L6. Extinción Megafauna y Antropoceno

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ANCENE-10; No. of Pages 10

Anthropocene xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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Human acceleration of animal and plant extinctions: A Late Pleistocene,

Holocene, and Anthropocene continuum
Todd J. Braje a,*, Jon M. Erlandson b
San Diego State University, Department of Anthropology, San Diego, CA 92182-6040, United States
Museum of Natural and Cultural History and Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1224, United States


Article history: One of the most enduring and stirring debates in archeology revolves around the role humans played in
Received 6 May 2013 the extinction of large terrestrial mammals (megafauna) and other animals near the end of the
Received in revised form 6 August 2013 Pleistocene. Rather than seeking a prime driver (e.g., climate change, human hunting, disease, or other
Accepted 9 August 2013
causes) for Pleistocene extinctions, we focus on the process of human geographic expansion and
accelerating technological developments over the last 50,000 years, changes that initiated an essentially
Keywords: continuous cascade of ecological changes and transformations of regional floral and faunal communities.
Human hunting, population growth, economic intensification, domestication and translocation of plants
and animals, and landscape burning and deforestation, all contributed to a growing human domination
Sixth mass extinction of earth’s continental and oceanic ecosystems. We explore the deep history of anthropogenic extinctions,
trace the accelerating loss of biodiversity around the globe, and argue that Late Pleistocene and Holocene
extinctions can be seen as part of a single complex continuum increasingly driven by anthropogenic
factors that continue today.
ß 2013 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event (a.k.a. the K-T boundary

event), when 76% of the world’s species went extinct within a few
For many geologists and climate scientists, earth’s fossil record millennia (Renne et al., 2013). Most scientists implicate a large
reads like a soap opera in five parts. The episodes played out over asteroid impact ca. 65.5 mya as the prime driver for this mass
the last 450 million years and the storylines are divided by five extinction, characterized by the disappearance of non-avian
mass extinction events, biotic crises when at least half the planet’s dinosaurs and the dawn of the age of mammals.
macroscopic plants and animals disappeared. Geologists have used The Big Five concept has become such an engrained part of the
these mass extinctions to mark transitions to new geologic epochs geologic and other sciences that some scholars use the term ‘‘sixth
(Table 1), and they are often called the ‘‘Big Five’’ extinctions. When extinction’’ to characterize the current crisis of earth’s biological
these extinctions were first identified, they seemed to be outliers resources (e.g., Barnosky et al., 2011; Ceballos et al., 2010; Glavin,
within an overall trend of decreasing extinctions and origination 2007; Leakey and Lewin, 1995). Long before the formal proposal to
rates over the last 542 million years, the Phanerozoic Eon (Gilinsky, define a new Anthropocene Epoch (Zalasiewicz et al., 2008), a
1994; Raup, 1986; Raup and Sepkoski, 1982). More recent meta- variety of scientists identified post-industrial humans as the
analyses of large web-based paleontological databases (i.e., Alroy, driving force behind the current and on-going mass extinction
2000, 2008), however, have called into question whether all of (e.g., Glavin, 2007; Leakey and Lewin, 1995). Clearly we are
these mass extinctions are truly outliers and substantially different currently living through a mass extinction event. Calculations
from the continuum of extinctions that have been on-going for suggest that the current rates of extinction are 100–1000 times
hundreds of millions of years. natural background levels (Vitousek et al., 1997b:498; Wilson,
Multiple mass extinctions have occurred over the course of 2002). Some biologists predict that the sixth extinction may result
earth’s history, but they are relatively rare, poorly defined, and in a 50% loss of the remaining plants and animals on earth, which
often played out over millions of years. The one exception is the might trigger the collapse of some ecosystems, the loss of food
economies, the disappearance of medicinal and other resources,
and the disruption of important cultural landscapes. The driving
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 415 734 8396; fax: +1 619 594 1150.
force of this biotic crisis can be directly tied to humans, and their
E-mail addresses: tbraje@mail.sdsu.edu (T.J. Braje), jerland@uoregon.edu propensity for unchecked population growth, pollution, over-
(J.M. Erlandson). harvesting, habitat alteration, and translocation of invasive species

2213-3054/$ – see front matter ß 2013 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Braje, T.J., Erlandson, J.M., Human acceleration of animal and plant extinctions: A Late Pleistocene,
Holocene, and Anthropocene continuum. Anthropocene (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2013.08.003
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ANCENE-10; No. of Pages 10

2 T.J. Braje, J.M. Erlandson / Anthropocene xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Table 1
General characteristics of the ‘‘Big Five’’ extinction events as identified by Raup and Sepkoski (1982) from the fossil record.a

