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Swapnanjali Swami
5th floo r, "Pride House" S.B. Road
B. S. L LLB (SPL), G.D.C. & A
Shivajinagar, Pune

Date: 24 / 11/2020




Rio. 135/1, Paradiso Bunglow, Pashan SUS Link road,

Near crystal Garden Pashan, Pune 411021.

Subject - Soa.rch Report in rc3pcct of the l 'r u_l.J1..,1 lie::. Lcaiiug uu. S. Nu.
12/3 to 5 &12 to 16 Plot no 18 Mouje - Mh al u n ge, Taluka
Mulashi , Dist- Pune.

Sir /Madam,

I have taken the Online search for the year 1990 to 2020 (30 Years) in
respect of the properties bearing S. No. 12/3 to 5 &12to 16Plot no 18
- Mhalunge, Taluka- Mulashi , Dist- Fune.From the records by making an
application and depositing the necessary fees in the office of Sub Registrar
vide GRN NO. MH007369473202021E, dated 24/11/2020.

I have also taken the E-Search from the (Online D cument Search
system) for the above mentioned period from the records available from the
Department of Registration and Stamps. During the search, I have not found
any adverse entry with respect to above mentioned properties.

Hence this report

MTR Form Number-6

GRN MH007369473202021E I B ARCODE I


Department Inspector General Of Registration Payer Detail s

Search Fee
TAX ID / TAN (If Any)
Type of Payment Other Items
PAN No,(lf Applicable)


Location PUNE

Year 2020-2021 One Time Flat/Block No. SN 12

Account Head Details Amount In Rs. Premises/Building

0030072201 SEARCH FEE 750.00 Road/Street

Area/Lo cal ity PUNE


Remarks (If Any)

SEARCH FEE FOR YEAR 1990 TO 2020 FORS N 12 3 TO 5 12 TO


Amount In Seven Hundred Fifty Rupees Only

Total 750.00 Words


Cheque-DD Details Bank CIN Ref. No. 0230004202011241594 005774449


Cheque/DD No. Bank Date RBI Date 24/11/2020-16:06:59 Not Verified with RBI

Name of Bank Bank-Branch BANK OF MAHARASHTRA

Name of Branch Scroll No. , Date Not Verified with Scroll

Department ID: Mobile No.: 8855891692

NOTE:- This challan is valld for reason mentioned in Type of payment only. Not valid for other reasons or unregistered document
m'fal ''w;q 3IllI> qaJc'' olm i:t>lt.OJli':!J<t\-c:1 u'IIi!J 3JIB". qeR: cfilt. 0 1i-ttJ,tl li'ffiiuft uf q;t,f<RfR;..'Tf <a.:ai-ttrcft u'IIi!J am.fl •

Page 111 Print Date24 11-2020 04:08:19


Address: Pune, 41027. Mob: 9370349346
New Sangvi,

Date: 30/ 1 1/20 2 0



Wis do m Purple Vishwakarma Educational LLP,

Through its authorized Signatory Mrs. Manisha S. Agarwal

R/at, S. no. 131/ 1 Paradiso Bunglow, Passhan Sus Link Road, Near Crystal Garden
Pashan Pune-411021.

Re :- Opinion regarding title of

property out of the layout of the
property situated, lying and being at
Village Mhalunge, Talu ka Mulshi, and
District Pune Bearing S. No. 12/3
+4+5 and S. no. 12 to
16 Plot Number 18 admeasuring
9011.63 sq. Meters.


Under your instructions, I have caused searches to be carried out in respect of the
captioned property at the office of the Sub Registrar Haveli No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and
at Wadgaon Maval and Mu lshi (Pa ud), for a pe riod of last 30 years, cou1111c::rH:ing
from the year 1989 to 2020 vide search fee challan GRN NO. MH0007369 473 2020
2 1E along with Bank CIN No. 023000 420 20 1124 159 48
dated 24/ 11/ 2020. I have attended through Adv. Rahu l Ponkshe the Sub Regis
tra r Office, whatever documents were available in the respective SRO Offices they
did not contain any adverse entries. In the month of November 2020 centralized
system of registration introduced by the registration department, was carried out
based on the available records in the Sub Registrar Office Mulshi and Haveli No.
19,9,16,22. I have perused the original documents and xerox copies of Deeds and
Documents provided to me more particularly mentioned in Ann exu re - A to Annexure
- I along with 7/ 12 Extracts, Mutation Entries referr ed herein below, pertaining to
the right, title and interest of the Promoter / Developers , it is see that no adverse
entries were found and the title of the aforesaid property is free and marketable
subject to mortgage charge created by Vistra ITC1 (India ) Limited (formerly known
Trust Company Ltd. "'-t e fl" q
Vaishali Ran esh Gangane
mortgage charge created by Vis tra JT C l (lndi a) Lim ited (formerly known as !LFS
Trust Company Ltd.


As per information and instruction given by my client, I have carried online

search out in respect of the captio ned property at District and Session Court,
Shivajinagar Pune till No ve m be r 2020. I h av e obs e rved that there is no adverse
order is in force against the owners or the developer in respect of the su bject
property which affects title and marketability of the subject property and the
title of the subject property is clean, clear and marketable.

Company name change :

As per records that, the name of Wisdom Purple Vishwakarma Educational LLP,
has changed as per certificate of Incorporation Consequent upon conversion to
Public Limited company dated 01/04/2010 into Wisdom Purple Vishwakarma
Educational LLP. The said cert.ifir.Ate issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs
(Government of India ).


1) SURVEY NO. 12 / 3:-

The said land bearing S. No. 12/3 totally admeasuring 3 Acer 6

Gunthas was originally owned by one Mr. Dinkar Fadale in the
yea r 1959.

Thereafter it appears that in the year 1959, said Mr. Dinkar Fadale
preferred an application for adding the name of his brother Mr. Waman
Padale for half share in the said survey number and accordingly the
name of Shri Waman Padale, was added in the revenue records as the
owner of the half portion of the said land vide Mutation Entry No. 990.

It appears that Shri. Laxman Padale was the protected tenant in the
said land and his name was mutated in the other rights column vide
Mutation Entry No. 436 . Subsequently the Mamalatdar vide its order
u/P. . ?, of th e BTAL Act, held that said Shri. ·Laxrnau Fadale was not
protected tenan t and as such his name was deleted from the revenue
records vide Mutation Entry No. 1063.

Further it appears that said Shri. Waman Padale, expired in the year
1968, leaving behind four sons : Maruti, Prabhakar, Rakhmaji,
Dattatray and three daughters : Ka s t u r ba Gaikwad, Lonabai Pingle,
Satyawati Avhale and widow Babubai Padale, as his legal heirs,
Accor din gly, their names were mutated in the revenue records as the
owners vide Mutation Entry No. 1257.

Thereafter it appears that Mr. Dinkar Padale also expired on

08 / 07 / 1997, leaving behind son Chandrakant, daughter: Shewantibai
Galande, as his legal heirs. Accordingly th eir names were mutated in
the revenue records as the owners vide Mu ta tion Entry No. 1258.

Ad og e1q
Vaishali Rarresh Gangane
Thereafter it appears that 1) Cha ndra kant Dinkar Padale through his
guardian Saraswati Maruti Padale 2) Maruti Wa m an Pada le 3)
Prabhakar Waman Fadale 4) Rakhmaji Waman Padale 5) Dattatraya
Waman Padale 6) Babubai Waman Padale with the consent of
l )Sh eva n ta ba i Tukaram Gola nde 2) Kas tura ba i Arjunrao Gaikwad 3)
Chandrabhaga alias Lopabai Jaganna th Pingale 4) Kamal alias
Satyatiwati Popat Aava h ale sol d the entire land admeasuring 3 Acer 6
Gunthas to various purchasers namely 1) Prakash Ramkrishna
Nikumbh 2) Hera mb Bhalchandra Deo 3) Padma Ashok Badhe 4)
Prabhakar Laxman Path ak and Pratibha Prabhakar Pathak 5) Rohini
Ramchandra Kalbhande 6) Suhabha Arvind Khopkar 7) Lata Gopal
Edlabadkar 8) Shripad Chintamani Edlabadkar 9) Shobha Sani Sankar
10) Shrinivas Vitth al Gaonkar & Vrunda Shrinivas Gaonkar 11) Vijay
Janardhan Hingve 12) Anita Ashok Kittur and Ajay Ashok Kittur 13)
Prakash Shamrao Kharabe and Pratibha Prakash Kha ra be 14) Sh a ila ja
Pramod Sohani 15) Anant Murlidhar Bagu! 16) Rohini Sudhakar
Shende and Mandar Sudhakar Shende 17) Vilas Shrinivas Bendre &
Vijay Shrinivas Bendre 18) Subhada Vasant Dhake 19) Prashant
Divakas Khankhoje 20) Sandhya Dilip Malegaonkar 21) Ma nga l
Sadashiv Joglekar '.2'.2) Sarvottam Kes ha v Pai 23) Ajit Sarvottam Pai 24)
Sujit Sarvottarn Pai 25) Pallavi Dipa k Mitra 26) Vijay Bhikushet Gandhi.
Vide sale deed 11/03/1986 bearing old no. 114/1986 new No.
296/1989. Accordingly, names of the purchasers were mutated in the
revenue records for their undivided share measured in gunthaas the
owners vide Mu ta tion Entry No. 1499 .

Further it appears that Vilas Shrinivas Bendre and Vijay Shrinivas

Bendere sold their entire undivided share in the said land to one Mr.
Tushar Vijay Chitre vide sale deed dated 26/ 1l / 19996 registered in the
office of sub registrar Mulshi (Paud) vide 5357/1996. Accord in gly ,
names of the pu rchas ers mutated in the revenue record vide Mutation
Entry No. 1912.

Furlher it appears that Prabhakar Laxman Pathak & Pratibha

Prabhakar Pathak sold their entire undivided share in the said land to
one Vasumati Prabhakar Bhide and Prabhakar Dattatraya Bhide vide
sale deed dated 22/OS/ 1996 registered in the office of sub registrar
Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 1274/1996. Accordingly, names of the
purchasers mutated in the revenue record vide Mutation Entry No.

Further it appears that Shailaja Pramod Sohani sold their entire

undivided share in the said land to one Rajesh Ramesh Moharir vide
sale deed dated 14/10/1996 registered in the office of sub registrar
Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 4739/1996. Accor iingly, names of the
purchasers mutated in the rev nue record vide Mutation Entry No.
"-' 0 R... Gq q
Vaishali Ramesh Gangans
MA. 15; 66/2017
3 Mob. .::.703493 6
Further it appears that Subha Arvind Kh pk ar sold their entire
undivided share in the said land to one Meena Ramesh Moharir vide
sale deed dated 18/10/1996 registered in the office of sub registrar
Mu ls hi (Paud) at Sr. No. 4758/1996. Accordingly, names of the
purchasers mutated in the revenue record vide Mutation Entry No.

Further it appears that Shobha Sani Sankar sold their entire undivided
share in the said land to one Shivanand Yardi and Prabhakar Konde
vide sale deed dated 23/08/1991 registered in the office of sub regis trar
Mavai at Sr. No. 3484/ 1991. Accordi ngly, names of the purchasers
mutated in the revenue record vide Mutation Entry No. 223 5.

Further it appears that Subhada Vasant Dhake sold their entire

undivided share in the said land to one Aruna Porwal vide sale deed
dated 29/06/1987 registered in the office of sub registrar Pune at Sr.
No. 499 / 1987. Accordingly, names of the purchasers mutated in the
revenue record vide Mutation Entry No. 2304.

Further, it appears that Rohini Sudhakar Shende and Mandar

Sudhakar Shende transferred development rights of their entire
undivided share in the said land to one Jayant Vinayak Sadavarte vide
Development Agreement dated 14/06/2005 registered in the office of
Sub registrar Haveli No. 18 at Sr. No. 3833/2005. Rohini sudhakar
Shende and Mandar Sudhakar Shende also executed power of attorney
in respect of their undivided share in the said land in faour of Jayant
Vinayak Sadavarte vide Power of Attorney dated 14/06/2005 registered
in the office of sub registar Haveli No. 18 at Sr. No. 3834/2005.

Further it appears that Aruna Porwal gifted her entire undivided share
in the said land to her nephew Ritesh Porwal vide Gift deed dated
03/11/2020 registered in the office of sub registrar Haveli 1 at
Sr.No.10078/2010. Accordingly, names of the purchasers mutated in
the revenue record vide Mutation Entry No. 3342.

As such Prakash Ram krishna Nikhumb, Heramb Bhalchandra Deo,

Padma Ashok Badhe, Vasumati Prabhakar Bhide & Prabhakar
Datta traya Bhide, Rohini Ramchandra Kalbhande, Meena Ramesh
Moha rir, Lata Gopal Edlabadkar, Shripad Chintamani Edla badka r,
Shivanand Yardi & Prabhakar Konde, Shrinivas Vitthal Gaonkar and
Vrunda Shrinivas Gaonkar, Vijay Janardhan Hingve, Anita Ashok
Kittur and Ajay Ashok Kittur, Prakash Shamrao Kharabe and Pratibha
Prakash Khara be, Rajesh Ramesh Moharir, Anant Murlidhar Bagul,
Rohini sudhakar Shende and Mandar Sudhakar Sende through POA
Holder J ayant Vinayak Sadavarte, Tushar Chitre, Ritesh Porwal,
Prashant Divaka r Khankhoje, Sandhya Dilip Maleg a on ka r, Mangal
Sadashiv Joglekar, Sarvottam Keshav Pai, Ajit Sarvottam Pai, Sujit
Sarvottam Pai, Pallavi Dipak Mitra, Vijay Bhikushet Gandhi the
following persons became the owners of the said land bearing S. No.

Ramesh Gangane

M A.H/5 66/2017
Mob 9 70349346
12/3 admeasuring 3 acres 6 Gunthas equivalent to 01 H 27 Are and
approximately equivalent to 12700 sq. Meters. (Hereinafter referr ed to
as "First Property"):

It ap pea rs that following owners have entrusted development rights and

power inn favour of M/ s. Gaikwad properties. M/s. Gaikwad Properties
has paid the entire consideration to the landowners under this
development agreement.

Details of Document /s with the M/s Gaikwad Properties

Sr. Name of Area in Area in Details of Registration of
No Previous Owner Guntha Sq. Development Agreement

Mtrs Registration No Date

1 Mr. Shrinivas5 505.85 HVL/ 19- 06/01/
Vitthal Gaonkar,
Mrs . Vrinda 123/2006 and 2006
HVL / 19 -
2 Shri Ramchandra '1 '10'1.68 I-IVL/19- 20/01/
Kalb ha nde, Mr. 471/2006 and 2006
Sandeep, Mr. HVL / 19 -
Pra sa d
Ramchandra 472/2006
Kalbhande (Sold
Lega l heirs of
3 Shri. Heramb 6 607.03 HVL/ 19 - 06/01/
Bhalchandra Deo
123/2006 and 2006
HVL /19-


4 Shri. Vijay 5 505.85 HVL/ 19 - 06/01/

Janardan Hingve 2006
123/2006 and

HVL /19-


5 Sandhya D. 4 404.68 HVL/19- 19/01/

9.. .I IIR'Cf
Advoca t e
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
5 MAH/5 66/2017
M ob.9370349346
Ma lega on ka r 446 / 2 00 6 an 2 00 6

HVL / 19 -

6 Prabhakar 4 404.68 HVL/ 19- 08/12/
An a n d 4516/2006 and 2005
Bhide, Supriya HVL / 19-

(sole lega l heirs 4517/2006
Prabhakar Bhide)

7 Pallavi Deepak 6 607.03 HVL/19- 23/01/

551/2006 and 2006

HVL /19-


8 Mrs. Padma 6 607.03 HVL/19- 20/01/

Ashok Badhe
471/2006 and 2006

HVL /19-


Further it appears that some of the then respective owners of the Firs t
Property have entrusted development rights in respect of their entire
undivided share in the said land by various Agreements for
Development and Power of Attorneys in favour of Puranik Builders
Pvt, Ltd. and Puranik Supreme Enterprises more particularly described
in Annexure I - A, Some of the then respec;:tive owners of the First
Property have executed various Agreements to Exchange and Power of
Attorney in favour of Pu ra nik Builders Pvt. Ltd. And Puranik Supreme
Enterprises, under which they have also entrusted development rights
in respect of their entire undivided share in the said land to Puranik
Builders Pvt. Ltd. And Puranik Supreme Enterprises more particularly
described in Annexure I - A 1 and some of the then respective owners of
the Firs t Property tran sferred their undivided share by was of Exc han ge
deed in favour of Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. More pa rticular ly des cribed
in Annexure -I -A2.

Note :- The present the subject land falls within 10 KM pe rp heri of Pune
Municipal Corporation and declared to be proposed within the limits of
Pune Municipal Corporation and falls in residential zone. Also it
pres u med that the all aforesaid Mutation Entries are duly sanctioned by
revenue authority after verifying that the purchasers herein were
' .. f.._.. q'£,
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
s MA.H/5:-:66/2017
agriculturist and holding the land with in the ceiling limits wherever
applicable a nd necessary. -

2) SURVEY NO. 12/4

It appears that the said land was originally owned by Shri. Sopan Rama
Padale from 1959 onwards

The said Sopana Rama Padale sold the entire land admeasuring 2 Acer
1 Gunthas to various purchasers namely 1) Ta ra Muley and Sanjay
Muley 2) Gita Sham Bhurke 3) Shashimohan Gangadhar Tiwaskar 4)
Mayur Gajanan Patwardhan 5) Chaya Vasant Mate 6) Jayshri Prakash
Oak 7) Pramila Shrikant Jahagirdar 8) Savitri Satish Somvanshi 9)
Gopal Shrikrishna Dandekar 10) Bhaskar Trimbak 11) Kamal Bhaskar
Tilak 12) Meena Vishvas Paranjape 13) Shankar Laxman Tupe 14)
Purushottam Padmakar Karadkar 15) Aruna Murlidhar Joglekar vide
sale deed dated 12/08/1985 registered in the office of Sub registrar
Maval at Sr. No. 1507/ 1989.Acc ordin gly, names of the pu rc hase rs were
mutated in the revenue records for their undivided share meaasured in
guntha as the owners vide Mutation Entry No. 1495.

Further it appears that Jayshri Prakash Oak sold her entire undivided
shaie i11 Llie said land to Ravindra Shinde and Ajit Sancheti vide sale
deed dated 22/03/1996 registered in the office of sub registrar Muls hi
(Pau d) at Sr. No. 1271/1996. However, it appears that the name of
purchaser did not entered in the revenue records.

Further it appears that Gopal Shrikrishna Dandekar sold his entire

undivided share in the said land to Ravindra Shinde and Ajit Sancheti
vide sale deed dated 22/03/1996 registered in the office of sub registrar
Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 1272/ 1996. However, it appears that the name
of purchaser did not entered in the revenue records.

Further it appears that Shankar Laxman Tope sold his entire undivided
share in the said land to Ravindra Shinde and Ajit Sancheti vide sale
deed dated 22/03/1996 registered in the office of sub registrar Mulshi
(Po.ud) at S r. No. 1273/1996. Howeve1, iL aµµears that the name of
purchaser did not entered in the revenue records.

Further it appears that Bhaskar Trimbak Tilak sold their entire

undivided share in the said land to one Supriya Sanjay Patil vide sale
deed dated 30/ 05/ 1996 registered in the office of sub registrar Mulshi
(Paud) at Sr. No. 2188/ 1996. Accordingly names of the purchasers
mutated in the revenue record vide Mutation Entry No. 1824. Further it
appears that Kamal Bhaskar Tilak sold their entire undivided share in
the said land to one Sunil Annasaheb Kin ikar vide sale deed dated
30/05/1996 registered in the office of sub registrar Mulshi (Paud) at Sr.
No. 2187/ 1996. Accor d in gly name of the purchaser mutated in the
revenue record Vi?e Muta tion Entry No. 18 25 .

\, f' < L\ q
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
Nf ob.93703-49346
Further it appears that Mayur Gajanan Patwardhan sold their entire
undivided share in the said land to one Sunil An n a sa h e b Kinikar vide
sa le deed dated 30/05/1996 registered in the office of sub regis tra r
Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 2 18 3 / 1996. Acc ord ingly name of th e
purchaser mutated in the revenue record vide Mutation Entry No. 1853.

