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of Manufacturing Engineering Technology MET 104 CAM DRAWING

Assignment-4 (Drill Jig)

For the drill jig assembly, make the following:

1- Draw item number 1 and set the part material to cast iron.
2- Draw item number 2 and set the part material to bronze.
3- Draw item number 3 and set the part material to malleable iron.
4- Draw item number 4 and set the part material to cast iron.
5- Draw item number 5 and set the part material to cold-rolled steel.
6- Create the drill jig assembly.
7- Make a drawing from item number 1 and specify the tolerance for the fit between the bushing and the block. Verify
your answer by comparing it to the tolerances from the dimensional tolerances and fits table (example on last page).

Note: Rounds and fillets R3 unless otherwise specified.

Dept. of Manufacturing Engineering Technology MET 104 CAM DRAWING

Dept. of Manufacturing Engineering Technology MET 104 CAM DRAWING

Dept. of Manufacturing Engineering Technology MET 104 CAM DRAWING

Dept. of Manufacturing Engineering Technology MET 104 CAM DRAWING

Tolerance example for Ø12 hole
Tuesday, April 18, 2017 6:08 PM

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