Group Members: Amrutha V Amrat Kaur Bagga Dhruvi Kota Dhwani Doshi

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Group Members:

Amrutha V
Amrat Kaur Bagga
Dhruvi Kota
Dhwani Doshi

What major Motivational models did Phil use with Sue, John and Linda
To motivate the 3 employees to remain in the firm and also to keep them
productive as out of 5 people, 2 were removed and their work was shifted to the
remaining 3 employees Phil had to use the basic Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
as all 3 employees were in different stages of Life and he had to use them
wisely for individual employee. Sue being the single mother who needs extra
leaves and flexible hours was in Safety stage of Maslow’s theory as she wanted
a financial security from the company to provide for her kids. Phil advised Sue
to realise the importance of the job and motivated her to give her best and be
John is ambitious who attends night schools and aspires to be a manager himself
doubts on whether this job is the one for him and Phil realizes that he is in the
Self-actualization stage of Maslow’s theory where in John wants to achieve
everything and knows he is capable of it and Phil uses to motivate him that he
could reach the level of what he is looking for by dedication and becoming
more productive and showing consistency in turn he would get a development
plan, experience and exposure, being a part of decision making process.
Linda who is serving the organization from a very long time would know where
her place is and how the organization work and Phil realizes she’s in Self
Esteem Stage of Maslow’s theory where in she is looking for respect from the
others and also wants to feel more confident that she has given so many years
for the organization so by far being the greatest employee the organization can
have. Phil suggests that Linda needs to do the same way she was doing and try
to give the best effort possible and be productive so she could be more visible
and recognized by the others and in turn Phil will give her more responsibilities
and keep her some of the decision-making process so that she can feel more
What other approaches might have worked better?
Phil could have used Equity theory to motivate Linda has she has been
working with a firm from a very long time so providing the fairness i.e., as
higher the equity provided, higher Linda would get motivated. Some of the
inputs Linda that provided that should have given more attention to such has the
commitment shown, the experience brought to the role, the loyalty the Linda
has demonstrated to superiors or the organization, all these factors if was given
attention Linda could have gotten more motivated.

John being the ambitious person who works in the morning and goes to college
at night could be motivated by Acquired Needs Theory- need for
achievement. The drive is to excel, to achieve a set of standards, to strive to
succeed. John has a compelling drive to succeed. He is striving for personal
achievement rather than the rewards of success. This drive is the achievement
need. The high achievers such has John will differentiate themselves from
others by their desire to do things better so Phil could have used this as an
advantage and guided to perform and being more productive.

Sue being the single mother who gives priority to her kids should have a set of
rules given by the company so she could not only be motivated but also do good
to both her financial needs as well her position in the company. Phil could
suggest Herzberg’s Motivation Theory- Hygiene factors where hygiene
factors being missed causes employees to work less or stay less motivated.
Some of the hygiene factors to be included are Company policies, Supervision
Work conditions Security Salary etc.

What are the major lessons you can derive from this exercise?
We can see that all organizations work differently but at the end of the day we
all are humans and we need motivation to do any sort of job. Not just personal
needs even our professional needs are supposed to be thought about by our
supervisors and given clear guidance and career path to have a better work
condition and better life. Most of the motivational theories talks about how to
keep employees happy and also to get the work done but we should also focus
on how to make the work conditions come at the midpoint so nobody feels like
they are coming to work. Have a proper management system who could actually
guide and make a person’s life better.

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