Communism and Love

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cumpie ofthe insrzen at of rave men, therefore, bur was also made ‘by courage women and accompanied by akin of intent love love tht cul nab cotained n Spats vn pa of rer vin of ebellon. As Schiavone as x Spires wa sending "plc goa” to “te rar ofthe empire” ‘eerting “he cotrpting power of wes and scauistie grea. Ad hi Unt fce of socey tat was making money and opulence the ease of he wold-™ Spartacus moved aint the enpce aad Ws hear mate ‘of mane and for that ery resem he Boca a conic gre of rv asin bata explanation maintained by an er pope of power. Spar ‘Shur shows a power ote han the power of one, an surge power fom tla rom ee prs ol Tha herve was lf wlene ‘ke appear fa rertoved rom Aguas pce noon of ove ee ist pole to sat eae mame ete chat this ceo, this ave ting tis war age by five gladtoe apn state power wat els prac of love? such cancion peraps sem ie the stetch ‘fa generous giao, Bo at iat hs bey question: Tere wa tm ace ease of possiblity ad dignity yoni of bral expe. ‘Thee was alte a company, fall of eompacionip, Mi, Iino. nd man dang 2 company cllasiy-—of en and women, om Got aay) of tein ve There pacuition nayng the eo ese new beaming, ot ol pero but a always implaing so al plc, and esmcri senso, rom where doe row? Wt ret roots? To wha extent oes the tence of eval Deu ove? Ale ‘ately we could ato what xen revo ead love and depends on it "Those who ave motiliaed or empowered by reltions of love sad human ssaiysmetines become fies of ister ur what of he tales men and women who sounded th? ADd what ofthe ot Faptng peer of wealth and goed within x ocey red by movey, the the prcscailst ancient word in which Sparacus became 2 taster tne fse of hy? Wa a appoaing ton tezequesions is 00 ‘Shue touch in our ance examples, but fundamental a ue ‘on aout terol of love in the ie a surgens. How do evltoay Figures ert with love a pee anda owes even ot coe cae concept of plicl hey? ‘at move now he ein f such questions CHAPTERS The Love of Communists top commen itn capa spe te ce fthenddnl nd gale any ree enn ilo rm eo ta Sole int ot Alco aot Money abuses and dsgues human reatont Marc undestood eh with the peas efi Money tery diay and simtanenty comes her ce ‘ani [Geet ace the seer sean fsa fora, aot thsame sme he sol pods of al Bue we ane seen, in may the comity (emcee ste ine 8 ‘and te same tine mec mens fh stan an ‘ole nda. The cman of ang presppose soe ieee raion, neon tego nea The Svea. sea of ane in hd role ere sae th omg Money taforms ssl relatons byway of organizing comes agaist toe Marx maitind that "he el crim" was nhng ces thas the commriy that humans Ive aed expres, Asami, Mars ‘stot inex in comparing and cntrasing a eal opla oneep community with the cana of ou ved eperiener Butte oe iy fo lied experience torch ony pone ono eommansy ‘nd thoughout hier commen basen various form ape ‘cites, where everday ie governed by money the human comers ‘iy is orgie in accordance wih ha real Wo: hun ay eed te subst and sive not a given secu i tend moneieed wad salable consistent with ones ay to ey. Aceding’y we stare Te Na, Gain, Rands of Ci of al Pay ra Wars R wtt PsSae Sy ae ‘our education, our aul ie, cur weseay, weekends nd recreation, round a centerpiece of capi, roan th sess of tending to oe, tos acon apd exshange. Thi eno hypothesis cua Bot Is noeehe any pease anangeent. Driven by what we ety a the ely and acep the necesig we reproduce in ou daly ler nrc organization the vpredaces te captalt commonly and is ogi Mare set problem wh his come ‘many in that eampeises a calectvy finials in pus of sstacon of ther own vate need, and in at muito le tion. The other hasan pen scofted a2 competion « messes comm an employer pd the ther Uke you cant ive forthe ‘overall eal of he nial ody beens each nde anderen hat ‘he soil boty is composed of organs olug fe thei ov elt ed welling. When Mar uaier the