Mass extinction Age mya Extinctions Characteristics

% Families % Genera % Species

Ordovician-Silurian 450–440 27 57 86 Two extinction pulses, about 1 million years apart. Likely resulted from glacial,
interglacial cycles, marine transgressions and regressions, uplift and weathering of
Appalachians causing atmospheric and ocean chemistry changes, and CO2
Late Devonian 375–360 19 35 75 Likely marked by several extinctions over 3 million years, the cause is unclear but may
include global cooling, spread of anoxic waters, oceanic volcanism, or an extraterrestrial
Permian-Triassic 252 57 56 96 The most severe extinction event that occurred over 1–3 pulses. The earliest pulse was
likely the result of gradual environmental change but later pulses may have been
triggered by an impact, volcanism, the Siberian Traps, or sea floor methane release.
Triassic-Jurassic 200 23 47 80 Occurred quickly, in less than 10ky, and allowed dinosaurs to flourish. May have been
triggered by gradual climate change, sea-level changes, ocean acidification, an impact,
or volcanism.
Cretaceous-Paleogene 65.5 17 40 76 Marked by the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs and the beginning of the age of
mammals. Most scientists point to an asteroid impact as the cause and the extinctions
may have occurred over several thousand years.
See Barnosky et al. (2011).

(Vitousek et al., 1997a,b)—changes Smith and Zeder (2013; also see Zealand, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Latvia, and the Russian Far
Smith, 2007) refer to as human niche construction. East (Marris, 2009), and scientists are debating the merits of
If we are living during the next great biotic crisis and it is rewilding North America with Old World analog species (Caro,
directly tied to human agency, the question becomes when did this 2007; Oliveira-Santos and Fernandez, 2010; Rubenstein et al.,
mass extinction process begin? Even those who have proposed to 2006).
formally designate an Anthropocene Epoch beginning at the dawn
of the Industrial Revolution (ca. AD 1800) or the nuclear era of the 2. Continental-scale megafaunal extinctions
1960s (e.g. Crutzen, 2002; Steffen et al., 2007, 2011; Zalasiewicz
et al., 2008) acknowledge the evidence for widespread impacts of One enduring debate in archeology revolves around the role of
pre-industrial humans in archeological and historical records. They anatomically modern humans (AMH, a.k.a. Homo sapiens) in the
recognize a wide range of ‘‘pre-Anthropocene Events,’’ including extinction of large continental, terrestrial mammals (megafauna).
the acceleration of plant and animal extinctions associated with As AMH populations spread from their evolutionary homeland in
human colonization of new landscapes (Steffen et al., 2007). In Africa between about 70,000 and 50,000 years ago (Klein, 2008),
their view, however, these impacts are seen as much different in worldwide megafauna began a catastrophic decline, with about 90
scale than those that come later: of 150 genera (Koch and Barnosky, 2006:216) going extinct by
10,000 cal BP (calendar years before present). A variety of scientists
Preindustrial societies could and did modify coastal and
have weighed in on the possible cause(s) of this extinction, citing
terrestrial ecosystems but they did not have the numbers,
natural climate and habitat change, human hunting, disease, or a
social and economic organisation, or technologies needed to
combination of these (Table 2). These extinctions may constitute
equal or dominate the great forces of Nature in magnitude or
the earliest human-induced biotic crisis in earth’s history, with
rate. Their impacts remained largely local and transitory, well
continental extinctions of megafauna (traditionally defined as
within the bounds of the natural variability of the environment
animals weighing more than 44 kg) affecting Australia, North and
(Steffen et al., 2007:615; also see Steffen et al., 2011:846–847).
South America, and Europe during the late Quaternary.
Here, we review archeological and paleoecological evidence In Northern Eurasia and Beringia (including Siberia and Alaska),
for rapid and widespread faunal extinctions after the initial 9 genera (35%) of megafauna (Table 3) went extinct in two pulses
colonization of continental and island landscapes. While the (Koch and Barnosky, 2006:219). Warm weather adapted megafau-
timing and precise mechanisms of extinction (e.g., coincident na such as straight-tusked elephants, hippos, hemionid horses, and
climate change, overharvesting, invasive species, habitat disrup- short-faced bears went extinct between 48,000 and 23,000 cal BP
tion, disease, or extraterrestrial impact) still are debated (Haynes, and cold-adapted megafauna such as mammoths went extinct
2009), the global pattern of first human arrival followed by biotic between 14,000 and 11,500 cal BP. In central North America,
extinctions, that accelerate through time, places humans as a approximately 34 genera (72%) of large mammals went extinct
contributing agent to extinction for at least 50,000 years. From the between about 13,000 and 10,500 years ago, including mammoths,
late Pleistocene to the Holocene, moreover, we argue that human mastodons, giant ground sloths, horses, tapirs, camels, bears,
contributions to such extinctions and ecological change have saber-tooth cats, and a variety of other animals (Alroy, 1999;
continued to accelerate. Grayson, 1991, 2007). Large mammals were most heavily affected,
More than simply the naming of geologic epochs, defining the but some small mammals, including a skunk and rabbit, also went
level of human involvement in ancient extinctions may have extinct. South America lost an even larger number and percentage,
widespread ethical implications for the present and future of with 50 megafauna genera (83%) becoming extinct at about the
conservation biology and restoration ecology (Donlan et al., 2005; same time. In Australia, some 21 genera (83%) of large marsupials,
Wolverton, 2010). A growing number of scientists and resource birds, and reptiles went extinct (Flannery and Roberts, 1999)
managers accept the premise that humans caused or significantly approximately 46,000 years ago, including giant kangaroos,
contributed to late Quaternary extinctions and, we have the moral wombats, and snakes (Roberts et al., 2001).
imperative to restore and rebalance these ecosystems by In the Americas, Eurasia, and Australia, the larger bodied
introducing species closely related to those that became extinct. animals with slow reproductive rates were especially prone to
Experiments are already underway in ‘‘Pleistocene parks’’ in New extinction (Burney and Flannery, 2005:395; Lyons et al., 2004), a

