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Research Report

Journal of International Medical Research

2014, Vol. 42(2) 457–467
Efficacy of low-dose ! The Author(s) 2014
Reprints and permissions:
rosuvastatin in patients with
DOI: 10.1177/0300060513507648
type 2 diabetes and hypo

high-density lipoprotein
Takuyuki Katabami1, Mariko Murakami1,
Suzuko Kobayashi1, Tomoya Matsui1,
Makoto Ujihara2, Sachiko Takagi2,
Mariko Higa3, Takamasa Ichijo3, Akio Ohta4
and Yasushi Tanaka4

Objective: To analyse the efficacy of low-dose rosuvastatin for treating hypo high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterolaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes and dyslipidaemia.
Methods: Patients with HDL-cholesterol (C) <40 mg/dl and triglycerides (TG) <400 mg/dl who
were receiving treatment with lipid-lowering drugs other than rosuvastatin (or previously
untreated with lipid-lowering drugs) and with low-density lipoprotein [LDL]-C 120 mg/dl were
included. Patients were treated with 2.5 or 5 mg rosuvastatin orally, once daily, to achieve the
target LDL-C level specified in Japanese guidelines. Changes in total cholesterol, HDL-C, TG, LDL-
C, LDL-C/HDL-C and non-HDL-C at 3 and 6 months were prospectively analysed. Safety was
evaluated by examining changes in hepatorenal function, glucose metabolism and creatine kinase.
Results: Out of 49 patients, all lipid parameters other than TG were significantly improved at
3 and 6 months. At 3 months, 83.3% of patients had achieved the target LDL-C level. Among
nonlipid parameters, no changes were observed except for estimated glomerular filtration rate,
which was improved by þ 5.2% and þ 9.6% at 3 and 6 months, respectively.
Conclusions: Low-dose rosuvastatin was effective in improving hypo-HDL cholesterolaemia and
may have renoprotective effects.

Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Department Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Department
of Internal Medicine, St Marianna University School of of Internal Medicine, St Marianna University School of
Medicine Yokohama City Seibu Hospital, Yokohama, Japan Medicine, Kawasaki, Japan
Division of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Department of Corresponding author:
Internal Medicine, National Hospital Organization Dr Takuyuki Katabami, Division of Metabolism and
Yokohama Medical Centre, Yokohama, Japan Endocrinology, St Marianna University School of Medicine
Division of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Department of Yokohama City Seibu Hospital, 1197-1 Yasashi-cho, Asahi-
Internal Medicine, Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu Hospital, ku, Yokohama 241-0811, Japan.
Yokohama, Japan Email:

Creative Commons CC-BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
3.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and
distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page
458 Journal of International Medical Research 42(2)

Type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypo high-density lipoprotein cholesterolaemia, rosuvastatin, low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, estimated glomerular filtration rate

Date received: 29 August 2013; accepted: 12 September 2013

explained by a cholesterol ester transfer

Introduction protein-mediated mechanism.8 In addition,
Smoking, dyslipidaemia, hypertension, there may be different mechanisms involved
obesity, diabetes and lifestyle are known in the effects of different statins. For exam-
risk factors for cardiovascular diseases ple, atorvastatin has been shown to increase
such as coronary heart disease. Type 2 HDL-C in a dose-independent manner,
diabetes – which accounts for the majority whereas rosuvastatin was more effective in
of diabetes cases and is usually accompa- increasing HDL-C at lower doses.8,10
nied by obesity – is often associated with Clinical studies that exclusively include
dyslipidaemia, including hypo high-density patients with diabetes and hypo-HDL cho-
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterolaemia, hyper lesterolaemia may reveal the mechanisms
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholestero- involved in statin-mediated HDL-C
laemia and hypertriglyceridaemia.1,2 Many increase, however, no such studies are cur-
patients with type 2 diabetes, therefore, are rently reported. There are also currently no
at heightened risk of cardiovascular disease reports on the differences in clinical charac-
because of concomitant dyslipidaemia, teristics between patients who respond to
which is also associated with insulin resist- statin therapy and those who do not, nor are
ance. Consequently, these patients require there studies on the prediction of statin
active intervention for correction of dysli- response.
pidaemia in addition to treatment for The present study was conducted to
diabetes. Specifically, low HDL-cholesterol evaluate the efficacy of rosuvastatin (which
(C) and high LDL-C levels have been is a potent hydrophilic statin routinely used
reported to be independent risk factors in Japan, that decreases LDL-C and also
for developing cardiovascular disease,3–5 markedly increases HDL-C10) in patients
therefore, patients with diabetes and both with type 2 diabetes and hypo-HDL choles-
of these risk factors require careful and terolaemia. Treatment with rosuvastatin
strict management of LDL-C and HDL-C aimed to achieve the target LDL-C levels
levels, in addition to adequate control of specified in the Japan Atherosclerosis
blood glucose.6 Society guidelines for the diagnosis and
Statins have been reported to improve prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular
hyper-LDL cholesterolaemia and hypertri- diseases in Japan–2012 version.11 In add-
glyceridaemia, to increase HDL-C, and to ition, lipid improvement, safety and factors
reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease in that affected changes in HDL-C at 3 and
patients with type 2 diabetes and dyslipidae- 6 months were evaluated.
mia.7 Meta-analyses using the PubMed and
LIVALOÕ (pitavastatin) effectiveness and Patients and methods
safety (LIVES) Study databases have also
shown that various statins can increase
Study population
HDL-C.8,9 A statin-induced increase in Patients diagnosed by an investigator (T.K.,
HDL-C is usually accompanied by a M.M., S.K., T.M., M.U., S.T., M.H., T.I.,
decrease in LDL-C and may be primarily A.O. or Y.T.) as having type 2 diabetes, who
Katabami et al. 459

