What Students Are Saying About How To Improve American Education - The New York Times

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01/12/21, 21:05 What Students Are Saying About How to Improve American Education - The New York Times

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What Students Are Saying About How to Improve American Education gustavo.withers@gmail.com

An international exam shows that American 15-year-olds are stagnant in reading and math. Teenagers toldcomo
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what’s not in the American education system. Para criar a conta, o Google compartilhará seu
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By The Learning Network
app The New York Times. Consulte a Política de
Published Dec. 19, 2019 Updated Dec. 22, 2019
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York Times.
Earlier this month, the Program for International Student Assessment announced that the performance of American teenagers in
reading and math has been stagnant since 2000. Other recent studies revealed that two-thirds of American children were not
proficient readers, and that the achievement gap in reading between high and low performers is widening.

We asked students to weigh in on these findings and to tell us their suggestions for how they would improve the American education

Our prompt received nearly 300 comments. This was clearly a subject that many teenagers were passionate about. They offered a
variety of suggestions on how they felt schools could be improved to better teach and prepare students for life after graduation.

While we usually highlight three of our most popular writing prompts in our Current Events Conversation, this week we are only
rounding up comments for this one prompt so we can honor the many students who wrote in.

Please note: Student comments have been lightly edited for length, but otherwise appear as they were originally submitted.

Put less pressure on students.

One of the biggest flaws in the American education system is the amount of pressure that students have on them to do well in
school, so they can get into a good college. Because students have this kind of pressure on them they purely focus on doing well
rather than actually learning and taking something valuable away from what they are being taught.

— Jordan Brodsky, Danvers, MA

As a Freshman and someone who has a tough home life, I can agree that this is one of the main causes as to why I do poorly on some
things in school. I have been frustrated about a lot that I am expected to learn in school because they expect us to learn so much
information in such little time that we end up forgetting about half of it anyway. The expectations that I wish that my teachers and
school have of me is that I am only human and that I make mistakes. Don’t make me feel even worse than I already am with telling
me my low test scores and how poorly I’m doing in classes.

— Stephanie Cueva, King Of Prussia, PA

I stay up well after midnight every night working on homework because it is insanely difficult to balance school life, social life, and
extracurriculars while making time for family traditions. While I don’t feel like making school easier is the one true solution to the
stress students are placed under, I do feel like a transition to a year-round schedule would be a step in the right direction. That way,
teachers won’t be pressured into stuffing a large amount of content into a small amount of time, and students won’t feel pressured to
keep up with ungodly pacing.

— Jacob Jarrett, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC

In my school, we don’t have the best things, there are holes in the walls, mice, and cockroaches everywhere. We also have a lot of
stress so there is rarely time for us to study and prepare for our tests because we constantly have work to do and there isn’t time for
us to relax and do the things that we enjoy. We sleep late and can’t ever focus, but yet that’s our fault and that we are doing
something wrong. School has become a place where we just do work, stress, and repeat but there has been nothing changed. We
can’t learn what we need to learn because we are constantly occupied with unnecessary work that just pulls us back.

— Theodore Loshi, Masterman School

As a student of an American educational center let me tell you, it is horrible. The books are out dated, the bathrooms are hideous,
stress is ever prevalent, homework seems never ending, and worst of all, the seemingly impossible feat of balancing school life,
social life, and family life is abominable. The only way you could fix it would be to lessen the load dumped on students and give us a

— Henry Alley, Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC

Use less technology in the classroom (…or more).

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People my age have smaller vocabularies, and if they don’t know a word, they just quickly look it up online instead of learning and
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internalizing it. The same goes for facts and figures in other subjects; don’t know who someone was in history class? Just look ‘em
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up and read their bio. Don’t know how to balance a chemical equation? The internet knows. Can’t solve a math problem by hand?
Just sneak out the phone calculator. GUSTAVO WITHERS
My largest grievance with technology and learning has more to do with the social and psychological aspects, though. We’ve
decreased ability to meaningfully communicate, and we want everything — things, experiences, gratification —GUSTAVO
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Amazon Prime speed. Interactions and experiences have become cheap and 2D because we see life through a screen.
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— Grace Robertson, Hoggard High School Wilmington, NC nome, endereço de e-mail e sua foto do perfil com o
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Kids now a days are always on technology because they are heavily dependent on it- for the purpose
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education. Instead of pondering or thinking for ourselves, our first instinct is to google York
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search for the answers without giving it
any thought. This is a major factor in why I think American students tests scores haven’t been improving because no one wants to
take time and think about questions, instead they want to find answers as fast as they can just so they can get the assignment/
project over with.

— Ema Thorakkal, Glenbard West HS IL

There needs to be a healthier balance between pen and paper work and internet work and that balance may not even be 50:50. I
personally find myself growing as a student more when I am writing down my assignments and planning out my day on paper
instead of relying on my phone for it. Students now are being taught from preschool about technology and that is damaging their
growth and reading ability. In my opinion as well as many of my peers, a computer can never beat a book in terms of

— Ethan, Pinkey, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC

Learning needs to be more interesting. Not many people like to study from their textbooks because there’s not much to interact
with. I think that instead of studying from textbooks, more interactive activities should be used instead. Videos, websites, games,
whatever might interest students more. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t use textbooks, I’m just saying that we should have a
combination of both textbooks and technology to make learning more interesting in order for students to learn more.

