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National trends in prescription drug expenditures and

projections for 2021
Supplementary material is Purpose. To report historical patterns of pharmaceutical expenditures,
available with the full text of this to identify factors that may influence future spending, and to predict
article at AJHP online.
growth in drug spending in 2021 in the United States, with a focus on the
nonfederal hospital and clinic sectors.
An audio interview that sup-
plements the information in Methods. Historical patterns were assessed by examining data on drug
this article is available on purchases from manufacturers using the IQVIA National Sales Perspec-
AJHP’s website at www.
tives database. Factors that may influence drug spending in hospitals and
clinics in 2021 were reviewed—including new drug approvals, patent ex-
pirations, and potential new policies or legislation. Focused analyses were
Eric M. Tichy, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, conducted for biosimilars, cancer drugs, generics, coronavirus disease
FCCP, FAST, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic influence, and specialty drugs. For nonfederal
hospitals, clinics, and overall (all sectors), estimates of growth of pharma-
James M. Hoffman, PharmD, MS,
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, ceutical expenditures in 2021 were based on a combination of quantitative
Memphis, TN, USA analyses and expert opinion.
Katie J. Suda, PharmD, MS,
Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Results. In 2020, overall pharmaceutical expenditures in the United States
Health Equity Research and Promotion,
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System,
grew 4.9% compared to 2019, for a total of $535.3 billion. Utilization (a
Pittsburgh, PA, and Department of 2.9% increase) and new drugs (a 1.8% increase) drove this increase, with
Medicine, School of Medicine, University price changes having minimal influence (a 0.3% increase). Adalimumab
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
was the top drug in 2020, followed by apixaban and insulin glargine. Drug
Matthew H. Rim, PharmD, MS,
College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois expenditures were $35.3 billion (a 4.6% decrease) and $98.4 billion (an
at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA 8.1% increase) in nonfederal hospitals and clinics, respectively. In clinics,
Mina Tadrous, PharmD, MS, PhD, growth was driven by new products and increased utilization, whereas in
Ontario Drug Policy Research Network hospitals the decrease in expenditures was driven by reduced utilization.
(ODPRN), St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto,
Canada, and Leslie Dan Faculty of Several new drugs that will influence spending are expected to be ap-
Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Toronto, proved in 2021. Specialty and cancer drugs will continue to drive expend-
Canada itures along with the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sandra Cuellar, PharmD, BCOP,
College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois
Conclusion. For 2021, we expect overall prescription drug spending to
at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
rise by 4% to 6%, whereas in clinics and hospitals we anticipate increases
John S. Clark, PharmD, MS, BCPS,
FASHP, Michigan Medicine, University of of 7% to 9% and 3% to 5%, respectively, compared to 2020. These na-
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, and University tional estimates of future pharmaceutical expenditure growth may not be
of Michigan College of Pharmacy, Ann
Arbor, MI, USA
representative of any particular health system because of the myriad of
Michelle D. Wiest, PharmD, BCPS,
local factors that influence actual spending.
FASHP, UC Health, Cincinnati, OH, and
James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy, Keywords: clinics, hospitals, prescription expenditures
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH,
USA Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2021;78:1294-1308
Linda M. Matusiak, MPA, IQVIA,
Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA
Glen T. Schumock, PharmD, MBA,
PhD, FCCP, College of Pharmacy,

University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, n the calm before the pandemic storm retail prescription drug expenditures
of 2020, US healthcare spending in grew 5.7%, compared to increases of 3.8%
Address correspondence to Dr. Tichy 2019 recorded another year of moderate and 2.2% in 2018 and 2017, respectively,
growth, with an increase of 4.6% totaling and continue to constitute 9.2% of total
Twitter: @eric_tichy $3.8 trillion, making healthcare spending healthcare expenditures. Drug purchases
17.7% of the overall economy.1 The in the nonfederal hospital, clinic, and
© American Society of Health-System healthcare segments with the greatest other sectors of healthcare contribute an
Pharmacists 2021. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail: journals. growth in spending in 2019 were hos- additional $156 billion, making sector- pital care, physician and clinical services, wide drug spending 13.3% of overall
DOI 10.1093/ajhp/zxab160 and retail prescription drugs. In 2019, healthcare expenditures.2

1294    AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021


Drug expenditures and their rate For the COVID-19 analysis, drug
of growth continue to generate signifi- KEY POINTS spending for COVID-19 drugs (defined
cant public and political interest. While • Overall, pharmaceutical ex- below), in aggregate for the total market,
minimal legislative action that will in- penditures in the United States by week, was evaluated in clinics
fluence prescription drug expenditures grew 4.9% in 2020, for a total and nonfederal hospitals to compare
occurred in 2020, the Trump adminis- of $535.3 billion. spending in 2019 and 2020. We then
tration submitted a number of execu- separately assessed expenditure trends
• Nonfederal hospitals ac-
tive orders and rule changes intended in nonfederal hospitals and clinics for
counted for $35.4 billion in
to reduce prescription drug costs in the individual treatments commonly used
prescription expenditures in
United States. However, these policies in patients with COVID-19. COVID-19
2020, a historic 4.6% de-
were finalized late in President Trump’s drugs included azithromycin, dexa-
crease compared to 2019,
term and most are unlikely to be re- methasone, hydroxychloroquine, rem­
whereas in clinics spending
tained by the current administration.3 desivir, tocilizumab, and zinc sulfate.
grew 8.1% to $98.4 billion.
Innovative new therapies can Remdesivir data were available only
often drive increases in drug expend- • For 2021 we expect overall pre- after FDA approval on October 22,
itures. The COVID-19 pandemic put scription drug spending to rise 2020.6 Albuterol metered dose inhalers
great attention on the Food and Drug by 4% and 6%, whereas in clin- (MDIs) were also included because of
Administration (FDA) as it used emer- ics and hospitals we anticipate the importance of respiratory support
gency use authorization authority for increases of 7% to 9% and 3% in the management of patients with
diagnostic tests, therapeutics, and vac- to 5%, respectively. COVID-19 and concern of COVID-19
cines. However, new drugs continued transmission with the use of nebulized
to be approved at a high pace, with 53 medications. Expenditures and stand-
in 2020 being the second largest all- ardized units for COVID-19 drugs are
time annual number of new molecular presented by week, starting the week of
entity approvals.4 This achievement is and Projections of Pharmaceutical January 25, 2019, through the week of
remarkable given disruption created by Expenditures,” which is provided as sup- December 25, 2020. Standardized units
the COVID-19 pandemic that had the plementary material online (available are defined as the number of tablets,
potential to slow clinical trials and the at Data for spending capsules, milliliters, or ounces. MDI
FDA approval process. in 2020 and prior years come from the doses are defined as 1 standardized
In this paper, we describe rele- IQVIA National Sales Perspective (NSP) unit dose.
vant data, public policy direction, and database, which tracks purchases of Specialty drugs were defined by
trends in the pharmaceutical market- medications by hospitals, clinics, retail IQVIA as those used to treat specific,
place to support healthcare leaders pharmacies, mail-service pharmacies, rare, and/or complex chronic diseases
planning for drug expenses for their home health facilities, long-term care that meet 4 or more of the following cri-
organizations. The goal of this article is outlets, and other healthcare entities. teria: (1) initiated and maintained by a
to guide healthcare leaders, especially The NSP data used here were inclu- specialist; (2) generally injectable and/
in health-system pharmacy, in under- sive through December 31, 2020. Data or not self-administered; (3) require an
standing and budgeting for drug ex- for pipeline drugs were obtained from additional level of care in their chain
penditures. We review historical trends the clinical pipeline database provided of custody; (4) annual cost of therapy
in pharmaceutical expenses with an by IPD Analytics (available at www. of $6,000 or more; (5) unique distribu-
emphasis on nonfederal hospitals and to identify drugs and tion; (6) require extensive or in-depth
clinics, and we identify factors that biologics anticipated to be approved monitoring/patient counseling; and
may influence future pharmaceutical by FDA in 2021. More information on (7) require reimbursement assistance.7
spending, including new drugs and this is provided in the supplementary We identified the top specialty drugs
newly available biosimilar or generic material. by expenditures and examined spe-
products. We also forecast drug expend- As in previous papers in this series, cialty drug expenditures by setting,
iture growth for 2021—for nonfederal we conducted several focused analyses with a focus on clinics and nonfederal
hospitals clinics and overall—at the of drug categories of special interest to hospitals.
national level. drug spending in hospitals or clinics.
These included (1) biosimilars, (2) Results
Methods cancer drugs, (3) influence of COVID- Historical trends in prescrip-
The methods used for the analysis 19, and (4) specialty drugs. We defined tion expenditures. Spending on pre-
are described in detail in the docu- biosimilar drugs in the same manner as scription drugs grew 4.9% in 2020, to
ment “Methods and Limitations of the FDA and examined their expenditures $535.3 billion. This increase was similar
Annual AJHP Paper on National Trends in clinics and nonfederal hospitals.5 to that in 2019 (5.5%), consistent with

AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021  1295


projections, and occurred despite the Drug expenditures in nonfederal hos- in Table 2. For clinics, the 8.1% increase
COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing eco- pitals dropped by a record 4.6% (a de- in spending was the result of 7.3% growth
nomic decline.2 As usual, the sectors cline of $1.5 billion) in 2020. Long-term due to changes in volume, 2.3% growth
with the highest spending on prescrip- care drug expenditures also dropped, in spending on new products, and 1.5%
tion drugs in 2020 were retail phar- by 7.7%. The reduced spending in hos- negative growth (reduced spending)
macies (42.6% of the total, or $228.1 pitals and long-term care facilities due to price changes. The majority of
billion), the mail-order sector (27.1% of likely reflects the lockdowns and avoid- spending in clinics in 2020 (79.7%; data
the total, or $145.3 billion), and clinics ance of these facilities secondary to the not shown in table) was on injectables,
(18.4%, or $98.4 billion), followed by pandemic. most of which were branded products,
nonfederal hospitals (6.6%), long-term Factors driving growth.  The 4.9% but the largest increases in spending
care (2.7%), and home health care increase in drug spending overall in were for noninjectables (10.9%), which
(1.4%). The remaining sectors together 2020 was the product of 2.9% growth in were driven by volume increases.
accounted for just over 10% of total ex- spending due to increased utilization, a In nonfederal hospitals, the –4.6%
penditures, as shown in Table 1. 1.8% increase in spending resulting from change in pharmaceutical spending in
Home health care, mail-order phar- the use of new drugs, and a 0.3% change 2020 compared to 2019 was the result
macies, and clinics were the sectors in prices (note that these figures do not of a drop in volume (–9.7%) balanced
that experienced the largest increases sum to 4.9% because of rounding). In by an increase (4.6%) in spending on
in prescription expenditures in 2020, fact, across all sectors it was changes in new products. Injectable products
growing 13.0%, 9.4%, and 8.1%, re- volume of utilization (increases or de- accounted for 76.6% of spending in
spectively, compared to 2019. Retail creases) that primarily drove the posi- nonfederal hospitals, and branded in-
pharmacy prescription spending grew tive or negative growth in prescription jectables were the category with the lar-
3.4% to $228.1 billion in 2020 and con- spending in 2020. This is shown specific- gest reduction in spending on a dollar
tinued to represent the largest sector. ally for clinics and nonfederal hospitals basis.
Trends in overall drug spending. The
percent change (increase or decrease)
Table 1. Prescription Drug Expenditures and Growth by Sector in 2020 in prescription drug spending in the
United States for each year compared
Percent to the previous year, from 2000 to 2020
2020 Expenditures Percent of Total Change
Sectora ($ Millions) Expenditures from 2019
in clinics, nonfederal hospitals, and
overall (all sectors in Table 1 combined),
Retail pharmacies 228,121 42.6 3.4 is shown in Figure 1. Time trends are ap-
Mail-order pharmacies 145,313 27.1 9.4 parent, with an overall slowing of growth
over the past 2 years. This is most notice-
Clinics 98,426 18.4 8.1
able in the nonfederal hospital sector, in
Nonfederal hospitals 35,353 6.6 –4.6 which spending actually dropped 4.6%
Long-term care 14,525 2.7 –7.7 in 2020 compared to 2019. Since 2000,
this is only the third time expenditures
Home health care 7,413 1.4 13.0
declined, and it is the largest instance
Federal facilities 2,644 0.5 –8.7 since this report has been published.
Staff-model HMOs 2,258 0.4 7.5 Total drug expenditures and clinic drug
Other 1,224 0.2 –7.2 expenditure growth in 2020 were within
or near the ranges anticipated, whereas
 Total 535,276 100.0 4.9
nonfederal hospital drug expenditures
Abbreviation: HMO, health maintenance organization. were much lower.2 While not precisely
Retail pharmacies include standalone chain and independent stores, as well as mass
merchandisers and food and convenience stores with a licensed pharmacy. Mail-order meeting the definition of a “black swan
pharmacies include licensed mail service pharmacies, including both private-sector and event,” since thought leaders from mul-
federal facilities. Clinics include physician offices and outpatient clinics, including general
and family medicine clinics, specialty clinics covering oncology, nephrology, dialysis, family tiple sectors have been warning for dec-
planning, and orthopedics, as well as urgent care centers. Nonfederal hospitals include all non– ades about the probability of a global
federally owned facilities licensed as hospitals, including inpatient treatment and rehabilitation
facilities, in addition to general and specialty acute care institutions. Long-term care includes pandemic, the COVID-19 pandemic cer-
nursing homes and residential care facilities. Staff-model HMOs include closed-panel HMO tainly qualifies as a profound disruption,
pharmacies and hospitals, union clinics and pharmacies, and workers’ compensation clinics.
Home healthcare includes licensed home health organizations and visiting nurse entities. especially as it relates to hospitals.8,9
Federal facilities include Public Health Service and other federal hospitals, and US ships at sea Top drugs overall. The top 25 drugs by
(Veteran’s Health Administration facilities were previously included in the federal facility sector,
but data on these expenditures were not available after December 31, 2013). “Other” covers a expenditures for the overall US market in
variety of otherwise unclassified government accounts, as well as entities such as jails, prisons, 2020 are shown in Table 3. Adalimumab
and veterinary hospitals and clinics.
($24.9 billion), apixiban ($12.8 billion),

