Kleinsinge 2018 - No Adherencia

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The Unmet Challenge of Medication Nonadherence

Fred Kleinsinger, MD Perm J 2018;22:18-033
E-pub: 07/05/2018 https://doi.org/10.7812/TPP/18-033

ABSTRACT is an orphan problem. To my knowledge,

Medication nonadherence for patients with chronic diseases is extremely common, no major entity, organization, or group
affecting as many as 40% to 50% of patients who are prescribed medications for man- has taken it on as a priority.4 This topic
agement of chronic conditions such as diabetes or hypertension. This nonadherence to does not fit into the boundaries of any one
prescribed treatment is thought to cause at least 100,000 preventable deaths and $100 discipline. Insurers and health plans have
billion in preventable medical costs per year. Despite this, the medical profession largely other priorities, and few have addressed
ignores medication nonadherence or sees it as a patient problem and not a physician this problem in a systematic manner.
or health system problem. Much of the literature on nonadherence focuses on barriers Practicing physicians remain largely
to adherence, with the assumption that appropriate adherence is the normal course of unaware of this problem. To the extent
events and nonadherence is an aberration. This approach minimizes and oversimplifies that they do, they see it as the patient’s re-
the problem. It is not easy for humans to change their behavior, even for what many sponsibility to correct this problem. In the
physicians see as a minor change such as taking prescription medications. Improving pervasive traditional medical model, it is
medication adherence has not been well studied, but a Cochrane review shows that mul- the responsibility of the physician to make
tifactorial interventions are more effective. In at least one integrated health care system, an accurate diagnosis followed by an ap-
Kaiser Permanente Northern California, a combination of approaches centered on the propriate prescription, with at least some
electronic health record has improved medication adherence rates to above 80%. Using effort at educating and perhaps motivating
similar elements would be feasible in other health care systems but would require mo- the patient. Yet when this fails, as it does
tivation and planning. Effective change will not happen until key players decide to take 40% to 50% of the time, it is seen solely
on this challenge and reimbursement systems are changed to reward health systems that as a patient issue, rather than a system or
improve medication adherence and chronic disease control. clinician responsibility. Fee-for-service
medicine provides little incentive for
INTRODUCTION conditions such as diabetes and hyperten- individual physicians to address this. The
Despite causing an estimated 125,000 sion usually fall in the 50% to 60% range, fee-for-service model incentivizes services,
avoidable deaths each year and $100 billion even with patients who have good insurance not quality or improved outcomes. To the
annually in preventable health care costs,1 and drug benefits.2 Medication cost can be extent that incentives are available with
medication nonadherence is barely on the a concern for some patients, but most treat- pay-for-quality programs, the amounts
radar of most practicing physicians. Adher- ment guidelines for chronic conditions use involved are too small to motivate busy
ence rates for most medications for chronic generic medications available at reasonable physicians.
prices. In most studies, adherence is defined Much of the earlier literature on medi-
as taking 80% or more of the prescribed cation nonadherence focuses on barriers
Potential Barriers to medication doses. to adherence. This framework has the
Medication Adherence Although deaths caused by nonadher- implicit assumption that adherence is the
Patient-related barriers:
ence are hard to measure, the estimate of norm and that when it fails, there must
• Lack of motivation
125,000 deaths per year is widely cited be obstacles that are interfering with the
• Depression
in the literature. Disease-specific meta- process.5
• Denial
analyses validate a significantly increased Although there are many potential bar-
• Cognitive impairment
risk of death in nonadherent patients.3 riers to appropriate adherence (Sidebar:
• Drug or alcohol use
Yet, unlike better-known causes of Potential Barriers to Medication Ad-
• Cultural issues
death such as heart attack or cancer, herence), I contend that a more realistic
• Low educational level
medication nonadherence is usually in- perspective is that in changing human
• Alternate belief systems
visible to patients, their families, and the behavior, inertia is the rule, and change the
medical profession. It does not appear on exception. Improving adherence requires
Treatment-related barriers: the death certificate of a patient who has an active process of behavioral change,
• Complexity of treatment died of a myocardial infarction after not which is nearly always a challenge. It re-
• Side effects (or fear of side effects) taking his antihypertensive medication or quires education, motivation, tools, sup-
• Inconvenience an antiplatelet agent to protect his stent. It port, monitoring, and evaluation. This is
• Cost
• Time
Other barriers:
• Poor practitioner-patient relationship
• Asymptomatic disease being treated Fred Kleinsinger, MD, is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the
University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine. E-mail: fred.kleinsinger@ucsf.edu.