Further it appears that Meena Vishwas Paranjape through Power of

Attorney Holder Mr. Sadashiv Keshav Jogalekar sold 5 Guntha/5Are in
the said land to one Rekha Sushil Aacharekar and Sushilkurnar
Madhukar Aacharekar vide sale deed dated 16/05/1994 registered in
the office of sub registrar Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 1305/1994.
Acco rd in gly name of the purchaser mutated in the revenue record vide
Mutation Entry No. 2377.

Further it appears that Chhaya Vasant Mate sold their entire

undivided share in the said land to one Pradip Harichandra Oswal vide
sale deed dated 21/06/1996 registered in the office of sub registrar
Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 2589/ 1996. Accordingly name of the
purchaser mutated in the revenue record vide Mu ta tio n Entry No.

Further it appears that Meena Vishwas Paranjape through Power of

Attorney Holder Mr. Sadashiv Keshav Jogalekar sold 5 Gunthas /5 Are
dold 5 Gunthas/5 Are in the said land to Kanta Lalit Sherla vide sale
deed dated 07/01/1994 registered in the office of sub registrar Mulshi
(paud) at Sr. No. 57 / 1994. Accordingly names of the purchaser
mutated in the revenue record vide Mutation Entry No. 3311.

Further it appears that Sunil Annasaheb Kinikar portion out of this

undivided share in the said land to one Supriya Sanjay Patil & Gaurav
Sanjay Patil vide sale deed dated 29/02/2008 registered in the office of
sub regis trar Haveli 4 at Sr. No. 18 42 / 20 08 . Accordingly names of the
purchaser mutated in the revenue record vide Mutation Entry No. 3291.

Further it appears that Pradip Harichandra Oswal sold their entire

undivided share in the said land to one Alka Manikrao Binawade vide
sale deed dated 17/ 08/ 1996 registered in the office of sub registrar
Mu lshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 3648/ 1996. Accordingly name of the
purchaser mutated in the revenue record vide Mutation Entry No.

Further it appears that Alka Manikrao Binawade sold their entire

undivided share in the said land to one Sadanand Narayan Bhaidkar
vide sale deed dated 30/06/2001 registered in the office of sub regis tra r
Mulshi (Pa ud) at Sr. No. 3482/2001. Accordingly name of the
purchaser mutated in the revenue record vide Mu ta tion Entry No. 3295.

As such 1) Tara Muley and Sanjay Mu ley 2) Gita Sham Bhurke

3)Shashimohan Gangadhar Tiwaskar 4) Supriya Sanjay Patil & Gaurav
Sanjay Patil 5) Sadanand Narayan Bhaidkar 6) Ravindrs Shinde snd
Ajit · s ancheti 7) Pramila Shrikant Jahagirkar 8)· Savitri Satish
Somvanshi 9) Ravindra Shinde and Ajit Sancheti 10) supriya Sanjay
Patil 11) Sunil Annasaheb Kinikar 12) Kanta Lalit shrla 13) Rekha

'to k· (q""fq
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
Sushi! Aachar eka r 14) Ravindra Shinde & Ajit Sancheti 15)
Purushottam Padmakar Karadkar 16) Aruna Murlidhar Joglekar
became the owners of the said land bearing S. No . 12/4 admeasuring 2
acres 1 Gunthas equivalent to 00 H 82 Are and a ppro xim a tely
equ ival en t to 822 sq. Mete rs. (Herei na fte r refe rr ed to as "Second

It appear s that followin g owners have entru sted development rights

and power inn favour of M/s. Gaikwad properties. M/ s . Gaikwad
Properties has paid the entire consideration to the landowners under
this development agreement.

Details of Document / s with the M/s Gaikwad Properties

Sr. Name of Area in Area in Details of Registration of

No Previous Owner Guntha Sq. Development Agreement

Mtrs Registration No Date

1 Mrs . Pra mila 5 505 .85 HVL/19- 07/12/
Shrikant 2005
Jahagirdar 4480/ 2005
HVL /19-


2 Mrs . Aru na 5 505 .85 HVL/19- 07/12/

Mu rlid ha r 2005
J oglekar 4480/2005 and

HVL / 19 -


3 Mrs. Savitri 5 505.85 HVL/19- 07/12/

Satish 2005
Somvanshi 4480/2005 and

HVL / 19 - ,


Further, it appears that following owners have entrusted

development rights and power inn favour of M/ s. Desai and Gaikwad has
paid the entire consideration to the landowners under this
development agreement.

Details of Document s/ with the M/s Desai and Gaikwad

Sr. Name of Area in Area in . Details of Registration .of

No Pr e v io us Owner Guntha Development Agreement

" b( 4q
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
Sq. Registration No Date

1 Mr. Purushottam 5 505.85 HVL/ 19 - 27/03/
Karadkar 2219/ 2006 and 2006

HVL / 19-

2220 / 2006

Fu rth er, it appears that some of the then respective owners of the
Second Property have entrusted development rights in respect of th eir
entire undivided share in the said land in favour of the Puranik
Builders Private Limited and or the Puranik supreme Enterprises by
va1ious Agreements for Development and power of attorneys more
particularly described in Annexure I -B. Some of the then respective
ovvners of the Second Property have executed various Agreements to
Exchange and Power of Attorneys in favour of Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd.
And Puranik Supreme Enterprises, under which they have also
entrusted development rights in respect of their entire undivided share
in the said land to Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. And Puranik Supreme
Enterprises, more particular ly described in Annexure I - Bl.

Some of the then respective owners of the Second Property transferred

their undivided share by way of Exchange deed in favour of Pura nik
Supreme Enterprises and Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. More pa rt icu la rly
desc ribed in Annexure I - B2.

Note :- The present the subject land falls within 10 KM perpheri of Pune
Municipal Corporation and declared to be proposed within the limits of
Pune Municipal Corporation and falls in residential zone. Also it
presumed that the all aforesaid Mutation Entries are duly sanctioned
by revenue authority after verifying that the purc:h;=rnP.rn h P:r P:in were
agriculturiot and holding the land within U1 L.dliug li111iL:s wl1e1t:ve1
applicable and necessary. -

3) SURVEY NO. 12/5

The said land was originally owned by one Shri Sakharam Golande, after
his death, in 1941, the said property was devolved upon his sons
Shankar and Tukaram. Accor din gly their names were mutated in the
revenue records vide Mutation Entry No. 355.

Subsequently it appears that said Tukaram Golande expired on

14/ 08 /1 980, leaving behind son Ramdas, daughters Tanubai,
Zunbar bai, Chandrabhaga, Vimal, Champabai, Nan da b ai , S in d h.u bai
and widow Shewantibai. Accordingly th eir _ names were mutated in the
revenue records vide mutation Entry No. 1275.

\J f._.. q .rL
Vaishali Ramesh Gangan@
Mo b.93 1034 9 346
It appears that Shankar Golande also expired on O1/01/1975, leaving
behind sons Bhimaji, Arjun, Maruti, Bapu and daughters Savitribai,
Kamal, sonabai, Alkabai and widow Krishnabai. Accord in gly their names
were mutated in the revenue records vide Mutation Entry No. 1278.

It appears that the said Survey No. 12 / 5 totally admeasuring 1 H 51 Are

was subdivided into Survey No. 12/ 5 admeasuring 00 H 74.5 Are (share
of Shankar Golande) and 12/5/ 1 admeasuring 00 H 74.5 Are (share of
Tukaram Golande)

It appears from records that Mutation No. 1319 dated 3/2/1986 that,
name of Bapu Shankar Golande alias Bapu Soma Golande (adopted)
was deleted from owners column on his own application made to
Tahasildar and according to the order passed by the Hob'ble Tahasildar.

It appears that the owners of S. No. 12 / 5 admeasuring 00 H 74 .5 Are

Bhimaji Shankar Golande 2) Arjun Shankar Golande 3) Maruti Shankar
Golande with consent of 1) Savatribai Maruti Sasar 2) Kamal Gopinath
Barane 3) Sonabai Dhanaji Gaikwad 4) Alka Pandurang Padwal 5)
Krishnabai sold the entire land to various purchasers namely 1) Shriram
Nanasaheb Chikate 2) Arvind Babu ra o Surte 3) Mukund Bhalchandra
Bhalerao 4) Vandana Vishwas Bahulekar & Vishwash Krishnarao
Bahulekar 5) Usha Prakash Akolkar 6) Suniti Subhash Kelkar 7) Vijaya
Krishnakant Chitnis &Ajay Krishnkant Chitnis 8) Sunil Shridhar Deo
and Vinayak Shridhar Deo 9) Anjali Arvind Sane 10) Ashok Tatyarao
Halsgirikar 11) Pratibha Manohar Joshi 12) Jayashri Vijaykumar Joshi
13)Anuradha Ravin dra Kholgade and Ravindra Madhukar kholgade 14)
Arun Dattatraya Phadke and Jayshri Arun Phadke 15) Purushottam
Waman Kale and Meena Purushottam Kale 16) Pra bh ak ar Janardhan
Gokhale and Prasad Prabhakar Gokhale 17) Nlrmala Amrut Gadgil vide
sale deed dated 28/04/1986 registered in the office of sub registrar
Mavai at Sr. No. 210/1989. Accordingly, names of the purchasers were
mutated in the revenue records for their undivided share measured in
guntha as the owners vide Mutation Entry no. 1497.•

F u rth e r it appears that Vijaya Krishnkant Chitnis and Ajay Krishnkant

Chitnis sold their entire undivided share in the said land to one
Sudhakar Devvide sale deed dated 09/ 12/ 1994 registered in the office
of sub registrar Mulshi at Sr. No. 3177/ 1994. Accordingly name of the
purchaser mutated in the revenue record vide Mutation Entry No. 3175.

Further, it appears that Sudhakar Devhas transferred the development

rights in respect of their entire undivided share in the said land to one
Gaik\.vad Properties vide development Agreement dated 23/01/2006
registered in the office of sub regis tra r Haveli No. 19 at Sr. No .
5 5 3 / 20 06 . Sudhakar Devhas also executed power of attorney in respect
of their entire undivided share in the said land in favour of Gaik:wad
Properties dated 23/01/2006 registered in the office of sub registrar
Haveli No. 19 at Sr. No. 5 54 / 20 06 . M/s. Gaikwad Properties has paid

'\lb ' <:;-'q_ V'Glfq

Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
the entire consideration to the land owners under this development

Further it appears that Mrs. Ninnala Amru t Gadgil died leaving behind
her legal heirs 1) Rajendra Amrut Gadgil 2) J aysh ree Sadanand
Tamankar 3) Gayatri Badriprasad Bhide and their names were mutated
on 7/ 12 extract vide mutation entry no. 3178.

As such 1) Shriram Nanasaheb Chikate 2) Arvind Baburao Surte 3)

Mukund Bhalchandra Bhalerao 4) Vandana Vishwas Bahulekar &
Vishwas Kris h na ra o Bahulekar 5) Usha Prakash Ako lk a r 6) Suniti
Subhash Kelkar 7) Sudhakar Dev 8) Sunil Shridhar Deo and Vinayak
shridhar Deo9) Anjali Arvind Sane 10) As h ok Tatyarao Halsgirikar 11)
Pratibha Manohar Joshi 12) Jayashri Vijaykumar Joshi 13) Anuradha
Ravindra Kholgade and Ravindra Madhukar kholgade 14) Arun
Dattatraya Phadke and Jayshri Arun Phadke 15) Puru shottam Waman
Kale and Meena Purushottam Kale 16) Pra bhakar J ana rd han Gokhale
and Prasad Prabhakar Gokhale 17) Rajendra Amrut Gadgil, Jayshree
Sadanand Tamankar, Gayatri Badriprasad Bhide became the owners of
the said property bearing S. No. 12/5 admeasuring 00 H 74.5 R
equivalent to 7450 sq. Mete r i.e . 1 Acre 34 .5 Guntha. (Hereinafter
referred to as Third Property).

It appears that following owners have entrusted development rights and

power in favour of M/s. Gaikwad properties. M/s. Gaikwad Properties
has paid the entire consideration to the landowners under this
development agreement.

Details of Document / s with the M/s Gaikwad Properties

Sr. Name of Area in Area in Details of Registration of
No Previous Owner Guntha Sq. Development Agreement
Mtrs Registration No Date
1 Prabhakar 4 404.68 HVL/19- 20/01/
Gokhale and 469 / 2006 and 2006

Mr. Prasad HVL / 19 -4 7

Pra bh a ka r 470/2006

2 Sau. Anjali 5 505.85 HVL/19- 16/01/

Arvind Sane
326/2006 and 2006

HVL /19-


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Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
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IV;ob.93 1034 9 3 46
3 S hr i. Sudha ka r 4 404 .68 HVL/19- 23/01/
M. Deo
553/2006 and 2006

HVL / 19 -


4 Mr. Purushottam 5 505.85 HVL/19- 05/01/

Waman Kale,
Mrs. Meena 127 /2006 and 2006
Purushottam HVL /19-

5 Vinayak Shridhar 5 505.85 HVL/19- 05/01/

Deo, Sunil
shridhar Deo 127/2006 and 2006

HVL /19-


6 Usha Prakash 4 404.68 HVL/ 19 - 20/01/

Akolka r
469/2006 and 2006

HVL / 19 -47


It appears that following owners have entrusted development rights and

power inn favour of M/s. Desai and Gaikwad, M/ s. Desai and Gaikwad
has paid the entire consideration to the land owners under this
development agreement.

Details of Document / s with the Ms/ Desai and Gaikwad

Sr. Name of Area in Area in Details of Registration of

No Previous Owner Guntha Sq. Development Agreement
Mtrs Registration No Date
1 Smt. Jayshree 4 404.68 HVL/ 19- 17/03/
Vijayk u mar Joshi 2006
1978/2006 and

HVL /19


2 Mrs. Pratibha 4 404.68 HVL/ 19- 17/03/

Manohar Joshi
1978/2006 and 2006

'\IC) f--1 c;C{ q

Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
HVL / 19-

I I 1979/2006

Further it appears that some of the then respective 0\11/Ilers of the Third
Property have entrusted development rights in respect of their undivided
share in the said land by various Agreements and Power of Attorneys for
Development in favour of Pu ra nik Supreme Enterprises more
particularly described in Annexure I - C, Some of the then respective
owners of the Third Property executed Agreement for development and
exchange in respect of their undivided share in the said land in favour
of Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. And Pura nik Supreme Enterprises, more
particularly described in Annexure I - C 1. Some of the then respective
owners of the third Property transferred their undivided share by way of
Exchange deed in favour of Puranik Supreme Enterprises and Puranik
Builders 1--'vt. Ltd. More pa rticu lar ly described in Annexure -I -C2.

One of the then respective owners of the Third Property agreed to

transfer their undivided share by way of Exchange deed in favour of
Purnnik Bnildcon Pvt. Ltd. And executed coneent letter dated
09/02/2012 exchange the possession by executing possession receipt
dated 15/02/2012 more particularly described in Annexure I-C3.

Note :- The present the subject land falls within 10 KM perpheri of Pune
Municipal Corporation and declared to be proposed within the limits of
Pune Municipal Corporation and falls in residential zone. Also it
pres u med that the all aforesaid Mu ta tion Entries are duly sanctioned
by revenue authority after verifying that the purchasers herein were
agricultu ris t and holding the land within the ceiling limits wherever
applicable and necessary. -

4) SURVEY NO. 12/12

It appears that one Mr. Sopan Rama Padale was seized and possessed
0f Anrl/ nr w ll Ann 11fficif:'ntly f:'ntitled to pieces of land bearing
Sun 1ey No. 12 / 12 adm eas u ring 1310 sq. Meters I.e. 00 Acre 13.1
Guntha and 00 H 13.1 Aresince 1959 and his name was recorded in the
revenue record as owner of property. The same appears on 7/ 12 extracts
of the said property [hereinafter referred to as Firth Property']

It further appears that Mr. Sopan Padale an d his family members have
entrusted development rights in respect of their entire undivided share
by various Agreements for Development and power of attorneys more
particularly described in Annexure I - E hereunder written in favour of
the Puranik Builders Private Limited.

Note :- The present the subject land falls within 10 KM perpheri of Pune
Mu n icipa l .Corporation and declared to be proposed within the limits of
Pune Mu nicipa l Corporation and falls in residential zone. Also it
presumed that the all aforesaid Mutation Entries are duly sanctioned by

'\t6 ,f-_ 0{ q
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
14 BSL.L!. B,LLM
revenue authority after verifying tha t the purchasers herein were
agriculturist and holding the land within the ceiling limits wherever
applicable and necessary.

5) SURVEY NO. 12/ 13

It appears that the land admeasuring 20 Guntha was owned by

Vishwanath Bhau Kanchan in the year 1954-1955 onward.

It appears from Mutation Entry No. 1168 dated 15/05/1970 that

the Weight and Measure Act 1958 and Indian Coin Act, 1955
applied and effect given to the revenue record and the area was
converted from 20 Guntha to 00 H 20.2 Are.

Further it appears that pursuant to an Order passed by the Tahasildar

bearing No. RTS/94 7 / 82 dated 03/12/1982 it has been held that the
name of the said Shri. Rambhau Narayan Padale was Poklist so also the
name of Shri. Dattatraya Sonu Padale was held to be Poklist. Pursuant
thereto the said names of Shri. Rambhau Na ra ya n Padale and Shri
Dattatraya Sonu Padale were deleted vide mutation entry no. 1316.

Further it appears that Shri. Vishwanth Bhau Kanchan partitioned the

said Survey No. 12/ 13, by executing a Deed of Partition dated
28/ 01/ 1994 registered with the office of the sub registrar Mulshi at
serial no. 279/ 1994, and pursuant thereto the said Shri Ravindranath
Laxman Kanchan was entitled to 1/2 share in the said Survey No.
12/ 13. However the same is not reflected in revenue record.

Further it appears that Vishwanth Bhau Kanchan & Ravindranath

Laxman Kanchan sold the said entire land to various purchasers
namely Tapan Prafullkumar Daori, Bandu Tukaram Tangade, Suresh
Balkrishna Chavan, Ashok Dondjirao Shinde, Veena Shriram Bhavsar,
Shantaram Rangnath Jadhav by various sale deeds dated 09/05/1994
registered in the office of sub registrar Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No.
893/1995, 895/1995, 891/1995, 894/1995, 890/1995, 892/1995 and
accordingly names of the purchasers entered on 7/ 12 extract vide
Mutation Entry No. 2436, 2034, 2437, 2435, 2438, 2434 respectively. • t

Fu rther it appears that Mr. Shantaram Rangnath Jadhav transferred /

entrusted the development rights of his entire undivided share in the
said land to Mahesh Rameshlal Jagyasi and Sonali Chetan Sukheja
vide Developmen t Agreement dated 15/01/2007 registered in the office
of sub registrar Haveli 17 at Sr. No. 487 /2007. Mr. Shantaram
Rangnath Jadhav has also executed a power of attorney in respect of
his entire undivided share in the said land in favour of Mah esh
Rameshlal Jagyasi and Sonali Chetan Sukheja which is registered m
the office of Sub Regis tra r Haveli No. 17 at Sr. No. 488/2007.

As such Tapan Prafullkumar Daori, Bandu Tukaram Tangade, Suresh

Balkrishna Chavan, Ashok Dondjirao Shinde, Veena Shriram Bhavsar,
Shantaram Rangnath Jadhav became owner of the said entire land
bearing S. No. 12/ 13 admeasuring 00 H 20.2 Are/20 Guntha

\/, g, (;q qlAQ

Vaishari Ramesh Gangane
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Mil µ,5;:66/2017
l\.'io:>. 9370349346
approximately equivale nt to 2020 sq. Meters. [Hereinafter referred to as
"Sixth Property"]

All above mentioned then respective owners of the Sixth Property have
entrusted development rights in respect of the said entire land in favour
of the Puranik Builders Piivate Limited by various Agreements for
Development and power of attorneys more particularly described i11
Annexure I-F hereunder written:

Note :- The present the subject land falls within 10 KM perpheri of Pune
Municipal Corporation and declared to be proposed within the limits of
Pune Mu nicipa l Corporation and falls in residential zone. Also it
presumed that the all aforesaid Mutation Entries are duly sanctioned by
revenue authority after verifyin g that the purchasers herein were
agriculturist and holding the land within the ceiling limits wherever
applicable and necessary.