also had levels of HDL-C <40 mg/dl and Study design and evaluation
triglyceride (TG) <400 mg/dl, and were Patients were treated with 2.5 or 5 mg
under regular treatment at the following rosuvastatin orally, once daily, to achieve
institutes in Yokohama, Japan: St Marianna the target LDL-C levels of <120 mg/dl for
University School of Medicine Yokohama primary prevention category III or <100 mg/
City Seibu Hospital; National Hospital dl for secondary prevention, in accordance
Organization Yokohama Medical Centre; with the Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu Hospital; St guidelines for the diagnosis and prevention
Marianna University School of Medicine, of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases in
between December 2011 and April 2013, Japan–2012 version.11 Baseline blood lipid
were enrolled into this prospective interven- parameters were measured immediately
tion study. Regardless of LDL-C value, prior to the start of rosuvastatin treatment.
patients with HDL-C <40 mg/dl and TG Changes in blood lipid parameters (total
<400 mg/dl who were under treatment with cholesterol, HDL-C and TG), proportion of
lipid-lowering drugs other than rosvastatin patients who achieved the treatment goal,
were included. Patients with HDL-C and factors that affected the change in HDL-
<40 mg/dl and TG <400 mg/dl who were C at 3 and 6 months following the start of
previously untreated with lipid-lowering treatment with rosuvastatin were analysed.
drugs, with LDL-C 120 mg/dl, were also In principle, changes in nonstudy drugs
included. Patients meeting any of the fol- (including dose change), or in therapies
lowing criteria were excluded from the that may affect lipid parameters, were not
study: familial hypercholesterolaemia; his- permitted during the study. Dosage increase
tory of hypersensitivity to statins; active and/or switching of antidiabetics were per-
hepatic disease; renal dysfunction; serum mitted for patients with glycosylated
creatine kinase (CK) >1000 IU/l; receiving haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels >8.0%, if the
cyclosporine therapy; gravidity or potential attending physician judged it necessary.
gravidity; evidence or family history of The LDL-C level was calculated using the
hypothyroidism or hereditary muscular dis- Friedewald formula;12 the LDL-C/HDL-C
order (muscular dystrophy, etc.); history of ratio was calculated by dividing the calcu-
drug-induced muscle disorder; drug misuse lated LDL-C level by HDL-C, and the non-
or alcoholism; patients who, in the opinion HDL-C level was calculated by subtracting
of the investigator, were not appropriate for HDL-C from total cholesterol.
the study. Patients who were already receiv- Safety was evaluated by analysing
ing other statin therapies did not undergo changes in HbA1c estimated glomerular fil-
any washout or transition phase before they tration rate (eGFR), aspartate aminotrans-
started on rosuvastatin. ferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase
The study protocol was approved by each (ALT), g-glutamyl transferase (g-GT), CK
institutional ethical review board (author- and blood urea nitrogen (BUN). HbA1c
ization approval Nos: 1961, St Marianna levels were expressed in units specified
University School of Medicine Yokohama by the National Glycohemoglobin
City Seibu Hospital and St Marianna Standardization Program (NGSP),13 which
University School of Medicine; 20120004, is the international standard (see below).
National Hospital Organization Yokohama
Medical Centre; 2011035, Saiseikai
Yokohama City Tobu Hospital). Written
informed consent was obtained from each Blood samples (10 ml) were taken from the
patient. antecubital vein at 08:00–09:00 h following
460 Journal of International Medical Research 42(2)