aerate “cosmaity of aig ‘97 hes noc making romantic le fora re ose pt ra. Rates, he is poting outa diferent anangetct, dierent loc of lation sling tat was saised bythe develpment of money asthe sveegn owerinthe capil orm of ie. Marx was ota communtarsn, and {am aot making comme tara argument am noe ranted by te eonept of tsi fan ot waning the lato cree story of community Wht "am interested in are possible ad dei forms i, human belt se welling, ast oppo movements capable of atdeaing ‘ed uiatelyanstormig enon of ie that ake sich tht de Diet cur empasion and diminish human soldat Iam eppend to form of fe that pt aginst one anthems areal tuner rigged race in whic wo fw runners ever wa interested in ha ing abou lis of ie capa of omerng and raverting wap of Me foverned by money, where even the mow rdnay aly cee uch {swatch ove or tening ome) sere by eat. Mare ur estood wth more dedcaed fc ond uneistacing then anyone ds (he imemedibl problems of the apis rae of fe Tn ths chap explore how some ofthe major communis ave {ght about ane peste lov, Tundetle ths exploration by eon ing both puctphial nd biographical icorss onthe love of com munis. The love af commie ino nervous othe dsgratons of ein septa soe. The love of omnis etn loves raced and realized Gust ke the love of anyone ie) witha helms of the exiting tality The ove f communists he been te hope ree ofommunists Be Mar, oss Latemburg ands many eben Love is facta refge for anyone, rears of wether ot ne hear communi Bu because the communis concinust oppose th log of capa, ove ‘rovie him or her with ade experene of aoneaptat reat hich en be andertod as such While Tuimaely argue tat al love ‘eee communis fundamental ways, thle chapter ook a mat love as meant and for communis content the deans oe fn ‘capil sacety and what love has ean inthe apna fs ps ‘ptati ae st, we work oug Mares thereof commit ad tention they ae elaborated in Granrin, best in that woth ey ate far ‘ore tharpy developed and lied than in the eater wees sd wth ‘moc une ores than i the woe tha eames Tat shows hat Mac understood wi eave perience the lating tnd fguring tendencies of fe goreed by money and oryanized ty ene "explore tsi Grands n onder to st the stage for einng soak he shape tht love aks in sch aged soit i wha ove ‘means la communies af allention How does lve fen ia sce of individual sprain, dependency, and ainatin fom he buen communi? Nex, athe remtining sons of his chaper we soni deo of communis worsen, a spell lore fm he pine of soci emins they. Thos, we sal tn en Kal sf Sey Mar, Rove Loxerurg, end Alera Kalen, Marx wrote abut alenaton in the important section focued on “Ee ‘onged Lato” his enol and Philp Manuscripts of 140, oe fbi ales oes, wetan when he was went ay, He re ain fcused on Yarous forms of seston fom thet youn 8 ‘hls death The same could be sid abot the concept of cone, hich was always inked to esd of capital and to hk understand {ng of he communism tha preceded capil sve. Ba ew ‘orimunician, and he mene nothing by "sommiy” that wos have been scecptable to Now Ameren ol theorists and anita poe phe who speak of “eommuntavaniem. Fr Mary, eneal and oh ving dee, ifeleng) ere in alienton and crane i 0 ‘pla ransformavon inhuman flasonaly ua he socal ence, Jsstas evlisin was alg explsned athe natural scene In 1857s 1858, Marx rdued the mastve work of Grud, nich cal forward is eater eves rom the Morr of 1844, The German ‘Hulogy and Te Communi ange, ving stinking in he ee tin ofthe fal masterpiece chat would wliately (and posthumseh) ‘megs o the voles tat opie Capa ‘he masive and sawing aaebocs that makeup Mans Grands an be summa deed, despite Ue complet and dept, ata Inguy no the ways char epi exchange reatons damage aad da figure human scety and wellbeing, Not oly wat Mr nots corm ‘an, but he vr once of community” war lay ups hi ‘capper more ofen a an beac oncept tan a mate acually| that We epeance sy Mane ae nln, om ery a The Ger