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Interview Questions:

I. Personal
A. Background

1. Tell me about yourself.

 It is usually the first question so it calls for an impressive answer in order

to ensure a strong first impression.
 Present your life story in “reverse chronological” order.
 Highlight the events/ experiences from your life phases (college, school,
hobbies etc.) which will be useful for the potential employer
 Do Not focus on the negatives
 Treat it as an advertisement where you are the product, highlight your
features which are useful in the corporate world. Back them up with
relevant examples – I am a good team leader, I’ve led my cricket team to
victories in numerous tournaments at district level…..

2. What would you like me to know about you that is not on your resume?

 It CAN be something that you have mentioned in the resume objectively,

you can explain it in greater detail
 Focus on a hobby/ event that will be useful for the potential employer
 The objective of this question is to catch you by surprise and make you
uncomfortable, so do not fall in the trap and give your answer in a calm
 In case nothing strikes your mind, you can use humour to escape from
this situation. I once told an interviewer that I have 33 teeth and I have
not mentioned it in my resume, rest I have shared everything there. It
made him laugh and showed the ease with which I handled tricky
situations. But make sure that you are not disrespectful in any way and
do not come across as someone who is not sincere.

3. What are the three most important events of your life?

 Always focus on events which helped you evolve as an individual

 Events which helped you learn something new about yourself or the
world around you
 Focus on learning which are useful for the potential employer
 “When I cleared my board exams with distinction even when I was
unwell for a long time showed me how tough I am, I learnt not to focus
on the challenges and just focus on my goals”…

4. What were you doing during this gap of time I see here on your resume?

 These or other questions which highlight a negative point in your

profile can be used as an opportunity. The question can be about less
marks, no substantial achievement etc.
 Try to give an account of yourself which shows that in spite of the
negatives, you have become a better person
 “I dropped a year to try to get into the army but wasn’t able to clear
the exam, however, I did not lose hope but I thought of a different
future for myself and went for another interest of mine which was
digital marketing”….. “I percentage dropped in class 12th as I focussed
on my overall development and took part in a number of extra-
curricular activities such as debates and sports which helped me
overcome my shy nature, My academics dropped a bit but I came out
of it as a well-rounded individual”…

5. Where did you grow up? What are your three major accomplishments?

 Always focus on events which helped you evolve as an individual

 Events which helped you learn something new about yourself or the
world around you
 Focus on learning which are useful for the potential employer
 “When I cleared my board exams with distinction even when I was
unwell for a long time showed me how tough I am, I learnt not to crib
about the challenges and just focus on my goals and adapt my approach
as per the situation”…

6. What was an experience in your life that you would want to go back and
 Use this question as an opportunity to show that you are not perfect and
you have made mistakes and wished you handled things differently
 Do not say anything on the lines of a different career path, “I wish I was
a football player….”
 Construct answers which show that you are not rigid and highlight your

B. Self-Description

1. How would your friends describe you?

 Use this question to focus on skills that are useful for the potential
 It is not necessary that your friends have actually described you in such
a way, however, focus on portraying yourself as an ideal employee for
the potential employer

2. Give me three words to describe yourself.

 Pick up adjectives from the Johari Window which are useful for the
potential employer
 Focus on skills or attributes which are relevant for the corporate world

C. Goals

1. What new goals have you established for yourself recently?

 Mention goals which are in line with your current career path
 Your answer must show that the current job you are going for is in line
with your goals
 Do not mention higher studies, different companies etc. as it might lead
to the employer thinking that you might leave their organization soon.
Say that you are open to it in case it is in line with your growth as a

2. What are your five to ten year career goals?

 Do not mention specific designation/ roles – keep your answer general

 Mention how you wish to develop as a professional in your field while
developing your technical as well as managerial skills
 Mention how you wish to be a valuable asset for the organization

3. What are your career and educational goals?

 Mention goals which are in line with your current career path
 Your answer must show that the current job you are going for is in line
with your goals
 Do not mention higher studies, different companies etc. as it might lead
to the employer thinking that you might leave their organization soon.
Say that you are open to it in case it is in line with your growth as a
 Do not mention specific designation/ roles – keep your answer general
 Mention how you wish to develop as a professional in your field while
developing your technical as well as managerial skills
 Mention how you wish to be a valuable asset for the organization