an overnight fast. Samples were immediately Guidebook for Diagnosis and Treatment of
centrifuged at 1 500 g for 5 min at room Chronic Kidney Disease – 2012.15
temperature, and analysed in each hos-
pital by Mitsubishi Kagaku Bio-Clinical
Laboratories, Inc., Tokyo, Japan. TG,
Statistical analyses
total cholesterol and HDL-C were measured Data were presented as mean  SD. Paired
enzymatically using Determiner L TG II t-test was used to compare numerical data
(Kyowa Medex, Tokyo, Japan), Dia Auto before and after treatment with rosuvastatin
T-Cho (Dia Reagents, Tokyo, Japan) and within the patient group; McNemar’s test
Cholestest HDL (Daiichi Pure Chemicals, was used to compare the proportion of
Tokyo, Japan), respectively, by means of an patients who achieved the target LDL-C
autoanalyser (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) level before and after treatment with rosu-
according to the manufacturers’ instruc- vastatin. Pearson’s correlation coefficient
tions. LDL-C was estimated using the and stepwise multiple regression analysis
Friedewald formula (LDL-C ¼ total were performed to determine factors con-
cholesterolHDL-CTG  0.2) unless the tributing to the change in HDL-C. Pearson’s
patient had a current TG level >400 mg/dl.12 correlation coefficient was also used to ana-
For patients with current TG levels lyse factors contributing to the change in
>400 mg/dl, LDL-C was measured using eGFR. Statistical analyses were performed
the N-geneous assay (Daiichi Pure using JMPÕ software, version 7.0.2 for
Chemicals) according to the manufacturer’s WindowsÕ (SAS Institute, Japan). A
instructions. P-value <0.05 was considered statistically
Blood glucose was measured using Sica significant.
Liquid Glu (Kanto Kagaku, Tokyo, Japan)
according to the manufacturer’s instruc- Results
tions. HbA1c was determined by a latex
cohesion method (Determiner HbA1c,
Patient characteristics
Kyowa Medex, Tokyo, Japan), calibrated A total of 49 patients were included in the
against a Japanese Clinical Laboratory Use study; type 2 diabetes-related complications
Certified Reference Material (JCCRM), and and cholesterol reducing therapies for the
designated as HbA1c (Japanese Diabetes included patients are shown (Table 1). A
Society [JDS]). HbA1c (NGSP) was calcu- total of 14 patients (28.6%) had been previ-
lated from HbA1c using the formula: ously treated with lipid-lowering drugs,
HbA1c (NGSP) (%) ¼ 1.02  HbA1c (JDS) including 11 patients with statins, one
(%) þ 0.25 (%).13 patient with the intestinal cholesterol trans-
Estimated GFR was calculated from porter inhibitor ezetimibe, and one patient
serum creatinine (Cr) concentration using with fibrate (phenofibrate) (Table 1). Forty-
the revised equation: eGFR (ml/ four patients received an initial rosuvastatin
min/1.73 m2) ¼ 194  Cr1.094  Age0.287 dose of 2.5 mg orally per day and five
( 0.739, if female).14 AST, ALT, g-GT, CK, patients received an initial dose of 5 mg
Cr and BUN were determined using enzyme orally per day (mean initial dose for all
immunoassays (Iatro-LQ AST, ALT, g-GT, patients, 2.8  0.8 mg per day; Table 1).
CK Rate, CRE and UN Rate; Mitsubishi There was a slight, but not statistically
Kagaku Bio-Clinical Laboratories). Patients significant, increase in rosuvastatin dose
were assessed for chronic kidney disease during the treatment compared with the
using the definitions and staging system starting dose, but the dose remained con-
provided in the Japanese Clinical Practice sistently low throughout the study period
Katabami et al. 461