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Table 2. Factors Driving Growth of Pharmaceutical Expenditures in Clinics and Nonfederal Hospitals in 2020, by
Product Categorya
Clinics Nonfederal Hospitals

Percent Growth Due to Factor Percent Growth Due to Factor

Total Percent New Volume Total Percent New Volume

Product Category Growth Products Price and Mix Growth Products Price and Mix

All products 8.1 2.3 –1.5 7.3 –4.6 4.6 0.5 –9.7
 Injectables 7.6 2.8 –1.6 6.4 –4.9 5.7 0.9 –11.5
  Branded 8.4 2.8 –1.7 7.3 –6.0 7.2 1.3 –14.5
  Generic –2.7 4.0 –4.2 –2.5 –5.0 2.4 –3.8 –3.6
  Branded generic –0.1 0.5 1.4 –2.0 2.5 0.2 3.9 –1.6
 Noninjectables 10.9 0.9 –1.1 11.1 –3.7 1.0 –0.9 –3.8
  Branded 13.9 0.5 –0.1 13.5 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.2
  Generic –5.8 4.4 –10.8 0.6 –5.1 3.7 –3.3 –5.5
  Branded generic 5.3 0.2 2.8 2.3 –12.6 0.1 –1.4 –11.3
Total growth comprised growth attributable to 3 factors: (1) new products (products that were not on the market in the previous year), primarily
newly approved and marketed agents; (2) price (changes in the unit cost of drugs that were on the market in the previous year); and (3) volume
and mix (changes in volume of utilization of existing products or changes in utilization patterns [eg, a shift from one product to another, as when
prescribing moves from branded to generic products]).

Figure 1. Annual growth in US drug expenditures compared to previous year, 2000 through 2020.


23.0 20.9


18.1 15.9
% Annual Increase in Expenditures

15 13.5
15.3 13.0
11.7 11.9 11.8
13.3 10.9
12.4 12.6 12.8
10 8.2
10.7 8.1
9.3 5.8
9.7 5.9 8.7 6.0 5.7
5.1 5.5
5 6.2 6.4 5.9
2.1 5.2 5.5 5.4
4.9 2.1 2.3 4.8 4.9
3.8 4.0 1.0 4.0
2.8 0.02 3.3
0 1.6 1.5 1.7 1.5
1.8 0.8
-0.6 0.03


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Total Expenditures Non-Federal Hospitals Clinics

AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021  1297


pembrolizumab ($7.1 billion) continued

Table 3. Top 25 Drugs by Expenditures Overall in 2020
to be the top drug by expenditure, the
2020 Expenditures Percent Change next 4 drugs, nivolumab ($3.3 billion,
Druga ($ Thousands) From 2019 –8.4%), pegfilgrastim ($3.1 billion,
–6.4%), infliximab ($2.8 billion, –19.4%)
Adalimumab 24,856,877 11.5
and rituximab ($2.7 billion, –8.4%) each
Apixaban 12,805,307 29.9 experienced reductions in expenditures.
Insulin glargine 9,702,808 2.1 These decreases are likely a result of
competition from biosimilars, as there
Dulaglutide 8,692,911 34.1
were also decreases in expenditures for
Ustekinumab 8,320,398 25.3 trastuzumab (–19.1%), erythropoetin
Pembrolizumab 8,295,581 26.6 alpha (–8.0%), and bevacizumab
Bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir 8,006,918 56.3 (–3.6%). Aflibercept ($2.3 billion) leapt
alafenamide into the top 10 after its first full year
of availability in the US market. The
Etanercept 7,768,483 –3.5
combination HIV product bictegravir/
Rivaroxaban 6,628,084 10.2 emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide
Sitagliptin 6,247,191 3.5 (46.1%), atezolizumab (40.1%), ibrutinib
Insulin aspart 5,914,825 –2.0 (29.5%), and vedolizumab (26.8%) each
experienced a significant increase in ex-
Empagliflozin 5,688,217 46.8
penditures in 2020.
Semaglutide 5,631,358 132.0 Top drugs in nonfederal hos-
Insulin lispro 5,548,970 –4.0 pitals. The top 25 drugs by expenditures
Immune globulin 4,996,557 6.1
in nonfederal hospitals in 2020 are
listed in Table 5; there were expansive
Liraglutide 4,714,827 –5.7
changes to this list, in both positive and
Secukinumab 4,440,378 18.6 negative directions, from the previous
Infliximab 4,180,420 –16.9 year’s list.2 The newly approved anti-
viral remdesivir ($1.1 billion) was the
Budesonide/formoterol 4,145,219 6.7
top agent by 2020 expenditures, despite
Inactivated influenza virus 3,993,728 23.6 having only 3 months of sales reported.
Nivolumab 3,945,153 –9.9 The next 4 drugs—all of which saw de-
Rituximab 3,900,350 –12.1
creased expenditures in this sector—
were pembrolizumab (–10.8%), immune
Ibrutinib 3,855,095 10.3
globulin (–17.6%), rituximab (–29.7%),
Epinephrine 3,848,533 –1.4 and alteplase (–7.2%). Interestingly, 18 of
Palbociclib 3,784,139 6.4 the top 25 drugs showed negative growth
in nonfederal hospitals in 2020. Three
For each drug listed, the expenditures shown are the total for branded and generic products
(including biosimilars) and of various dosage forms. medications commonly used in the
management of critically ill patients with
COVID-19 showed substantial expend-
iture growth. These were tocilizumab
and insulin glargine ($9.7 billion) repeat (46.8%), semaglutide (132.0%), and in- (263.3%), dexmedetomidine (103.3%)
from 2019 as the top 3 drugs by expend- activated influenza vaccine (23.6%). and vasopressin (56.1%).
itures in 2020. Adalimumab (11.5%) and Decreased spending was observed for Table 6 displays the top 25 thera-
apixiban (29.9%) each continue to have infliximab (–16.9%), rituximab (–12.1%), peutic drug categories based on drug
double-digit growth, whereas spending nivolumab (–9.9%), liraglutide (–5.7%), expenditures in nonfederal hospitals,
on insulin glargine (2.1%) has remained insulin lispro (–4.0%), etanercept and these categories accounted for
consistently on a plateau. Strong growth (–3.5%), insulin aspart (–2.0%) and epi- 95.8% of drug spending in nonfederal
was observed for dulaglutide (34.1%), nephrine (–1.4%). hospitals in 2020. Antineoplastics con-
ustekinumab (25.3%), pembrolizumab Top drugs in clinics.  The top 25 tinued as the top drug by expenditure
(26.6%), the combination human im- drugs by expenditures in the clinic by a wide margin despite a significant
munodeficiency virus (HIV) product setting in 2020 are shown in Table 4. decrease (–15.7%) in 2020, followed
bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir These demonstrated significant vola- by hemostatic modifiers, immuno-
alafenamide (56.3%), empaglifozin tility compared to previous years. While logic agents, and antiviral drugs. The