The Permanente Journal/Perm J 2018;22:18-033 1

The Unmet Challenge of Medication Nonadherence

true not just for medication adherence, but • Ancillary staff such as medical assistants on medication adherence, such as from
for any desirable behavioral changes such who can reach out to patients who are the American Medical Association (see:
as improving nutrition, increasing exercise, nonadherent or who have poor control, www.stepsforward.org/Static/images/
or reducing substance abuse, among others. and encourage them to make appoint- modules/14/downloadable/Medication_
Focusing on barriers, as much of the litera- ments Adherence.pdf ).
ture on nonadherence tends to do, distracts • Clinical pharmacists who can coun- Studies show a direct relationship be-
us from the reality that adherence rates are sel patients and adjust medications if tween a patient’s perception of the need
very low under almost all circumstances, needed for a given treatment and his/her adher-
whether obvious barriers are present or • Chronic-condition case managers, espe- ence to this treatment12,13 and between
not. For example, look at how hard it is cially for patients with congestive heart the patient’s sense of empowerment
to induce physicians to wash their hands failure and diabetes and self-efficacy and his/her medication
between patients, which might seem to be • Integrated disease-specific health edu- adherence.14 In 2010, The Permanente
a minor behavioral modification of proven cation classes Journal published an article I wrote,
benefit, but which happens less than half • Well-utilized clinical guidelines and titled “Working with the Noncompliant
of the time that it should.6 algorithms for disease control, empha- Patient,” which discusses tools that phy-
The best solutions focus on a systems sizing use of effective generic medica- sicians can use to enhance medication
approach as opposed to repeated exhor- tions (lowering the cost barrier) when adherence in their patients.15
tations. Doctors are used to medications, applicable Measurements of a medical practice’s
understand their role and importance, and • Physicians’ classes and counseling in diabetes and hypertension control are
tend to minimize the difficulty that many improving physician-patient com- available using Healthcare Effectiveness
patients have with incorporating regular munication and collaboration, which Data and Information Set (HEDIS)
medication, often with side effects, into encourages shared decision making. quality measures. These measures could be
their busy lives. Although there are steps This approach sounds expensive and publicized and could lead to healthy com-
that physicians can take to improve ad- complex, and to some extent, it is both. petition between health care organizations,
herence, the most effective interventions Yet the medical profession thinks it is and possibly between clinicians in a given
have resulted from system change and reasonable to spend $100,000 on a single organization. Providing physicians feed-
multifaceted strategies. individual with cancer to extend his/her back about their own patients’ medication
life for a year. What would it be worth to adherence has not been found to make a
A SUCCESSFUL APPROACH IN save 100,000 people from dying each year significant improvement, however.16
ONE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM as a result of not taking their medications? Another idea is to motivate health plans
Little research has been done on solu- and physicians to take this problem on as a
tions to the problem of medication nonad- DISCUSSION: APPROACHES challenge. This could include better reim-
herence, and most studies that have been FOR THE FUTURE bursement for better disease control and
done are of limited interventions, such as One of the first steps in improving med- better outcomes, although the amounts
pill boxes or smartphone apps, that have ication nonadherence would be to increase would have to be sufficient to create a
minimal efficacy.7 A Cochrane review8 of public awareness of the magnitude of the powerful incentive.
this subject concludes that multifactorial problem. Articles are beginning to appear Disease advocacy organizations such as
approaches are better, but even these have in popular media on this topic.11 Ideally, the American Diabetes Association could
limited efficacy.9 This is discouraging and patients will learn to insist on effective make improving medication adherence
makes the problem seem unsolvable. There control of their chronic conditions. It is the part of their mission and program. There
have been successes in this arena, but most patient, after all, who has the most to lose. is no American Medication Nonadherence
are of limited generalizability.8 Suggestions to helping patients become Association.
In the Kaiser Permanente Northern more adherent to taking their medica- Most medical practices in the US are
California system, hypertension control tions include using what is known from now using an EHR. Although many prac-
rates exceed 80%,10 compared with a com- the science of human behavioral change tices use their EHR mainly for billing and
munity control rate of around 65% or less. to help patients adopt healthier ways of basic medical record functions, most EHR
Kaiser Permanente uses a multifaceted ap- living and form healthy habits. Health programs have the potential functionality
proach that includes the following: care practitioners should use basic mo- of enabling practitioners to identify and
• The electronic health record (EHR) to tivational interviewing strategies when reach out to patients with poor medica-
identify patients at risk: Those with a prescribing medications and confirming tion adherence and/or poor disease con-
given diagnosis who have poor control, compliance. If this is done successfully, trol. Often, it is the patients with a given
few visits, or insufficient refills patients can become motivated to take diagnosis whom we do not see regularly
• Outreach to ensure all patients with their medications and to insist on good who are most likely to be nonadherent. In
hypertension have documentation of control of their chronic condition. To help traditional private practice settings, the
blood pressure measurement at least motivate patients, physicians can study patient who does not make appointments
yearly a continuing medical education module is most likely to be forgotten.

2 The Permanente Journal/Perm J 2018;22:18-033

The Unmet Challenge of Medication Nonadherence

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