6) SURVEY NO. 12/ 14

It appears that the said land was originally o'\.vned by one Mr.
Savala T,,k,mim P;:irl;:il prinr tn th,,. yf"::ir 1q$n Thi:' c;aid Mr.
SavalaTukaram Padale was expired intestate on
06/ 05/ 1956accordingly the name of Mr. Bhau Savala Padale was
mutated in therevenue records.

It appears that the said Mr. Bhau Savalaram Fadale expired intestate
on 21/07/1985 leaving behind his legal heirs namely sons Shri Rao
Saheb Bhau Fadale, Shri Moh a n Bhau Padale, Shri. Rajendra Bhau
Fadale, manied daughters Sau. Surekha Suresh Gavare, Sau. Chayya
Baban Murkute and widow - Smt. Sakhubai Bhau Padale. Accordingly
their names were mutated in the revenue records vide mutation entry
no. 1327.

Further it appears that by an order passed by the Hon'ble Tahsildar

dated 04/ 12/1 986 and by an order pass rl hy th M:mrl;:il Arlhik::iri
dated 08/12/1986, it was held that the names of the said Smt.
Sakhubai Bhau Padale, Shri Rao Saheb Bhau Padale, Shri. MOhan
Bhau Fadale and Shri. Rajendra Bhau Padale, Sou. Surekha Suresh
Gavare and Sou. Chayya Baban Murkute were pokalist and hence
ordered to be deleted and it was held that one Mr.Namdeo Rambhau
Fadale was the Kabjedar and holder of the said Survey No. 12/ 14 .
PUrsuant thereto the name of the said Smt. Sakhubai Bhau Padale,
Shri Rao Saheb Bhau Padale, Shri. Mohan Bhau Fadale and Shri.
Rajendra Bhau Fadale, Sou. Surekha Suresh Gavare and Sou. Chayya
Baban Murkute were deleted and name of Mr. Namdeo Rambhau
Padale was mutated in the revenue records, vide mutation entry no.

o .. 4'\ q
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
Further it appears that said Mr. Namdeo Rambhau Padale as Karta of
HUF along-with members of his fam ily, Mr. Bhagwan Sitaram
Rambhau Padale, Shri. Bhagwan Rambhau Fadale, Shri. Baban
Rambhau Padale, has with the consent of Mr. Sopan Rambhau Padale,
Smt. Chandrabhagabai Nivrutti Hulavale, Smt. Taibai Kisan Takale,
Smt. Sakhubai Bhau Padale , Mr. Balu alias Rahul Bhau Padale, Mr.
Mohan Bhau Padale, Sau. Surekha Suresh Gavare, Mr. Rajendra Bhau
Padale and Sou. Chayya Baban Murkute nee Ms. Chayya Bhau Padale
have absolutely sold and conveyed a portion admeasuring 00 H 55 Ares
out of the said Survey No. 12/ 14 admeasuring 1 H 58.8 Are, in favour
of (I) Shri Prakash Vasudeo Sardesai, (ii) Sa u . Swati Prakash Sardesai,
(iii) S a u . Kalpa na Keshav Joshi, (iv) Mr. Satish Gopal Chitale, (v) S a u .
Nandani Praveen Gokhale, (vi) Sau. Kamalabai Narayan Dapthare, (vii)
Mr. Suyog Yas h wa nt Joshi, (viii) Mr. Mohan Manohar Gughale, (ix) Sau.
Sunanda Baliram Shukla, (xii) Sau. Surekha Pandurang Goswami and
(xiii) Mr. Madhukar Ma h a d eo Joshi, by executing a Sale Deed dated
09/ 04/ 1986, duly registered with the office of the Sub Registrar Maval.
Pursuant thereto the said Survey No. 12/ 14 was sub divided into two
parts and Survey No. 12/ 14 was retained by the original owners and
Survey No. 12 / 14 / 1 was allotted to the purchasers above referred to
nrn1 ltw rn'\nV.:,',S :,f th e said pur,!::. hitvi11g l:c J L,d u umliviut:d i;ltc11t: i11
the said land, were mutated in the revenue records pertaining to Survey
No. 12/ 14/1, vide mutation entry no. 1413.

The owners of land bearing survey no. 12/ 14 admeasuring 2 Acre 22

Guntha I.e. 01 H 3.8 Are na mely Namdeo Rambhau Fadale 2) Sitaram
Rambhau Padale 3) Bhagwan Rambhau Padale 4) Baban Rambhau
Fadale with consent of 1) Sopan Rambhau Padale 2) Chandrabhaga
Nivrutti Hulawale 3) Taibai Kisan Takale 4) Sakhubai Babu Fadale 5)
Rao Bhau Fadale 6) Mohan Bhau Fadale 7) Surekha Suresh Gaware 8)
Rajendra Bhau Fadale 9) Chhaya Bhau Padale through guardian
Sakhubai Bhau Fadale sold the said land to various purchasers 1)
Vasant Shantaram Ku lka rn i and Nivedita Vasant Kulkarni 2) Puman
Sh;:ci h;;mk Mukharji and Shashank Bijankrishna Mukharji, 3) Mrnnak
Ouul1c:1.6l1 0111::l yc: L111uugl1 GuaHliau 3ul.Jlm::lli ParnllUJaJ.H 3111::!lye, '-l-) DL
Chandrashekhar Ganesh Dharne, 5) Nilima Ravindra Telenkar and
Ravindra Dattatraya Telenkar, 6) Anil Vitth al Velankar and smita Anil
Velankar, 7) Haribhau Narayan Risbud and Vasundhara Haribhau
Rfabud, 8) N.ckha hrikrishna Phadanvis, 9) Priti Suresh Kharabe, 10)
Mohan Rao and Chayya Mohan Rao, 11) Dinkar Bhikaji Kulkarni and
Jyotsna Dinkar Ku lka rn i, 12) V. Padmanabham, 13) Saraswati
Balkrishnan, 14) Mahadev Pandurang Ogale, 15) Kshitish Digambar
Kulkarni, 16) Lalita Vasudev Phadke, 17) Lalitkumar Kasturchand
Shaha, 18) Neela Pandurang Risbud, 19) Ajay Sadashiv Kulkarni, 20)
Sadhana Chandrashekhar Bhagwat, 21) Keshavrao Shankar Bhide, 22)
Shridhar Banshilal Mule and Nila Shridhar Mule, 23) Bhageshri Rajiv
Bhalerao vide sale deed dated 03/04/1985 registered in the office of
sub registrar Mava l at Sr. No. 1509/ 1889. accordingly the names of the

o G'C\rqqv"Q
V;:i.ishali Ran•esh Ganga_ne

MA ._,. 1 5'. 66/2017
l\·,.;;b. 3.:;,70349345
purchasers were entered on 7/ 12 extract as owners vide Mu ta tion
Entry No. 1498 .

It appears that Kshitish Digambar Kulkarni sold his undivided share of

land admeasuring 4 guntha to one Rama Enterprises vide sale deed
dated 13/ 01/ 2010 registered in the office of sub regis tra r Haveli No. 13
at S r . No. 336 / 20 10 . Accor din gly name of Rama Enterp rise s en te red on
7 / 12 extract vide Mutation Entry No. 3163.

The remaining owners 1) Vasant Shantaram Ku lka rn i & Nive dita

Vas a nt Kul kar ni, 2) Puman Shashank Mukharji and Shashank
Bijankrishna Mukharji, 3) Mrunak Subhash Shetye through Guardian
Subhash Parshuram Shetye, 4) Dr. Chandrashekhar Ga nesh Dharne, 5)
Nilima Ravind ra Telenkar and Ravindra Dattatraya Telenkar, 6) Anil
Vitthal Vela nka r and smita Anil Velan ka r, 7) Haribhau Narayan Risbud
and Vasundhara Haribhau Risbud, 8) Rekha Shrikrishna Phadanvis, 9)
Priti Suresh Kh a ra be, 10) Mohan Rao and Chayya Mohan Rao, 11)
Dinkar Bhikaji Kulkarni and Jyotsna Dinkar Ku lka rn i, 12) V.
Padmanabham, 13) Saraswati Balkrishnan, 14) Ma had ev Pandurang
Ogale, 15) La lita Vasudev Phadke, 16) Lalitkumar Kasturchand Shaha,
17) Neela Pandurang Risbud, 18) Ajay Sadashiv Kulkarni, 19) Sadhana
Chandrashekhar Bhag-vat, 20) Kesha vra o Shankar Bhide, 21) Shridhar
Banshilal Mule and Nila Shridhar Mule, 22) Bhageshri Rajiv Bhalerao
were seized and possessed of and/or well and sufficiently entitled to
pieces of land bearing S. No. 12/14 (Part) admeasuring 9800 sq. Me te rs
I.e. 2 Acre 18 Gu n th a and 00 H 98 Are [hereinafter referred to as
"Seventh Property"]

The then respective owners of the Seventh Property have entrusted

development rights in favour of the, Puranik Constructions Private
Limited by various Agre em en ts for Development and power of a tto rneys
more particularly described in Annexure 1-G hereunder written ; Some
of the then respective owners of the Seventh Property entered into
agreement for development and power of a tto rn eys in favour of Puranik
Builders Pvt. Ltd . More pa rt icu la rly desc ribed in Annexure I - Gl.

Note :- The present the subject land falls within 10 KM perpheri of Pune
Municipal Corporation and declared to be proposed within the limits of
Pu ne Mu n icipa l Cor pora tion and falls in residential zone. Also it
presumed that the all aforesaid Mutation Entries are duly sanctioned by
revenue authority after verifying that the purchasers herein were
agricultu rist and holding the land vvithin th e ceiling limits wherever
applicable and necessary. -

7) SURVEY NO. 12/ 15

It appears that the said land bearing survey no. 12/ 15

admeasuring 01 Acre 22 Gunthas I.e. 00 H 62.7 Are was originally
owned and possessed by one Mr. Dinkar Pandurang Padale, prior
to the year 1947.
o f-_, Ga.v':'f(
V; i shali Ran ·esh Ga!lgane
- -'.tAH.'5: 66/2017
IV,ob .9370349?46
It appears that one Mr. Laxman Sakharam Padale ,vas a protected
tenant as per the provisions of the Tenancy Act and his name was
mutated in the revenue records in the other rights column, vide
mutation entry no. 436. It appears that the names of Mr. Shankar
Ku s h a ba Fadale and Nathu Sadhu Padale was mutated in the other
rights column as tenants vide mutation entry no. 547 as is seen from
the 7 / 12 Extract. It appears that the names of Mr. Laxman Sakharam
Fadale, Mr. Shankar Kushaba Padale and Nathu Sadhu Padale was not
in possession / vahivar of the said land and hence their names were
deleted from the other rights column. The same is reflected vide
mutation entry no. 900, 902 and 903

Further it appears that one Mr. Tuka ra m Dagadu Padale was a

protected tenant as per the provisions of the Tenan cy Act and his name
was mutated in the revenue records in the other rights column, vide
mutation entry no. 766. The said Tukaram Dagdu Fadale died on
03/01/1983 leaving behind legal heirs Dnyanoba Padale, Bajirao
Padale, accordingly their names were mutated on 7/ 12 extract vide
mutation ontry no, 3877, it appoaro that namoo of Dnyanoba Padula,
Bajirao Padale were deleted from the other rights column as declared
"Polcalist" vides tahsildar order No. SR/94/08 dated 09 / 10/ 2009. the
same is reflected vide mutation entry no. 3131.

It appears that the said Mr. Dinkar Pandurang Padale preferred an

application in the year 1959 interalia stating that his brothre Mr.
Waman Pandurang Padale has half share in Survey No. 12/ 15 and his
name be mutated in the revenue records. Pursuant thereto the name of
Mr. Waman Pandurang Padale was mutated in the revenue records. The
same is reflected vide mutation entry no. 990.

It appears that the said Mr. Waman Pandurang Fadale expired intestate
on or about the year 1968, leaving behind him surviving hie legal heirs
sons Maruti, Prabhakar, Rakhmaji, Dattatraya, daughters Kas tu rba
A1jun Gaikwad, Lopabai Jagannath Fingale, 3atyavati Popat- Avahale
and Babubai Waman Padale - Widow. Pursuant thereto the names of
the said legal heirs were mutted in the revenue records, vide mutation
entry no. 1257.

It appears that the said Mr. Dinkar Pandurang Fadale expired intestate
on 08/07/1977 leaving behind him surviving his legal heirs namely
Chandrakant Dinkar Pdale - adopted son (through his natural mother
Saraswati Maruti Fadale) and Shewantabai Tukaram -
daughter. Pursuant thereto the names of the said legal heirs were
mutated in the revenue records, vide mutation entry no. 1258.

It appears that the said Shri..Ma ru ti Waman Fadale had obtainined a

loan to the tune, of Rs. 10 ,000 / - from Shri. Hanuman Vivid Karyakari
Seva Sahakari Society and hence the charge of the society was mutated
in the other rights column. The same is reflected vide mu ta tion entry

r"\I°' f-. q q
v fr;;ha fi Ramesh Gangane
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r 'lAH/5:.66/2017
, f o b.9370349 346
1 4 26 . it a p p ea rs tha t the s a id loan was repaid and hence the charge of
the said society was deleted from the revenue records, vide mutation
entry no. 1605.

It appears that 1) Chandrakant Dinkar Padale, 2) Saraswati Maruti

Padale , 3) Maruti Waman Padale, 4) Prabhakar Waman Padale, 5)
Rakhmaji Waman Padale, 6) Dattatraya Waman Padale, 7) Babutai
Waman Padale with consent of 1) Shevantabai Tukaram Golande, 2)
Lopa bai Jagannath Pingale 3) Kastura Arjun Gaikwad 4) Sa tyawati
Popat Avh a le sold the land admesuring 00 H 05 are to one Mr. Anand
Govind Alkutkar vide sale deed dated 04/ 12/ 1992 registered in the
office of sub registrar Mulshi at Sr. No. 2409 / 1993. Accord in gly name
of Anand Govind Alk u tka r was entered on 7/ 12 extract vide Muta tion
Entry No. 1697.

It appears that 1) Chandrakant Dinkar Padale, 2) Saraswati Maruti

Padale, 3) Maruti Waman Padale, 4) Prabhakar Waman Padale, 5)
Rakhmaji Waman Padale, 6) Dattatraya Waman Padale, 7) Babutai
Waman Fadale with consent of 1) Shevantabai Tukaram Golande, 2)
Lopabai Jagannath Pingale 3) Kastura Arjun Gaikwad 4) Satyawati
Popat Avhale sold the land admeasuring 00 H 06 Are to one Lata
Shantaram Jadhav vide sale deed dated 04/12/1992 registered in the
office of sub registrar Mulshi at Sr. No. 2407 / 1993. Accordingly name
of La ta Shantaram Jadhav was entered on 7/ 12 extract vide Mutation
Entry No. 1700.

It appears that 1) Chandrakant Dinkar Fadale, 2) Saraswati Maruti

Padale, 3) Maruti Waman Fadale, 4) Prabhakar Waman Fadale, 5)
Rakhmaji Waman Fadale, 6) Datt a tra ya Waman Fadale, 7) Babutai
Waman Fadale with consent of 1) Shevantabai Tukaram Golande, 2)
Lopa ba i Jagannath Pingale 3) Kastura Arjun Gaikwad 4) Satyawati
Popat Avhale sold the land admeasuring 00 H 06 Are to one Suhas
Vilas Lokhande vide sale deed dated 04/ 12/ 1992 registered in the office
of sub registrar Mulshi at Sr. No. 2408/ 1993. Accor din gly name of
Suhas Vilas Lokhande was entered on 7/ 12 extract vide Mutation Entry
No. 1701.

It appears that 1) Chandrakant Dinkar Padale, 2) Saraswati Maruti

Fadale, 3) Maruti Waman Fadale, 4) Prabhakar Waman Fadale, 5)
Rakhmaji Waman Fadale, 6) Datta traya Waman Fadale, 7) Babutai
Waman Fadale with consent of 1) Shevantabai Tukaram Golande, 2)
Lopabai Jagannath Pingale 3) Kastura Arjun Gaikwad 4) Satyawati
Popat Avhale sold the land admeasuring 00 H 4.65 Are to one Dhondu
Sakharam Datar vide sale deed dated 23/ 02/ 1996 registered in the
office of sub registrar Mulshi at Sr. No. 801/1996. Accordingly name of
Dhondu Sakharam Datar was entered on 7/ 12 extract vide Mu ta tion
Entry No. 17_90.

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It appears that 1) Chandrakant Din ka r Pada le, 2) Saraswati Maruti
Padale, 3) Maruti Waman Padale, 4) Prabhakar Waman Padale, 5)
Rakhmaji Waman Padale, 6) Dattatraya Waman Padale, 7) Babutai
Waman Padale with consent of 1) Shevantabai Tukaram Golande, 2)
Lopabai Jagannath Pingale 3) Kastura Arjun Gaikwad 4) Satyawati
Popat Avhale sold the land admeasuring 00 H 4.64 Are to one Nitin
Dattatraya Patil vide sale deed dated 04/02/1994 registered in the
office of sub registrar Mulshi at Sr. No.6360/2001. Accordingly name of
Nitin Dattatraya Patil was entered on 7/ 12 extract vide Mutation Entry
No. 246 4.

It appears that 1) Chandrakant Dinkar Fadale, 2) Saraswati Maruti

Padale, 3) Maruti Waman Padale, 4) Prabhakar Waman Padale, 5)
Rakhmaji Waman Fadale, 6) Dattatraya Waman Fadale, 7) Babutai
Waman Fadale with consent of 1) Shevantabai Tukaram Golande, 2)
Lopabai Jagannath Pingale 3) Kastura Arjun Gaikwad 4) Satyawati
Popat Avhale sold the land admeasuring 00 H 4.64 Are to one
Satyabhama Ramchandra Pol Alias Patil (Ramchandra Pol Alias Patil)
vide sale deed dated 04/02/1994 registered in the office of sub registrar
Mulshi at Sr. No. 6358/2001. Accordingly name of Satyabhama
Ramchandra Pol Alias Patil (Ramchandra Pol Alias Patil) was entered
on 7/ 12 extract vide Mutation Entry No. 2465.

It appears that 1) Chandrakant Dinkar Padale, 2) Saraswati Maruti

Padale, 3) Maruti Waman Padale, 4) Prabhakar Waman Fadale, 5)
Rakhmaji Waman Fadale, 6) Dattatraya Padale, 7) Babutai
Waman Fadale with consent of 1) Shevantabai Tukaram Golande, 2)
Lopabai Jagannath Pingale 3) Kastura Arjun Gaikwad 4) Satyawati
Popat Avhale sold the land admeasuring 00 H 4.64 Are to one
Chandrajeet Ramchandra Pol Alias Patil vide sale deed dated
04/02/1994 registered in the office of sub regis trar Mu lshi at Sr. No.
6357/2001. Accordingly name ofChandrajeet Ramchandra Pol Alias
Patil was entered on 7/ 12 extract vide Mutation Entry No. 246 6 .

It appears that 1) Chandrakant Dinkar Padale, 2) Saraswati Maruti

Padale, 3) Maruti Waman Fadale, 4) Prabhakar Waman Fadale, 5)
Rakhmaji Waman Padale, 6) Dattatraya Waman Padale, 7) Babutai
Waman Fadale with consent of 1) Shevantabai Tukaram Golande, 2)
Lopabai Jagannath Pingale 3) Kastura Arjun Gaib.vad 4) Satyawati
Popat Avhale sold the land admeasuring 00 H 04 Are to one Smt.
Bhagirathi Bababji Sabale vide sale deed dated 04/12/1992 registered
in the office of sub registrar Mu lshi at Sr. No. 2410/ 1993. Accordingly
name of Smt. Bhagirathi Bababji Sabale was entered on 7/ 12 extract
vide Mutation Entry No. 1702.