man Teco (1845-1846), 0 pot out she cron of the “usny Community" Noneicess, be Sought wes bot posible and necessary to speak ofa damaged and digo human communi without defn ing an cal eonget of onary The ny od thi for Mars, wes 2 ‘peal the Genenveen tt counteracts te seperation ar lication ‘within soc fe tha eds option, walnton and han sy Bring slne i es the age A person ca be bes a happ aby Isls long as ber elton eeprary and no fod ag cs ‘ns for meaning cial elton avg he ates ose pope wl ‘eal sek out prin of aie useful and neces for atending so mater ber addres, Mar singles ost defining feature of expla scey bei in "he constant nacesity fr exchange, an in exchange value as the al sided mediation On the resie of thie base belie in exchange a xchange alters the sen ta the para of pate sling wl ‘iar serve the nares of al. oe what I an, yo a you wan, and thie wl lead to everyone geting wit ey wat ‘nd need within apse of exchange reatons Tau asin Adam Sea’ tltenabused des of he “nvnble han we save athe wae fe. fyone trough dhe adding p of priate cello According to Mat, oweves the basi Igo exchange, which sound the orgnintion of capil sai shold not be mistake fra prion human tre, change i only the nate of th thet ace bt elfen soy may havea diferente Marx pols ut ht "pvt ret el Slrenly a soclydtemined inser, which cn De ached al win ERs tan ie ina cg a Te a ‘he codons al down ty rose. sti bound to the repro {ton ofthese condos and mean" When we speak of human nature, what we genely mean i sat whatever We see buss being doing mow ofthe ine in mst ofthe pe 2s mus be ter uma natre” Thi why people who focus on wats ad ter carnage tend think that haan true ie ike, ce at is lays smewhecehapresng or some on the benzo, whereas oer people who fous on the fc hat most af any noc ‘ng ling, o dng fa ware even ring wartime te to dhs ht oman nase i pees inclined foe fk around fora fete and seedy bunan history you wile that there ae cera things humans seem todo tine and agi, and you may heer cone thet 29 doing is decide by animale huan are ut tha san ama teal enor Whatever hua beings ave deg any ge nest be iin their naar to d,e de they would tbe dang But humans seas capable of doing other eng than the cage we oberve them ing 2 ny gen ane, whch reget that imen naar lo fdas ‘wer and postble behaviors a re nt character Haman aa ‘ec immabl:wheners humans sant deng someting naw, we ve 2 Change our andersanding of thei naar, er exaape cist nthe tuo huan begs ont we fn way tod it Wes hereon ‘eine that tbe on thing aan naif tral incapable of dang ‘at which man beings annor—ander any crcumstanee?—do ‘Arguments about poles fom human are are einai aways ‘awed by the Sloe inlaos of rome one pat of buman bchevat thats chosen to show whatver one wants to show ebou human a ‘ure. To expound onthe example above My sadent fen dele that because humane ae abv tomers atten mst Be aan ‘tre t fght wars. When {pine otto them hatin every war hee sae always fever people Bung he war than ne, th challenges ot ny tht oss aor aman pate buts hi eas about po ‘ny States uualy Aight wats with he oftenlavluntay belo «sal ‘bse of thr own popltons, end we shuld never mia tates for the woe of humanly. kes, vag nepali worl, hum a ture spears be expat So we have to imagine thas if we Ive ins Esra menor eeemgennae vere mena eee shoe pus Tse noneapalis word, human natre wos apes deen; Capitals o- lees necesita accurate atin way f belgie wal, bat ‘her ways of Beng coll be need ad acute in soe) ‘hat sno rd by exehange lations. ‘Accoing to Mare, 2 Society tt &orented round pit se Inerestgeertes an rennin of gener inference to he. WE tend lok on other peope—e lea nf as they ate ot our c re, parent, or sblngsas fecors mare orf hel or halt ‘ar priate interes. This lel indfence sper asco ever the social bod taper Had of esrmonaly Ths the ecesary taectoy of subjecting man Ie to cpt exchange sel tons. The soil Bond mainly hel