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KPD 60504 Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif / Active Learning Strategies

A. Task 1 (40%): Pembinaan RPH / Lesson plan

Membina RPH yang mengandungi 3 strategi pembelajaran aktif (30%) dan pembentangan
RPH tersebut (10%)

Build a lesson plan of a teaching topic with 3 active learning strategies (30%) and
present your lesson plan to the class (10%)

Sample Lesson Plan format

Fasa / Phase Isi Kandungan / Content Penerangan / Description

Tempoh / Duration
Set Induksi / Induction Set
(3 – 5 mins)

Fasa Perkembangan
Pengajaran & menstruktur
idea / Instructional
Development &
construction of ideas
(15 mins)

Fasa Perkembangan
Pengajaran & fasa aplikasi
/ Instructional
Development & application
(15 mins)

Fasa Penutup / Closure

(5 mins)

Pentaksiran / Assessment

B. Task 2 (15%): Pembinaan laman web / Creating a simple website

Bina laman web menggunakan software tool (misalnya -, Weebly, SITE123,
Strikingly, WordPress, Jimdo, Simplesite, POWTOON, dll) dengan topik: Penggunaan
Pembelajaran Aktif.

Laman web ini akan digunakan oleh guru lain yang ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut
mengenai 'Pembelajaran Aktif' dan cara menggunakan pembelajaran aktif di dalam bilik
darjah mereka.

Laman web anda mesti menarik dan dapat menarik minat. Ia juga harus mengandungi
contoh-contoh, penjelasan anda sendiri, gambar dll. Topik yang penting dalam laman web
ini adalah seperti:
• Apa itu pembelajaran aktif?
• Apakah teori di belakang pembelajaran aktif?
• Apakah faedah pembelajaran aktif?
• Salah tanggapan mengenai pembelajaran aktif.
• Penggunaan
• Langkah-langkah

Build a website using software tools (e.g. -, Weebly, SITE123, Strikingly,
WordPress, Jimdo, Simplesite, POWTOON, etc.) with the topic: “Use of Active

This website will be used by other teachers who want to learn more about ‘Active
Learning’ and how to use active learning in their classrooms.

Your website must be attractive and able to attract interest. It should also contain
examples, your own explanations, pictures etc. Important topics in this website are:
• What is active learning?
• What is the theory behind active learning?
• What are the benefits of active learning?
• Misconceptions about active learning.
• Steps in using Active Learning, etc.

You will be assessed based on:

Active learning elements and layouts (18 marks)
 Elements and information of active learning are well organized on the website.
 Have a usable layout? Is it well organized? An
 Is your website attractive (examples - consistent themes, color fonts and ‘style’)

Ease to Navigate (6 marks)

 Ease to navigate to the active learning elements of the website
 Is your website easy to navigate forward and backward, with links

Creativity and Design (6 marks)

 Creativity and innovation to attract users to the site about active learning
 Does your website show authenticity and a good overall design?

C. Task 3 (5%): Pembentangan laman web / Presentation of your website.

D. Task4 (10%): Dua forum / Two forums

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