1298    AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021


pharmacies ($38.7 billion, or 14.6% of

Table 4. Top 25 Drugs by Expenditures in Clinics in 2020
all specialty drug spending). The top
2020 Expenditures Percent Change 5 specialty drugs in mail-order phar-
Druga ($ Thousands) From 2019 macies (adalimumab, ustekinumab,
etanercept, secukinumab and dimethyl
Pembrolizumab 7,130,200 34.5
fumarate) were oral and self-injectable
Nivolumab 3,327,182 –8.4 drugs, whereas the top 5 specialty
Pegfilgrastim 3,100,689 –6.4 drugs in clinics were pembrolizumab,
nivolumab, pegfilgrastim, infliximab,
Infliximab 2,788,271 –19.4
and rituximab, which reflects infusion-
Rituximab 2,697,158 –8.4 based specialty pharmacy practice in
Denosumab 2,531,554 1.1 clinics.
Bevacizumab 2,442,623 –3.6 The fastest-growing sector for spe-
cialty drugs was home healthcare, in
Ocrelizumab 2,373,185 15.4
which spending increased by 16.3%
Aflibercept 2,292,236 7,745.6 from $5.6 billion in 2019 to $6.5 billion
Trastuzumab 1,952,649 –19.1 in 2020. The top 5 specialty drugs in
home healthcare in 2020 were immune
Vedolizumab 1,851,387 26.8
globulin, vedolizumab, infliximab,
Ranibizumab 1,712,420 –13.3 ocrelizumab, and emicizumab. Drug
Immune globulin 1,652,048 3.9 expenditures for specialty drugs in the
Erythropoietin alfa 1,602,118 –8.0 clinic sector rose 11.0% in 2020 com-
pared to 2019, an increase greater than
Daratumumab 1,494,808 11.1
that for all sectors combined (8.4%).
Atezolizumab 1,366,641 40.1 Nearly all of the top 25 drugs in clinics
Pertuzumab 1,321,437 2.3 were specialty drugs, as shown in
Table 4.
Inactivated influenza virus 1,300,966 3.6
Nonfederal hospitals spent $17.1
Ibrutinib 1,250,472 29.5 billion on specialty drugs in 2020, a de-
Abatacept 1,145,161 10.2 crease of over 10% compared to 2019.
Pemetrexed 1,046,214 4.1 The top 5 specialty drugs in nonfederal
hospitals were pembrolizumab, im-
Durvalumab 1,040,264 16.0
mune globulin, rituximab, natalizumab,
Ipilimumab 947,036 12.4 and nivolumab. Nonfederal hospital
Vaccine, pneumococcal conjugateb 930,678 –13.2 spending on specialty drugs grew
Bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir 924,009 46.1
slower than the overall specialty drug
alafenamide market growth rate in previous years as
care shifted from this sector to the clinic
For each drug listed, the expenditures shown are the total for branded and generic products
(including biosimilars) and of various dosage forms unless otherwise stated. and home care settings.
Includes both Prevnar (Pfizer Inc) and Pneumovax-23 (Merck & Co, Inc). Trends in biosimilars.  As of the end
of 2020, 29 biosimilars had been ap-
proved in the United States and 20 had
largest increases in expenditures were 2020 for all sectors combined was $265.3 entered the market. Eight biosimilars
observed with antiviral drugs (78.3%), billion, which was 49.6% of total pre- were launched in 2020, compared to 6
hormones (16.7%), diabetes therapies scription expenditures. in the previous year. Rituximab faced
(11.5%) and anesthetics (11.4%). The Specialty drug expenditures in- biosimilar competition for the first time
largest decreases in expenditures oc- creased 8.4% in 2020 compared to in 2020. Biosimilar expenditures in
curred with neurological disorder 2019. Three sectors accounted for clinics and nonfederal hospitals in 2020,
drugs (–26.2%), systematic anti-infect- 88.7% of spending on specialty drugs. as well as the corresponding percent
ives (–15.9%) blood factors (–15.7%) These were mail-order pharmacies (ac- changes from 2019, are shown in Table 7.
and vascular agents (–15.0%). counting for $116.6 billion, or 44.0% In clinics, biosimilar expenditures in-
Trends in specialty drugs.  Specialty of all specialty drug spending); clinics, creased substantially, rising to $3.4 bil-
drug expenditures by sector in the including physician offices and out- lion in 2020 from $1.2 billion in 2019.
United States in 2020 are shown in patient clinics ($79.9 billion, or 30.1% of The 3 most recently launched biosimilar
eTable 1. Spending on specialty drugs in all specialty drug spending); and retail products (biosimilars for bevacizumab,

AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021  1299


identify drugs that are anticipated to be

Table 5. Top 25 Drugs by Expenditures in Nonfederal Hospitals in 2020
approved in 2021 that may impact drug
2020 Expenditures Percent Change expenditures.
Druga ($ Thousands) from 2019 Drugs approved in 2020.  FDA’s mo-
mentum in drug approval was not af-
Remdesivir 1,092,461 . . .b
fected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In
Pembrolizumab 1,022,965 –10.8 2020 FDA approved nearly as many
Immune globulin 903,660 –17.6 drugs and biologics as it had when it set
the all-time record in 2018. In perhaps
Rituximab 840,406 –29.7
the most challenging year in healthcare,
Alteplase 825,047 –7.2 FDA approved 53 new molecular entities
Inactivated influenza virus 626,382 14.2 compared to 48 in 2019, with 40% (21 of
Natalizumab 625,286 –1.0 the 53 novel drugs) being first-in-class
agents.4 In addition, 58% (31 of 53 novel
Vasopressin 596,384 56.1
drugs) were approved to treat orphan
Nivolumab 545,079 –18.0 diseases that affect 200,000 or fewer
Ocrelizumab 493,569 –10.1 Americans. Eight therapies received au-
thorization for emergency use for com-
Infliximab 480,869 –20.5
batting COVID-19. In addition, some
Pegfilgrastim 452,634 –24.5 approvals resulted in modified dosing
Bevacizumab 401,216 –32.5 or routes of administration that may re-
Bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir 382,589 31.7 duce the frequency or need for visits
alafenamide to infusion centers. These changes in-
Immunoglobulin, antithymocyte 353,817 –0.3
cluded increased dosing intervals, such
as that for pembrolizumab (which was
Sugammadex 335,253 12.1
extended from 3 weeks to 6 weeks), and
Denosumab 330,417 –11.3 approvals of oral or subcutaneous for-
Albumin 329,680 –5.1 mulations of already marketed drugs.
New formulations approved in 2020 in-
Piperacillin/tazobactam 319,488 –16.5
cluded the first oral tablet combining
Trastuzumab 317,718 –42.6 decitabine plus cedazuridine, the first
Iohexol 309,429 –5.6 oral androgen-deprivation therapy, a
Tocilizumab 308,793 263.3
subcutaneous version of daratumumab
(daratumumab plus hylaronidase-fihj),
Vedolizumab 292,253 –9.7
and a subcutaneous fixed-dose com-
Bupivacaine 281,547 –5.3 bination of pertuzumab/trastuzumab.
Dexmedetomidine 270,626 103.3 Both subcutaneous combinations can
be administered in the outpatient set-
For each drug listed, the expenditures shown are the total of brand and generic products
(including biosimilars) and of various dosage forms. ting or the patient’s home by healthcare
Not applicable; drug approved for use in United States in October 2020. professionals.
FDA approved 18 oncolytic ther-
apies that were launched in 2020. These
showcase the biologic technology evo-
trastuzumab, and rituximab) achieved observed for bevacizumab biosimilars lution and include fragment crystal-
significant uptake in the clinic sector in (29.5%) and rituximab biosimilars lizable (Fc)–engineered monoclonal
2020. Market share shifts were observed (16.5%). Trastuzumab biosimilars had antibody therapies (tafasitamab-
with bevacizumab biosimilars (35.6%), one of the largest percent changes cxix for refractory diffuse large cell
trastuzumab biosimilars (35.7%), peg- from 2019 but still captured only a 3.9% lymphoma and margetuximab-cmkb
filgrastim biosimilars (23.8%), and nonfederal hospital market share. for HER2-positive metastatic breast
rituximab biosimilars (18.3%). Recent and anticipated drug cancer), 2 antibody drug conjugates
In nonfederal hospitals similar approvals.  The use of new drugs is (belantamab mafodotin-blmf for
trends were observed. Biosimilar ex- typically a major contributor to the multiple myeloma and sacituzumab
penditures increased to $0.8 billion in growth of pharmaceutical expend- govitecan-hziy for metastatic triple
2020, compared to $0.4 billion in 2019. itures. Below we review important negative breast cancer), and a third chi-
Historic market share increases were new drugs approved in 2020. We also meric antigen receptor T-cell therapy