Table 1. Demographic and baseline clinical char- Table 2. Antidiabetic treatments used during the
acteristics of patients with type 2 diabetes and hypo present study by patients with type 2 diabetes and
high-density lipoprotein cholesterolaemia (n ¼ 49). hypo high-density lipoprotein cholesterolaemia
(n ¼ 49).
Characteristic group Incidence
Treatment type of use
Age, years
Mean 59.8  15.5 Biguanide 21 (42.9)
Range 22–88 Thiazolidine 2 (4.1)
Sex DPP-4 inhibitor 18 (36.7)
Male 40 (81.6) GLP-1 receptor agonist 2 (4.1)
Female 9 (18.4) Sulfonylurea 13 (26.5)
Complications Glinide 3 (6.1)
Hypertension 7 (14.3) a-glycosidase inhibitor 12 (24.5)
Cerebral infarction 2 (4.1) Insulin 16 (32.7)
Arteriosclerosis obliterans 2 (4.1) Mean number of medications 1.8  1.1
Coronary heart disease 4 (8.2) per patienta
Other cardiovascular disease 1 (2.0)
Previous cholesterol-reducing treatment Data presented as n (%) of patients receiving each
antidiabetic drug, or mean  SD.
Atorvastatin, 10 mg/day 3 a
Some patients received two or more antidiabetic agents
5 mg/day 1 simultaneously.
Pitavastatin, 4 mg/day 2 DPP-4, dipeptidyl-peptidase 4; GLP-1, glucagon-like pep-
1 mg/day 1 tide-1.
Simvastatin, 5 mg/day 3
Pravastatin, 10 mg/day 1
Ezetimibe, 10 mg/day 2 Baseline laboratory values are shown in
Phenofibrate, 200 mg/day 1 Tables 3 and 4. Chronic kidney disease15 at
Cholesterol-reducing therapy stage 2 or more severe was found in 26
in the present study patients (81.3%) and at stage 3 or more
Rosuvastatin initial dose, 44 severe in 15 patients (46.9%). Nineteen
2.5 mg/day patients were withdrawn from the study at
5 mg/day 5 6 months because they were unable to attend
Mean rosuvastatin initial 2.8  0.8 the hospital assessment on the required day
dose, mg/day due to work commitments. In addition, the
Data presented as range, mean  SD, n (%) or n incidence. dosing period for two patients did not reach
6 months, resulting in missing data from the
6-month timepoint.

(3.2  0.8 mg at 3 months; 3.1  1.2 mg at

6 months).
Treatment effect
A wide range of antidiabetic treatments Statistically significant improvements were
was used by patients at the start of the study observed in total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-
(Table 2). The protocol allowed for dosage C, LDL-C/HDL-C ratio, and non-HDL-C
increase and/or switching of antidiabetic at 3 and 6 months (P < 0.01). There was no
medication in patients with HbA1c values statistically significant difference in TG
>8.0% if necessary, however, no such case levels (Table 3). The proportion of patients
was observed. HbA1c values did not change who achieved the target LDL-C level at 3
significantly throughout the period of the months was 83.3% and at 6 months was
study. 84.0%, showing a significant increase from
462 Journal of International Medical Research 42(2)

Table 3. Effect of rosuvastatin (2.5 mg or 5 mg, orally, per day) on lipoprotein and triglyceride levels in
patients with type 2 diabetes and hypo high-density lipoprotein cholesterolaemia (n ¼ 49).

Analysis timepoint

Change from baseline Change from baseline

Rate of Statistical Rate of Statistical

Parameter Baseline 3 months changea, % significance 6 months changea, % significance

TC, mg/dl 218.1  54.7 172.0  36.5 18.3 P < 0.01 166.8  36.4 18.3 P < 0.01
LDL-C, mg/dl 135.8  45.7 94.8  35.5 26.5 P < 0.01 93.1  32.6 25.0 P < 0.01
(n ¼ 48) (n ¼ 42) (n ¼ 25)
HDL-C, mg/dl 35.4  3.8 39.9  7.5 12.8 P < 0.01 39.3  6.4 11.6 P < 0.01
(n ¼ 49) (n ¼ 44) (n ¼ 26)
LDL-C/HDL-C, 3.9  1.5 2.5  1.1 36.2 P < 0.01 2.4  0.9 32.2 P < 0.01
ratio (n ¼ 48) (n ¼ 40) (n ¼ 24)
TG, mg/dl 200.2  75.6 182.9  122.4 8.9 NS 172.0  121.8 10.6 NS
non-HDL-C, mg/dl 180.0  54.5 132.2  36.2 24.0 P < 0.01 125.2  37.1 24.5 P < 0.01

Data presented as mean  SD or %.