together by money cela, Mar ms Kas fows “The india cases bs wcll poe as well a Bo wih oie nls pocker™ Capita mes money into scl pow and ou eltoshipe wih ote ar mediated by mane. pal dos ot orelase he possiblity of iferent and nnoneary human ean ality which it why we ean el speak of eal experiences of esp aint ‘amusadee, We ae not aking about wal, bt ribet tendency. {ove are endship sl appen nh word, and we Sl ny hat they svi cet esprit nasmach a hey en, we can ouch th © powers than te relative power ofthe money tn on pokes, Inthe caper on money in rari, Mare sharply digooeed prok- tems a the sol bead betwen individuals se seaming fom eal, (cs dere te eons ate extnce of mony reap: oss the eject [eraclchag) ef the socal bd 0 fag tat 2 money appews i he frm of ela which one Ina! must eve with nee nodes to ain a commodity ‘fo in Here the scoot themes sy tt pepe ses 2 hing (coe) te fae why do not plc ah ote But hy do ey Rave ahs hg? Oba oly bc tt hing IG objid etn betoon pen; cc cece ex hange vale, cad exchange ae sothing fore than 9a reaon bere people's proce acer? ‘amy view thee sno beter smmation of he base problem of capt Siete ‘exchange relations than Manes explanation here, Capita economists ‘ae avare ofthe power of maney a a socal bond a ths sci © ‘apa economic econ enteches human soca ina web of de. peryon capil, Mrs taling abou the dplacement of fat the Inman person By ath in money While we may not ake zea’ ord far ie when they romize to eam a bcrowed at we wil “ake et ord fori if ee leave a depot or rome abe elateal nts way. the perse's werd aun lest tan so her money There debe mene inthis valuation—atmety, devaluation off nother people Wy oes he deposi of money make ou fh songs? Wy does faith ‘in others requ the deport? We could pepe anewer tat peopl ae one tg, deception and slstteres. Ihe Know they eon Soro the car and simply deve of ith then they woul ely othe tnd lserhiag In coma fey pro to etn theca and ean reclaim aszabl peat up the a eit the he con of ving a ‘vit he ea pul eon igh Thi called“ eur Toe mean ht ‘i inthe ther without a depos an seer ah money ‘tends to and prado ameliorates soil inser, ‘Alf thi only semble becnseifoll thefouratonal ble! syste of exiting soci: ath money. And yeti lend «book fo a ‘rose fiend, wl ac ak for adept. If nd my car to fay member I do nor ask fra cote. The reason for he ce eo cbs to sate, But ths demarcate ami of capt rtaltarian tendencies, Capital orgies sty and ours ife «very foul eve having exablsed te rls according to wich ath ina end or loved ‘oe becomes exzpeanal, le woud not lend ou cars o bak to jone unless weld mot ere ose hem asin, Hare we see that he ‘le tat of cpl, bot we ls se that heh and love ar excep. ‘ono heres ofepa Mar further epi the basi esa flows “Comparon i place of eal conmunty abd genealiy™ We each ak the other wh You he, and ew desi compare to what I can gv you i exchange for le Wer we ae alng about abr, commode, eric, o 20", 8 quamiaton of comparative exchange vals takes the place of ob t valunons. Personal feladonbis tt are not governed by excange ‘ales and inoney ae minimal, moséy relegate to your cosa ee of family and tends. Howeve wae roe abot thee few people in ‘whom you have ath sal ptendally ee abut ober casted 00 strange trast without colterl secu ox Seen. ach ofthe ote fewhom you done place oor ath ae the same ine fl fo ther people who do wus tham without demanding depot Moree many of your crusted friends were suangers at some pin. Therefore, we ea ot conde sa fh in ther people agai a nase ‘gst human nue, Dt eater agains the nti of oie ed xchange restos Manc explains th by speking aout the vale fhe Imes petcn sod the valor of money a the oj lao. The deposi of movers &demensuaoa ofthe others goodwill septal ‘were adit of good Ie rn aiden or supe thi the or fshed and Nariees ae often viewed with the pene: spicion. Mane lps us 0 andersand tha the mpovershed and hones ena he ‘ign