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Warlock [The Undying] (6) Sage Rulolxist


Chidysty Rontis Verdan Lawful Neutral

STRENGTH Thanatophobic, not because of the act of dying, but

11 +1 30 rather because of the fact of being dead and the

ever-present knowledge of what happens next.

I'm distant to those who seem and prove themselves as
dull. A rather complex set of skills or an eloquent
speech could pique my interest.


Hit Point Maximum 51

-1 Strength
Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is
DEXTERITY through knowledge. (Neutral)
+1 Dexterity Logic. Emotions must not cloud our logical thinking.

+1 +3 Constitution
+1 Intelligence


13 ●
+3 Wisdom I have an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that must not fall into the wrong

+6 Charisma My life’s work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore.
I’ve been searching my whole life for the answer to a certain question.
I sold my soul for knowledge. I hope to do great deeds and win it back.

+3 +1 Acrobatics (Dex) SUCCESSES Most people scream and run when they see a
16 0 Animal Handling (Wis)
6x(1d8+3) demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy.
FAILURES I am easily distracted by the promise of

INTELLIGENCE Athletics (Str)

+1 ●
+3 Deception (Cha)
+4 History (Int)

0 Insight (Wis)
Dagger +4 1d4+1 piercing
12 Clothes, common
+3 Intimidation (Cha)
+4 Investigation (Int) Crystal
0 Medicine (Wis) Dice Set
0 ●
+4 Nature (Int) Hammer
0 Perception (Wis) Number of 8 oz. Ink

+3 Performance (Cha)
+6 Persuasion (Cha)
Attacks: 1 24 parchment pieces
Knife, Small
+1 Religion (Int) Leather
+3 +1 Sleight of Hand (Dex)
+1 Stealth (Dex)
Piton x10
Rations (1 day) x10
16 0 Survival (Wis) Rope, hempen
Torch x10
CP Mirror of Remembrance (2
wizard spells + spells slots).
SP Gaseous Form Spell Scroll
Weapon Proficiencies: Staff of Fire (Burning
Simple EP Hands (1), Fireball (3), Wall
of Fire (4). 10 Charges).
Armor Proficiencies: GP
103 2 Emeralds

Language Proficiencies:
Abyssal; Infernal

TM & © 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission is granted to photocopy this document for personal use.
50 160 cm 65 KG
Chidysty Rontis Black Green None


Cult of Larloch the Shadow King, legendary master of Warlock's Crypt



Chidysty once was an innocent young verdan who worked in a peaceful tribe
near a cave that connected to the Underdark. He was oblivious to the dangers
that lurked both on the surface and below it, until one fateful day his tribe
decided to move away from a conflict that broke out among the bestial races
that lived there.
He travelled with his tribe for what felt like years, and having been consistently
unsatisfied with the living conditions wherever they went, he decisively broke
away from his group when it was passing a bustling city.
Although his Common wasn't the best nor was his appearance much different
from a goblin's, he demonstrated a docile demeanor and a cooperative
disposition that let him be tolerated and even welcomed into such an
advanced settlement.
He got found by a conglomerate of scholars and researchers who wanted to
know more about his kind, and after explaining the wondrous traits that
verdans possessed, they were happy to let him become a student to hone his
intellect, so that it matches his rare origin.
After many years though, Chidysty was much more familiar with death and
decay than he was with life and progress, due to the fact that many of his
colleagues had already been deceased, be it because of the passage of time
or untimely demises during adventures. The state of the matter was that his
researching facility was relatively abandoned, so his meager accomplishments
had been discredited by the community.
When he finally got desperate, he tried to avoid a similar fate to that of the
people who took him in, and found himself delving deeper into obscure
knowledge and shady individuals who partake in occult practices. It was then
that he tried to contact the most powerful lich wizard he knew, and asked him
to share the secrets to everlasting life.
He never had been known to take risks or make foolish decisions, but when
the lich demanded his soul to establish a pact between them, he had already
agreed before he could get a chance to regret it. After that, his bittersweet
days of adventuring in search for his patron's and his own desires began.