Percentages calculated as the average of the change rate for each patient.
NS, no statistically significant difference (P  0.05; paired t-test, baseline versus 3 months; baseline versus 6 months).
TC, total cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol;
TG, triglyceride.

Table 4. Effect of rosuvastatin (2.5 mg or 5 mg, orally, per day) on glucose metabolism and renal/hepatic
function in patients with type 2 diabetes and hypo high-density lipoprotein cholesterolaemia (n ¼ 49).

Statistical Statistical
Parameter Baseline 3 months significance 6 months significance

HbA1c, NGSP, % 7.6  2.0 7.1  1.7 NS 7.0  1.3 NS

eGFR, ml/min/1.73 m2 65.5  21.3 68.6  22.6 P < 0.05 69.1  24.1 P < 0.05
AST, IU/l 21.6  8.5 21.9  9.1 NS 22.2  7.9 NS
ALT, IU/l 23.0  15.7 21.2  8.9 NS 23.6  13.4 NS
g-GT, IU/l 30.8  20.8 28.8  17.3 NS 33.5  19.7 NS
CK, IU/l 66.2  28.9 66.1  35.3 NS 63.6  21.1 NS
BUN, mg/dl 16.7  6.5 15.9  5.9 NS 19.4  6.2 NS

Data presented as mean  SD.

NS, no statistically significant difference (P  0.05; paired t-test versus baseline values).
HbA1c, glycosylated haemoglobin; NGSP, National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program;13 eGFR, estimated
glomerular filtration rate; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; g-GT, g-glutamyl transpeptidase;
CK, creatine kinase; BUN, blood urea nitrogen.

the start of treatment at both timepoints with baseline values (P < 0.05 at both time-
(P < 0.01; Figure 1). points). No changes were observed in
Blood biochemistry analysis showed that HbA1c, AST, ALT, g-GT, CK, or BUN.
eGFR significantly improved by þ 5.2% at 3 No serious adverse events or changes in
months and þ 9.6% at 6 months, compared treatment medication for diabetes were
Katabami et al. 463

treatment aimed to achieve target LDL-C

levels. Despite these low doses, improve-
ments in HDL-C levels were observed at 3
months (þ 12.8%) and 6 months (þ 11.6%).
LDL-C levels are considered to be con-
trolled under 70 mg/dl, however, patients
with lower HDL-C levels have a higher risk
of coronary artery disease than those with
higher HDL-C levels.16 Intensive LDC-C-
lowering therapy with rosuvastatin has been
shown to result in significant regression of
coronary plaque volume in patients with
Figure 1. Achievement rate for low-density lipo- stable coronary artery disease.17 In that
protein cholesterol (LDL-C) target levels set by the same study, there was a significant, but
Japan Atherosclerosis Society guidelines for the weak, correlation between the percentage
diagnosis and prevention of atherosclerotic cardio- change in total atheroma volume and HDL-
vascular diseases in Japan–2012 version,11 in C, as well as in the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio.17
patients with type 2 diabetes and hypo high-density These results indicate that lowering LDL-C
lipoprotein cholesterolaemia (n ¼ 49). Achievement and elevating HDL-C might be beneficial to
rate significantly increased from a baseline level of
prevent cardiovascular disease events.
35.4% to 83.3% after 3 months and 84.0% after 6
months (*P < 0.01 versus baseline; McNemar’s test).
Data in the present study suggest that
rosuvastatin may increase HDL-C in
patients with diabetes who are more likely
reported throughout the study period to develop hypo-HDL cholesterolaemia.
(Table 4). Other reports have shown that rosuvastatin
There was a statistically significant nega- can increase HDL-C and decrease LDL-C in
tive correlation between the change in HDL- a dose-dependent manner,18,19 suggesting
C at 3 months and baseline TG levels that it may be more effective at higher
(r2 ¼ 0.194, P < 0.05), but no such correl- doses than at the low dose used in the
ation at 6 months. Stepwise multiple regres- present study. A high LDL-C/HDL-C ratio
sion analysis revealed a statistically has been reported as a risk factor for
significant negative correlation between the cardiovascular events20 and therefore
change in HDL-C at 3 months and TG, requires appropriate control. In the present
HbA1c, or age at baseline (r2 ¼ 0.45, study the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio decreased by
P < 0.01). No such correlation was observed 36.2% at 3 months and 32.2% at 6 months,
at 6 months. but was not well controlled (mean ratios,
2.48 and 2.37, respectively), suggesting that a
further rosuvastatin dose increase would be
Discussion necessary to prevent cardiovascular events.
This is the first report describing a prospect- Potential factors that may affect the
ive intervention study in which the effects of HDL-C-increasing effect of rosuvastatin in
a potent statin were studied exclusively in patients with type 2 diabetes were examined.
patients with type 2 diabetes, concomitant HDL-C at 3 months was negatively corre-
hypo-HDL-cholesterolaemia and hyper- lated with baseline TG, suggesting that
LDL-cholesterolaemia. In the present statins may increase HDL-C less effectively
study, the mean initial dose of rosuvastatin in patients with higher TG. It has long been
was low (2.8  0.8 mg per day), because known that patients with type 2 diabetes
464 Journal of International Medical Research 42(2)