cut ofthe usps gant thes eather, thi spon Ct lack fat) derives fom the base suc of secey that is the ‘Max focuses on how socal relations ae developed in 8 sytem of xchange, extending the destoctive oe of apt int the more aier Sphere of perbalrlaon. He cams: nthe money velo, inthe ‘tun to ghe someone sme wares to dink o ood t et onl Ihe ‘ange forme eter thing. Win the conse, one inva ass Souther fhe oF she Ices howe 20 ge the center of owe, a0 the ther one anowers ifthe an. She dows ni hold the answer horage in xchange for something le When ei ying hit, the ter does ot wold water for a "good deal” Where sich pracos did emerge ‘wera the bound of du comunity Win ny Own fly an win Thay ober flee and een, we know tht exchange allen. 1 trl be ent old my young sant dinner howage i exchange for otk would ater nt iduce such exchange relatos to my aly {id paeating, Indes, ter is othing for whieh I woul old water f| food bontage fiom coe, Tie nt an exanginary moral renaeg eisurcne common senee ofa commis enya atria sina loving fai "Wen Mar say hat the este of piste exchange oppo “at aly asa communion” we can fall grasp his mesing fe L™ a any decent fay you wl nd he base carting of he very Young and ‘nos vloetabie member. Th communion i tral nec whoo ‘which o baby oul survive We do at ge our bbls wht they ned nly in exchange for something they can gv tos because te loge of exchanges impracical and insppropit there; Keven saat: Bt oc nly there. The sume base seas gover the healthy relation: ‘hip fade an rend, When emo ada over sat o mesure he Conuratns in 8 competi aexourtng of who dot what fr what ‘word esntment the invabe oun. You my wory abou owt ‘oard again dpsrty of contbution Beiter han ally of exchanges ‘woul be a tral communi tet motivates each odo wha hey sn ‘td mst dot ep the ie commune ofthe fay Beyond we, ‘couse, that wold nic lay happen But alo dees happen lea, ren na word ruled by excbangeelaons. aly, worth pang ou hat scepng cpa exhange relations a the basic mechan tough wich t addres sare ‘would not gard ws aginst a dispar of conibuoas. ie Ie i xp ils tht have oot sed the fundamenel probit po. ‘le wory abou when aking about crmunis. What sboat cite wa bout nega?” "Whar aboot ncn?” What about fe ‘what abou idly Al guests shat ean and muse aed bout he present worl order And a wold povered bythe lo of ap Ie by ale of exchange rons, as ceted problems och seer ‘han the ones that exchange ongnally sought to addres the Doub ‘sof communi, The destucten ad replacment of our east fom of elauocalty wih «system of xchange reltins hat been fay amazing to human Ife and to te planers eclogy and dha ers of exchange mast be eine a itimatly abhi ot by some form ‘of communi, then by bove—or by the corso of ove. Whats ove 12 Jen sad the Sparc of Revolt ection ‘Gecer ion aries itm a i made, Ad tary gender {sin many ways undergoing proms of beng unmade, decor, oc radical reconstructed. We can and do ace his prem, yer atthe ‘ween revolitonary men and rewltonary women, The ueasporen {paar and scien from dominant etre ino eal revlon altars was automa erase te eage of pesichy aad sexi Bad et tobe developed mach let made hegetnio—in radical mies, The reoluionary movements of anachiss and exmumuss have hag chalenged and cehoust gender, and specially the plsal agency of women thie ample esidene to suport the cis Notes, we Aono th temo slab on wold eveluonaty gure, muh ke the mor sya in the Hoy of shilorpt, have been dominned By me, end ily Wester European men. Ts nota a poem Dame on th compar of lth women have in fat ben lke ov of meetings, overburdened with caework, Hacked fom eden and pale, ven rampandy troygoet radial asvcadon, But eoludon- fay women have gotten thle ices fo the convertion an nto te ge and when hey ao tet bodies ad bral ont eds Doar st pola! srugpes they never merely ecboed te acts of their male ‘onades Revelusonary women dd ot and do not peste ocak td feling of