TM & © 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission is granted to photocopy this document for personal use.
Warlock Charisma 14 +6

0 CANTRIPS 3 2 6
Eldritch Blast Counterspell
Infestation (uses Book of Shadows) Speak with Dead
Mind Sliver Thunder Step
Minor Illusion Vampiric Touch
Prestidigitation (uses Book of Shadows) Fireball (Uses Mirror of Remembrance)
Ray of Frost (uses Book of Shadows)
Spare the Dying (uses Book of Shadows)


1 7

False Life (at will)

Mage Armor (at will)

Ray of Sickness


Tasha's Mind Whip (Uses Mirror of Remembrance)

TM & © 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission is granted to photocopy this document for personal use.

----------Bonus Actions----------
Defy Death. Starting at 6th level, you can give yourself vitality when you cheat death or when you help
someone else cheat it. You can regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1
hit point) when you succeed on a death saving throw or when you stabilize a creature with Spare the

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

-----------Other Traits------------
Among the Dead. Starting at 1st level, you learn the Spare the Dying cantrip, which counts as a warlock
cantrip for you. You also have advantage on saving throws against any disease.

Additionally, undead have difficulty harming you. If an undead targets you directly with an attack or a
harmful spell, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC (an undead
needn't make the save when it includes you in an area effect, such as the explosion of Fireball). On a failed
save, the creature must choose a new target or forfeit targeting someone instead of you, potentially
wasting the attack or spell. On a successful save, the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours. An
undead is also immune to this effect for 24 hours if you target it with an attack or a harmful spell.

Black Blood Healing. The black blood that is a sign of your people’s connection to That-Which-Endures
boots your natural healing. When you roll a 1 or 2 on any Hit Die you spend at the end of a short rest, you
can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Eldritch Invocation: Agonizing Blast. Add 3 to eldritch blast spell damage.

Eldritch Invocation: Armor of Shadows. Cast mage armor on yourself at will.

Eldritch Invocation: Fiendish Vigor. Cast false life at will.

Limited Telepathy. You can telepathically speak to any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You
don’t need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathy, but it must be able to
understand at least one language. This process of communication is slow and limited, allowing you to
transmit and receive only simple ideas and straightforward concepts.

Metamagic Adept. You've learned how to exert your will on your spells to alter how they function:

You learn two Metamagic options of your choice from the sorcerer class. You can use only one Metamagic
option on a spell when you cast it, unless the option says otherwise. Whenever you reach a level that
grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace one of these Metamagic options with
another one from the sorcerer class.
You gain 2 sorcery points to spend on Metamagic (these points are added to any sorcery points you have
from another source but can be used only on Metamagic). You regain all spent sorcery points when you
finish a long rest.
(Twinned Spell and Empowered Spell).

Pact Boon: Pact of the Tome. You have a spellbook with 3 extra cantrips.

Researcher. When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you
often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library,
scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the
knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found.
Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.

Telepathic Insight. Your mind’s connection to the world around you strengthens your will. You have
advantage on all Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.
Page 1

Eldritch Blast Infestation Mind Sliver

Warlock Cantrip Evocation DC 14 Spell Mod +6 Warlock Cantrip Conjuration DC 14 Spell Mod +6 Warlock Cantrip Enchantment DC 14 Spell Mod +6
1 Act. 120 ft V,S Inst 1 Act. 30 ft V,S,M Inst 1 Act. 60 ft V 1 Rnd
A living flea

A beam of crackling energy streak toward a You cause a cloud of mites, fleas, and other You drive a disorienting spike of psychic
creature within range. Make a ranged spell parasites to appear momentarily on one energy into the mind of one creature you can
attack against the target. On a hit, the target creature you can see within range. The target see within range. The target must succeed on
takes 1d10 force damage. The spell creates must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d6
more than one beam when you reach higher or it takes 1d6 poison damage and moves 5 feet psychic damage and subtract 1d4 from the
levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at in a random direction if it can move and its next saving throw it makes before the end of
11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You speed is at least 5 feet. Roll a d4 for the your next turn.
can direct the beams at the same target or at direction: 1, north; 2, south; 3, east; or 4, west.
different ones. Make a separate attack roll for This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity
each beam. attacks, and if the direction rolled is blocked,
the target doesn't move.