Please cite this article in press as: Braje, T.J., Erlandson, J.M., Human acceleration of animal and plant extinctions: A Late Pleistocene,
Holocene, and Anthropocene continuum. Anthropocene (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2013.08.003
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ANCENE-10; No. of Pages 10

T.J. Braje, J.M. Erlandson / Anthropocene xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3

Table 2
Summary of the major hypotheses proposed to explain Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions around the world.

Hypothesis Details References

Climate driven
Climate change Megafaunal and other animals were unable to adapt to Graham and Grimm (1990) and Guthrie (1984)
changes in climate and vegetation communities at the
Pleistocene–Holocene transition
Drought Rapidly increasing aridity, combined with human hunting, Haynes (1991)
results in North American megafaunal extinctions
Human induced
Overkill Colonizing aboriginal humans rapidly overhunt Alroy (2001) and Martin (1984)
ecologically naı̈ve megafauna
Fire Landscape burning by colonizing humans caused ecological Miller et al. (2005)
changes and megamarsupial extinctions in Australia
Disease Infectious disease brought by colonizing humans rapidly MacPhee and Marx (1997)
affects many megafaunal taxa
Ecological re-organization Loss of megaherbivores, which helped create and maintain Gill et al. (2009), Grayson (1984) and Owen-Smith (1988)
savannahs, triggered ecological changes and increased fire
fuel loads
ET impact An extraterrestrial impact event triggered biomass burning Firestone et al. (2007)
and food shortages that resulted in the North American
Human-climate dynamics
Multivariant Human hunting, anthropogenic ecosystems alterations, and Barnosky et al. (2004), Burney and Flannery (2005) and
natural climatic/vegetation changes results in increased Doughtry et al. (2010)
fire, landscape transformation, and megafaunal extinctions

Table 3
Summary table of mammalian megafauna extinctions.a

Mass Initial colonization Major extinction # Genera

extinction of AMH (cal BP) interval (cal BP)
Extinct Extinct but surviving elsewhere Holocene survivors % Extinct

Australia 50,000  5000 80,000–46,000 14 – 2 88

Eurasia 60,000–45,000 48,000–23,000, 4 5 17 35
North America 14,500  5000 13,000–10,500 28 6 13 72
South America 14,500  5000 13,000–10,500 48 2 10 83
Adapted from Koch and Barnosky (2006:Table 2).