revohtonary nen; ree, they expend end challenge in ‘arene ways mec of wi bar tiey on he nec of rae Within Marit es, thee ae been an efor to property ape ste how mach Frederick Engels was pon or Marrs by ek. Fer cxampl ina eanvesoatetteen Mary Gabi! and Berl Ollman on C-SPIN Afr Worde on October 6, 2011, the ow highlighted the steeper ingotance of Sage Olan sprees tat a Gaels ‘oak, Loe end Capital Karan ear Mars onde Bt ofa Reva, “You den that ell Engels wha bought Manto 35008 al of ‘hate came pes: a sesame hears of expt. Ti course tue and has by no been rather wel documented, But Gabi tle dace inthe se convertion with Ollnan tha denny Mara es Maratea nl ™ ‘Gabriesrematabe ookeffrea rare and ssn foc on Jenay ‘Marx andthe indie Mars fay wits pei noenon 9 the la ‘onshp Seren Jenny at Karl and thi harrowing ves. ow and Cap. ‘a aot sb a ography of fal Mar but an important linet of ve elect and pole! story of te Maes. Jenny Mares poe ‘wae as loving and devoted parte and motes and as evolutionary Sd hiker a her own eh. Bus, ven Bere, ena dei a ach 5. Nano Sina Nero ste i cn ox pc se iti eae too re aden rw thay nes CSN Poy, Cob 6201, ep some ana Veen fatber nay fom Karl chan Engels. Engels appears a thee and economist genus equal 9 fal, sane wh shoul ese os mach roti as Mary, not mote ia soe cases, forthe development of Mars work ean in ons, appears shiner ate and polly ‘evoldonary homemaker wo created the ppv space win Wik ‘Mace and often Engl) could cary ou heir wok Hee {want och lenge this general view of Jenny My, sugertng that er role in the evelopment of xt poet war of even gree prance, ad "wl how this wth he help of Gaels wn ty The gins ent ‘wheter Gebsel devrber Jena fe and acy acutely The ques Yin how weterpe and understand the sgicance ofthat if 1 Lagu ha Jean was infact mich mae sabeantvely ved inthe evelopment ofthe evlusenary writing of commas philosophy thes ‘ype appreciated, ven aman those who im to appreciate he te fly sharpen the pont Eagle to the ano an ato 00 too shoul Jeon. Bot who carer about atop? What dference does ‘emake? And why argue anything abou thin a book abut love? The ct he sop does not om only fen he heads of i lesopers but ao fom ther experiences anther condos of fF cen Blogs tothe Fandamental premise of Ma own atl No slushy writen bly y thse wo olde peso pe th weds, Dut posohy is writen by the condions and eaperiences ofthe Me | which the ding is arclated Pr Ill ot make "wetng no easy metaphor in ode to ecgaie the authorship of feany Mere Steel wrote mich nd importantly sou! the wr around heel er pot of view ber tine rotons inthe workd—wae wen and conmuniated in a weldoctsened and daleial radonship wih ax fom the tne he was svete years at his death. The co ‘aun pibsophy of Mare, whic wool Become Known ae Mat nat In ac prodsed fom aoe relation, abd not ou of an hang lato, rbeaningpresely—end iano way tetaborclly—that the ving love fhe Marses geoerate, to a large extent, the Mars poops of ‘munis ed revlon The gos tharbauns dhe works ofc Mar {is ghoseeer named Jeany Marner, any and Ral developed ‘her hiking trough tb ving elas, nd hey dio foe te boning tthe biter end. This partclar ee tenor Gab, yet apport in her work. 3a Time spin a pl me TY pe of a ai ape re Upon meeting Jenny, Mace wrote testo fer sang that" ‘ew Wadd as come into exiece for me that of love™ Gabriel noes ‘ba hs ew ov imeditely dove Marat wring aie nin, ‘in This eat witing was poeny Man's very fe Books were ac Aly books of poetry ed The Hook of Love Ce wot vo volumes ner that de), whl he delivered to Jenny on Chen in 1696 he sre year tha Jeon aged omy bi. Mary te revolutionary thinker an ‘neal scholar begs, then, with various wrings on love. loath nb aubeets of dy woul oon change te eliadanto writ fom ave ‘emalned constr fr Mar Jey imagined bere nthe role of eping Kar ath thoughts ows orto paper ane cel presesed footer ppl bt he also der own appetite for reading serious