Minor Illusion Prestidigitation Ray of Frost

Warlock Cantrip Illusion DC 14 Spell Mod +6 Warlock Cantrip Transmutation DC 14 Spell Mod Warlock Cantrip Evocation DC 14 Spell Mod +6
1 Act. 30 ft S,M 1 min 1 Act. 10 ft V,S Up to 1 hr 1 Act. 60 ft V,S Inst
A bit of fleece

You create a sound or an image of an object This spell is a minor magical trick that novice A frigid beam of blue-white light streaks
within range that lasts for the duration. The spellcasters use for practice. You create one of toward a creature within range. Make a
illusion also ends if you dismiss it as an action the following magical effects within range: • ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit,
or cast this spell again. If you create a sound, You create an instantaneous, harmless it takes 1d8 cold damage, and its speed is
its volume can range from a whisper to a sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next
scream. It can be your voice, someone else's puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd turn. The spell's damage increases by 1d8
voice, a lion's roar, a beating of drums, or any odor. • You instantaneously light or snuff out a when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8),
other sound you choose. The sound continues candle, a torch, or a small campfire. • You and 17th level (4d8).
unabated throughout the duration, or you can instantaneously clean or soil an object no
make discrete sounds at different times before larger than 1 cubic foot. • You chill, warm, or
the spell ends. If you create an image of an flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material
object—such as a chair, muddy footprints, or a for 1 hour. • You make a color, a small mark, or
small chest—it must be no larger than a 5-foot a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1
cube. The image can't create sound, light, hour. • You create a nonmagical trinket or an
smell, or any other sensory effect. Physical illusory image that can fit in your hand and
interaction with the image reveals it to be an that lasts until the end of your next turn. If
illusion, because things can pass through it. If you cast this spell multiple times, you can
a creature uses its action to examine the sound have up to three of its non-instantaneous
or image, the creature can determine that it is effects active at a time, and you can dismiss

Spare the Dying False Life Mage Armor

Warlock Cantrip Necromancy DC 14 Spell Mod +6 Warlock Level 1 Necromancy DC 14 Spell Mod +6 Warlock Level 1 Abjuration DC 14 Spell Mod +6
1 Act. Touch V,S Inst 1 Act. Self V,S,M 1 hr 1 Act. Touch V,S,M 8 hrs
A small amount of alcohol or distilled spirits A piece of cured leather

You touch a living creature that has 0 hit Bolstering yourself with a necromantic You touch a willing creature who isn't wearing
points. The creature becomes stable. This spell facsimile of life, you gain 1d4 + 4 temporary armor, and a protective magical force
has no effect on undead or constructs. hit points for the duration. At Higher Levels. surrounds it until the spell ends. The target's
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier.
2nd level or higher, you gain 5 additional The spell ends if the target dons armor or if
temporary hit points for each slot level above you dismiss the spell as an action.
Page 1 (reverse)

Prestidigitation (reverse) Minor Illusion (reverse)

such an effect as an action. an illusion with a successful Intelligence
(Investigation) check against your spell save
DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what
it is, the illusion becomes faint to the creature.
Page 2

Ray of Sickness Blindness/Deafness Silence (ritual)

Warlock Level 1 Necromancy DC 14 Spell Mod +6 Warlock Level 2 Necromancy DC 14 Spell Mod +6 Warlock Level 2 Illusion DC 14 Spell Mod +6
1 Act. 60 ft V,S Inst 1 Act. 30 ft V 1 min 1 Act. 120 ft V,S Conc, 10 mins

