium (18). Occasionally, and creatinine (CREA 2.8 mg/dL, normal range 0.8-2.4 mg/
these larger polyps become well-developed that it occupies dL). Abdominal ultrasonography examination revealed a
the entire uterine lumen and be easily confused with tumors mild-to-moderate cystic endometrial hyperplasia with anechoic
of the uterus (18). or hypoechoic fluid, and a multicystic pedunculated poly-
Pyometra is a uterine infection that is commonly observed poid mass, measuring about 3 cm × 2 cm in diameter in the
in bitches and queens (6). It is characterized by cystic left uterine horn cavity (Fig 1).
endometrial hyperplasia, caused by the effect of sex hor-
mones on the endometrium (6). Un-spayed female dogs are
more commonly susceptible to have cystic endometrial hyper-
plasia-pyometra than cats, since ovulation in cat is induced
by coitus and the uterus is less exposed with sex hormones,
thus have lower risk for the disease (12,14).
This paper reports a case of endometrial polyps with open-
cervix pyometra in a cat.

A 15-year-old, 3.1 kg, Chinchilla Persian cat was referred
to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Chonnam National
University, due to presence of mass in endometrium with
hypoechoic fluid accumulation in lumen observed through
ultrasonography. The cat showed clinical signs seen in an
open-cervix pyometra consisting of grayish purulent vaginal
discharge, anorexia, depression, polydipsia/polyuria, vomit-
ing and arrhythmia. Antibiotic treatment was administered

Fig 1. Ultrasonographic images of a mild-to-moderate cystic

These authors contribute equally to this work endometrial hyperplasia with anechoic or hypoechoic fluid, and
1 a multicystic pedunculated polypoid endometrial mass, measur-
Corresponding author.
E-mail : ing approximately 3 cm × 2 cm in diameter.

Endometrial Polyps with Open-Cervix Pyometra in a Cat 223

Fig 2. (a) Gross appearance of the excised polyp from the left
uterine horn. A pedunculated polypoid mass protruded into the
uterine cavity. The mass was round, edematous, and had mul-
tiple cyst formations on the cut surface. The scale on the mea-
sure is 1 mm. (b) Polypoid mass was projected into uterine
lumen and had several, large cystic formations (*) derived from Fig 4. In the stroma, there was a moderate to severe prolifera-
endometrial gland. H&E. Bar size = 4 mm. tion of connective tissue with admixed small blood vessels and
occasional compactly arranged spindle shaped cells surrounding
the thick-walled blood vessels (perivasucular whorled arrange-
ment). H&E.
An ovariohysterectomy (OHE) was performed with the
owner’s consent. A median ventral laparotomy revealed the
presence of distended uterus. Grossly, the uterine wall flattened by pressure from the fluid within the cysts (Fig 3b).
appeared thinned and the uterine lumen showed a remark- In the stroma, there was a moderate to severe proliferation of
able amount of grayish purulent exudate. The mass was connective tissue with admixed small blood vessels and
round, edematous, and had several, large cystic formation occasional compactly arranged spindle shaped cells surround-
derived from endometrial gland (Fig 2a) The resected polyp ing the thick-walled blood vessels (perivasucular whorled
from the left uterine horn showed a pedunculated polypoid arrangement) (Fig 4). Based on the gross and histopathologi-
mass measuring about 3 cm × 2 cm in diameter that pro- cal findings, a final diagnosis of multiple endometrial polyps
truded into the uterine cavity. The ovaries, uterus, and was made. Follow up treatment was carried out four weeks
endometrial mass were excised in a routine manner and were after the surgery and no clinical complication was present.
submitted for histopathological examination. Microscopi-
cally, polypoid mass was projected into uterine lumen and Discussion
had several, large cystic formations derived from endome-
trial gland (Fig 2b). After surgery, the queen was treated with There are few reported cases of endometrial polyps in dogs
antibiotic and antiphlogistic for 7days after surgery. Sutures and cats (16). Also, the exact prevalence and prognosis of
were removed after 10 days and was in process of good endometrial polyps are unknown (7,16). In the veterinary lit-
recovery. erature, pedunclated proliferative mass protruding into the
Microscopically, the mass was composed mainly of hyper- uterine lumen in cats and dogs have been described as
plastic endometrial glands embedded into stroma composed endometrial polyps, hyperplastic endometrial polyps or
of spindle shaped cells with variable amounts of collagen endometrial stromal polyps (16). The histopathology charac-
fiber (Fig 3a). The lining of the glands was composed of sim- teristics between endometrial polyps and polypoid form of
ple cuboidal to columnar epithelium, but some of these were cystic endometrial hyperplasia are different in domestic ani-

Fig 3. (a) The lesion composed of various number of endometrial glands embedded into a stroma of spindle shaped cells with variable
amounts of collagen fiber. Endometrial glands were of various sizes and shapes, some of which were hyperplastic. H&E. Bar
size = 200 µm. (b) The lining of the glands was composed of a simple cuboidal to columnar epithelium. H&E. Bar size = 50 µm.
224 Sang-Ho Lee, Chul-Ho Park and Chang-Ho Son

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a vascular connective tissue stalk or contain a substantial (8). So, NETs persistence might contribute to renal dysfunc-
connective stroma in addition to glands in case of the former tion (22). As mentioned previously, the cat in this case study
(13). Therefore, the present case was diagnosed as endome- showed mild azotemia and may be due to the impaired func-
trial polyps due to this detailed definition. tion of the kidney.
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