scholry book, a abe pati “no fiaes ard no poet ean bear Ths ro ay that Jey vanced operas Kars tiking an! wring, although he viewed ec in amt suporve le in much the sme way a8 Gael char serine he) ke so many ratcal worn then and nowy Jenny always ado be mck sore than an ales! bs n books ta ea. What the ars ofan seco who stzes down every sug ous? On ter honeymoon Karl brought along He, essa, Mee ‘hive, and Chateeubeand. Marx worl oly emerge a a mejor ire fstory within the comet ofthis mariage, a onl with anys ative involvement Gail anes at it mange won ea ee ton of fae, Her love ensled hm donot want romaatiee or veloiae mariage os an seo, nett parts mariage not 1 ote one. Rates, Ii wo eat & satire sense of he was tha love reason parce inal generates ew thing aah Inset ih where the tee comes oy what Sefee a tex teh ables is exicence as uch, and not merely what capes +The pobiem is that when we st dow rend and wie aout some eae hiking we gn witha completed or gen text, Wha nes Irs often fsb. When we ad» tat ay something profound ot "ew we wonder where i came frm, Wi can ak ere of gusto ow di you come tusk chat way? Wha Id othe consons? Wend you have hatinslght or epiphany? The el answers ol sich 55, Ny Glew al pa a an ey Maral eh oa sn a a question are sven nthe for of tories: "We et see. When wa 20% Twas wondering about ¥. The, sl around wa, 2s happening At the sme tne was reading Rand wondering abot how acne the question of Q° The autor may tlhe story of theta oly then do we understand tat factors ZR, ab Q, among other variables, par opted in the thinking ofan with he ee ek, They ae iene from i aig. rom the Degling of terran Mars “epaded Jennys niles geal, an that was no mere Soken entiment Marx ws rales when ame wo things ofthe nd abd be wend no ave elle | Jennys judgment he dn hike wan fat ila Jays Jodgmnt, ths, was inside na’ wing. At the very leet Jena wa. ‘aly before, bead, nd within heer of Kal er. The pn ere ‘ot Tha sid wo eee Jenny for the ngs of Marx aod Bagels bt ‘0 understand the reationaiyof ee Max fay as incspeneable othe evelopment of wha today called Mer. Aad, esi ong, the slabs ofthe Marx family was ot dat of exhunge relation While many fetes of thei history could tow ti ja conse fot example, that Jenny di nt mary Mar fr mey a tht thew od in aos fom of éapdatin thelr entze Ine oper (and tec He together was js abou helen ofthe Ie) The hing hey {for one anther and nc eneyehing was Kn) were ein cor ance with lege other then exchange is tue ta they dal coon tthe problem of povery sp tried sei advances tnd payne for Manes published rong. More afer than not, howe Mart wasnt a for his wring. Jey never was. nded, ether te vering nr the ‘eatioshp was goveed by money. This peta ese wot remar le. After all many people pst and present cou ay the ste thing ‘Shou thet owe eis relons i not owes erable, sce fan economies (hat, oBonomia) hee alto cane the dalton oF cous fei seasons ‘When Engols ved fora tine with the Mares, Jey reported that ‘hed “ile colony ined togetier hamriceiy an smmpabealy sharing tel meger sure. Theres fob ea, as he (st fal Recaling our scion of Grande, sot had 0 se the conept of the comune ln thi per The cming tga ofthe minitre commune of he Me family eoulé ot have reed on ata exchange ros prey becase te ater wee dcey damaging 4 the overall eats of the fay. Agi, tis expeece of an ater elinal coming tgte probably aot allen to mom of at ee | pe nd iy sincere hope i that you have exprened some silat farm of being wetter, even fot with your bloga any. Some rople experince a noamonetry form of human relatonlty mare read. iy with ends, comrades, or even with colleagues wo shee cocnon ‘rmcers, Whar diferent in he Mar yi tha when mow pane ‘erence real endship and love they are no busy king arguments tou the captalise iiguraton ofthe Gemeinneen. Marx was nest ‘rane by thc problem in hi research, and be eft wi ery ‘eve wo consdeing ie "A tines