It appears that Smt. Bhagirathi Bababji Sabale leaving behind her

sister Hirabai Nag<?ji Jagdale as her legal he:ir and accordingly name _of
Hirabai Nagoji Jagdale entered on 7/ 12 extract vide Mutation Entry No..
315 4.

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As such 1) Maruti Wamanrao Padale and others 2) Chandrajeet
Ramchandra Pol Alias Patil, 3) Dhondu Sakharam Datar, 4) Anand
Govind Alkutkar, 5) Suhas Vilas Lokhande, 6) Hirabai Na goji Jagdale,
7) La ta Shantaram Jadhav, 8) Nitin Dattatraya Patil, 9) Satyabhama
Ramchandra Pol Alias Patil (Ramchandra Pol Alias Patil) were owners of
the said property bearing S. No. 12/ 15 admeasuring 00 H 49.57 are
equivalent to 4963.04 Sq. Meter I.e. 1 Acre 9.57 Guntha. (Hereinafter
referred to as "Eighth Property"). However as per demarcation are of
4841 is considered for NA layout and building permission.

The then respective owners of the Eighth Property have entrusted

development rights in favour of the Puranik Builders Private Limited by
various Agreements for Development and power of a tto rneys more
particularly described in Annexure I - H hereunder written;

Note :- The present the subject land falls within 10 KM perpheri of Pune
Municipal Corporation and declared to be proposed within the limits of
Pune Mu n icip al Corporation and falls in residential zone. Also it
presumed that the all aforesaid Mutation Entries are duly sanctioned by
revenue aut.lw r i t.y ..:i rl. 1':r vl':1i f_yi 11g 1.l1r.1I. I.l ie p tJ1cli ,;1st:1 s l 1f:l'l':in were
agriculturist and holding the land within the ceiling limits wherever
applicable and necessary. -

8) SURVEY NO. 12/ 16

The said land bearing Survey No. 12/ 16 admeasuring area 05

Acres 38 Gunthas and assessed at Rs. 01 Paisa 5 was originally
owned by Shri Ganpati Sadashiv Fadale.

It is seen from the record that Genu Laxman Padale was the
protected tenant to the said land. The name of Ganu Laxman
Padale appeared on 7/ 12 extract of the land and this effect has
been given vide Mutation No. 525

It is seen from the record that Tukaram Laxman Padale was the tenant
to the said land. The name of Tukaram Laxman Padale appeared as a
tenant on 7/ 12 extract of the said land and this effect had been given
vide Mutation No. 548.

It appears from the record that Genu Laxman Padale was died and the
deceased left behind the following legal heirs namely Namdev Genu
Fadale. The name of Namdev Genu Padale appeared on 7/ 12 extract of
the said land and this effect had been given vide Mu ta tion Entry No. 8 86

The Agricultural Land Tribunal Taluka Mulshi in proceeding Case No.

71 / 1996 U/ s. 32G of the Bombay Tenancy and Agricu ltu ra l Land Act,
1948 confirmed and decided ancl fixed the price of Rs. 1660-88 Paisa of
the said land. In view of the order passed by the said authority, the

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village officer Mhalu nge inser ted th e name of Namdev Genu Padale and
Tukaram Laxman Padale in I<a bjeda r Col u m n and transferred the name
of Ganpat Sadashiv Padale from Ka bjed a r column to the other right
column on 7/ 12 Extract jn respect of the said land. This effect had
been given vide Mutation Entry No. 1112.

The Mutation Entry No. 1168 shows that Weight and Measurement Act
1958 was made applicable to S. No. 1 to 60 of Village Mhalu nge and the
area was converted from 05 Acres 38 Gunthas to 2 H 41 R.

It appears from the record that the purchase price decided by Revenue
Authority of Rs.1660-88 Paise was deposited in Govt. Treasury as
Nazrana amount by Shri. Tukaram Laxman Padale and Namdev Genu
Padale and the said person had received certificate U/ s 32 M of Bombay
Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act, 1948 from concern Revenue
Authority. In furtherance to the certificate U/ s. 32M and the application
of tenant, the Village Officer, Mha lu nge confirmed the name of tenant
Shri. Tukaram Padale and Namdev Padale in the record of rights column
as owner for 'equal' share as per oral partition thereof in respect of the
said land vide Mutation Entry No. 1354 and deleted the name of owner
from other right column. The remark of restricted U/ s. 43 of Tenancy
Act is endorsed in other rights column of 7/ 12 of the said land. This
effect had given vide Mutation entry no. 1354.

The Mutation Entry No. 1397 shows that Shri. Tukaram Laxman Padale
died on dated 22/08/1988 and the deceased left behind the legal heirs
namely 1) Devram Tukaram Padale (Son), 2) Sakharam Tukaram Padale
(son). 3) Jaywant Tukaram Padale (son), 4. Shivaji Tukaram Padale (son)
5) Sitabai Rambhau Mate (Daughter), 6) Godabai Balkrishna Wadghare
(Daughter). The name of the legal heirs were appeared to the share of
the deceased on 7/ 12 Extract of the said land. This effect had given vide
Muttion Entry No. 1397.

It appears that 1) Devram Tukaram Padale, 2) Sakharam Tukaram

Padale 3) Jaywant Tukaram Padale through guardian Sakharam Padale,
Shivaji Tukararn PaJ.ale lhruugb guan.liau Sakharam Pa<lale 4) Silauai
Rambhau Mate, 5) Goda bai Balkrishna Wadghare and Ravindra
Shankarrao Shinde have obtained permission required under BTAL Act
for selling lands admeasuring 01 H-, .2 0 .5 Are in favour of
Ravindra Shankarrao Shinde from the Hon'ble SDO Maval Pune vide
No. 43/SR/89/95 dated 29/02/1996 by paying 40 times the
assessment (Na zr a n a ). Accord ing ly, the remark of restricted U/ s. 43 of
Tenancy Act was removed from revenue records.

It appears that the said 1) Devram Tukaram Padale, 2) Sakharam

Tukaram Padale 3) Jaywant Tukaram Padale through guardian
Sakharam Padale, 4) Shivaji Tukaram Padale through guardian
Sakha:ram Padale 5) Sitabai Rambhau Mate, 6) Godabai Balkrishna
Wadghare· sold land admeasuring 01 H 20.5 Are I.e. 3 Acre 5 Guntha to
Ravindra Shankarrao Shinde vide sale deed dated 28/05/1996

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registered in the office of sub regis tra r Mulshi (Pa u d ) at Sr. No . Old
2207/ 1996 (new 418/97). Accordingly name of Ravindra Shankarrao
Shinde entered on 7 / 12 extract vide Mutation Entry No. 2150.

It appears that the said Ravindra Shankarrao Shinde sold land

admeasuring 01 H 20.5 Are to Ajit Chandrakant Sancheti (in his
capacity as partner of M/ s. Sancheti Promoters ) vide sale deed dated
29/05/1996 registered in the office of sub registrar Mu ls h i (Paud) at sr.
No. 2208/ 1996 accordingly name of Ajit Chandrakant Sancheti entered
on 7/ 12 extract vide Mutation Entry No . 2 17 4 .

It appears that Mr. Ajit Chandrakant Sancheti (in his capacity as

partner of M/ s. Sancheti Promoters) with consent of Ravindra
Shankarrao Shinde sold land admeasuring area 00 H 5 Are to
Madhukar Satyabhanji Ingale vide sale deed dated 22 / 01/ 1997
registered in the office of Sub Registrar Mulshi (Pa u d ) at Sr. No.
404/ 1997. Accordingly name of Madhukar Satyabhanji Ingale entered
on 7/ 12 extract vide mutation entry no. 2207.

It appears that Mr. Ajit Chandrakant Sancheti (in his capacity as

partner of M/ s . Sancheti Promoters) with consent of Ravindra
Shanlmrrno Shinde :.old land ndmco3uring flTC:fl 00 H -8 /\rr. to Mr.
Jagdish Yadavrao Patil vide sale deed dated 13/11/1996 registered in
the office of Sub Registrar Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 1452 / 1997.
Accor din gly name of Mr.Jagdish Yadavrao Patil entered on 7/ 12 extract
vide mutation entry no. 2251.

It appears that Mr. Ajit Ch andraka nt Sancheti (in his capacity as

partner of M/ s . Sancheti Promoters) with consent of Ravindra
Shankarrao Shinde sold land admeasuring area 00 H 02 Are to
Nandkumar Maruti Bobate and Chandarani Nan d k u m a r Bobate vide
sale deed dated 10/06/1996 registered in the office of Sub Registrar
Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 2377/ 1996. Accordingly name of Nandkumar
Maruti Bobate entered on 7/ 12 extract vide mutation entry no. 2901.

Its appears that 1)Jagdish Yadavrao Patil, 2) Nan dku ma r Maruti Bobate
and Chandarani Nandkumar Bobate 3) Madhukar Satyabhanji Ingale
entrusted development rights of their ownership admeasuring 10.83 in
favour of the Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. Together admeasuring area
10.83 Area. T.e. l 083 s q. Mtrs by various agreements for Development,
and power of attorneys more particularly mentioned in Annexure 1-1.

Mr. Ajit Chandrakant Sancheti (In his capacity as partner of M/s.

Sancheti Promoters) remained the owner of the land adm. 1 H 9.67 Ares
from survey no. 12/ 16/2 after selling the area to various purchasers as
stated above. Furth er, out of this area, Mr. Ajit Chandrakant Sancheti
(In his capacity as partner of M/s. Sancheti Promoters) an area of 72.18
Ares (7 2 18 sq. Mtrs) in favour of Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. By Sale
deed more particularly mentioned in Annexure I - I 1. However, it
appears that Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd has obtained NA permission and
commencement in respect of 70.18 Are out 72.18 Are in survey No.

\fo o f'j'q
v. ". . Advocate -
ar"'hat, RarrashG
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fVJAH/S: 66/2017
12 / 16 / 2, and th erefore only 70.18 Ares is u.tilized for development and
title is ce r tified only in respect of 70.18 Ares.

[Hereinafter referred to as Ninth Property]

However develope r has informed that through the developer company

Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. And Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Have
pu rcha sed the ninth property above mentioned without obtaining any
permission from the concerned authority to purchase it in the name of
company the developer has obtained necessary order for non
agricultural use of the same subsequently vide sanction order No.
PMA/ NA/ S R-358 / 20 10 da ted 21/04/2011. Further, the entire Ninth
Property forms part of the Amenity Space (Plot No. 18 admeasuring
9474 sm) handed over to the The Government of Maharashtra Revenue

9) SURVEY NO. 12/16/2 (area adm. 20 4 8 sq. Mtrs)

It appears from Mutation Entry No. 2177 that Mr.Ajit Candrakant

Sancheti sold land adm. 00 H 2.84 Are to Annasaheb B. Jadhav vide
sale deed dated 17/ 06/ 1996 registered in the office of sub registrar
Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 2486/ 1996. Ac cor d in gly name of Annasaheb B.
Jadhav entered o, n 7 / 1 2 extract.

It appears from Mutation Entry No. 2276 that Mr.Ajit Candrakant

Sancheti with consent of Ravind ra Shankarrao shinde sold land
admeasuring 2.45 Ares to Suraj Pharande vide sale deed dated
07/12/1996 registered in the office of sub registrar Mu ls hi (Paud) at Sr.
No. 2022/ 1998. Accordingly name of Suraj Pharande entered on 7/ 12

It appears from Mutation Entry No. 2288 that Mr.Ajit Candrakant

Sancheti with consent of Ravindra Shankarrao shinde sold land
admeasuring 4.11 Ares to Jagannath Patil vide sale deed dated
05/ 01/ 2000 registered in the office of sub registrar Mulshi (Paud) at Sr.
No . 3 5 / 20 0 0 . Accordingly name of Jagannath Patil entered on 7 / 12

It appears that Mr. Ajit Candrakant Sancheti with consent of

Ravindra Shankarrao shinde sold land admeasuring 3.8 Ares to Asmita
Bhalchandra Jadhav vide sale deed dated 18/05/1998 registered in the
office of sub registrar Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 2021/ 1998. Accordingly
name of Asmita Bhalchandra Jadhav entered on 7/ 12 extract vide
Mutation Entry No. 2277.

It appears that Asmita Bhalchandra Jadhav sold land admeasuring

3.8 Ares to Bhupendra J . Patil vide sal deed dated 03/10/2001
registered in the office of sub registrar Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No.
5526/2001. Accordingly name of Bhupendra J. Patil entered on 7/12
extract vide Mutation Entry No. 2358 .
"1 'P-. (i°'q q
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane 8SL.L!
It appears from Mutation Entry No. 2176 that Ajit Candrakant
Sancheti sold land admeasuring 00 H 7 .28 Ares to Rajendra Bhosale
vide sale deed dated 17/06/1996 registered in the office of sub registrar
Mu ls h i (Paud) at Sr. No. 250 3 /1 996 . Accordingly name of Rajendra
Bhosale entered on 7/ 12 extract.

It appears that 1) An n a sa he b B. Jadhav 2) Suraj Pharande 3)

Jagannath Patil 4) Bhupendra J. Patil became owner of land totally
adm. 13.20 Are. (1320 sq. Mtrs. Together admeasuring 1320 sq. Mtrs in
favour of the Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. Various documents more
particularly mentioned in Annexure I -12.

It appears from Mutation Entry No. 3292 that Rajendra Bhosale

became owner of land adm. 7.28 Are. Th e said Rajendra Bhosale has
sold the lands 728 sq. Mln, . In favour of the Pura nik
Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. By document more particularly mentioned Annexure
I -13.

Conclusion : (I) Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd is the owner of 7.28 Are;
Flrni (ii) Pnrnnik RnilrlFrn Pvt T.trl l'> thf' nwnn of ] '3. 20 Ar .

[Hereinafter referred to as Tenth Property]

Note :- The present the subject land falls within 10 KM perpheri of Pune
Municipal Corporation and declared to be proposed within the limits of
Pune Municipal Corporation and falls in residential zone. Also it
pres umed that the all aforesaid Mutation Entries are duly sanctioned by
revenue authority after verifyin g that the purchasers herein were
agriculturist and holding the land within the ceiling limits wherever
applicable and necessary. -

However developer has informed that through the develo pe r company

Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd and Puranik Buikku11 Pvl. Ll u. Have
purchased the tenth property above mentioned without obtaining any
permission from the concerned authority to purchase it in the name of
company the developer has informed me that the developer has applied
for obtaining necessary order for non agricultural use of the same.

The properties referred to as First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifty, Sixth,

Seventh, Eighth, Nin th and Tenth properties are hereinafter collectively
referred to as "The Said Land Property".

Conveyance Deeds in Favour of Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.

After obtaining requisite NA permission by order dated 15/10/2008

and 02/12/2008, some of the then respective owners of the said Land
Property and the development rights holder I.e. Pura nik Builders Pvt.
Ltd. Have conveyed the title and ownership in respect of the part of the
said land property admeasuring in aggregate 13898.30 sq. Mtrs. More

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particularly ment ioned in An n exur e I-A (survey No. 12/3), An n ex u re I
B (Survey No. 12 / 4), Annexure I-D (Sur vey No. 12/5/1), Ann ex u re I-E
(Survey No. 12/ 12), Annexure I- F (Survey No. 12/ 13), & An nex u re f- G
1 (Survey No. 12/ 14), Annexure r - H (Survey No. 12/ 15),& Annexure I-I
(Survey No. 12/ 16/2), In favour of Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Vide
Deed of Conveyance datedll/05/2009 which is duly registered with
Sub Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL-20 / 02530 / 2009 ; As
per the said Deed of Conveyance the name of Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd,
entered on 7/ 12 extract in owner column. Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd.
Have retained some development rights in the form of
units/flats/bunglows to be constructed of which list if annexed
herewith as Annex ur e J (the list is provided by the developer Puranik
Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.) I hereby confirm that NA permission was obtained
for only area admeasuring 12815.3 sq. Mts (Survey Nos. 12/2, 12/ 4,
12/5/1, 12/12, 12/ 14 and 12/15) out of the total area admeasuring
13898.30 sq. Mts. For the balance area of 1083 sq. Mts ( Survey No.
12 / 16/2 (P)), the Developer has obtained necessary NA permission
dated 21/04/2011 subsequent to the purchase.

After obtaining requisite NA permission by order dated 15/10/2008

some of the then respective owners of the said Land Property and the
development rights holder i.e. the Puranik Supreme Enterprises, have
conveyed the title and ownership of the part of the said land property
admeasuring in aggregate 25446.13 sq. Mtrs. More particularly
mentioned in Annexure I-A (survey No. 12/3), Annexure 1-B (Survey No.
12/4), Annexure I-C (Survey No. 12/5), Annexure 1-D (Survey No.
12 / 5 / 1), In favour of Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Vide Deed of
Conveyance datedl1/05/2009 which is duly registered with Sub
Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL-20 / 02532 / 2009; As per
the said Deed of Conveyance the name of Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd on
7 / 12 extract in owner column. (Puranik Supreme Enterprises have
retained some development rights in the form of units/flats/bunglows
to be constructed of which list if annexed herewith as Annexure J (the
list is provided by the developer Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.) I hereby
confirm that NA permission was obtained for the entire area of
25446.13 sq. Mts. Under the aforesaid order.

After obtaining requisite NA permission by order dated 02/12/2008,

some of the then respective owners of the said Land Property and the
development rights holder I.e. Puranik Construction Private Limited,
have conveyed the title and ownership of the part of the said land
property admeasuring in aggregate 9006.96 sq. Mtrs. More particularly
mentioned in Annexure 1-G (survey No. 12/ 14), In favour of Puranik
Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Vide Deed of Conveyance dated11/05/2009 which is
duly registered with Sub Registrar of Ass u ra n ces Pune at Sr. No. HVL-
20/02529/2009; As per the said Deed of Conveyance the name of
Pu ra nik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd ori 7 / 12 extract in owner column. Puranik
Construction Pvt. Ltd. have retained some development rights in the
form of units/flats/bunglows to be constructed of which list is annexed

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herewith as Annexure J (the list is provided by the developer Pura nik
Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.) I hereby confirm that NA permission was obtained
for the entire area of 9006.96 sq. Mts .

The owners of the said land property I.e. the Puranik Builders Private
Limited have conveyed the title and ovvnership of the part of the said
land property admeasuring 7218 sq. Mts. More particularly mentioned
in Annexure 1-1 1 (survey no. 12/ 16/2) in favour of Puranik Buildcon
Pvt. Ltd. Vide Deed of Conveya nce dated 11/05/2009 which is duly
registered with Sub Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL-
20/02533/2009; As per the said Deed of Conveyance the name of
Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. On 7 / 12 extra ct in owner column. (Puranik
Builders Pvt. Ltd. Have retained some development rights in the form of
units/flats/bunglow to be constructed of wh ich list is annexed herewith
as Annexure J (th e list is provided by the developer Puranik Buildcon
Pvt. Ltd. ) However, the Developer has obtained necessary NA
permission dated 21/04/2011 subsequent to the purchase.

The Conveyance deeds which are duly registered with the Sub Registrar
of Assurances at Sr. No. HVL-20 / 025 30 / 20 09, HVL- 20/02529/2009,
HVL-20/02532/2009 & HVL-20 / 0253 3 / 20 09 on 11 / 05 / 20 09 , are
hereinafter collectively referred to a3 "3aid Deeds of Conveyance''.

Mortgage Deeds and Re-conveyance of Mortgage Deed

The Promoter / Developer had obtained project loan for the

development of part of the said land property bearing survey nos. 12/3,
12/4, 12/5, 12/5/ 1 admeasuring area 29077.52 sq. Mtrs. And
accordingly mortgaged the part of the said land property to Bank of
India, Thane Branch vide mortgage deeds dated 23/07/2009 which is
duly registered with the Sub Registrar Haveli No. 19, Pune at Sr. No.
3014/2009. The Promoter / Developer had made the repayment of the
mort gage debt together with interest payable to the Bank of India,
Thane Branch. Accordingly the Bank of India, thane Branch had
released the charge over the mortgaged properties created by way of
mnrteage by executing deeds of Recon veyance of Mortgage, which
registered in the office of sub registrar Haveli No. 19 at Sr. No.
6480/2012 on 08/ 06/ 2012.