4. What are the attributes of an ideal job for you?

 Try to connect your answer with the atmosphere in the potential

employer’s organization
 Learn about the organization by interacting with current employees
 Go through platforms such as Glassdoor in order to learn about the
organization’s culture
 Connect your answer with the employer’s organization so as to present
a practical picture and subconsciously validate your application

5. What are you looking for?

 Try to connect your answer with the atmosphere in the potential

employer’s organization
 Learn about the organization by interacting with current employees
 Go through platforms such as Glassdoor in order to learn about the
organization’s culture
 Connect your answer with the employer’s organization so as to present
a practical picture and subconsciously validate your application

6. How long a commitment do you plan to give me?

 Do not specify a specific timeline
 Go for generic answers such as “As long as I am growing as a
professional…” “As long as I am facing new challenges…” etc.

7. What is your ideal job?

 Try to connect your answer with the atmosphere in the potential

employer’s organization
 Learn about the organization by interacting with current employees
 Go through platforms such as Glassdoor in order to learn about the
organization’s culture
 Connect your answer with the employer’s organization so as to present
a practical picture and subconsciously validate your application

8. What other types of positions are you considering?

 Think of similar profiles

 Do not mention something that is totally unrelated with your education
or background
 In case you are applying for a position which is disconnected with your
Major, bring out relevant experience from your profile which backs up
your candidature

9. What kind of boss would you prefer?

 Highlight your adaptable nature, that you can work with all kinds of
 Mention that you prefer a mentor than a boss, someone who can show
you the path and not necessarily hand hold you
 An employer is looking for candidates who are self-sufficient and can
handle tasks on their own.

10. Why are you pursuing this field?

 Mention how this falls in line with your broader goals

 Mention about your passion for this field
 Who/ what motivated you to approach this filed
 Think of a storyline which validates your career/ life trajectory/ decisions
11. What are your career options right now?

 Think of similar profiles

 Do not mention something that is totally unrelated with your education
or background
 In case you are applying for a position which is disconnected with your
Major, bring out relevant experience from your profile which backs up
your candidature

12. How could you have improved your career path?

 Use this question as an opportunity to show that you are not perfect
and you have made mistakes and wished you handled things differently
 Do not put any of your achievements down – “I wish I had a better
college, better teachers etc.” Focus on things that you could have done
to improve your career trajectory.
 Focus on things that you could have done and do not focus your answer
towards blaming other factors
 Construct answers which show that you are not rigid and highlight your

13. What salary are you expecting? In addition to salary, what benefits would
most interest you?

 Answer 1: I would expect a salary which reflects the experience and

qualifications that I bring to the role. What range do you have in mind?
 Answer 2: I’ve got a strong background in this industry and my skills are
a perfect match for this role. I would expect my compensation to be at
the upper end of the position’s salary band. Can you tell me what that
salary band is?

D. Values

1. What does “success” mean to you?

 For me, success is achieved if you attain the goals you have set for
yourself or the goals that have been set for you. I believe that’s true
whether you’re talking about a student, a managing director or even a
large corporation. I know that ABC Corp has set itself the target of being
the number one telecoms firm in the country within five years. If the
firm achieves that goal, it will most certainly be judged ‘a success’

2. What does “failure” mean to you?

 "Failure is when I do not reach my goal." "I think to fail at something is

making a mistake and not learning anything from it." "To me, failure
means to have a goal and not do anything about it." "I think failure is not
reaching your potential.
 Always back your answer with an example – an opinion backed up with
an example is a complete answer

3. Which is more important to you: money or the type of job?

 The best answer is to put things into perspective. Money IS important —

highly important — after all, no one works for free, but enjoying your
work, your co-workers rank higher
 Always back your answer with an example – an opinion backed up with
an example is a complete answer

4. Who do you admire? Why?

 Try quoting a family member or friend; try to stay away from celebrities.
 Focus on their attributes and highlight the attribute which are relevant
for a corporate professional
 Focus on key attributes such as hard word, team building, result
orientation, leadership etc.

