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Apis mellifica – This remedy is very useful in synovitis of knee joint. There are
sharp, stinging, lancinating pains shooting through the joint and aggravation from
the slightest motion. Extreme sensitiveness to touch and general soreness is
marked. The skin around joints are rosy, light red colour. Joint pain gets better
when cold is applied and worse from hot applications. Sensation of stiffness and
as of something torn off in the interior of the body. Apis does not affect the joint
itself, but helps the tissues around the joint, like the synovium, ligaments and
2. Rhustox – Rhustox affects fibrous tissue markedly, joints, tendons, sheaths etc.
producing pain and stiffness. Hot, painful swelling of joints. Tearing pains in
tendons, ligaments and fasciae. Tenderness about knee joint. Symptoms become
worse from sitting, after rising from a sitting position and first motion. He feels
better after continuous motion and from a change of position. Ailments from strains
and over-lifting. Septic arthritis. Warmth relieves the pain and there is aggravation
from cold, damp weather as well as from approaching storms. The person is
restless and often paces because of the pain, especially at night.
3. Bryonia alba – It is a medicine used to treat swelling in the knees due to rheumatic
joint complaint. Knees are stiff and painful. The knee joints are red, swollen, hot
with stitching and tearing pain; worse on least movement. Red and shining
swelling of the knees, with violent shootings, especially on walking.
4. Kali iodatum – This remedy is indicated in cases of rheumatism of knees with
effusion. Severe bone pains, worse at night and in damp weather. There is spongy
swelling of the joint, a feeling of heat inside the joint.
5. Causticum – Causticum mainly manifests its action in chronic rheumatic, arthritic
and paralytic affections. There are tearing, drawing pains in the muscular and
fibrous tissues with deformities about the joint. The affected joints feel stiff, burning
sensation in joints and tension in knees. Pain is worse from cold and relieved by
warmth, especially heat of bed.
6. Iodium – Inflammatory swelling of the knee with tearing pains and suppuration.
White swelling of the knee. The affected joint is swollen, bright red, hot with
burning and pricking sensation, aggravated by touch and pressure.
7. Ledum palustre – This remedy is of rheumatic nature, rheumatic and gouty. It is
suitable in old prolonged cases of inflammation of the knee joint, of rheumatic knee
joint. The gouty joints become suddenly inflamed and are relieved by cold.
Rheumatic and gouty extremities with pain and swelling; pain worse from motion,
at night and warmth of bed and better from cold applications.
8. Pulstilla – This remedy is useful for gouty, rheumatic or blenorrhagic synovitis. The
knee joints are swollen with tearing and drawing pains, shifting from one joint to
other. There is a feeling of deep soreness, as of subcutaneous ulceration.
9. Mercurius – This remedy suits syphilitic or strunous synovitis, with tendency to
complete destruction of the joint. The general symptoms will indicate the remedy,
such as aggravation at night, profuse sweating, feeling of coldness and chilliness,
restlessness, a threatening suppuration and the characteristic cachexia.
10. Arnica Montana – It is used to treat a swollen knee that develops as a result of an
injury or trauma. Sore, lame, bruised feeling all over the body, as if beaten;
traumatic affections of muscles. A sensation of dislocation with a tenderness of the
knee joint may also be present.

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