The Promoter / Developer had obta ined project loan for the
development of part of the said land property bearing survey no. 12/ 12
part admeasuring area 1310 sq. Mtrs . 12/ 13 part admeasuring area
2000 sq. .Mtrs ., 12 / 14 part admeasuring area 9917.56 sq. Mtr s ., 12/15
part admeasuring area 4963.04 sq. Mtrs., 12/ 16/2 admeasuring area
801 sq. Mtrs . And accordingly mortgaged the part of the said land
property to Bank of India, Thane Branch vide mortgage deeds dated
23/06/2010 which is duly registered with the Sub Registrar Haveli No.
19, Pune at Sr. No. 595 1 / 20 10 . The Promoter/ Developer had made
the repayment of the mortgage debt together with interest payable to
the Bank of India, Thane Branch. Accord in gly the Bank of India, Thane

'-' rZ q q .
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
M.AH /5·266 /2017
Bra nch had relea sed the cha rge over the mortgaged properties created
by way of mortgage by executing deeds of Rec on veyance of Mortga ge,
wh ich are reg is te red in the office of sub regis tra r Haveli No. 1 9 at S r . No.
6 4 8 1 / 20 12 on 08 / 0 6 / 20 12 .

Thereafter, the Promoter / Developer has obtained fresh project loan of

Rs . 35,00,00,000 /- (Rupees Thirty Five Crores) for the development of
part of said land property bearing survey nos. 12 hissa no.
3,4,5,5/ 1,12,13,14,15 and 12/ 16/2 admeasuring area 53561.73 sq.
Mtrs along with the building standing thereon as per available FSI as
mention in the area statement of revised building sanction plan dated
17/ 04/2012 excluding pre sold premises and accordingly mortgaged
the part of the said land property to Bank of India, Thane Branch vide
mortgage deed dated 08/ 06/2012, which is duly registered with the
Sub Registrar Haveli No. 19, Pune at Sr. No. 6482/2012. Thereafter,
the Promoter/Developer has obtained fresh project loan of Rs.
70,00,00,000/- (Rupees Seventy Crore Only) for the development of
part of the said land property 12 hissa no. 3,4,5,5/ 1,12,13,14,15 and
12/ 16/2 admeasuring area 53561.73 sq. Mtrs along with the building
standing thereon and accordingly mortgaged the part of the said land
property to Bank of India, Thane Mid Corporate Branch vide mortgage
deed dated 15/05/2014 which is duly registered with the Sub -
Registrar Haveli No. 19, Pune At.Sr. No. 4413 / 20 14 .

Further, the developer, by two separate Indentures of Mortgage,

Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. And Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd and others,
have mortgaged the said Larger Property including said property,
alongwith other properties to ILFS Trust Company Ltd. As a security for
repayment of loans of Rs. 100,00,00,000/- (Rupees One Hundred
Crores Only) availed by Puranik Buildcon Private Limited and Rs.
65,00,00,000 / - (Rupees Sixty Five Crores Only) availed by Puranik
Builders Private Limited from KKR India Asset Finance Private Limited
and for the loan of Rs. 65,00,00,000/ - (Rupees Sixty Five Crores only)
which have been availed by PUranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. From Puranik
Builders Pvt. Ltd. The said Indentures of Mortgage are regi$tered with
the Sub Registrar of Assurance at Pune at Sr. No. HVL22/6235/2016
and HVL22 / 6 234 / 20 16 , res pect ively.

The Puranik Builders Ltd. (Erstwhile Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd.) had
made the repayment of the mortgage debt together with interest paya ble
of Rs. 65 ,00,0 0,0 00 / - (Rupees Sixty Five Crores Only) to the KKR In dia
Asset finance Private Limited. Accord in gly , the KKR In dia Asset Finance
Private Limite d had released the charge over the mortgaged properties
and delivered the No Dues Certificate dated 11/07/2018, Accordingly,
Puranik Builders Ltd. (e rs tw h il e Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. ) and Vistra
ITCL (India) Limited (erstwhile IL and FS Trust Company Limited)
exec u tin g Deed s -of Revonveyance of Mortgage, which are registered in
the office of sub registrar Haveli No. 22 at Sr. No. 10921/2018 on

\J , R. q ""rct
Vaishali Rarr.esh Gangane
29 BSL.L1- B,LLM
MAH/5 66/2017
"'iob.9 370349 346
The Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Has entered into agreements for the
issuance of th e Debentures for an aggregate subscription amount of
upto Rs. 135,00,00,000(Rupees One Hundred Thirty Five Crores Only),
and to secu re the amount due under the said Debentures, the Puranik
Builders Pvt. Ltd. And Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Have entered into a
Debenture TnlSt Deed dated 22nd April 2016, whereunder they have
mortgaged the said property alongwith other properties to ILFS Trust
Company Ltd., acting as the Debenture Trustee. The said Debenture
Trust Deed da ted 22nd April 2016 is duly registered with Sub Registra r
of Assurance at Pune at Sr. No. HVL22/6236/2016.

The Puranik Builders Ltd. (erstwhile Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd.) And
Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Had made ther epayment of the mortgage
debt together with interest payable of Rs. 135,00,00,000/- (Rupees One
Hundred Thirty Five Crores Only) to the Vistra ITCL (India) Limited.
Accordingly, the Vistra ITCL (India) Limited had released or issue
redemption charges over the mortgaged properties and delivered the
Certificate dated 12/07/2018 accordingly, Puranik Builders Ltd.
(erstwhile Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd) And Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.
And Vistra ITCL (India) Limited (Erstwhile IL and FS Trust Company
Limited) executing Deeds of Reconveyance of Mortgage, which are
registered in the office of sub registrar Haveli No. 22 at Sr. No.
10922/2018 on 18/07/2018.

The Puranik Builder has requested KKR for term loan Facility of Rs.
75 ,00 ,00,000 / -(Rupees Seventy Five Crore Only) and additional credit
facility of Rs. 50 ,00 ,00,000 / - (Rupees Fifty Crore Only) To secure the
said aggregate amount of Rs. 125,00 ,00,000 / - (Rupees One Hundred
Twenty Five Crores Only) Puranik Builder, Puranik Buildcon, Puraniks
Supreme Enterprises ( Puraniks Supreme) and Puranik Construction
Pvt. Ltd. (Puranik Construction) by Indentures of Mor tgage dated 18th
July, 2018 ("Third Mortgage") have mortgaged the said Larger Property
including said Property, alongwith other properties to VISTRA, the
Secu ri ty Trustee of KKR. The said Third Mortgage is registered with the
Sub Registrar of Assurance at Pune at Sr. No. HVL22/ 10923/2018 on

Puranik Builder has repaid sum of Rs . 65 ,00 ,00 ,000 / - (Rupees Sixty
Five Crores Only) secured under First Mortgage and Puranik Buildcon
have further requested for financial assistance of Rs. 200,00 ,00 ,000 /
(Rupees Two Hundred Crores Only) to KKR, thereby increasing in
principal amount from Rs. 100 ,00, 00 ,000 / - (Rupees Dne Hundred
Crores Only) to Rs . .300 ,00,00 ,000 / - (Rupees Three Hundred Crores
Only. To secure the said sum of Rs. 300 ,00 ,00 ,000 / - (Rupees Three
Hundred Crores Only) Puranik Buildcon, Puranik Builder, Puranik
Supreme and Puranik Constructions by Amended and Restated
Indenture of Mortgage dated 18th July 2018, have mortgaged the said
larger property including the said property and other properties to

\j-.f._ Ci q
Vaishali Raff'esh Gangane
Vistra, th e Security Trustee of KKR. Th e sa id Am en d ed a n d Restated
Indenture of Mortgage is duly registered before the Sub Regis tra r of
Assurance, Pune at Sr. No. HVL-22 / 10924 / 20 18 on 18/07/2018.

Lease Deed with the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution

Company Limited : It appears from records that Puranik Buildcon Pvt.
Ltd. Had executed a Lea se Deed for 99 years in favour of the
Ma ha ra sh t ra State ElectricityDistribu tion Company Limited in respect
of land adm. 5000 sq.ft. I.e. 464.68 sq.mtrs. on survey no. 12/ 5 / 1 (old)
out of the sanctioned layout for the said entire property. The said lease
deed dated 20/01/2012 is registered in the office of Sub Registrar
Office Haveli No. 20 at se ria l no. 532 / 20 12.

ULC Act:

The said property has become retention land by virtue of provisions of

Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Repeal Act, 1999 as the said
property is/was not subject matter of any proceedings or order under
section 8,10, 20 & 21 of Urban Land (Ceiling and Regu la tion ) Act, 1976.

NA Permission/s.

Developer through the original owners and as their POA holder

(Prakash Niku m bh and others through POA holder Mr. Rajesh Moharir)
had obtained building plan and NA p erm is s ion from Hon'ble collector in
respect of property bearing survey no. 12/ 3,12/ 4,12/ 5,12/ 5/ 1 totally
admeasuring 35800 sq. Mtrs. Vide sanction order no. PMA/NA/422/08
dated 15/10/2008 on recommendationof Asst. Director Town
Pla nning, Pune vide letter No. Rekhankan/NABP/Mau. Mhalunge/Tal. Mu
lshi / S. No. 12 Hissa No. 3,4,5 and 5/ 1S.S.Pu./ 1360 dated 24/04/2008.

Developer through the original owners and as their POA holder (Sopan
Rama Padale and others through POA holder Mr. Rajesh Moharir) had
obtained building plan and NA pe r m is s ion from Hon'ble collector in
respect of property bearing survey no. 12/ 12, 12/13, 12/14 paiki,
12/15 totally eo.s u r in g 17 6 5 0 .29 sq. Mtr s . Out of 18 184.51 sq .mtrs
:,ride sanction order n?. .PMA/ NA/ S!-{/ '.2<.:J t>/ 08 d a ted U'.2/1'.2/'.2008 on
recom m en da tion of Asst. Director Town Planning, Pune vide letter No.
Rekhankan/NABP/Mau. Mha lu nge / Tal . Mu lshi / S. No. 12 Hissa
12 and others /S.S.Pu./3597 dated 06/09/2008. however, the
said order has now been superseded by the order dated 21/04/2011 as
described hereunder.

Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. And Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. Through its
director Mr. Shailesh Gopal Puranik had obtained revised building
permission and NA Pe rm is sion from the Hon 'ble Collector in respect of
the said property bearing S. No. 12/ 3 Part, 12/4 part, 12/ 12, 12/ 13
part, 12/ 14 part, 12/ 15 part, 12/ 16/2 part totally admeasuring
45783.06 sq. Mtr vide sanction order No. PMA/NA/SR/358/2010 dated
21/ 04/ 2011 on recommendation of Asst. Director Town Plannin g,

\fot . C\qv\.O(q
Vaishali Rarr·esh Gangane
- -1AH/5: :66/2017
r ;o b.9 70349346
vide letter No. Rekh an ka n / l\'ABP/ Mau . Mhalunge/Tal. Mu ls h i / S. No .
12/3 / S.S.Pu./ 3707dated 12/ 10/ 2010.

Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. And Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. , Puranik
Supreme Enterprises, through Mr. Shailesh G. Puranik, Rajendra A.
Gadgil, J ayashri S. Tamankar, Gayatri B. Bhide and 3 have common ly
applied for sa nction of the amalgama ted layout and building plans in
respect of the land admeasuring 61872 sq. Mtr s . Situated at S. No.
12/3, 13/4, 12/5, 12/5/1, 12/12, 12/13, 12/14(part), 12/ 15(part),
12/ 16/2(part) and currently obtained revised building permission and
N.A. Permission from the Hon'ble Collector in respect of the said
property })earing S. No. 12/3 , 12/4, 12/12, 12/13, 12/ 14 part, 12/ 15
part, 12/ 16/2 part totally admeasuring 61872 sq. Mtr vide sanction
order No. PMA/ NA/ S R-14 / 2012 dated 23/08/2012 on
recommendation of Ass t. Director Town Planning, Pune vide letter No.
Rekhankan/NABP/Mau. Mhalunge/Tal. Mulshi / S. No. 12/3 & others
/ S.S.Pu./ 1820 dated 17/04/2012.

Deed of Transfer amenity space

Further the Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd., Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd.,
Puranik Supreme Enterprises and free plot o,Nners Rajendra Amrut
Gadgil, Jayashree Sadanand Tamhankar, Gayatri Badriprasad Bhide
have handed over amenity space admeasuring area 9474.00 sq. Mtrs.
And area under Road widen ing admeasuring area 3006.00 sq. Mtrs.
Totally admeasuring area of 12,480.00 sq. Mtrs. To Maharashtra
Government, Revenue Department by executed Deed of Tra nsfer dated
06/11/2013. The Deed of Transfer, which is duly registered with Sub
Registrar- of Assurances at Sr. No. HAV-9/ 10648 / 2013 on 19/11/2013;
accordingly, name of State Government of Maharashtra mutated on
7/ 12 extracts vide Mutation Entry No. 3676.

Further it appears that Puranik Buildvon Pvt. Ltd., Puranik Builders

Pvt. Ltd. Puranik Constructions Pvt. Ltd., Puranik Supreme Enterprises
by deed if conveyance transferred the NA Plot No. 13 admeasuring
315.68 sq. Meters out of the amalgamated sanction layout of the- said
property adm. 61872 sq. Meter to Mr. Balasaheb Naikare Patil. As such
Mr. Balasaheb Naikare Patil became owner of the said Plot No. 13. the
said deed dated 18/12/2013 of conveyance is registered before sub
registrar haveli no. 19 at sr, no., 13706/2013 and his name have been
mutated in the revenue records.

On the application made by the Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Gav Kamgar
Talathi amalgamated and sub divided the 7 / 12 extracts of Survey No.
12/3, 12/ 4, 12/5, 12/5/1, 12/12, 12/13, 12/14,1 2/ 15, 12/16/2 as
per the sanctioned layout dated 17/04/2012 vide mutation entry no.
3722. Accordin gly the 7 /12 extracts of Survey no. 12/3, 12/4, 12/5,
12/5/ 1, 12/12, 12/13, 12/14,1 2/ 15, 12/16/2 are amalgamated and
sub divided as under.

\l'o Gq_,_,
V aisha li Rarr·esh Gangan
32 BSL.L 1._8 ,LLM
M AH ts:.:66/2 017
n : . o b. 3 0 70 349346
Sr. 7 / 12 extract Name of owner

1 12/ 3+4+5 +5 /1 +12 +13 +1 4 +15 +16 / 2 Supriya Sanjay Patil

/ & Gourav Patil
plot No. 1+2 area 820.00 sq. Mtrs
2 12/ 3+4 +5 +5 / 1+12+13 +14 +15 +16/2/ Sunil Annasaheb
plot No. 3 area 300.00 sq. Mtrs Kinikar

3 12/ 3+4 +5+5 / 1+12 +13 +14 +15 +16 / 2 / Ashok Tatyarao
plot No. 4 area 513.00 sq. Mtrs Halasgikar

4 12/ 3+4 +5+5 / l +12 +13 +14 +15+ 16/2/ Kanta Lalit Sherla
plot No. 5 area 418.06 sq. Mtrs

5 12/ 3+4+5 +5 / 1+12 +13 +14 +15 +16 / 2 / Rajendra Gadgil,

plot No.6 A -a rea 5 00 .0 0 sq. Mtrs Jayshree
Tamhankar, Gayatri

(Exchange deed 1s
yet to be exchanged;
however, possession
of the plot has been
handed over vide
Possession receipt
dated 15/09/ 12 and
their names have
been recorded on
7 / 12 on the basis
the layout division)

L, 1 /d+1+b+G/1+1 i:<.UJt.::JJi !-<um<..::Jh

plot No. 6 area 383.00 sq. Mtrs Moh a rir

(Plot is yet to be
exchanged. However,
the name has been
recorded on 7 / 12 on
the basis of the
layout division)

7 12 / 3+4 +5 +5 / 1+12 +13 +14 +15 +16 / 2 / Meena Ramesh

plot No. 7 area 383.00 sq. Mtrs Moharir

(Plot is yet to be
exchan ged. However,
the name has been·
recorded on 7 / 12 on
the basis of the

\Ie f-. G J"'l ct

Vaishali Ran;esh Gangane
MAH /5;;66/2017
r. ob.9370349346
layout division)
8 12 / 3+4 +5+5 / 1 +12 +13 +14+15 +16 / 2 / J ay an t Sadavarte
plot No. 8 area 408.71 sq. Mtrs
9 12/ 3+4 +5 +5 / 1+12+13 +14 +15 +l 6 / 2 / Jayant Sadavarte
plot No. 9 area 408.71.00 sq. Mtrs
10 12/ 3+4+5 +5 / 1 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 / 2 / Ritesh Pornral
plot No. 10 area 404.83 sq. Mtrs
11 12/ 3+4 +5 +5 / 1+12+13 +14+15+16 / 2 / Mangala Jogalekar
plot No. 11 area 303.51 sq. Mtrs
12 12/3+4+5+5/1+12+13+14+15+16/2/ Mukund Bhalerao
plot No. 12 area 371.60 sq. Mtrs
13 12/ 3+4 +5+5 / 1+12 +13 +14 +15+16 / 2 / Bala sah eb
plot No. 13 area 315.68 sq. Mtrs Naikarepatil
14 12/ 3+4+5 +5 / 1+12 +13 +14 +15 +16 / 2 / Chandrashekhar
plot No. 14 area 300.00 sq. Mtrs Deshpande
15 12/ 3+4 +5 +5 / 1+12 +13 +14 +15+16 / 2 / Rekha Sushilkumar
plot No. 15 area 379.00 sq. Mtrs Acharekar &
16 12 / 3+4 +5 +5 / 1+12 +13 +14 +15 +16 / 2 Puranik Buildcon
plot No. 16 area 28873.52 sq. Mtrs Pvt. Ltd.

Puranik Builders
Pvt. Ltd.

Puranik Supreme

(he name has been

recorded on 7/ 12 on
the basis of the
layout division. The
area entitlement of
each entity is not
mentioned on the
7/ 12)
17 12 / 3+4 +5+5 / 1+12 +13 +14 +15 +16 / 2 / Open space Puranik
plot No. 17 area adm 6316.00 sq. Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.
18 12/ 3+4 +5+5 / 1+12 +13 +1 4 +15 +16 / 2 / Amenity space The
plot No. 18 area admeasuring Government of

bf?_ Ci"' Nl(

Vaishali Ran ·esh Ganganf;
MAH/5 :66/2017
i\:;ob .93703 493'16
9474.00 sq. Mtrs Ma h a ra s h tra
Revenue Department
19 12/ 3+4 +5 +5 / 1+12+13 +14 +1 5+ 16 / 2 / Road widening The
plot No. 19 a rea 3006.00 sq. Mtrs Government of
Revenue Department
20 12/ 3+4 +5 +5 / 1 +1 2+13 +14+1 5+16 / 2 In tern al roads -
/ Puranik Buildcon
plot No. 20 area admeasuring Pvt. Ltd.
7993.38 sq. Mtrs
Plot No. 1 to 20 adm. 61872 sq. Mtrs.

Thereafter Collector Pune by its order dated 19th September, 2016

bearing reference no. PMS/ PMRDA / NA /SR / 149 / 16 granted Non
Agricultural (NA) permission and thereby permitted the use of
additional area admeasuring 1322.11 sq. Meters excluding area under
road widening admeasuring 325.89 sq. Meters from and out of
am al gama ted land bearing Survey Nos.
12 / 8 1•1 IJ I J / 1 I 12 + 18 +1'1+ 18 ...10 / 2 Plul Nu. 1 LU 20 WH.l 12/16/2 !JWL
admeasuring 63920 sq. Meters.

Further, on the application made by the Pu ranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd., to

Talukar Inspector Land record for re-a malgamated the 7 / 12 extracts of
Survey No. 12/3, 12/4, 12/5, 12/5/1, 12/12, 12/13, 12/14part,
12/ 15 part, 12/ 16/2 part, as per the order No. Ka.ja .pa / ma ha lu nge-
2/2017 outward no. 1058/2017 dated 02/08/2017 and PMRDA order
dated 17/09/2016 vide mutation entry no. 4205. Accordingly the 7/12
extracts of Survey No. 12/3, 12/4, 12/5, 12/5/ 1, 12/12, 12/13,
12/14part, 12/ 15 part, 12/ 16/2 part are amalgamated and sub
divided as under.