have hypertriglyceridaemia and hypo-HDL observed at both 3 and 6 months, despite

cholesterolaemia concurrently. In the pre- inclusion of fewer patients at the 6 month
sent study, patients with TG <400 mg/dl follow-up. Since patients with type 2
were enrolled, with a primary aim of diabetes often have hypo-HDL cholestero-
improving LDL-C levels. The relationship laemia and hypertriglyceridaemia concur-
between TG and HDL-C in lipid metabol- rently, many patients have high LDL-C/
ism, and the fact that hypo-HDL cholester- HDL-C ratios despite having not very high
olaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia are total cholesterol levels. It is noteworthy that
independent risk factors for cardiovascular low-dose rosuvastatin not only improved
events, support the importance of active TG the lipid parameters, but also improved
control. eGFR in these patients, who are at height-
Multiple regression analysis in the pre- ented risk of cardiovascular events. To
sent study suggested that the increase in further examine this renoprotective effect,
HDL-C, in response to treatment with additional analyses were performed in an
rosuvastatin, was smaller in patients with attempt to identify a factor or factors that
higher TG, higher HbA1c and older age at may have contributed to the improvement of
baseline, compared with other patients. eGFR in response to treatment with rosu-
Insulin resistance in patients with type 2 vastatin. A significant negative correlation
diabetes is known to reduce the effect of was demonstrated between the change in
insulin, which results in a decrease in lipo- eGFR and the change in LDL-C at 6
protein lipase activity and an increase in months (r2 ¼ 0.36, P < 0.01). Since statins
very-low-density lipoprotein synthesis, des- are known to have lipid metabolism, anti-
pite high blood insulin concentrations.21 inflammatory and antioxidant effects,25 the
These mechanisms may contribute to a significant negative correlation observed in
less-marked increase in HDL-C in patients the present study may be due to the pleio-
who have a higher HbA1c or poor glycaemic tropic effects of rosuvastatin, based on these
control at baseline. mechanisms. In the present study, urine
In the present study, TG was shown to protein levels were not measured in all
have a statistically significant correlation patients, therefore further studies are
with HDL-C at 3 months in both simple required to verify the renoprotective effect
correlation analysis and multiple regression of rosuvastatin in patients with type 2
analysis; however, no such correlation was diabetes and hypo high-density lipoprotein
shown at 6 months. This may be in part cholesterolaemia.
because fewer patients were followed up at 6 While rosuvastatin had no effect on glu-
months than at 3 months (26 versus 44 cose metabolism parameters (such as fasting
patients, respectively). It may be necessary, blood glucose or HbA1c) in the present
nonetheless, to control HDL-C by selecting study, large-scale meta-analyses have
and adjusting dietary therapy, exercise reported that the use of statins induced
therapy and pharmacotherapy (including diabetes, although infrequently, and were
statins) for individuals with the above- associated with an increased number of new
mentioned risk factors (increased age, high cases.26,27 It was concluded, however, that
TG levels and high HbA1c levels). conventional statin therapy should not be
Nephropathy is one of the most import- changed, because the benefits for prevention
ant complications of diabetes.22 The previ- of cardiovascular events overweigh the glu-
ously reported renoprotective effects of cose metabolism-related risks.26,27 In Japan,
rosuvastatin23,24 were supported in the pre- no conclusion has been drawn regarding the
sent study by the improvements in eGFR effect of statins on glucose metabolism in the
Katabami et al. 465

clinical setting,28,29 but HbA1c was not sig- Acknowledgements

nificantly affected after long-term (6-month) We wish to thank the patients, investigators, and
treatment with rosuvastatin in the present their staff for participating in this study.
study. Given the benefits of statins for
prevention of cardiovascular events, it may
be crucial to continue statin therapy in References
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