5. What do you get passionate about?

 Try to mention fields/ streams that are connected with the profile you
are targeting
 Think of useful fields – technology, sports etc.
 Try to refrain from politics or any extreme views/ opinions

6. Who is your hero, and why?

 Try quoting a family member or friend; try to stay away from celebrities.
 Focus on their attributes and highlight the attribute which are relevant
for a corporate professional
 Focus on key attributes such as hard word, team building, result
orientation, leadership etc.

II. Strengths / Weaknesses and Skills

1. Are you creative? Give me an example. What have you done that you
consider creative?

 Everybody looks for creative individuals who are problem solvers

 Don’t think of any problem you have solved as small – present it in the
best way possible

2. What are your strongest abilities?

 Mention abilities which are relevant for the job profile

 Always back up your answer with a relevant example from your
experience which highlights that ability

3. What is your biggest weakness?

 The standard textbook answer for the "greatest weakness" question is to

give a veiled positive--"I work too much. I just work and work and work"-
-which ends up sending the wrong message. Either you are lying or,
worse yet, you are telling the truth, in which case you define working
too much as a weakness and really don't want to work much at all. Think
about it.
 I would say my greatest weakness has been my lack of proper planning
in the past. I would overcommit myself with too many variant tasks,
then not be able to fully accomplish each as I would like. However,
since I've come to recognize that weakness, I've taken steps to correct
it. For example, I now carry a planning calendar in my pocket so that I
can plan all of my appointments and "to do" items. Here, let me show
you how I have this week planned out

4. Why should we hire you?

 Since you must have already gone through the job description, you
must be having an idea of the skills that are required for that job profile
 Highlight the experiences/ achievements in your profile which
showcase the skills required by the potential employer
 Tell them about your relevant skills and back it up with an example

5. Give me an example of something that you have done that shows initiative.

 Every employer is looking for candidates who are ambitious and have a
go-getter attitude
 Bring out examples from your profile which validate your tendency to
take initiatives – “I was the CR for my class…” “I was the placement
coordinator…” “I was member of xyz NGO…”

6. What makes you stand out among your fellow students?

 Talk about your key achievements, experiences relevant to the job

 Do not put down your peers and focus your answer only on yourself
 If you don’t have a lot of tangible achievements, talk about your hard
work etc. with examples

7. What makes you different from the other candidates for this position?

 Talk about your key achievements, experiences relevant to the job

 Do not put down your peers and focus your answer only on yourself
 If you don’t have a lot of tangible achievements, talk about your hard
work etc. with examples

8. What can you do for us that someone else cannot do? What was the most
important thing you learned from your previous experience/internship?

 Talk about your key achievements, experiences relevant to the job

 Do not put down your peers and focus your answer only on yourself
 If you don’t have a lot of tangible achievements, talk about your hard
work etc. with examples
 Bring out relevant experiences from your projects which you feel will be
useful in the job you are applying for.
9. How do your skills relate to our needs? What can you offer us?

 Since you must have already gone through the job description, you
must be having an idea of the skills that are required for that job profile
 Highlight the experiences/ achievements in your profile which
showcase the skills required by the potential employer
 Tell them about your relevant skills and back it up with an example

10. What have you disliked in your past jobs/projects/internship?

 Handle the question with a negative tone carefully

 Do not mention scenarios which might be a possibility in the potential
employer’s organization as well
 Do not say “I had a bad mentor/boss/team etc…”
 Focus on learning/ tasks etc.
 Focus on your approach.

11. How long before you can make a contribution? In the past year, what have
you been dissatisfied about in your performance?