Sr. 7/ 12 extracts Name of owner


1 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot 1 & Supriya Sanjay

2 area 820.00 sq mtrs Patil & Gaurv Patil
2 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot 3 area Sunil Annasaheb
300.00 sq mtrs Kinikar
3 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot 4 area Ash ok . Tatyarao
513.00 sq mtrs Halasgikar
4 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot 5 area Rajaram More and
418.06 sq mtrs Manik More
5 12/3 to 5 and 12 to16/plot 6A Rajendra Gadgil,
area Jayshree
500.00 s.q mtrs Tamhankar, Gaytri

o?. C,:-4 q (;£_

Vaishali Ran esh Gangane
Bh ide

(Exchange deed IS
yet to be
possession of the
plot has been
handed over vide
possession receipt
dated 15/ 09/ 12
and their names
have been recorded
on 7/12 on the
basis of the layou t
6 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/ plot 6 Rajesh Ramesh
area Moharir
383.00 sq mtrs
7 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/ plot 7 Meena Rames h
area Moharir
383.00 sq mtrs
8 12 / 3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 8 J ayan t Sa dav a rte
a r ea 408 .71 sq mtrs

9 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 9 Jayant Sadavarte

area 408.71 sq mtrs
10 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 10 Rites h Porwal
area 360.00 sq mtrs
11 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 11 Mangala J ogalekar
area 303.51 sq mtrs
12 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/ plot No. 12 Mukund Bhalerao
area 371.60 sq mtrs
13 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/ plot No. 13 M/s Jadhav
area 315.68 sq mtrs Associates,
through its
Proprietor Mr. Alok
Shantaram Jadhav
14 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 14 Chandrashekhar
area 300 sq mtrs Desh pande and
15 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot Nci. 15 Rekha sushilkumar
area 379 sq mtrs Acharekar


\J.' .
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
Su shilku mar
Mad h u ka r
Ach a reka r
16 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 16 Puranik Buildcon
area 32765.22 sq mtrs Pvt. Ltd.

Pur an ik Builders
Pvt. Ltd.

Puranik Supreme

(he name has been

recorded on 7/12
based on the
layout division. The
area entitlement of
each entity is not
mentioned on the
7I 12)

17 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/ plot Nn . 1 Sadanand

fiA Bhaidkar
area 299.37 sq mtrs
18 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/ plot No. 17 In te rn a l ro ad
area adm 6127.68.00 sq mtrs (Purani Buildcon
19 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/ plot No. 18 Amen ity spa ce The
area 947 4.00 sq mtrs Government of
Maha ra sh tr a
Depa rtmen t.

20 12/J to 5 and 12 lu 16/!Jlul Nu. 19 Roa d widening The

ar ea 3006.00 sq mtrs Government of
Maha ra sh tra ,
Reve nu e
Depa rt men
21 12 / 3 to 5 and 12 to 16 / plot No. 20 Op en space -1
area 861.81 sq mtrs Puranik Buildcon
Pvt. Ltd.
22 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 21 Open space -2
area 1607.45 sq mtrs Puranik Buildcon
Pvt. Ltd.
23 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 22 Open space -3
Puranik Buildcon

K, 4 'l
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
M AH/S:·.66/2017
rw; o .9 3 70 34 9 3 4 6
a re a 2110.91 sq mtrs Pvt. Ltd.
24 12/ 3 to 5 and 12 to 16 / plot No . 23 Open space -4
area 400.23 sq mtrs Puranik Buildcon
Pvt. Ltd.
25 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/ plot No. 24 Open space -5
area 400.01 sq mtrs Puranik Buildcon
Pvt. Ltd.
26 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 25 Open space -6
area 703.05 sq mtrs Puranik Buildcon
Pvt. Ltd.
Total Plot No. 1 to 25 adm. 63920 sq.

With respect to additional 2048 sq. Meter acquired by Puranik Buildcon

Pvt. Ltd. And Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. In survey No. 12/06/2, the
name of these entities are appear on the 7/ 12 for survey no. 12/06/2
along ·with the owners of balance areas in this survey no.

With referen ce to in respect of amalgamation of land bearing Survey No.

12/3, 12/4, 12/5, 12/5/1, 12/12, 12/13, 12/14 part, 12/15 Part,
12/ 16/2 vide its, order bearing no. Ka.ja .pa / Mh a lu nge-2 / 201 7 said
land area admeasuring area 9474.00 sq mtrs, out of land bearing S. no.
12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 18 is allotted to Government of
Maha ra sh tra Revenu e Department under Amenity Space. Accordingly
the name of Government of Maharashtra Revenue Department is
recorded on 7/ 12 extract on mutation entry no. 4205.

Further it is seen that, as per order passed by Government of

Maharashtra on dated 23/08/2017 vide bearing No. PRD-20 17/Pra.
Kra. 38/navi-7, Hon'ble Collector, Pune has transferred said land
bearing S. no. 1'2/3 to b and I::! to 16/plot No . 18 to and in favor of
Pune Metropolitan Regional Development Authority I.e. PMRDA vide his
order no.PMN/Kavi/330/2015 on dated 23/07/2015.

That,the said authority 1.e. Pune Metropolitan Regional Development

Au th o1ity I.o. PMRDA hew 1w1J u PuLliu Audiu11 uu tluletl 06 / 07,' 0 l 'J
for the purpose of disposing of the said land bearing S. no. 12/3 to 5
and 12 to 16/Plot No. 18 on Lease and has given Public Notice in the
local News Paper on dated 02/06/2019.

That, the said authority I.e.Pune Metr opoli ta n Regional Development

Authority I.e. PMRDA has accepted the highest bid made by the
Wisdom Purpl _e Vishwakarma Educational LLP accordingly_ Pune
Metropolitan Region Development Authority (T.e . P MRDA) has agreed to
transfer leasehold rights of said land area admeasuring 9011.63 sq.
Meters, out of land bearing S. no. 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 18

\ft> 'f . Ga. q

Vaishali Ra,n esh Ga gane
38 BSL.L' .B,LLM
r.:lAH/5: 66/2017
to ta l ar ea admeas ti ring 94 74.00 sq mtrs, to and in favor of Wisd om
Pu rp le Vishwakarrna Educational LLP for the period of 80 years by
executing registered Agree me n t to Lea se Deed on dated 16 / 10/ 2020.
the said Agr ee me n t to Lease Deed is registered in the office of Sub -
Registrar Haveli no. 25at Sr. No. 7407/2020, on certain terms and
conditions mentioned therein. The effect was recorded on 7 / 12 extract
on mutation entry no. 4390.

That, Wisdom Purple Vishwakarma Educational LLP has issued Public

Notice in the daily newspaper Prabhat through Adv. Sarika Taori in
respect of said land area admeasuring 9011.63 sq. Mtrs, out of land
bearing S. no. 12/3 to 5 and 12 to 16/plot No. 18 on dated
19/ 11/ 2020. And Adv. has issued No Objection Certificate on dated
27/11/2020 that they have not received any claim, objection against
the said landed property I.e. area admeasuring 9011.63 sq. Mtrs, out of
land bearing S. no. 12/3 to5 and 12to 16/plot No: 18.

With reference to said Agreement to Lease Deed Wisdom Purple

Vishwakarma Educational LLP have got leasehold rights of said land.

Demarcation of the land property

I have verified the demarcations of the land property the demarcations

are conducted as per the vahivat / possession of the respective owners
with the consent of the co-owners time to time, the layout plans are
sanctioned, and the development is going on on the same basis.


As informed to me by the Owner / Developer there are following

litigation s in res pect of the said properties are pending.

Subject matter of Name of Case Case Status Subject

Litigation the No. Details

S. No. 12/4 and Civil R. C Shobha Present Plaintiff

12/12 Village Judge Suit Tukaram suit s
Mhalunge Pune Senior No. Hu lawa le filed by
(Aldea Espanola Division 1235/ plaintiff were
Pune V/s against claiming
S. 2 defenda ancestra
011 nt for 1 share
Pvt. Ltd. partitio in the
And others n property
(Mhalunge declarat As
) ion, there is
separat no
order is

\f!!l F-· Gqr,q::"

Vaishali Rarr esh Gangane
39 BSL.L·. .B,LLM
1\.1A '5:- 66/2017
t\ ,, , .•, · 10 -:i ".).•+o
" l "A
i v :o r . L . . . , - < .. ·.
e passed
possess by the
ion and Hon'ble
injuncti Court
on as
well as Puranik
n Pvt.
on Ltd.
applicat Pur anik
ion Builders
status Ltd.,
Interim Puranik
Injuncti Suprem
on e
applicat Enterpri
ion is ses or in
rejected respect
by of the
Hon 'ble
e Therefor
present e, there
case is is no
pending legal
for impedim
Argume ent for
nt on develop
applicat ment of
lOil Puranik'
s properti
es 1n S.
No .
and S.
s. No. 12/16/2 Civil RCS. Desai Present There is
Village Mh a lu nge Judge No. Associates status no
Pune (Aldea Senior 1921/2 V/s. For adverse
Espanola Division, 012 Puranik Isssue order is
Pune Builders passed
(Mhalunge by the
) Hon'ble

'J Je.. G''{ r\O{q

Vaishali Ra,n esh Gangane
MAH/5 66/2017
Mob .9 ;,7034g345
agai ns t
Pvt. Ltdl
of the
e, there
is no
ent for
men t of
in S. No.

S. No. 12/4 and District RCA Dildar Present Plaintiff

12/12 Village Court Civil Fadale status s were
Mhalunge Pune Appeal and others Awaitin claiming
(Al de a Espanola No. V/s. g Rand ancestra
524/20 Sopan P Lower 1 share
12 Padale and Court in the
others property
there is
by the
n Pvt.
Pvt Ltd.,

\f O f_ , (; CfJO( q i0L
Vaishali Rao 1esh Gangane
-r.,l A /5266 /2017
Mob.93703 43346
Pu ra nik
ses or in
of the
e, there
is no
ent for
ment of
es in S.
and S.

S. No. 12/3 + SDO RTS Puranik Present For

4+5+5 / 1+12 +13 + Mavai Appea l Buildcon status Mutatio
14+15+16/2 Plot No. Pvt. Ltd. case n Entry
No. 16A 97/201 V/ s. Gav should Approva
7 Ka111gar be 1
Talathi dispose
and others and will
be filing
w pursis



All above mentioned suits/cases/ litigation's are in respect of the

property bearing survey no. 12/4 and survey no. 12/ 12.

In both above properties the property was disposed off by one Sopan
Fadale as owner in 1989 to various purchasers. The same was
challenged for the first time by above suits by the other brothers and
sister (viz. Sitaram, Namdeo thro ugh legal heir Dilip, Baban and

1) f-, Ga.N2_1 tl\e.

Vaishali Ramesh Garagane
42 BSL .L'-B,LLM\H/5;.66/2017
l\iiob.93703493 46
Shobha Hu la wa le) by d iffe ren t suits above mentioned hereinabove,
claiming ancestral s ha re in the suit properties.

Being the current owner of these lands, Puranik Buildcon Pvt Ltd,
Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd, and Puranik Supreme Enterprises appeared
in the suits as an interested party. As mentioned above, the suits are
either decreed in the favour of Puraniks or compromise done by the
plaintiffs admitting that that they have no share in the properties.

Today there is no adverse order in force in respect of the said suit


I confirm that as per search except the aforesaid litigation, there is no

pending litigation against the owners/developers with respect to the
lands. Further, there is no adverse order is in force against the owners
or the developer in respect of the subject property which affects title,
marketability and development of the subject property.

Developer/s' right to develop the property/ies for which deeds of

exchange are yet to be executed/ registered:

I have gone through the, Agreements to Exchange-cu m-Develop,

Consent letter and Possession Receipt and Powers of Att orn ey, in favour
of the Puranik Buildcon Pvt Ltd, Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd, Puranik
Constructions Pvt. Ltd., and Puranik Supreme Enterprises, as the case
may be, entered into between them and concerned individual land
owners (viz. Rajendra Gadgil & others, Rajesh Ramesh Moharir, Meena
Ramesh Moharir) for exchange of undivided share of the landowners in
lieu of developed and demarcated plots. Un der these agreements,
Puranik Buildcon Pvt Ltd, Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd, Puranik
Constructions Pvt. Ltd., and Puranik Supreme Enterprises have been
appointed as developers for the purpose of preparing a common lay-out,
amalgamation of their undivided shares in the lands etc. Ensuring that
the land owners in turned received well developed and demarcated non
agricultural plots. Under these agreements, Puranik Buildcon Pvt Ltd,
Pnrnnik R11irll rn Pvt. Lt rl, P11rnnik 1.nn::-trnr.tinm; Pvt. Lt rl ., Anrl P11rnnik
Supreme Enterprises are not obliged to carry out any construction for
the owners lands on the non-agricultural plots and pay any
consideration for such exchange. In respect of th e undivided share of
the land owners in the lands, Puranik Buildcon Pvt Ltd, Puranik
Builders Pvt. Ltd, Puranik Constructions Pvt. Ltd., and Puranik
Supreme Enterprises are entitled to implement the development
scheme as per the approved layout, to sell flat/s constructed thereon to
any third parties for appropriate consideration.

\tl) r-- Gci._:jCJ

Vaishali Rari:esh G,a . gane
B SL. L 1 .B,LLM
r.'iAHl 5266/2017
l\·;o b.9370 34 934 .S
List of 7 / 12 extracts, mutation entries and title documents
including the sale deeds, development agreements, powers of
attorney reviewed and relied upon for the purpose of issued this
title Report.

I have seen the true copies of the 7 / 12 extracts , mutation entries, all
title documents including the sale deeds/ rectification deeds (if a ny ),
confir ma t io n deed / declaration, Development Agreements, Agreements
to Exchange-cu m-Develop , Exch a nge Deeds , Sale Deed/s, Consent
letter, Possession Receipt, Powers of Attorney and Agreement to Lease
of Deed mentioned in the title report hereina bove. Separate list is not
being attached.

Inspection of the original title documents and Who is having the

custody of the original documents?

I have inspected the originals of all title documents listed in the

Annexure L in the custody of Pu ra nik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.

Whether consideration (whether monetary or constructed area or

both) has been paid in full to the land owners, confirming parties
(if any) under all development agreements and powers of attorney
executed and Agreement to Lease Deed by them in favour of
Wisdom Purple Vishwakarma Educational LLP,

Whether consideration {whether monetary or constructed area or

both) has been paid in full to the land owners, confirming parties
(if any) under all agreements to Exchange-cum-Develop, Deeds of
Exchange, Consent Letter and Agreement to Lease of Deed
executed by them in favour of Wisdom Purple Vishwakarma
Educational LLP

In case any transfer documents (including development

agreements/sale deeds/rectification deeds / confirmation deeds/
declaration) have been signed on behalf of land owners/confirming
pa ties by by their constituted attorneys authorized under powers
of attorney, whether such powers of attorney were registered and
whether they have been verified /reviewed by me.

Yes, I have verified/ reviewed the powers of attorney and the constituted
attorneys were duly authorized to execute the transfer documents to
sell the lands or assign/ transfer development rights. The powers of
attorney (Unle ss specified otherwise in the report) were duly registered
with the concerned sub-registrar's office.

Whether the 7 / 12 extract of the subject properties contains any

restrictive entries/encumbrances ?

Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
44 , r,_1i '.\!-F5 '. 66/2017 b ,9 70349346
ROC Search

Yes, I have ve1ified and it is confirmed that, Mr. Makarand M. Joshi

and Company (Company Secretaries) has submit the Search
Report of Charges with respect to Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. To
Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. On 16/ 12/ 2015.

Area Conversion : Due to conversion in area from acre-gun tha to

hectare-are to sq.mts./ sq.ft there are minor variations between the
area reflected in the 7/ 12 extracts and the area mentioned in the
tra nsfer documents .

Minors Interest :

The legal guardians /kartas have signed the sale deeds /

development agreements in favour of the ers twh ile owners / Gaikwad
Puram Co-operative Housing Society/ M/ s . Desai and Gaikwad / M/s.
Gaikwad Properties Puranik Buildcon / Pura nik Builders, as the case
may be, for the purpose of lega l necessity as mentioned in the
documents stated herein. Hence in my view, no court permission was
required to be obtained with respect to such sale deeds / development
agreements. In case where specific permissions have been obtained, I
have mentioned the same in the report.

Urban Land Ceiling Act : The ULC Act has been repealed.

Whether the property is acquired under the Land Acguistion Act,

1894 or any state legislation : No.

Investigation in regard to agricultural Land : Not Applicable

Any Other special enactment, which is applicable to the property,

proposed to be mortgaged and affects the title : No


1) Mortgage on the land property:

It appears from the perusal of revenue record of the said

property,relevant title deeds and permissions mentioned herein above
thnt. Puranik Buildcon Private Limited, Puranik Duilder Pvt. Ltd.
Puranik Constructions Pvt. Ltd. And Puranik Supreme Enterprises are
entitled to mortgage the property being lands admeasuring 63840.59 Situated, lying and being at Village Mhalunge, Taluka Mulshi,
District Pune, excluding the property as under;

Sr. Area from the layout Transferred in the name


\Jo r I G'ci"j'Cl
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
M AH/5::'66/2017
l Plot i\ o. 1+2- 820 .0 Su priya Sa njay Patil &
area sqm trs 0 Gau ra v Pati l
2 Plot No. 3 - a r ea 300.00 Sunil An n asa h
sqmtrs eb Kinikar

3 Plot No. 4 - a rea 513 .0 0 Ashok Tatyarao

sqmtrs Halasgikar

4 Plot No. 5 - area 418.06 Kanta Lalit Sherla


5 Plot No. 6A - area 500 .00 Rajend ra Ga dgil,

sqmtrs Jayshree Tamhankar,
Gaytri Bhide
6 Plot No. 6 - area 383.00 Rajesh Ramesh Moharir

7 Plot No. 7 - a rea 38 3 .0 Meena Ramesh Moharir

sqmtrs 0

8 Plot No. 8 - area 408.71 Jayant Sadavarte


9 Plot No. 9 - area 408.71 Jayant Sadavarte


10 Plot No. 10 - area 404.83 Ritesh Porwal


11 Plot No. 11 - a r ea 3 03 .5 1 Mangala Jogalekar


12 Plot No. 12 - area 371.60 Mukund Bhalerao


13 Plot No. 13 - area 315.68 Balasaheb Na ika re pa til


14 Plot No. 14 - a rea 300 sqmtrs Chandrashekhar


15 Plot No . 15 - area 379 sqmtrs Rekha Sushilkumar

Acharekar &
Sushilkumar Madhu ka r
Ach a re kar
16 Plot No. 16A - area 299.37 Sadanand Bhaidkar

17 Plot No. 18 - Area for amenity The Government of

space admeasuring 9474.00 Maha ra s h tr a Revenue

ts.lo Ge\
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
sq.mtrs Depa rtm ent
18 Plot No. 19 - Area under The Govern m en t of
Road widening admeasuring Maharashtra Revenue
3006.00 sq Department
19 Land Adm . 5000 sq.ft i.e. The Maharashtra State
464.68 sq mtrs for the Electricity Distribution
purpose of constructing Company Limited
main taining and opera ting
electrical transformer 5 KV
Sub Station. ( Lease for 99

Total Area to be excluded at 19453.15 sq.meter


Further the mortgage on the balance property admeasuring 44387.44

sq. Meter shall be limited till the period of tra nsfer / conveyance of the
area to be transferred/conveyed in future time to time as under;

Plot no. 17 - Area currently adm. Proposed co-opera tive

6316.00 sqmtrs under Open Space society or association or
owned by Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. company or body
Which is proposed to be increased
to 6474.46 sq.mtrs. (as per revised
plan submitted for sanction)

Plot No. 20 - Area cu rrently adm. The Government of

7993.38 sqmtrs under internal Maharashtra Revenue
roads owned by Puranik Buildcon Department
Pvt. Ltd. Which is proposed to be
reduced to be 6127.68 sq.mtrs. (as
per revised plan submitted for

Area for additional amenity space The Government of

admeasuring 237.69 sq meter from Maharashtra Revenue
survey no. 12/ 16/2 (proposed Department
increased amenity space adm
9711.69 sq.mtrs - old amenity space
9474.00 sq.mtrs) (As per revised
plan submitted for sanction)

Area to be conveyed out the balan ce Proposed co-operative

area admeasuring 31547.61 sq. society or association or
Meter (i.e . land underneath the company or body.
buildings and the available
compulsory margins around the
same ) to proposed co-operative

society or associa tion or company or body of the u nit / fla t holders in respect of a ll the buildings constructed

Subject to what ever mentioned above, as owners/ developers, the

Wisdom Purple Vishwakarma Educational LLP. Are entitled to
mortgage the lands / structures and development rights for the purpose
of raising finance whether for construction or otherwise.