A ray of sickening greenish energy lashes out You can blind or deafen a foe. Choose one For the duration, no sound can be created
toward a creature within range. Make a creature that you can see within range to make within or pass through a 20-foot-radius
ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, the sphere centered on a point you choose within
the target takes 2d8 poison damage and must target is either blinded or deafened (your range. Any creature or object entirely inside
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed choice) for the duration. At the end of each of the sphere is immune to thunder damage, and
save, it is also poisoned until the end of your its turns, the target can make a Constitution creatures are deafened while entirely inside it.
next turn. At Higher Levels. When you cast saving throw. On a success, the spell ends. At Casting a spell that includes a verbal
this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a component is impossible there.
higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target
slot level above 1st. one additional creature for each slot level
above 2nd.

Tasha's Mind Whip Counterspell Speak with Dead

Warlock Level 2 Enchantment DC 14 Spell Mod +6 Warlock Level 3 Abjuration DC 14 Spell Mod +6 Warlock Level 3 Necromancy DC 14 Spell Mod +6
1 Act. 90 ft V,S,M Inst 1 reAct. 60 ft S Inst 1 Act. 10 ft V,S,M 10 mins
A living flea Burning incense

You psychically lash out at one creature you You attempt to interrupt a creature that you You grant the semblance of life and
can see within range. The target must make an can see casting a spell. If the creature is casting intelligence to a corpse of your choice within
Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the a spell of 3rd level or lower, its spell fails and range, allowing it to answer the questions you
target takes 3d6 psychic damage, and it can’t has no effect. If it's a spell of 4th level or pose. The corpse must still have a mouth and
take a reaction until the end of its next turn. higher, make a check using your spellcasting can't be undead. The spell fails if the corpse
Moreover, on its next turn, it must choose ability. The DC is 10 + the spell's level. On a was the target of this spell within the last 10
whether it gets a move, an action, or a bonus success, the spell is interrupted. At Higher days. Until the spell ends, you can ask the
action; it gets only one of the three. On a Levels: The interrupted spell has no effect if its corpse up to five questions. The corpse knows
successful save, the target takes half as much level is less than or equal to the level of the only what it knew in life, including the
damage and suffers none of the spell’s other spell slot you used. languages it knew. Answers are usually brief,
effects. At Higher Levels. When you cast this cryptic, or repetitive, and the corpse is under
spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, no compulsion to offer a truthful answer if you
you can target one additional creature for each are hostile to it or it recognizes you as an
slot level above 2nd. The creatures must be enemy. This spell doesn't return the creature's
within 30 feet of each other when you target soul to its body, only its animating spirit.
them. Thus, the corpse can't learn new information,
doesn't comprehend anything that has
happened since it died, and can't speculate
about future events.

Thunder Step Vampiric Touch

Warlock Level 3 Conjuration DC 14 Spell Mod +6 Warlock Level 3 Necromancy DC 14 Spell Mod +6
1 Act. 90 ft V Inst 1 Act. Self V,S Conc, 1 min
A living flea

You teleport yourself to an unoccupied space The touch of your shadow-wreathed hand can
you can see within range. Immediately after siphon life force from others to heal your
you disappear, a thunderous boom sounds, wounds. Make a melee spell attack against a
and each creature within 10 feet of the space creature within your reach. On a hit, the target
you left must make a Constitution saving takes 3d6 necrotic damage, and you regain hit
throw, taking 3d10 thunder damage on a failed points equal to half the amount of necrotic
save, or half as much damage on a successful damage dealt. Until the spell ends, you can
one. The thunder can be heard from up to 300 make the attack again on each of your turns as
feet away. You can bring along objects as long an action. At Higher Levels. When you cast
as their weight doesn’t exceed what you can this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or
carry. You can also teleport one willing higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each
creature of your size or smaller who is slot level above 3rd.
carrying gear up to its carrying capacity. The
creature must be within 5 feet of you when you
cast this spell, and there must be an
unoccupied space within 5 feet of your
destination space for the creature to appear in;
otherwise, the creature is left behind. At
Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Page 2 (reverse)

Thunder Step (reverse)

spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage
increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 3rd.

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