1300    AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021


Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA)

Table 6. Top 25 Therapeutic Drug Category by Expenditures in Nonfederal
dates are listed as an indicator of the ex-
Hospitals in 2020
pected approval dates.
2020 Percent Percent According to a news article pub-
Expenditures of Total 2020 Change lished by The Lancet Oncology, the
Drug Category ($ Thousands) Expenditures from 2019
number of new clinical trials for cancer
Antineoplastic agents 6,679,358 19.6 –15.7 drugs and biologics decreased by 60%
during the COVID-19 pandemic.11
Hemostatic modifiers 2,772,502 8.1 –5.1
Although this may influence expected
Immunologic agents 2,652,874 7.8 6.7 approvals in the future, new oncology
Antiviral drugs 2,430,234 7.1 78.3 drugs made up the largest portion of
Biologicals 2,087,790 6.1 –8.7
the drug pipeline in 2021, as high-
lighted in Table 8. At the time this
Antiinfectives, systemic a
1,555,780 4.6 –15.9
paper was finalized, 4 agents for cancer
Miscellaneous 1,437,613 4.2 –1.1 had already received FDA approval.
Hospital solutions 1,430,023 4.2 –14.4 These were capatinib for MET-positive
NSCLC, umbralisib (an oral dual in-
Blood factors 1,390,327 4.1 –15.7
hibitor of PI3K-delta and CK1-epsilon)
Anesthetics 1,228,846 3.6 11.4 for relapsed follicular/marginal cell
Hormones 1,208,486 3.5 16.7 lymphoma, triacicilib (a first-in-class
Diagnostic aids 1,184,344 3.5 –11.5
agent for the treatment of patients with
extensive-stage small cell lung cancer
Respiratory therapy agents 1,068,329 3.1 –1.7
to reduce chemotherapy-induced bone
Gastrointestinal agents 1,041,044 3.1 –15.4 marrow suppression), and melphalan
Antiarthritics 813,810 2.4 8.7 flufenamide (a peptide-drug conju-
gate) for multiple myeloma.
Musculoskeletal agents 719,980 2.1 8.1
The pipeline for oncology drug
Neurological disorder drugs 704,557 2.1 –26.2 approvals will continue to expand
Psychotherapeutics 686,276 2.0 0.9 the portfolio for the management
Analgesics 620,160 1.8 –13.3
of NSCLC with the anticipated ap-
proval of amivantamab and sotorasib.
Diabetes therapies 520,603 1.5 11.5
Amivantamab is a novel, fully human
Cardiac agents 418,946 1.2 –7.8 anti-EGFR/MET bispecific antibody
Vascular agents 414,665 1.2 –15.0 whose mechanism of action can target
both EGFR- and MET-driven disease
Antifungal agents 347,311 1.0 –8.3
and has shown monotherapy activity
Enzymes 343,941 1.0 –3.0 in patients with diverse EGFR-mutant
Ophthalmic agents 327,178 1.0 –5.5 disease. Sotorasib is an oral KRAS G12C
inhibitor (first in class) for the man-
Includes mostly antibacterials along with some antiparasitic agents, with the latter having

minimal impact in terms of expenditures. agement of patients with NSCLC who

harbor KRAS G12C mutations. KRAS
G12C is one of the most common
(brexucabtagene autoleucel for mantle Anticipated and approved new drugs driver mutations in NSCLC, and there
cell lymphoma). in 2021.  Selected novel agents that may is a high unmet need for and poor out-
Non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) receive or have received FDA approval comes in the second-line treatment of
dominated the gene-targeted drug for marketing by the end of this year are KRAS G12C–driven NSCLC.12 The wave
approvals, which included capatinib, shown in Table 8. The drugs shown in of antibody-drug conjugate approvals
selprecatinib, and pralsetinib. Other the table are anticipated to have signifi- continues, with anticipation that an
gene-targeted drug approvals included cant clinical and/or financial impact in anti-CD19 monoclonal antibody-drug
pemigatinib for cholangiocarcinoma, hospitals and clinics and were selected conjugate for relapsed/refractory diffuse
avapritinib and ripretinib for gastro- from 54 novel drugs expected to be con- large B-cell lymphoma will be approved.
intestinal tumors, tucatinib for HER2- sidered for approval in 2021, as reported Loncastuximab received FDA priority
positive metastatic breast cancer, and in the IPD Analytics pipeline database review based on a single-arm phase 2
tazemetostat for relapsed/refractory (see Methods section in online sup- study demonstrating encouraging out-
follicular lymphoma. plemental material for more details).10 comes in heavily pretreated patients.13

AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021  1301


are being released. If approved, it may

Table 7. Biosimilar Expenditures by US Clinics and Nonfederal Hospitals
significantly influence drug expend-
in 2020
itures for the overall market and health
Setting and 2020 Expenditures Percent Change systems.
Originator Drug ($ Thousands) From 2019 Generic drug trends and pa-
tent expiration.  FDA continues to
facilitate the increasing availability of
 Pegfilgrastim 738,660 30.20
generic medications, with full or tenta-
 Infliximab 343,110 39.30 tive approval of 909 agents in 2020—a
 Filgrastim 121,195 –5.54 high approval rate, albeit lower (by
22.3%) than the rate in 2019. While
 Bevacizumab 868,589 966.98
there were fewer abbreviated new
  Epoetin alfa 155,572 94.17 drug applications in 2020, there were
 Trastuzumab 696,991 808.97 107 first-time generics (a 39% increase
 Rituximab 492,592 . . .a from 2019).14,15 In 2020, expenditures on
generic products (including branded
Nonfederal hospitals
generics) in the United States totaled
 Pegfilgrastim 135,418 –3.78 $99.6 billion, a 0.5% increase from $99.2
 Filgrastim 94,127 –3.23 billion in 2019.2 Generics accounted for
18.7% of total pharmaceutical expend-
 Infliximab 89,694 8.30
itures in 2020, which continues the
  Epoetin alfa 137,903 78.59 trend since 2015 of a decreasing per-
 Bevacizumab 118,329 1,053.74 centage of the total drug spend being
 Trastuzumab 91,230 830.30 attributable to generics. Injectable
generics accounted for 12.9% of total
 Rituximab 138,683 . . .a
expenditures in 2020, which was an
Negligible sales in 2019. increase of 6.8% compared to 2019.
Noninjectable generic expenditures
declined at a lower rate in 2020 than in
Another continued trend in 2021 In addition to new drugs for rare 2019 (–1.9% vs –2.8%).
is the development of new treatments diseases, several specialty drugs are Generics drug trends in clinics and
for rare diseases. Casimersen was ap- in the pipeline. There may soon be nonfederal hospitals.  Table 2 provides
proved for Duchenne muscular dys- several new treatment options for information on the expenditures for
trophy following last year’s approval chronic inflammatory skin disease. branded and generic drugs in clinics and
of viltolarsen. Molybdenum cofactor Abrocitinib, an oral Janus kinase 1 in- nonfederal hospitals in 2020, including
deficiency type A  is a rare neuro- hibitor for atopic dermatitis, is in the factors that influenced increases and
logical disorder. Fosdenopterin is the pipeline. Another atopic dermatitis decreases in those expenditures. In
first treatment option for babies with treatment, tralokinumab, an inter- clinics, there was an overall decrease of
this condition. Arimoclomol may be- leukin-13 inhibitor, is also awaiting ap- 2.8% in spending on generics (including
come one of the treatment options proval. Bimekizumab will, if approved, branded generics) in 2020 compared to
for a rare progressive genetic dis- be a treatment option for plaque psor- 2019. Injectable generic expenditures
order, Niemann-Pick disease type iasis. Several next-generation drugs in clinics experienced a 2.7% decrease
C.  Avalglucosidase alfa is an enzyme for Alzheimer’s disease are currently in 2020 compared to 2019, which was
replacement therapy for patients with being developed. Aducanumab could driven by new price and volume of util-
Pompe disease, another rare gen- be the first disease-modifying treat- ization, with an increase in expenditures
etic disorder with limited treatment ment for Alzheimer’s disease, and sev- on newly available products. Meanwhile,
options. Odevixibat is also awaiting eral novel drugs will likely be approved there was a 10.9% increase in clinic
FDA approval as an agent to treat rare for chronic pain, prevention of type noninjectable generic expenditures in
pediatric cholestatic liver diseases. 1 diabetes, chronic graft-versus-host 2020 compared to 2019, which was also
Avacopan is an investigational oral disease and necrotizing soft tissue in- driven by volume.
drug for treatment of antineutrophil fections. Lastly, there are several oral In nonfederal hospitals, generic
cytoplasmic antibody–associated antiviral drugs for coronavirus in phase drug spending experienced a decrease
vasculitis, an autoimmune disease 2 clinical trials. Molnupiravir could be- of 4.6% in 2020 compared to 2019. This
characterized by destruction and in- come the first oral antiviral therapy for was driven by a 4.9% decrease in inject-
flammation of small vessels. COVID-19; preliminary results of trials able and 3.7% decrease in noninjectable

1302    AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021


Table 8. Selected Drugs and Biologicals That Have Already or May Receive FDA Labeling Approval in 2021a
Type of (Month or
Drug or Biological Manufacturer(s) Indication(s) Route Application Quarter)b

Umbralisib TG Therapeutics Relapsed or refractory marginal zone Oral NDA Approved (Feb)
lymphoma and follicular lymphoma
Trilaciclib G1 Therapeutics Decrease incidence of IV NDA Approved (Feb)
Casimersen Sarepta Therapeutics Duchenne muscular dystrophy IV NDA Approved (Feb)
Melphalan Oncopeptides Multiple myeloma IV NDA Approved (Feb)
Fosdenopterin BridgeBio Molybdenum cofactor deficiency IV NDA Approved (Feb)
type A
Arimoclomol Orphazyme Niemann-Pick disease type C Oral NDA Q1
Aducanumab Biogen, Eisai Alzheimer’s disease IV BLA Q1
Roxadustat FibroGen, AstraZeneca Anemia due to kidney disease Oral NDA Q1
Idecabtagene bluebird bio, Multiple myeloma IV BLA Q1
Vicleucel Bristol-Myers Squibb
Abrocitinib Pfizer Atopic dermatitis Oral NDA Q2
Pegcetacoplan Apellis Paroxysmal nocturnal IVI NDA Q2
Avalglucosidase Alfa Sanofi Pompe disease IV BLA Q2
Loncastuximab ADC Therapeutics Relapsed or refractory diffuse large IV BLA Q2
Tesirine B-cell lymphoma
Belumosudil Kadmon Chronic graft-vs-host disease Oral NDA Q2
Ibrexafungerp Scynexis Vulvovaginal candidiasis Oral NDA Q2
Tanezumab Pfizer, Eli Lilly Chronic pain due to moderate to SC BLA Q2
severe osteoarthritis
Tralokinumab AstraZeneca, LEO Atopic dermatitis SC BLA Q2
Teplizumab Provention Bio Delay or prevention of type 1 IV BLA Q3
diabetes in at-risk individuals
Avacopan ChemoCentryx Antineutrophil cytoplasmic Oral NDA Q3
antibody–associated vasculitis
Bimekizumab UCB Plaque psoriasis SC BLA Q3
Reltecimod Atox Bio Necrotizing soft tissue infections IV NDA Q3
Amivantamab Janssen Metastatic non–small cell lung cancer IV BLA Q4
Odevixibat Albireo Pediatric cholestatic liver diseases Oral NDA Q4
Sotorasib Amgen Metastatic non–small cell lung cancer Oral NDA Q4
Narsoplimab Omeros Hematopoietic stem cell trans- SC BLA Q4
plant–associated thrombotic

Abbreviations: FDA, Food and Drug Administration; BLA, biologics license application; IV, intravenous; IVI, intravitreal injection; NDA, new drug
application; PDUFA, Prescription Drug User Fee Act; Q, quarter; SC, subcutaneous.
Information for this table extracted from the IPD Analytics Brand and Biosimilar Pipeline database (see extended methods description in
supplemental online material).
Extrapolated on basis of NDA submission date and review status (ie, 10 months for standard review and 6 months for priority review). Some agents
listed may have been approved by the time of publication.

AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021  1303


drug expenditures. Reduced utilization

Table 9. Selected Potential Patent Expirations in 2021
was the driver for decreased expend-
itures for both generic and branded Drug Brand Name Indication
generic injectables and noninjectables.
Anticipated patent expirations. Table 9 Aprepitant oral suspension Emend Antinausea
lists selected branded agents expected to Arformoterol Brovana COPD
lose patent protection in 2021. Generic Benzyl alcohol Ulesfia Antiparasite
availability dates are always fluid be-
Bupivacaine liposomal Exparel Anesthesia use
cause they depend on results of patent
litigation or market exclusivity agree- Degarelix Firmagon Prostate cancer
ments and delays in drug manufacturing. Emtricitabine Emtriva HIV infection
The branded agents with the potential
Everolimus Afinitor Pancreatic cancer
to lose patent protection in 2021 that
are most important in terms of impact Ferumoxytol Feraheme Iron deficiency
on overall expenditures for clinics and
hospitals are bupivacaine liposome (ex- Formoterol Performomist COPD
penditures of $267.5 million in 2020), Lopinovir/ritonavir Kaletra HIV infection
ferumoxytol ($38.0 million), ticagrelor
Magnesium sulfate anhydrous/ Suprep bowel Bowel preparation
($31.0 million), arformoterol ($14.7 mil- potassium sulfate/sodium sulfate prep kit
lion), dexlansoprazole ($14.0 million),
Naloxone nasal spray Narcan Counter effects of
and sunitinib ($4.6 million). drug overdose
Influence of COVID-19. Begin­
Nebivolol Bystolic Blood pressure
ning the week of March 8, 2020, and
continuing for 3 weeks, there was a
meaningful increase in drug expend- Posaconazole oral suspension Noxafil Antifungal
itures compared to the same period in Ritonovir Norvir HIV infection
2019. This increased spend was followed Roflumilast Daliresp COPD
by a precipitous drop, during which drug
Sunitinib Sutent Cancer treatment
spending was notably lower than in 2019.
This drop lasted for 19 weeks before a re- Ticagrelor Brilinta Anticoagulant
bound. For the remainder of 2020 drug Varenicline Chantix Smoking prevention
expenditures exceeded spending for
Abbreviations: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; HIV, human immunodeficiency
the same period in 2019, as shown in virus.
Figure 2. When the volatile weeks at the
early stages of the pandemic were re-
moved from the data, the actual drug As the top drug by expenditures in Discussion
spend reached the projections for 2020, nonfederal hospitals, remdesivir cap- While total pharmaceutical
showing a modest increase in growth tured spending that greatly exceeded spending in 2020 grew by a similar
compared to the same week in 2019. expenditures for all COVID-19 drugs amount in 2020 than in 2019, there
In clinics, atypical increases in in this sector (eFigure 2, panel A). were shifts in the sectors where drug
expenditure growth were observed Tocilizumab (42.7% increased growth) purchases occurred—with major
for albuterol MDI (200.7% increased and hydroxychloroquine (21.1% in- gains in mail-order and home health
growth), azithromycin (84.6% increased creased growth) had striking increases care—whereas spending decreased in
growth), hydroxychloroquine (355.5% in expenditures after minimal expend- nonfederal hospitals and in long-term
increased growth), tocilizumab (17.8% itures historically (eFigure 2, panel B). care. These changes likely reflect shifts
increased growth), and dexamethasone Albuterol (66.7% increased growth), in care due to the pandemic. Moreover,
(265.3% increased growth) (eFigure 1, azithromycin (72.6% increased growth across all sectors, the increases or de-
panel A). Remdesivir had a rapid ex- after March 20, 2020), and dexametha- creases in drug spending were driven
penditure increase in clinics after FDA sone (78.7% increased growth) also primarily by changes in volume of util-
approval in the fourth quarter of 2020. experienced uncharacteristic growth ization that also reflect these shifts.
Interestingly, hydroxychloroquine had (eFigure 2, panel C). With the excep- Price changes, while concerning in pre-
negative expenditures starting in May tion of remdesivir, all COVID-19 drugs vious years, had little overall impact.
2020 (eFigure 1, panel B), likely indica- experienced significant decreases in Factors that are likely to increase or
tive of returns of unused product. spending after expenditures surged. decrease pharmaceutical expenditures

1304    AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021


Figure 2. Drug expenditures by US clinics and nonfederal hospitals weekly (52 weeks) in 2019 and 2020.

Rx Expenditures







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Clinics 2019 Non-federal hospitals 2019 Clinics 2020 Non-federal hospitals 2020 Linear (Clinics 2019)
Linear (Clinics 2019) Linear (Non-federal hospitals 2019) Linear (Clinics 2020) Linear (Non-federal hospitals 2020)

in 2021 in nonfederal hospitals and FDA’s Biosimilar Action Plan may have subcutaneous formulations of mono-
clinics are discussed below. These in- prompted greater use of biosimilars clonal antibodies. The field of immuno-
clude (1) continued availability and instead of innovator products in 2020. oncology will continue to take center
uptake of biosimilar agents and generic Continuation of this trend will provide stage in 2021 and beyond, with pro-
drugs, (2) new and expanded indica- one of the most powerful deflationary gress in the optimal use of immune
tions for cancer agents, (3) new drugs forces on drug expenditures for the checkpoint inhibitors combined with
and shifts in care related to the COVID- foreseeable future. chemotherapy, targeted agents, and
19 pandemic, (4) health policy actions Cancer drugs.  Oncology drug other immunotherapies.
that may influence drug prices, and expenditures are expected to continue COVID-19 pandemic. The
(5) the continued growth of specialty to grow in 2021 at rates similar to 2020 COVID-19 pandemic had a dramatic in-
medication approval and use. rates. Despite the pandemic, in 2020 fluence on drug expenditures in 2020,
Biosimilars.  Since inception of clinic expenditures for oncology drugs causing changes in use of specific drugs
the biosimilar approval pathway, FDA remained close to the growth trajec- (both increases and decreases), shifts
has approved 29 biosimilars in 3 broad tory predicted in 2019. The trends of in sectors of care, and approval of new
categories: chronic and autoimmune oncology new drug approvals and ex- agents. Some of these effects are still
diseases, blood disorders, and on- panded indications will continue to playing out as the pandemic evolves
cology. However, only 20 biosimilars drive expenditures across all sectors in and new drugs move from emergency
have made it to market. The highly an- 2021. As the oncology biosimilars con- use authorization (EUA) to full FDA ap-
ticipated biosimilar for adalimumab re- tinue to gain traction, overall growth proval and subsequent availability in
mains in litigation and is not expected in this sector will continue as other the commercial market. Importantly,
to become available in the United novel biologic agents enter the market. prescription drug expenditure trends in
States until 2022. It is expected that FDA For example, 2 antibody-drug con- hospitals drifted back to more typical
will approve new biosimilars for insulin jugates used in HER2-positive breast patterns by the end of 2020. We expect
aspart and ranibizumab along with cancer (trastuzumab deruxtecan and that hospitals will not repeat the elective-
additional biosimilars for adalimumab, trastuzumab emtansine) were dem- care lockdowns of 2020 even if other sec-
bevacizumab, and pegfilgrastim in onstrated to have improved efficacy tors of the economy do, and will remain
2021, which will increase competition compared to trastuzumab, which near full capacity throughout 2021 as
and may cause further reductions in ex- translated to higher expenditures on they continue to manage ongoing cases
penditures. It is likely that budget pres- those agents in 2020. Another trend ob- of COVID-19 and adjust admissions for
sures driven by COVID-19, increased served in 2020 that will likely continue backlogged elective care accordingly to
competition among biologics, and in 2021 is the increased utilization of maintain capacity.16,17 In addition, delays

AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021  1305


in preventive care caused by pandemic massive expenditure increases for old pharmaceutical expenditures will grow
precautions or fear may lead to higher drugs such as epinephrine and vaso- 4% to 6% compared to 2020. Further, we
utilization of more costly acute care, re- pressin; the former is still a top 25 drug estimate that drug spending in clinics and
sulting in a corresponding rebound of in overall expenditures, and the latter nonfederal hospitals will increase by 7%
prescription drug expenditures in the is in the top 10 by expenditures in the to 9% and 3% to 5%, respectively, in 2021
hospital sector. nonfederal hospital sector.21,22 compared to 2020. The rationale for the
Moreover, as drugs transition from With control of both the legislative above predictions was further elucidated
EUA to full FDA approval, these ex- and executive branches of the federal in the discussion above.
penditures will transfer from the fed- government by the Democratic party, Summary.  In this paper, we pro-
eral government to the sectors where the prospect for substantive policy vide information to help health-system
care is occurring. For example, hos- changes that could reduce drug prices leaders understand drug expenditure
pital and clinic leaders need to plan in the United States has grown dra- patterns and anticipate future growth
for a full year for remdesivir expenses matically in the last year. For example, in spending. Projecting future pharma-
and the transition of monoclonal legislation that would mandate price ceutical spending at either the national
antibody cocktails to standard distri- negotiation for Medicare Part D drugs level (as done here) or at a local level
bution, and they should also expect is expected to be revisited, and other (which is the objective of an institution’s
additional new agents for the man- measures to control prices can be ex- drug budget) is complex. Actual future
agement of COVID-19. While ex- pected. While these actions are unlikely spending is determined by many dif-
penditures for COVID-19 vaccines are to have significant impact on drug ferent factors, some of which are un-
expected to be covered by the federal prices or expenditures for 2021, they known at the time of budget projection
government for the duration of 2021, would have longer-term effects and formation. These factors include but
leaders should budget for commercial perhaps could set a tone that discour- are not limited to changes in patient
availability and expenditure for these ages aggressive pricing increases in the volume, disease patterns, and/or acuity;
vaccines in 2022.18 near future. changes in local or national policies or
Health policy actions.  While no Specialty drugs.  Growth of economic conditions; availability and
meaningful legislative action impacting spending on specialty drugs in the adoption of new technological or medi-
prescription drug pricing occurred in United States continues to outpace cations; price changes; and changes in
2020, the Trump administration took growth in the rest of the market des- prescribing practices and utilization of
a number of last-minute executive ac- pite disruptions by COVID-19 cases medications. Keeping up to speed with
tions directed towards pharmaceutical and is likely to exceed 50% of overall changes in the local and national land-
expenses.19 The Biden administration drug expenditures in 2021. As FDA scapes is critical for leaders to be able to
then froze all regulations that were continues to approve many new novel explain variances that occur when com-
within the 60-day window during specialty drug therapies, we can expect paring budgeted to actual spending.
which newly issued rules must await continued substantial clinical and fi- Close monitoring of spending will also
implementation. As a result, the rules nancial impact.4 Many of the newly ap- help identify measures to proactively
issued by President Trump that focused proved therapies are for patients with manage actual spending so that it does
on drug importation, elimination of re- rare and ultrarare diseases. These ther- not exceed budgeted amounts. Leaders
bates in Medicare Part D, and pegging apies provide new options for patients also need to understand the value of the
of drug prices to international bench- with life-limiting and life-threatening sectors of business that they manage,
marks are not expected to survive to rare diseases, but their high costs create since exceeding expenses in areas that
implementation. challenges for health systems. Another produce net operating income is likely
Two meaningful Trump executive trend that will continue in 2021 is the to be unfavorable to the overall financial
actions that are expected to persist are effort by payors to implement site of performance of the enterprise.
the “Transparency in Coverage” Final care restrictions, which will push more Limitations.  There are many limi-
Rule and the ending of the Unapproved use of high-cost specialty drugs out of tations of this analysis of national drug
Drug Initiative.20 While it is not clear hospitals and clinics and into lower- expenditures. There is also an equally
how the former will impact drug ex- cost alternative sites, such as ambula- diverse array of factors that influence
penses, the changes will bring new tory infusion centers and home care.23 projections for future growth of pre-
transparency to the difference between Drug expenditure forecast for scription drug expenditures in any given
list and net prices, fostering a more 2021.  Taking the historical trends and year. As 2020 sat squarely in the heat of
competitive environment.3 The ending anticipated new drugs and generic avail- the COVID-19 pandemic, these limita-
of the Unapproved Drug Initiative will ability reviewed above together with other tions will loom even more relevant as
end the practice of older drugs re- policy, public health, and economic fac- we sort out the far-reaching effects this
ceiving new patent protection, which tors, as well as our analytic modeling, we pandemic has had on healthcare and the
over the past decade has led to the predict that in 2021, for the overall market, economy and as we hone our projections

1306    AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM | VOLUME 78 | NUMBER 14 | July 15, 2021


for expenditures in 2021 and beyond. Administration. Novel drug approvals 14. US Food and Drug Administration.
Supplemental material that delves for 2020. Current as of January 13, 2021. Activities report of the Generic Drugs
Accessed February 28, 2021. https:// Program (FY 2020) monthly per-
deeper into the list of these limitations formance. Current as of November
can be found in the online supplemen- cders-new-molecular-entities-and- 19, 2020. Accessed February 11,
tary material (available at new-therapeutic-biological-products/ 2021.
novel-drug-approvals-2020 abbreviated-new-drug-application-
Conclusion 5. US Food and Drug Administration. anda/activities-report-generic-drugs-
Biosimilar interchangeable program-fy-2020-monthly-performance
We predict continued moderate
and interchangeable products. 15. US Food and Drug Administration.
growth of 4% to 6% in overall drug Published October 2018. Accessed ANDA (generic) drug approvals – pre-
expenditures (across the entire US February 28, 2021. https://www. vious years.
market). We expected the clinic sector drugs/first-generic-drug-approvals/
to continue to experience high growth biosimilar-product-information anda-generic-drug-approvals-previous-
6. US Food and Drug Administration. years. Accessed February 11, 2021.
in drug spending (7%-9%) in 2021.
FDA approves first treatment for 16. Ip G. New thinking on Covid lock-
Finally, for nonfederal hospitals we an- COVID-19. Published October downs: they’re overly blunt and costly.
ticipate a rebound in growth (ie, growth 22, 2020. Accessed February 28, Wall Street Journal. Published August
in the range of 3%-5%). These estimates 2021. 24, 2020. Accessed February 28,
are for spending growth at the national events/press-announcements/ 2020.
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