— Vivina Dong, J. R. Masterman

Prepare students for real life.

At this point, it’s not even the grades I’m worried about. It feels like once we’ve graduated high school, we’ll be sent out into the
world clueless and unprepared. I know many college students who have no idea what they’re doing, as though they left home to
become an adult but don’t actually know how to be one.

The most I’ve gotten out of school so far was my Civics & Economics class, which hardly even touched what I’d actually need to
know for the real world. I barely understand credit and they expect me to be perfectly fine living alone a year from now. We need to
learn about real life, things that can actually benefit us. An art student isn’t going to use Biology and Trigonometry in life. Exams
just seem so pointless in the long run. Why do we have to dedicate our high school lives studying equations we’ll never use? Why do
exams focusing on pointless topics end up determining our entire future?

— Eliana D, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC

I think that the American education system can be improved my allowing students to choose the classes that they wish to take or
classes that are beneficial for their future. Students aren’t really learning things that can help them in the future such as basic
reading and math.

— Skye Williams, Sarasota, Florida

I am frustrated about what I’m supposed to learn in school. Most of the time, I feel like what I’m learning will not help me in life. I
am also frustrated about how my teachers teach me and what they expect from me. Often, teachers will give me information and
expect me to memorize it for a test without teaching me any real application.

— Bella Perrotta, Kent Roosevelt High School

We divide school time as though the class itself is the appetizer and the homework is the main course. Students get into the habit of
preparing exclusively for the homework, further separating the main ideas of school from the real world. At this point, homework is
given out to prepare the students for … more homework, rather than helping students apply their knowledge to the real world.

— Daniel Capobianco, Danvers High School

Eliminate standardized tests.

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Standardized testing should honestly be another word for stress. I know that I stress over every standardized test I have taken and
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so have most of my peers. I mean they are scary, it’s like when you take these tests you bring your No. 2 pencil and an impending
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— Brennan Stabler, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC GUSTAVO WITHERS


Personally, for me I think standardized tests have a negative impact on my education, taking test does not actually test my
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knowledge — instead it forces me to memorize facts that I will soon forget.
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— Aleena Khan, Glenbard West HS Glen Ellyn, IL
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Teachers will revolve their whole days on teaching a student how to do well on a standardized test, one that could potentially impact
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the final score a student receives. That is not learning. That is learning how to memorize and
York become a robot that regurgitates
answers instead of explaining “Why?” or “How?” that answer was found. If we spent more time in school learning the answers to
those types of questions, we would become a nation where students are humans instead of a number.

— Carter Osborn, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC

In private school, students have smaller class sizes and more resources for field trips, computers, books, and lab equipment. They
also get more “hand holding” to guarantee success, because parents who pay tuition expect results. In public school, the learning is
up to you. You have to figure stuff out yourself, solve problems, and advocate for yourself. If you fail, nobody cares. It takes grit to do
well. None of this is reflected in a standardized test score.

— William Hudson, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC

Give teachers more money and support.

I have always been told “Don’t be a teacher, they don’t get paid hardly anything.” or “How do you expect to live off of a teachers
salary, don’t go into that profession.” As a young teen I am being told these things, the future generation of potential teachers are
being constantly discouraged because of the money they would be getting paid. Education in Americans problems are very
complicated, and there is not one big solution that can fix all of them at once, but little by little we can create a change.

— Lilly Smiley, Hoggard High School

We cannot expect our grades to improve when we give teachers a handicap with poor wages and low supplies. It doesn’t allow
teachers to unleash their full potential for educating students. Alas, our government makes teachers work with their hands tied. No
wonder so many teachers are quitting their jobs for better careers. Teachers will shape the rest of their students’ lives. But as of
now, they can only do the bare minimum.

— Jeffery Austin, Hoggard High School

The answer to solving the American education crisis is simple. We need to put education back in the hands of the teachers. The
politicians and the government needs to step back and let the people who actually know what they are doing and have spent a
lifetime doing it decide how to teach. We wouldn’t let a lawyer perform heart surgery or construction workers do our taxes, so why
let the people who win popularity contests run our education systems?

— Anders Olsen, Hoggard High School, Wilmington NC

Make lessons more engaging.

I’m someone who struggles when all the teacher does is say, “Go to page X” and asks you to read it. Simply reading something isn’t
as effective for me as a teacher making it interactive, maybe giving a project out or something similar. A textbook doesn’t answer all
my questions, but a qualified teacher that takes their time does. When I’m challenged by something, I can always ask a good
teacher and I can expect an answer that makes sense to me. But having a teacher that just brushes off questions doesn’t help me.
I’ve heard of teachers where all they do is show the class movies. At first, that sounds amazing, but you don’t learn anything that
can benefit you on a test.

— Michael Huang, JR Masterman

I’ve struggled in many classes, as of right now it’s government. What is making this class difficult is that my teacher doesn’t really
teach us anything, all he does is shows us videos and give us papers that we have to look through a textbook to find. The problem
with this is that not everyone has this sort of learning style. Then it doesn’t help that the papers we do, we never go over so we don’t
even know if the answers are right.