 I wish to make an impact as soon as possible… I wish to be a productive

asset for your organization… I’m a quick learner and plan to set the ball
rolling as soon as possible…
 Do not mention specific timeline
 Use this question as an opportunity to show that you are not perfect and
you have made mistakes and wished you handled things differently
 Do not say anything on the lines of a different career path, “I wish I was
a football player….”
 Construct answers which show that you are not rigid and highlight your

12. What major problem have you encountered and how did you deal with it?

 Use this question as an opportunity to show that you are not perfect and
you have made mistakes and wished you handled things differently
 Do not say anything on the lines of a different career path, “I wish I was
a football player….”
 Construct answers which show that you are not rigid and highlight your

13. Have you ever had any failures? What did you learn from them?

 Use this question as an opportunity to show that you are not perfect and
you have made mistakes and wished you handled things differently
 Do not say anything on the lines of a different career path, “I wish I was
a football player….”
 Construct answers which show that you are not rigid and highlight your

14. How do you feel about working in a structured environment?

 You can say you prefer to work that way but you are adaptable and will
be comfortable in an unstructured environment as well
 Do not be rigid, show your adaptability/ flexibility

15. Are you able to work on several assignments at once?

 Multi-tasking is an important component of corporate life, so kindly

mention that you are comfortable with it
 Back it up with examples, citing your current schedule where you handle
academics, extra-curricular etc.

16. In what kind of work environment do you do your best work?

 Try to connect your answer with the atmosphere in the potential

employer’s organization
 Learn about the organization by interacting with current employees
 Go through platforms such as Glassdoor in order to learn about the
organization’s culture
 Connect your answer with the employer’s organization so as to present
a practical picture and subconsciously validate your application

17. What kinds of tasks and responsibilities motivate you the most?

 Employers prefer candidates who do not want a lot of hand holding etc.
 Try to connect your answer with the atmosphere in the potential
employer’s organization
 Learn about the organization by interacting with current employees
 Go through platforms such as Glassdoor in order to learn about the
organization’s culture
 Connect your answer with the employer’s organization so as to present
a practical picture and subconsciously validate your application

18. What has been your greatest challenge?

 Every question is an opportunity to highlight yourself

 Bring out examples of tasks/ projects/ exams etc. which show you in a
positive light and bring out relevant skills

III. Interpersonal Skills

1. How competitive are you?

 I do not try to compete with coworkers because I know how sensitive

others can be. But I am always competing with myself. When I complete
similar projects I try to do each additional project faster and more
accurately than the previous project, and see if I can 'beat' myself and
my efficiency.

2. How do you work under pressure?

 I work well under pressure because I use the pressure to help me work
more efficiently.
 I enjoy working under pressure because I believe it helps me grow. In my
previous experience, I always worked well during deadlines, and I always
learned how to work more efficiently afterwards.

3. Give me an example of a time when you successfully worked within a team.

 Every question is an opportunity to highlight yourself

 Bring out examples of tasks/ projects/ exams etc. which show you in a
positive light and bring out relevant skills

4. What types of people seem to rub you the wrong way?

 When you are asked what kind of people rub you the wrong way, the
hiring manager wants to determine if you have problems working with
 You have enjoyed working with all different kinds of people, but if you
met someone that rubbed you the wrong way, you would attempt to see
things from that person's point of view.

5. Define cooperation.

 Association of persons for common benefit of an organization

 Explain with an example

6. What kinds of people do you enjoy working with?

 To respond successfully when asked about people you enjoy working

with, answer in a way that suggests you work well with all types of
people regardless of personality.
 Think about different character traits you admire in others and relate
authentic stories about working well with past co-workers in your

7. What kinds of people frustrate you?

 The hiring manager wants to determine if you have problems working

with others.
 You have enjoyed working with all different kinds of people, but if you
met someone that rubbed you the wrong way, you would attempt to see
things from that person's point of view.

8. Have you ever managed a conflict? How?

 Every question is an opportunity to highlight yourself

 Bring out examples of tasks/ projects/ exams etc. which show you in a
positive light and bring out relevant skills

9. Have you ever spoken before a group of people? How large?

 If you have relevant experience, share those examples

 Even if you do not have such experience, the objective of the question is
to judge your confidence level so mention that you are comfortable
speaking in front of people and do not feel anxious in such a case

10. With what kind of people do you like to work?

 To respond successfully when asked about people you enjoy working

with, answer in a way that suggests you work well with all types of
people regardless of personality.
 Think about different character traits you admire in others and relate
authentic stories about working well with past co-workers in your

IV. Education
1. Why did you decide to get an MBA/ BTech/ Diploma?

 In the end, the MBA is just like any other degree. It helps you gain
knowledge and develop your mind. ...
 I want to dig deep into what happens in the marketing world and MBA is
my chance to do that.”
 That is a very simple, to-the-point and honest answer. Something your
interviewer might like.

