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1. Enumerate and define the different learners with additional needs.
2. Compare and contrast the learners with additional needs based on the identification and
learning characteristics.
3. What challenges do learners with speech and language difficulties encounter in the areas of
communication and socialization?
4. What accommodations can be given to learners with communication difficulties?
5. What are the similarities and differences between learners with Developmental Coordination
Disorder and Stereotypic Movement Disorder?
6. How can a classroom be arranged to help learners with difficulty in moving/walking?
7. How is Learning Disability (LD) different from Specific Learning Disability (SLD)? What
are the different types of SLD?
8. How can lessons and concepts be presented to maximize learning among students with
memory and focusing difficulties?
9. What educational approaches can be used to teach learners how to care for themselves?
10. Choose a self-care skill and apply task analysis to help a child the skill. Identify the steps and
the materials you will use.
1. How does a strengths-based approach empower learners with additional needs? How can
such an approach be used to promote disability-awareness and a culture that respects
2. Think of a person you know or a famous person who has difficulty in any of the domains
mentioned in this chapter. On a sheet of paper, use any graphic organizer to create a profile of
this person, his/her strengths, interests, accomplishments, difficulties, needs, and other
information you have. How does seeing the "whole person” affect your view of this person
and not just his/her difficulties? How is such a perspective important in teaching and learning
in an inclusive classroom?

1. What problem refers to vocabulary and comprehension difficulty?

a) Fluency disorder
b) Language disorder
c) Articulation disorder
d) Phonological disorder

2. Which technique will work best for learners with communication difficulty?

a) Use sign language to supplement their speech.

b) Use visuals and hands-one experiences in teaching,
c) Exaggerate speech for learners to understand.
d) Allow the child to sit near the window to help him/her calm down.

3. What disorder is characterized by clumsiness and slow motor skills?

a) Dysgraphia
b) Cerebral palsy
c) Stereotypic Movement Disorder
d) Developmental Coordination Disorder
4. What support should be prioritized for learners with motor difficulties?

a) Extended time in school

b) Opportunity to lead in class
c) Safe access to classrooms and school facilities
d) Access to join extra-curricular activities

5. What specific learning disability refers to math difficulties?

a) Dyslexia
b) Dyspraxia
c) Dysgraphia
d) Dyscalculia

6. Which of the following is not needed in the diagnosis of ADHD?

a) The behaviors are due to learning and/or personality disorders.

b) Behaviors must be displayed in at least two different settings
c) The behaviors have been observed before the child reaches age 12.
d) The behaviors have been persisting for the past 6 months

7. Which of the following accommodations will help learners with memory and attention difficulties?

a) Have regular graded oral recitations so learners will develop their memory 127
b) Use advance organizers and interactive learning activities to sustain keep their interest.
c) Provide challenging activities, such as longer texts to read, to them engaged
d) Give daily timed worksheets to train them to focus on tasks.

8. What approach breaks down a task into a sequence of steps to develop gradual mastery of a skill?

a) Task analysis
b) Direct instruction
c) Universal Design for Learning
d) Strengths-based approach

9. Mr. Sanchez ensures that when he speaks to his class, he is facing all of them. What type of learner
with additional needs does he have in his class?

a) difficulty in hearing
b) gifted and talented
c) difficulty seeing
d) communication difficulty

10. Mrs. Jimenez gives enrichment activities to her students to ensure that meaningful learning takes
place in her class. What type of additional needs does her students have?

a) gifted and talented

b) difficulty in seeing
c) difficulty in hearing
d) difficulty with self-care

Read the cases below and answer the questions that follow.

1. A co-teacher complains to you about two of her 3rd grade students diagnosed with ADHD. In a
regular class of 35 students, these two boys have become too difficult to handle. They often disrupt
the class with side comments or questions that are tangential to the topic. They also often move
around during class discussion and work through written tasks quickly resulting in haphazard
answers. The only time they are engaged is when here are hands-on activities for them to do. So, the
teacher decided to sit them together in class to make it easier for her to manage them. Knowing about
the learning profiles of children with ADHD, what practical areas of strengths and difficulties. Then
list and explain your action plan for the boys and the whole class.

A. Areas of Strengths and Needs

Area / Domain Strengths Difficulties

B. Recommendations and Accommodations






2. Eight-year-old Jessy has been diagnosed with a language disorder. He currently goes to speech
therapy and is attending a regular school. His teachers notice that he has difficulty following verbal
instructions and is also beginning to show delays in reading and writing. He also shows a tendency
to be inattentive during lectures and class discussion, but he with Additional Needs 129.

A. Areas of Strengths and Needs

Area / Domain Strengths Difficulties

B. Recommendations and Accommodations









1. What is marginalization and how does this effect children?

2. What are the different groups of children who are marginalized and why are they
marginalized? What can you do for them?


1. Create an infographic about the plight of marginalized children and what can be done to help them.
2. Create a charter that you can propose to world leaders on behalf of the marginalized children in this
3. You will make three post cards.

 Choose three people who you will send the post cards to. Write their names and address on the post
 Choose three quotations about marginalization and write one quote for each post card.
 Decorate the post card.
 Present these to the class.


In each situation, answer the following:

1. What practices and behavior define marginalization?What could be the possible responses to
address the problem/s?

a. Micah wore a hijab on her first day in her new school. Her classmates just looked at her and did not
want to go near her.
b. Fred is a scholar from a low-income family who lives in a tenement nearby school. His uniform was
given to him by the school administrator. It was a donation from former students of the school. It was
big and its color had faded. The children in class do not want to include him in their games.

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