— S Weatherford, Kent Roosevelt, OH

The classes in which I succeed in most are the ones where the teachers are very funny. I find that I struggle more in classes where
the teachers are very strict. I think this is because I love laughing. Two of my favorite teachers are very lenient and willing to follow
the classes train of thought.

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— Jonah Smith Posner, J.R. Masterman

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Create better learning environments.
Whenever they are introduced to school at a young age, they are convinced by others that school is the last place they should want
to be. Making school a more welcoming place for students could better help them be attentive and also be more open minded when
walking down the halls of their own school, and eventually improve their test scores as well as their como
attitude GUSTAVO
while at school.

— Hart P., Bryant High School Para criar a conta, o Google compartilhará seu
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Students today feel voiceless because they are punished when they criticize the school app system andYork
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is a problem
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allows the school to block out criticism that can be positive leaving it no room to grow. I hope that in the near future students can
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voice their opinion and one day change the school system for the better.

— Nico Spadavecchia, Glenbard West Highschool Glen Ellyn IL

The big thing that I have struggled with is the class sizes due to overcrowding. It has made it harder to be able to get individual help
and be taught so I completely understand what was going on. Especially in math it builds on itself so if you don’t understand the first
thing you learn your going to be very lost down the road. I would go to my math teacher in the morning and there would be 12 other
kids there.

— Skyla Madison, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC

The biggest issue facing our education system is our children’s lack of motivation. People don’t want to learn. Children hate school.
We despise homework. We dislike studying. One of the largest indicators of a child’s success academically is whether or not they
meet a third grade reading level by the third grade, but children are never encouraged to want to learn. There are a lot of potential
remedies for the education system. Paying teachers more, giving schools more funding, removing distractions from the classroom.
All of those things are good, but, at the end of the day, the solution is to fundamentally change the way in which we operate.

— Jacob Jarrett, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC

Support students’ families.

I say one of the biggest problems is the support of families and teachers. I have heard many success stories, and a common element
of this story is the unwavering support from their family, teachers, supervisors, etc. Many people need support to be pushed to their
full potential, because some people do not have the will power to do it on their own. So, if students lived in an environment where
education was supported and encouraged; than their children would be more interested in improving and gaining more success in
school, than enacting in other time wasting hobbies that will not help their future education.

— Melanie, Danvers

De-emphasize grades.
I wish that tests were graded based on how much effort you put it and not the grade itself. This would help students with stress and
anxiety about tests and it would cause students to put more effort into their work. Anxiety around school has become such a
dilemma that students are taking their own life from the stress around schoolwork. You are told that if you don’t make straight A’s
your life is over and you won’t have a successful future.

— Lilah Pate, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC

I personally think that there are many things wrong with the American education system. Everyone is so worried about grades and
test scores. People believe that those are the only thing that represents a student. If you get a bad grade on something you start
believing that you’re a bad student. GPA doesn’t measure a students’ intelligence or ability to learn. At young ages students stop
wanting to come to school and learn. Standardized testing starts and students start to lose their creativity.

— Andrew Gonthier, Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC

Praise for great teachers

Currently, I’m in a math class that changed my opinion of math. Math class just used to be a “meh” for me. But now, my teacher
teachers in a way that is so educational and at the same time very amusing and phenomenal. I am proud to be in such a class and
with such a teacher. She has changed the way I think about math it has definitely improve my math skills. Now, whenever I have
math, I am so excited to learn new things!

— Paulie Sobol, J.R Masterman

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At the moment, the one class that I really feel supported in is math. My math teachers Mrs. Siu and Ms. Kamiya are very
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encouraging of mistakes and always are willing to help me when I am struggling. We do lots of classwork and discussions and we
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have access to amazing online programs and technology. My teacher uses Software called OneNote and she does all the class notes
on OneNote so that we can review the class material at home. Ms. Kamiya is very patient and is great at explaining things. Because
they are so accepting of mistakes and confusion it makes me feel very comfortable and I amgustavo.withers@gmail.com
doing very well in math.

— Jayden Vance, J.R. Masterman Continuar como GUSTAVO

One of the classes that made learning easier for me was sixth-grade math. My teacher Para allowed
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worked on math problems. Talking to the other students in my class helped me learn a nome, lot quicker.
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textbook. I feel like it is harder for me to understand something if I just read it out of a textbook. York Times. Consulte
Seventh-grade matha Política
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learning a lot easier for me. Just like in sixth-grade math, we get to talk to others whileYorksolving
a problem. I like that when we don’t
understand a question, our teacher walks us through it and helps us solve it.

— Grace Moan, J R Masterman

My 2nd grade class made learning easy because of the way my teacher would teach us. My teacher would give us a song we had to
remember to learn nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc. which helped me remember their definitions until I could remember it
without the song. She had little key things that helped us learn math because we all wanted to be on a harder key than each other.
She also sang us our spelling words, and then the selling of that word from the song would help me remember it.

— Brycinea Stratton, J.R. Masterman

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