All that piece and parcel ofthe property bearing S. No. 12/3 +4 +5 and S.
no. 12 to 16 Plot Number 18 adwea:;;uriug 9011.63 :;;4 . Mt:lern, o ul of
land bearing S. No. 12 / 3+4 +5 +5 / 1 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 / 2 Plot Nu m be r 1
to 25 totally admeasuring in aggregate 63920.00 sq. Meters, situated at
Village Mha lu nge, Taluka Mulshi, District Pune.


Annex ure I -A

S. No.12 / 3

De tail s of Docume nt / s with the Puranik Builders Private


Sr. Name nf Are a ArP. P e.ta ils of Reg is t rat io n o f

No Pre v io u s in S q. Development Agreement
Owner in
Gunt Mtrs Registration No. Date

1 Anant 4 404.8 HVL/19/ 18/04

Murlidhar 3 / 2001
Bagul 3125-2007

HVL/ 19 /
3126 / 2007

HVL/ 19/

Total Area 4 404.8

'\tt. . Gc(il'GJCl
Vaishali Ra1T•esh Gangane
I I 3 I
Details of Document/s with the Puranik Supreme

Sr. Name of Area Area Details of Registration of

No Previous Development Agreement
in in
Gunt Registration No. Date

2 Mr. Tushar 5 506. HVL/ 16/ 07/02

Vijay Chitre I
through POA 04 978 - 2006
Holder Ms. 2006
Va is ha li
Yogesh HVL/ 16/

3 Mr. 4 404. HVL/ 15/ 25/01

Shivanand 83 I
Govind Yardi 704-2006
& Mr. 2006
Gulabrao HVL/ 15/
705 -2006

4 Mr. !::> !::>U!::>.8 HVL/ l b / · '.3U/ 11

Shrinivas 5
Gaonkar, 2006
Mrs. Vrinda
Shrinivas HVL/ 16/
through POA
Gaikwad HVL/16/
(Ven dor . No.
1 AND M/s. 8448-2006

-v r-. G q
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
Pro per ties , a
regis te red
par tn ers hip
firm through
(Vendor No.

5 Shri. 4 404. HVL/ 16/ 01/12

68 8433/2006
Na r aya n
Kalb ha nde,
Sandeep, HVL/ 16/
Mr . Prasad 8434/2006
(so le legal
HVL/ 16/
heirs of
Rohini 8435/2006
through POA
(Vendor No.
1) AND
M/ s.
Proper ties, a
firm through

'\/:-of-. Gct.."'-4jq
½'.aishaii Ramesh Ganganie
50 BSL..l .8,LLM
-J1AH/ 5: :66/2017
Mob.93 70349346
Vais ha li
(Ven dor No.

6 Shri. 6 607. HVL/ 16/ 01/12

Heramb I
03 8407/2006
Deo through
POA holder
Dattatraya HVL/ 16/
Fakirba 8408/2006
(Vendor No.
1) AND M/ s .
HVL/ 16/
Properties, a 8·109 /2006
firm through
Datt atraya
V;:ii:=ih FJl i
(Vendor No.

7 Mr. 5 505. HVL/ 19/ 19 / 01

Sarvottam I
85 418 / 2006
Keshav Pai



8 Mr. Ajit 5 505. HVL/ 19/ 19/01

Sarvottam I
85 424/2006
f'ai 2006

\Jo r.. G "19ft

Vaishali Rarr:esh Gangane
M · :" ' 56/2017
iv,ot ·. ! J3..:.9::;
HVL/ 19

42 5 / 2006

9 Mrs. Lata 4 404. HVL/ 19/ 19/01

Gopal I
68 437 / 2006
Edla badkar

HVL/ 19/

438 / 2006

10 Mr. Vijay 505 . HVL/ 16 / 01/12

Janardan I
5 85 842 4 / 2006
200 6
through POA
Dattatraya HVL/16/
8425/ 2006
(Vendor No.
1) AND M/ s.
Gaikw ad
Proper ties , a HVL/ 16/
regis tered
partnership 8426/ 2006
firm through
Da tta traya
Datt atraya
(Vendor No.

Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
BSL.l ' .B,LLM
r:i,' L" ::·, s, 2011
:. '") 3 3 16
11 Sa nd h ya D. 4 404. HVL/ 16 / 30/11
Malegaonkar I
68 8473/2006
through POA
Datta traya
HVL/1 6 /
(Vend or No.
1) AND M/s. 8474/2006
Properties, a
firm through HVL/ 16 /
8475/ 2006
Da tta tra ya
Da ttatra ya
Va is h ali
Ch etan
(Vendor No.

12 Prabhakar 4 404. HVL/ 16/ 30/ 11

Da tta tra ya I
68 847 0 / 2006
Pra bhakar
HVL/ 16/
Tilekar (sole 8 47 1 / 2006
lega l heirs of

I) . ct q
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
BSL.L'.. B , LLM
,r-.. AH!5 .66/2017
Mob.9 70349346
through POA
Dattatraya 8472/ 2006
(Vendpr No.
1) AND M/s.
Properties, a
firm through
(Ve n d or No.

13 Pa llavi 6 607.0 HVL/ 16/ 30 / 11

Deepak 3 I
through POA
i'akll·ba HVL/ 16/
(Vendor No. 8467/2006
1) AND M/ s.
Pro perties , a
reg is tered
partnership HVL/ 16 /
firm through
8468/ 2006
Da tt atraya
Vais ha li
\boR (4 q
Vaishall Ramesh Gangane
M AH!S :: 66/2017
M ob .9 70349346
(Vendor No.
14 Mrs. Rohini 5 505. HVL/15/ 27/01
Prak as h I
Niku mb h 85 707/2006
and Kalp a n a
(being sold
legal heirs of
Prakash 708/2006
Niku mbh)

15 Mr. Pra kash 10 1011. HVL/16/ 22/02

Sh am ra o 70 I
Kha ra be
Alias Deo

Pratibh a
shamrao HVL/16/
Alia s Deo,

Mr. Kh a ra be
(Mah a jan )

16 Mrs. Anita 4 404. H VL/19/ 19/01

Ashok Kittur I
b8 40::l/ '.2UUb
& Mr. Ajay

17 Mrs. Padma 6 607. H VL/16/ 30/11

Ashok I
03 8479/2006
through POA

\b 1Z G"C\iq
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
MAH/5 :66/2017
Fakir ba HVL/ 16/
8 48 0 / 2006
(Vendor No
. 1) AND
Properties, a HVL/ 16/
pa rt ners hip 8481/ 2006
firm through
par tners
Gaikwad ,
(Vendor No.
18 Mr. Sujit 5 505. HVL/19/ 19/01
85 422/2006
m Pai

HVL/19 /


19 Mr. Vijay 5 506.0 HVL/16/ 16/01

Bhikusheth 0

HVL/ 16/


20 Rs. Rajshree 5 506. HVL/16/ 21/01

K.hankoje 507/2006
Master 2006

"'-Jo fZ. {;q!L

Vaishali Rarr.esh Gangane
56 8 SL.L·.B,LLM
MAt-'l5: 66/2017
and M r. H
Pr a s ha n t
Kha n kh oje VL/19/
(being sole 508/200
legal heirs of
Prashant 6
Diwa ka r
Kha n koj e)

2 1 Mr. Sh1ipad 4 404. HVL/19/ 19/01

Chintamani I
68 435/2006


Total Area 101 1021


Annexure I - A - 1

S. No. 12/3

Details of Document/s with the Puranik Supreme

Enterprises and Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd.

SR. Name of Area Area Area Details of

No. Previous in agreed to Registration
Owner Gunt be given of
ha Sq. in Development
exchange Agreement/A
greement to

Regis Date
n No.
1 Mrs. Mangal 4 404. 303.51 HVL'j 15/06
Sadashiv 19/ /2009


\f-t> ft.. Ga.

Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
MAH/5; 66/2017

2 Meena 4 400. 383. HVL/ 24/07

Ra m es 15 / / 2009
00 00
h Moh ar
4727 -
ir Plot No. 7



3 Rajes h 4 400. 38 3 .0 0 HVL/ 24/07

Ramesh Plot No. 6 15/ / 2009
Moha rir 00
47 29 -



4 Rohini 5 500. 408.71 HVL/ 12/ 03

19/ I
Mandar 1411 - 2009
Sudhakar 2009
through POA
J aya n t H VL /
Sadavarte 19/


Total Area 17 1704.


Annexure I - A-2

S.No. 12/3

Details of Document/s with the Puranik Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.

SR. .Name of Area Area Area Details of

No. Previous in agreed to Registration
Gunt be given of Exchange

b , q1qM
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
58 BSL .L .B,LLM
Owner ha in in Deed
Sq. Regis Date
Mtrs nNo.

1 Ritesh 4 400. 360.00 HVL/ 19/05

Ash ok 16/50 /2011
Porwal 00 (Plot No.

2 Mrs. Mangal 4 404. 303.51 HVL/ 20/01

Sadashiv 22/ 49 / 2014
Joglekar 68 (Plot No.
20 14

3 Rohini 5 500.0 408.71 HVL/ 09/10

Sudhakar 0 9/963 /2013
Shende (Plot No.
Sudhaka r
through POA

Total area 4 400.0


Not cons idered area serial no. 2 and 3 as it is already calculated in

Annexure I - A-1

Annexure I - B

S.No. 12/4

Details of Document/s with the Puranik Builders Private Limited

Sr. Name of Area Area Details of Registration of

No. Previous Owner in Sq. Development Agreement
in Mtrs
Gunth Registration No. Date

1 Ajit Cha ndrakant 3 303.6 HVL/ 19/ 11/10/

Sancheti through 2
POA Holder 7913/2007 2007

'-' oR• c;'q 0e

Advocate -
Vaishali Rarresh Gangane
Mob.93 70349346
Ravi.n d ra
S h a nka r S h i.n de

HVL/ 19 /

HVL/ 19/
7915 / 2007

2 Ravi.n d r a 2.5 2 5 3 .0 HVL/ 19 /

Shankar Shinde 2
3143/2007 18/04/
with consent of
Mr. Gopal 2007
Dan dekar HVL/ 19 /

3111 / 2007


3145 / 2007

3 Ravi.ndra 3 303.6 HVL/ 19 / 18/04/

Shankar Shinde 2
3160 / 2007 200 7
with consent of
Mr. Shankar
Laxman Tupe
HVL/ 1q /

3161/ 20 07

HVL/ 19 /


4 Ajit Chandrakant 2.5 253.0 HVL/ 19 / 11 / 10 /

Sancheti through 2
7906/2007 2007
POA Holder
Shankar Shinde
Mr. Gopal s. HVL/19/
Dandeka r
7907 / 20 07

\Jo I(. l\Cf

Vaishali Rao·esh Gangane
BSL.L 1 B,LLM ..

0 .1AH/5266 /2017

5 Ajit Chandrakant 3 303.6 HVL/19/ 11/10/
Sancheti through 2
POA Holder 7910/2007 2007
Sh ankar Shinde
with consent of HVL/ 19/
Mr. Shankar
Laxman Tope


6 Ravindra 3 303.6 HVL/ 19/ 17/04/
Shankar Shinde 2
with consent of 3137/2007 2007
Mrs. Jayshri OAK
HVL/ 19/


HVL/ 19/

7 Mrs. Geeta 5 506. HVL/19/ 18/04/
Shyam Bhurke
along with M/s. 04 3131/2007 2007
through HVL/19/
Shankar Shinde

HVL/ 19/

3133 / 2007
Total Area 22 2226.

Details of Documents/s with the Puranik Supre me Enterprises

v.. ,u"-/'jq Ae,

Vaishali Ran·,esh Gangane
rJAH/5: :66/2017
Sr. Name of Area Area Deta ils of Registrat ion of
No. Previo us Owne r in Sq. Development Agre ement
in Mtrs
Gunth Registration No. Date

8 Mr. 5 506.0 HVL/ 19/ 30/03/

Shashimohan 4 07

HVL/ 19 /

2605 / 200 7

HVL/ 19/

26 06 / 2007

9 Mr. Purushottam 5 505.8 HVL/ 16 /

Padmaka r 5
Ka ra dka r 8633/2006

POA HVL/ 16 /
Dattatraya 863 4 / 2006
Fa kirba Gaikwa d
{Vendor No. 1)
AND M/ s. Des ai HVL/ 16 /
and Gaikwad, a
registered 8635 / 2006
partnership firm
through partners
nitin desai, bimal
desai, Sanjay
Desai, Datt atraya
Gaikwad {Vendor
No. 2.

10 Mrs. Pramila 5 505.8 HVL/ 16 / 30 / 11 /

Shrikant 5
8450/ 2006 2006
J ahagirdar

Fakirba Gaikwad
HVL/ 16 /
{Ve n dor No. 1)
AND M / s. 8451 / 2006
Properties, a

Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
BSL.·t 62 .B,LLM
ri.A ! S: 66/2017
Mob.9::- 70349346
regis ter ed HVL/ 16 /
partnership firm
through partners 8452 / 2006
Gaikwa d,
Da tta tr aya
Vaishali Chetan
Gaikwad (Vendor
No. 2)
11 Mrs. Aruna 5 505.8 HVL/ 16 / 30 / 11 /
Murlidhar 5
8457/2006 2006
Joglekar through
POA holder
Fakirba Gaikwad
(Vendor No.
1) AND
Gaikwad 8458 / 2006
Properties, a
partnership firm HVL/1 6 /
through partners
Va ideh i 8459/2006
Datt atraya
Va is h ali Chetan
Gaikwad (Vendor
Nu. 2)

12 Mrs. Savitri 5 505.8 HVL/ 16 / 30 / 11 /

Satish 5
8414/2006 2006
through POA
Fakirba Gaikwad
HVL/ 16 /
(Ven dor No. 1)
AND M/ s . 8415/2006
Proper ies , a
registered HVL/ 16 /
partnership firm

'\Jb O.
Vai::..h ali Rarr,e sh Gallgane
MAH/52 6612017
rlii ob.93 703 4934 6.
thro ugh partners 8416/2006
Datta tra ya
Da tt a tr
aya Fakirba
Gaikwa d,
Vaishali Chetan
Gaikwad (Vendor
No. 2
13 Tarabai 6 607.0 HVL/16/ 24/03/
Digambar Muley 2
and Others 2326/2006 2006

HVL/ 16/


Total Area 31 3136.

Annexure - I - B-1

S. No. 12/4

Details of Document/s with the Puranik Supreme Enterprises and

Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd.

Sr. Name of Area Area Area Details of

No. Previous Owner in in Sq. agreed Registration of
Gunth Mtrs to be Development
a given Agreement I
in Agreement to
exchan Exchange
Registr Date

1 Mr. Sadanand 4 404.8 315.68 HVL/19 04/05/

Narayan 3 (Plot No. I 2007
Bhaidkar - 16A
admeas 2326/
uring 2006

-J F--- Ga_
Vaishati Ran:e sh Gallgane
f11i f.\Hi 5::66/20· 7
Mob.93'70 3 49346
revised HVL/19
lay-out I
submitt 2327/
ed 2006

2 Supriya Sanjay 10 1000. 820.00 HVL/19 02/05/
Patil and Gaurva 00 I 2008




3 Sunil Annasaheb 4 400.0 300.00 HVL/ 19 02/05/

Kinika r 0 I 2008


HVL/ 19

4 Kanta Lalit 5 506.0 418.06 HVL/ 19 20/08/

Sherla 4 I 2008



HVL/ 19

5 Rekha 5 506. 379.00 HVL/ 19 15/06/
Sushilkurnar I 2009
Acharekar 04
Sushilkumar 2140/
Madhukar 2009
Ac ha reka r


Total Area 28 2816.


Annexure I - B-2

S.No. 12/4

Details of Document/s with the Puranik Supreme Enterprises and

Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd.

Sr. Name of Area Area Area Details of

No. Previous Owner in in Sq. agreed Registration of
Gunth Mtrs to be Exchange Deed
a given along with POA
exchan Registr Date

1 Supriya Sanjay 10 1000. 820.00 HVL/ 22 20 / 0 1 /

Pa til & Gaurav 00 I 2014
(Pl ot
No. 1 +2) 500/



2 Sunil Ann as ah eb 4 400 .0 300 .00 HVL/ 19 20/04/

Kinikar 0 I 2014
No. 3) 5299/


.. rz Get
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
M AH/5;:·se12011
MQ b . !'1'..,_·, t7V 1'Jl 4
" I'" •;
l -t•O
3 Kanta La lit 5 506.0 418.06 HVL/ 9 / 07/10/
Sherla 4 2013
(Plot 9543/
No. 5)



4 Rekh a 5 506.0 379.00( HVL/22 18/01/

Sushilkumar 4 Plot No. I 20 14
Acharekar and 15
Sushilkumar 463/
Madhu kar 2014
Ach a re ka r


Annexure I - C

S.No. 12/5

Details ofDocument/s with the Puranik Supreme Enterprises

Sr. Name of Previous Area Area Details of Registration of

No. Owner lll Development Agreement
In Sq.