th clsezese of he productive se of Man's wat was lel and phyaly embodied trough Jeay: “Their handwrang f terwined on he page ae acibled hs thougts on papers she fa lowed in an elegant, fein hang, ptey coping out ad ening leg her husbands liver indcttent ofthe Dougeisi nd hi be ‘if ha reoluton was right, inva, snd eminent Gail a count uinatey maka ery fie ooo Engel infence ane ictal and materi predaction of Mas work a any mote igor shan ean But Jenny was not he surety sha Gabel saye si was ring his vod of cerning hadwreing tm 1848 Jenny ha every esson or Jes Yas comminmens and thinking, fo that commitment and hing Ike he wie fay cluding the che) tae o ua seu, oil persecution, and ancl carsuophe I she—or f tyne Ime broken withthe revodonary work nd tken a diferent path, hee would hve Been more chance at aI of pace stably aed eas ‘ome medicum of Annes secrgg But reviewing lof fennys lete, er unfalhedauobigrphy and ater acount, Gab ence that ‘enny was uly commie? to Marr's wer and tly ecogate nd understand the need of terre gis she had chosen st = ihand. [sIhesaw hs tes werkarher own ‘That laine could be ead in several ways, nd Gabe asin is 1 covey te snaveregcomaitoet,lojly and lve of ey to Ka. Ta he wo jotpose that reading, howeter ta diffrent reading ha pose here. donot disagree wth Gail's psn only hin tht ‘ops short At thisjurcae, i woud appear tha Jenny sme than & {athe ard trusted ecomplie she ran ndipesae ido teflon of Kan gents. Gare as subsenstd ee pln wel Duc this hat fn both era (tat, histor, experiential and developer) end Fewatire (has, erating and ponding theese snd tine ended for ‘Mant heel and polite wk) terms, Jey pce Marc and hi ork creates the condition freee, and shapes ts fom at oe tentas a ody of work. This reading, uni Gabe lacs Jenny ley ‘beyond the ini of the seretary fl wife Ths eae pus Sey Into a poston ace consmoly defended for Engels Bet Jenny's role cote deeper then ba of Engels, who aera ir al posicoed eration Mare. enn’ celaen with Mak gly (not eae) response for Mats work Thats wo sy whereas Macs work depends on Eogels work and vce versa), Mn’ wok Jen wok (at vise es) fom [seals conception. "hou ses again hat we ae noe aking abou the aati ce ong of individual, bac about love rainy nd what doe —how orks. This dscouse ino way imps or etenpes ny erapre of Kat Manx mache; we may understand deinddung an dept, fxnept of agency capable of exianing ow a comple of haar tee ties scively shapes the postonalty and thang a ach person, I is least consoversi formation as naive appear, abet, a be se soclgie nih, "The ove elation Has a, Jenny waned Kat's Aly o mono. amy, and that was berayed in an afr besween Marc and one of her ‘ost important adepeed fly member nce, worm wi lied is tbe Mares for yas as ind of howsckeeer fo th ai Lil i now sbout hw nich Jenny Iared of thi ery, bt we doko that i would have Bien exerely pn fo hz, The ncnge wa at ‘open or alamo, nor wa replete with common beraye i wat otherwise anion of remarkable intimacy fii, acl iar An er sy and Kas love aed eoldry were often tse, paul suru tng the deaths ofthe chien, to Which dey ad Become holly sceutomed nthe 18505 Buti simpertant oappeie the furs and impetstions ince bide commune of the Mar family Ils Enprant no nly Bea the betrayal was el but alo becsse we cannot be seduced By ay non of seme perfec ove retin of roma and Gay Any fay hat {gears tous as pret ony appecss 2 super vy Iyo loa lesa enough ito ay amy o lve eats, you ol ily Fd ox ony many problems bat alo sacra ade Noone ee could ut enya Kar could. Pychoogy has ong cme thatthe aust fami if ar unlike any eters In em of inence and verry But 2 pect commune i ao an deologle ton of pola! theory and neither Engels nr Mar hough da commun revelation woul este 2 nfalible uopi. fis perhaps a smal conaation to sy tha ane is evenwere, Boh inside ce oy ad beyond i in soley But

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