2. Why this Institute?

 Talk about the institute in a positive light

 Talk about the faculty/ infrastructure/ placements etc.
 Keep it positive. When answering this question in an interview, explain
how you came to your decision in a way that reflects positively on you.
 Share your priorities. ...
 Relate your school to your job.

3. What made you decide to major in____?

 In the end, the MBA is just like any other degree. It helps you gain
knowledge and develop your mind. ...
 I want to dig deep into what happens in the marketing world and MBA is
my chance to do that.”
 That is a very simple, to-the-point and honest answer. Something your
interviewer might like.

4. Do you hold any leadership positions?

 If you have relevant experience, share those examples

 Even if you do not have such experience, the objective of the question is
to judge your confidence level so mention that you are comfortable
speaking in front of people and do not feel anxious in such a case

5. What electives have you taken? Which did you enjoy the most?

 When talking about the classes you didn't like, mention courses that do
not relate to the position.
 When talking about the classes you enjoyed, mention courses and
lessons that are relatable to the job description.

6. What college classes did you like the least? Why?

 When talking about the classes you didn't like, mention courses that do
not relate to the position.
 When talking about the classes you enjoyed, mention courses and
lessons that are relatable to the job description.

7. Why didn’t you attend (another school)?

 Keep it positive. When answering this question in an interview, explain

how you came to your decision in a way that reflects positively on you.
 Share your priorities. ...
 Relate your school to your job.

8. How do you balance the different priorities MBA/BTech/Diploma student life


 Multi-tasking is an important component of corporate life, so kindly

mention that you are comfortable with it
 Back it up with examples, citing your current schedule where you handle
academics, extra-curricular etc.

9. Did your grades accurately reflect your ability? Why/Why not?

 The answer is yes, give an example of one of your best classes and how
it translated into your ability to successfully deliver in your work life.
 However, for most, this question is being asked because there is a gap
between a lower than ideal GPA and the expectations for the role.
 Your grades don't prove you're more or less intelligent than your peers.
You're likely as gifted as many of your peers. (You may actually be more
gifted than others.) However, your grades don't always reflect your
intelligence or ability

10. Describe the course that has had the greatest impact on your thinking.

 When talking about the classes you didn't like, mention courses that do
not relate to the position.
 When talking about the classes you enjoyed, mention courses and
lessons that are relatable to the job description.

V. Extra Curricular
1. What extra-curricular school activities are you involved in?

 While it is a good idea to show that you are well rounded, it is a good
idea to stress those activities, which show team involvement and

2. What have you learned from your activities?

 Extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons

learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply
academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a
well-rounded education.
 Back it up with real and relevant examples

3. Were your extracurricular activities worth the time you put into them?

 Extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons

learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply
academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a
well-rounded education.
 Back it up with real and relevant examples
4. How did you become involved in your extracurricular activities?

 Extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons

learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply
academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a
well-rounded education.
 Back it up with real and relevant examples

5. What do you enjoy doing outside of work-in your free time?

 Extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons

learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply
academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a
well-rounded education.
 Back it up with real and relevant examples

6. What is your favorite book/movie/song/painting-or


 Don’t feel shy to talk about art in detail

 Treat the question subjectively and elaborate your opinions

7. Which magazines/newspapers do you read regularly? Which books have you

read recently?

 Don’t feel shy to talk about art in detail

 Treat the question subjectively and elaborate your opinions

8. Have you ever done volunteer activities?

 Extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons

learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply
academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a
well-rounded education.
 Back it up with real and relevant examples

VI. Location
1. Why do you want to relocate to______?
 Be flexible
 Do not be rigid

2. Are you willing to relocate every two years or so?

 Be flexible
 Do not be rigid

3. How do you feel about travel?

 Be flexible
 Do not be rigid
 Mention that you are okay with traveling and enjoy the experience of
meeting new people and visiting new places

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