'\Jof- GC\ q y\Q_

-A, c, l •'.>cate
VaL t-:2-' l Ran esh Gci.·rigane
Gunth Mtrs Registration Date
a No.
1 Mr. Prabhakar 4 404.68 HVL/ 16/ 30/11/2006
Janardan Gokhale
and Mr . Prasad 8 421 / 2006
Prabhakar Gokhale
POA holder HVL/ 16 /
Fakirba Gaikwad
(Vendor No. 1
AND M/ s
HVL/ 16/
Ga ik\va d 8423-2006
Properties, a
partnership firm
through partners
Va ida hi
Datt atra ya
Fakirba Gaikwad,
Vaishali Chetan
Gaikwa d (Vendor
No. 2)
2 Sau. Anjali Arvind 5 505.85 HVL/ 16/ 30/11/2006
Sane through
POA 8404/2006
Fakirba Gaikwad
(Vendor No. 1 HVL/ 16 /
AND M/ s 8405/2006
Gaikwa d
Properti es, a
registered HVL/16/
par tners hip firm 8406-2006
through partners
Datt a tra
Fakirba Gaikwad,
Vaishali Chetan
Gaikwad (Vendor
No. 2)
3 Shri Shriram 4 404.68 HVL/ 16 3 0 / 11 / 2 0 06

'\/ o ,-_6 Gt:tr:Jqr\t

A cf 0cate
Vai.]f-,.2; Rar -r e sh G c.nga ne
68 B SL.L· .8 ,LLM
i.1.AH /5:'.66/2017
Mob. 7034 9346
Na n asa b Ch ik a te
842 7 / 20 06

HVL/ 16
84 28 / 2006

HVL/ 16
8429 -2006

4 Shri . Sudhakar 4 404 .6 8 HVL/16 30/11/2006

M. Deo th rough
POA hold er
Datt atraya 8430 / 2006
Fak irba Gaikwad
(Vendor No. 1
AND M/s.
Propert ies, a
partnership firm 8431/2006
through partners
Vaida hi
Dattatraya HVL/16
Gaikwad ,
Datta traya
Fakirb a Gaikwad, 8432-2006
Vais ha li Chetan
Gaikwad (Vendor
No. 2)

s Mr. Puru hullarn 5 505.85 HVL/ 16 02/12/2006

Vaman Kale, Mrs .
Meen a
Purushottam Kale 8454/2006
through POA
holder Dattatraya
Fakirba Gaikwad HVL/ 16
(Vendor No. 1
AND M/ s .
Properties, a 8455/2006
par tnership firm
through partners HVL/ 16
\JD/?.. 4<:\
Vaishafi Ran1e sh Ga:igane
69 ff"':· !-il 5 66/2017
Mob.9:.70 • 9J46
Dattatraya Fakirba
Gaikwad, Vais ha li
Ch eta n
Gaikwad (Ve ndor
No. 2)

6 Arun Dattatra ya 4 404.68 HVL/19 21/01/2006

Phadke, Jayshree
Arun Phadke

HVL/ 19

515 / 2006

7 Suniti Subhash 5 505.85 HVL/16 20/02/2006

1327 / 2006

HVL/ 16


8 Arvind Ba bu rao 5 505.85 HVL/15 27/01/2006




9 Smt. Jayshri 4 404.68 HVL/1 6 08/12/2006

Vijaykumar Joshi
through POA 8625/2006
Holder Dattatraya
Fakirba Gaikwad
(Ven dor No. 1) HVL/16
AND M/ s . Des a i
and Gaikwad, a 8 6 26 / 200 6
partn ers hip firm
through par tners
HVL/ 16
Nitin Desai, Bimal
Desai, Sa njay 8627 / 2006
Desai, Datta traya
Gaikwad (Vendor
No. 2)

\/ '> , (nq
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
M ob . 9 3 70349346
10 .VIrs. Pra tibh a 4 404.68 HVL/ 16 30/11/2006
Manohar J oshi
through POA
Holder Da tta tra ya
Fakirba Gaikwad
HVL/ 16
(Ven d or No. 1)
AND M/ s . Des ai 8629 /
and Gaikwad, a
registered 2006
partnership firm
through partners
Ni tin D e sa i, Birnal HVL/ 16
Desa i, Sa njay
Desai, Dattatraya 8630/
Gaikwad (Vend or
No. 2)

11 Vin aya k Shridhar 5 505.85 HVL/ 16 02 / 12 / 2006

Deo, Sunil
Shridhar 8463/
through POA 2006
holder Dattatraya
Fakirba Gaikwad
(Vendor No. 1
AND M/ s .
Gaikwad 8464/
Properties , a
partnership firm
through partn ers
Vaidahi HVL/ 16
Datta tra ya 8465/
Dattatraya 2006
Fakirba Gaikwad,
Vaishali Chetan
Gaikwad (Ven d or
No. 2)
12 Usha Prakash 4 404.68 HVL/ 16 30/11/2006
Akolkar throu gh
POA holder 8477/
Fakirba Gaikwad
(Vendor No. 1
AND M/s.
Gaikwad HVL/16

r Gq
71 .
Vaishali Ramesh Gangane
M AHfS; .66/2017
Mob .9: 70349346
Proper ties , a 8478/
partnership firm 2006
through partners
Dattatra ya HVL/ 16
Gaikwa d ,
8476 /
Da tt a traya
Fa kirba Gaikwad, 2006
Vaishali Chetan
Gaikwad (Vendor
No. 2)

13 Vandana V. 4 4 0 4 .6 8 HVL/ 1 / 25/01/2006

Bahulkar &
Others 723/

HVL/ 1



14 Anuradha R. 4 404.68 HVL/1 25/01/2006

, 725/
Kholgade 2006

HVL/ 1


Total Area 61 6171.37

Annexure I - Cl

Details of Document/s with Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. AndPuranik

Supreme Enterprises

I R e g is t io n

No P r e v io us In Sq. Agreed Agreement of

'1· f. G'ct_
Vaishali Rarr:esh Gangane
Owner Gunt Mtrs to be Exchange along with
ha given in POA
e Registratio Date
n No.

1 Mukund 4 404.38 371.60 HVL/ 19/6 16/10/

a Bhalerao 412/ 08 2008


413/ 08

2 Ashok 5.5 513.00 513.00 HVL/ 19/6 16/10/

Hala sgik ar 410/08 2008

HVL/ 19/6

411/ 08

Total Area 9 .5 917.38

Annexure I - C-2

S.No. 12/5

Details of Document/ s with Puranik Builders Pvt. Ltd. And Puranik

Supreme Enterprises

Sr. Name of Area Area in Area Registration of

No Previous In Sq. given in Exchange Deed along
Owner Gunt Mtrs exchang with POA
ha e
Registratio Date

1 Mukund 4 404.38 371.60 HVL/22/ 30/12/1

Bhalchandr 3
a Bhalerao (Plot No. 6998 -20 13

HVL/22/ 4

2 Ashok 5.5 513.00 513.00 HVL/22/ 30/12/1

Tatyarao 3
Halasgikar (Plot No. 6996-20 13.


Vaishali Ran esh Gangane
HVL/ 22 / 4

20 9-20 14

Annex ure I -C-3

. S. No. 12 / 5

Details of Document/s with the Purank Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.

Sr. Name of Previous Area in Area in Details of Consent

No Owner Guntha Sq. Mtrs letter and possession
. receipt


1 Rajendra Amrut 4 404.83 Consent 09/ 02/

Gadgil, Jayshree Letter
Tamhankar, Gaytri (Plot No. 2012
Bhide 6A)

P o s se s s 15 /09 /
ion r ec ei
?.01 ?.

Annexure I - E

Details of Document/s with Puranik Builders Private Limited

S. No. 12/12

Sr. Name of Previous Area Area Details of Registration of

No. Owner in in Sq. Development Agreement
Gunth Mtrs
a Regis tra ti Date
1 Sopan Rama 13.1 1310. HVL/ 19 / 27 / 04 / 2007
Padale, Bhamabai 00
Sopan Padale, 3457-2007
Kailas Sopan
Padale, Sangita
Sopan Padale, Vila s HVL/ 19/
Sopan Padale,
Sunita Vilas Padale


CJR• ,q q
Vaishali Ramesh Gar1gane
I 3459 / 2007

Total Area 13 . 1 1 3 10 .

Annexure I - F

Details of Document/s with the Puranik Builders Private Limited

S. No. 12/13

Sr. Name of Previous Area Area Details of Registration of

No. Owner in in Sq. Deve lopme nt Agreement
Gunth Mtrs
a Registration Date

1 Tapan 3 300.0 HVL/ 19/ 29/05/2007

Prafullkumar Daori 0
419 1-2007

HVL/ 19 /

HVL/ 19/

2 Bandu Tukaram 3 300.0 HVL/19/ 27/ 04/ 2007
Tangade 0

HVL/ 19/

3434 -2007

HVL/ 19/

3 Suresh Balkrishna 3 300.0 HVL/19/ 30/06/2007
Chavan 0

HVL/ 19/
'sjof-. G"
Vaishali Ran·esh Garigane
M AH/5::66/2017
Mob .9370349346

HVL/ 19/

4 Ashok Dondjira o 3 300 .0 HVL/ 19/ 26/07/2007

Shinde 0

HVL/ 19 /

5856 -2007

HVL/ 19/


5 Veena Shriram 4 400.0 HVL/ 19 / 30/06/2007

Bhavsar 0

HVL/ 19 /


HVL/ 19/


6 Shantaram 4 400.0 HVL/ 19/ 17/05/2007

Rangna th Jadhav 0
through POA holder
Ma hes h Jagyasi
and Sonali Chetan
Sukheja HVL/ 19 /


Vc:i shali Rarr esh Gangane
M 4 t-f! S; .66/2017


Total Area 20 2020.


Annexure I - G

Details of Document/ s with the Puranik Constructions Private


S.No. 12/14

Sr. Name of Previous Area Area in Details of Registration

No. Owner in Sq. Mtrs of Development
Gunth Agreement
Registrati Date
on No.

1 Vasant Shantaram 4 404.83 HVL/19/ 02/03/2007

Kulkarni and
Neevedita Vasant 1970-2007



HVL/ 19/


2 Lalita Vasudev 4 404.83. HVL/19/ 28/02/2007


HVL/ 19/

19 10 -2007

\!of. ct_
d \.'ocate
Vaishali Ra, o,esh
BSL . Ga119ane '
1911/ 200 L M H .B,LLM
7 Mob. ,3
5::66/2017 77

3 La lit kumar 4 404.83 HVL/ 19/ 28 / 02 / 07
Ka s tu rch a n d Shah

HVL/ 19 /

16 26-20 07

HVL/ 19/

1627 / 200

4 Ha ribh au N. lj '10'1.83 HVL/ 19/ 02/03/2007

Ris bude and
19 22 -200 7
Va s u ndh a ra
Ha ribh a u Risbud
throu gh POA
Ma hesh Haribha u T IVL/ 19 /

HVL/ 19 /

1924 / 200

5 Rekha Shrikru shna 5 506 .04 HVL/ 19 / 02 / 03 / 2007


HVL/ 19 /

19 20 -2007

HVL/ 19 /

6 Nee lim a Ravindra 5 506.04 HVL/ 19 / 14 / 03 / 07

Velankar and
oR, G(tnJ9
Vaishali Ralf esh Gangane
MAH/5 66/2017
Ravin dra 3406 -2007
Datta tra ya
HVL/ 19/
3407 -2007


7 Priti Suresh 5 505.85 HVL/16/ 20/02/2007

Mahajan (Kharabe)
146 1-2007

HVL/ 16/


HVL/ 16/


8 Mrs. Sadhana 5 506.04 HVL/1 9 / 20/07/2007

Bhagwat 7774-2007



HVL/ 19/

9 Dinkar Bhikaji 4 404.83 HVL/ 19/ 20/07/2007

Kulkarni 'and
jyotsna 7771-2007

'\!'b f_ ¼CA.II
Vaishali Rar esh Gangane

7773 / 200

10 Shridhar Bansidhar 4 404.68 HVL/ 19/ 20/07/2007

Muley and Neel
a Shridhar Muley

HVL/ 19 /

7778 -200 7



11 Bhagyashree Rajiv 5 506.04 HVL/ 19/ 02 / 03 / 2007


HVL/ 19 /


HVL/ 19 /

12 Chandrashekhar 4 404.83 HVL/ 19 / 02/03/2007

Ganesh Dharne

'10 - qniQQ..e._
Vabhali Rari esh Ga igane
MAHfS: 66/2017

HVL/ 19 /

1914 / 200

13 Punam Shashank 5 505.85 HVL/ 16/ 20/02/2007

Mukharji and
Shashank Mukharji

HVL/ 16/


HVL/ 16/


14 Smita Anil Velankar 4 404.83 HVL/ 19 / 02/03/2007

and Anil Velankar

HVL/ 19/


HVL/ 19/


15 Keshav Shankar 5 506.04 HVL/ 19/ 02/03/2007


\16 "" §'aJ''J<'.l>"e._

Vaishali Ran esh Ga,gane
Mob . 9 70349346


16 Saraswati 3 303.62 HVL/19/ 02/03/2007




HVL/ 19/


17 Venkatraman 4 404.83 HVL/19/ 02/03/2007





18 Neela Pandurang 4 404.83 HVL/ 19/ 28/02/2007


HVL/ 19 / .

1629 -20 07

\\6 .. Ge." e_
Ad'ieto cate
V ishali Rari esh Ga1gane
MAH!S'. 66/2017
Mob.9:.. 70349346


19 Mahadeo 4 404.83 HVL/19/ 02/03/2007

Pandurang Ogale

HVL/ 19/




20 Chintamani 7 708.19 HVL/ 16/ 20/02/2007

Mohan Rao and 1464-2007
Chaya Mohan Rao

HVL/ 16/


HVL/ 19/


Total Area 89 9006.69

Annexure I - G 1

Details of Document/s with the Puranik Builders Private Limited

S. No. 12/14
Sr. IName of I Area in I Area I Details of Registration of

"'1)11-- Ca_ict
Vzishafi Rar ash G . ,ga'le
83 BSL.L .B,LL M
M AH/ 5 ·.66/2017
No. Previous Owner Guntha in Sq. Development Agree ment
- Mtrs
Registration Date

1 Mru nal Su bh as h 4 404.83 HVL/19/ 18/ 04/ 2007




HVL/ 19 /


2 Ajay Sada sh iv 5 5 06 .0 4 HVL/ 19 / 17/04/2007

Kulka rn i
3 134 -20 07





Total Area 9 910.87

- -

Annexure I H

Details of Document/ s with the Puranik Builders Private Limited

S. No. 12/15

Sr. Name of Area in Area in Details of Registration of

No. Previous Guntha Sq. Development Agreement
Owner Mtrs
Registration Date

1 Mar u ti 10 10 00 .0 0 HVL/ 19 / 24/09/2007

Padale · &

"(o . Ga. a.
Ad \locate
Vaisha!i Ran es h G;: 1ga··1e
MAH/5?.66 /201 7
HVL/ 19/

7959 -2007

HVL/ 19/


2 Chandrajeet 4.64 464.00 HVL/ 19/ 10 / 08 / 2007

Pol Alia s 6317-2007

HVL/ 19/

6318 -20 07



3 Dhondu 4.65 465.00 HVL/19/ 13/08/2007

Datar 6350-2007

HVL/ 19 /

6351-20 07

HVL/ 19 /

6352-20 07

4 Anand Govind 5 506.04 HVL/ 19/ 03/05/2007


HVL/ 19/

3527 -20 07

HVL/ 19 /

3528 -20 07

5 Suhas Vilas 6 600.00 HVL/19/ 29/05/2007

o r,_.. Gc_ (\Q_

Ad"1o cate
Vaishali Rar esh Gangane
Lokha nde 4181- 2007

HVL/ 19/
4182 -2007

HVL/ 19 /

6 Lata 6 600.00 HVL/ 19 / 06 / 06 / 2007

Sh an taram
44 50 -2007
J adha v

HVL/1 9 /


HVL/1 9 /

7 Nitin 4.64 464.00 HVL/ 19 / 12 / 06 / 2007

Dattatraya Patil

HVL/ 19 /

4513-20 07

HVL/ 19 /


8 Satyabhama 4.64 464.00 HVL/ 19/ 10 / 08 / 2007

Ramch andra
Pol Alias Patil 6320-2007
and Sole Legal
heirs of
Ram chan d ra H VL/ 19 /
Pa til viz. Pra
dip 6321-2007
Ram chan d ra
Pa til; Dr. Aru n
Ramchandra HVL/ 19 /
Patil, Ravindra

'\J 6 .. Gi'e1n
Vaishali Ran esh Ga1gane
Ra mch a nd ra 6 32 2 -20 07
Pa til,
Ram cha n dra
Pol Alias Patil

9 Hirabai Na goj i 4 400.00 HVL/19/ 29/08/2007


HVL/ 19 /

68 12 -20 07

HVL/ 19 /

68 13 -20 07

Total Area 49.57 4963.04

Annexure I - I

Details of Document/s with the Puranik Builders Private Limited

S. No. 12/16/2

Sr. Name of Area in Area in Details of Develo pment

No. Previous Guntha Sq. Agreement and POA
Owne r Mtrs
Registration Date

1 Jagdish 3.83 383.00 HVL/19/ 16/10/2007

Ya davra o Pa til
8 03 1 -20 07

HVL/ 19/


2 Nandkumar 2 200.00 HVL/ 19/ 22/01/2008

Maruti Bobate
HVL/ 19 /

'\Jc, te. Cictfj

Ad\Jo cate
Vab hali Rar, esh Ge. ,gane
Mob .9:'.,70349346
57 6 - 20 08

HVL/ 19/


3 Madhukar 5 500.00 HVL/ 19 / 16 / 10 / 20 07

Sa tya bh an
ji Ingale 8028-2007

HVL/ 19/

8029 -2007



Total Area 10.83 1083

Annexure I - I 1

Details of Document/s with the Puranik Builders Private Limited

S.No. 12/16/2

Sr. Name of Area in Area in Details of Sale Deed

No. Previous Guntha Sq.
Registration Date
Owner Mtrs

1 Sancheti 72.18 7218.00 HVL/ 12/ 26/03/2008

Promoters (Ajit
Chandrakant 2852-2008
Sancheti) Sa le

Annexure I - I 2

Details of Document/s with the Puranik Builders Private Limited

S.No. 12/16/2

" o,_.,. Gc1J':j

Vaishali Rarr esh Gangane
MAH/5: .66/2017
Regiona l 3
Develo pme nt
Au thority

ANNEXURE K - List of original documents verified

1) Deed of Conveyance dated 11/05/2009 which is duly registered with Su

b Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL-20 /


2) Deed of Conveyance dated 11/05/2009 which is duly registered with Su

b Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL-20 /


3) Deed of Conveyance dated 11/05/2009 which is duly registered with Su

b Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL- 20 /


4) Deed of Conveyance dated 11/05/2009 which is duly registered with Su

b Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL-20 /


5) Exchange Deed dated 20/01/2014 which are duly registered with Sub
Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL-22 / 497 /

20 14;

6) Exchange Deed dated 09/10/2013 which are duly registered with Sub
Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No . HVL-9 / 9634 -


7) Deed of Transfer - Amenity Space - dated 19/11/2013 is duly

registered with Sub Registrar Haveli No. 09 Pune at Sr. No. HAV-9 /

8) Exchange Deed and POA dated 20/ 01/ 2014 which are duly registered
with Sub Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL-22 / 500 / 20 14 an
d HVL/ 22 / 502-20 14 respectively.

9) Exchange Deed dated 20/01/2014 which is duly registered with Sub

Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL- 19 / 529 9- 20 14 .

10) Exchange Deed and POA both dated 07/ 10/ 2013 which are duly regis
tered with Sub Registrar of As s u ra n ces Pune at Sr. No. HVL-9 / 9543 - 20 1
3 and HVL/ 9 / 954 1- 20 13 re spect ively.

11) Exchange Deed and POA both dated 18/01/2014 which are duly regis
tered with Sub Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL/22/463-20
14 and HVL/ 22 / 46 5-2014 respectively. ·
" f.-c, G C\
Vaishali Rar esh Gangane
MAH/5 .66/2017
12) Exch ange Deed and POA both dated 30/ 12/ 2013 and 07/ 01/ 2014 res
pectively which are is duly registered with Sub Registrar of Assurances
Pune at Sr. No. HVL/ 22 / 6998 -2013 and HVL/ 22 / 211-20 14 respectively.

13) Exch a nge Deed and POA dated 30/12/2013 and 07/01/2014 respectiv
ely which are duly registered with Sub Registrar of Assurances Pune a
t Sr. No. HVL/ 22 / 6996 -20 13 and HVL/22/

209-2014 res pectively.

14) Exchange Deed and FOA both dated 09/10/2013 which are duly regis
tered with Sub Regist ra r of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL-9/ 9637-201
3 and HVL/9 / 9628-2013 res pectively.

15) Exchange Deed and POA dated 03/02/2014 which are duly registere
d with Sub Registrar of Ass u ra n ces Fune at Sr. No. HVL-22/1005-2014
and HVL/22/ 1007-2014 respectively.

16) Agreement to Exchange and FOA both dated 24/07/2009 which is duly
registered with Sub Registrar of Assurances Fune at Sr. No. HVL/ 15/47

17) Agreement to Exchange and FOA both dated 24/07/2009 which is duly
registered with Sub Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL/ 15/47

18) Agreement to Exchange and POA both dated 04/05/2007 which is duly
registered ·with Sub Registrar of Assurances Pune at Sr. No. HVL/19/57
6-2007 and HVL/19/3577/2007.

19) Consent Letter and Possession Receipt dated 09/02/2012 and 15/09/
2012 respectively.

20) Exchange Deed was duly registered before Sub Registrar HaveliNo. 19,
Pune dated 20/07/2016 vide document number 6238/2016.
21) Exchange Deed was duly registered before Sub Registrar Haveli No. 22,
P11nf' rl::itt>rl ln/02/2019 vide document ntimber 3024/2019 and 3026/
22) Agreement to Lease Deed was duly registered before Sub - Regist ra r Hav
eli no. 25, Pune on dated 16/10/2020 vide Document number 7404/20

\(o • d,n:j
Yours Faithfully
Vaishali Rar-resh Gangane
BSL.L .a ,L L M
ri,, A!-I/5 .66/2Q·j·7
lwio b 9 70349346


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