pattern that seems to be unique to late Pleistocene extinctions. have been demonstrated to overlap with humans and that the bulk
According to statistical analyses by Alroy (1999), this late of extinctions occurred prior to human arrival, questioning Roberts
Quaternary extinction episode is more selective for large-bodied et al.’s (2001) terminal extinction date (Field et al., 2008). In the
animals than any other extinction interval in the last 65 million Americas and Eurasia, warming at the end of the Last Glacial
years. Current evidence suggests that the initial human coloniza- Maximum (LGM, ca. 18,000 years ago) resulted in rapid changes to
tion of Australia and the Americas at about 50,000 and 15,000 years climate and vegetation communities during the Pleistocene–
ago, respectively, and the appearance of AMH in Northern Eurasia Holocene transition, creating a set of environmental changes to
beginning about 50,000 years ago coincided with the extinction of which megafauna were unable to adapt (Graham and Grimm,
these animals, although the influence of humans is still debated 1990; Guthrie, 2003, 2006). Extinctions in the New World may
(e.g., Brook and Bowman, 2002, 2004; Grayson, 2001; Roberts et al., have been further affected by the onset of the Younger Dryas, a
2001; Surovell et al., 2005; Wroe et al., 2004). 1000-year cooling event, which exacerbated shifts in vegetation
2.1. The climate model Much of the climate change model hinges on dietary assump-
tions about Pleistocene herbivores, and to some degree, carnivores.
Many scholars have implicated climate change as the prime A variety of new studies are testing these assumptions using
mover in megafaunal extinctions (see Wroe et al., 2006). There are genetic (mtDNA), morphologic, and isotopic (d 13C and d 15N) data.
a number of variations on the climate change theme, but the most North American proboscideans (e.g., mammoths, mastodons) and
popular implicates rapid changes in climate and vegetation camelids had very different and specialized diets that may have
communities as the prime driver of extinctions (Grayson, 2007; made them vulnerable to rapid climate change and vegetation
Guthrie, 1984; Owen-Smith, 1988). Extinctions, then, are seen as shifts, for example, but carbon isotope studies of tooth enamel
the result of habitat loss (King and Saunders, 1984), reduced suggest that C4 grasslands that supported large herbivores
carrying capacity for herbivores (Guthrie, 1984), increased generally remained intact during glacial to interglacial transitions
patchiness and resource fragmentation (MacArthur and Pianka, (Connin et al., 1998; Koch et al., 1994, 1998, 2004). Patterns of
1966), or disruptions in the co-evolutionary balance between specialization have also been found with North American
plants, herbivores, and carnivores (Graham and Lundelius, 1984). carnivore species. The species with the greatest extinction
In Australia, extinctions have been linked to a stepwise progression vulnerability tended to be the largest and most carnivorous of
of aridification over the last 300,000–400,000 years (Field et al., their families (e.g., dire wolves, saber-tooth cats, short-faced
2002; Kershaw et al., 2003; Wroe et al., 2004). Climate change bears). The smaller, more generalized species (e.g., gray wolves,
proponents argue that only a small number of extinct megafauna puma and bobcats, and black and brown bears) survived into the

Please cite this article in press as: Braje, T.J., Erlandson, J.M., Human acceleration of animal and plant extinctions: A Late Pleistocene,
Holocene, and Anthropocene continuum. Anthropocene (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2013.08.003
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4 T.J. Braje, J.M. Erlandson / Anthropocene xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Holocene (Leonard et al., 2007; Van Valkenburgh and Hertel, megafauna was possible in the Americas and Australia at first
1993). human colonization. Questions remain about these models, as
Other studies of environmental changes across the Pleistocene– some simulations that make relatively small adjustments to the
Holocene transition have suggested that climate change is not a model assumptions (i.e., changes to human–prey population
sufficient explanation for megafaunal extinctions. Martı́nez-Meyer dynamics, human population densities, or other input parameters)
et al. (2004) found, for example, that the reduction of habitable do not support the overkill model (see Belovsky, 1998; Choquenot
niches for eight megafauna taxa in North America is insufficient to and Bowman, 1998).
explain their extinction. Pollen records further show that Given that these models disagree in their outcomes and can only
megafaunal extinctions in Eurasia and the Americas coincided provide insights into the relative plausibility of the overkill model,
with rapid vegetational shifts, but the link between vegetation the strongest evidence for overkill comes from the timing of
changes and extinctions in Australia is much less clear (Barnosky megafaunal extinctions and human colonization. In the Americas,
et al., 2004). Although comprehensive studies are needed, current the major megafauna extinction interval coincides with the late
pollen records also suggest that Pleistocene–Holocene changes in Pleistocene arrival of humans about 15,000 years ago (Dillehay,
vegetation were not substantially different from previous glacial– 2000; Meltzer, 2009; Meltzer et al., 1997). Most of the megafauna
interglacial cycles (Koch and Barnosky, 2006:225–226; also see were lost by 10,500 years ago or earlier, generally coincident with
Robinson et al., 2005). There also is evidence for the Holocene the regionalization of Paleoindian projectile points, often inter-
survival of now extinct megafauna in locations that were free from preted as megafauna hunting technologies, in North America.
intensive human predation. Wooly mammoths survived on Similarities are seen in Australia with first human colonization at
Wrangel Island off northeast Siberia until about 3700 years ago about 50,000 years ago and the extinction of the continental
(Stuart et al., 2004; Vartanyan et al., 2008) and on Alaska’s Pribilof megafauna within 4000 years on the mainland (Gillespie, 2008;
Islands until 5000 years ago (Yesner et al., 2005). These animals Roberts et al., 2001) and slightly later on Tasmania (Turney et al.,
survived the dramatic climate and vegetation changes of the 2008). The association of megafauna extinctions and human arrival
Pleistocene–Holocene transition, in some cases on relatively small in Eurasia is more difficult to demonstrate. Hominins (e.g., Homo
islands that saw dramatic environmental change. Climate change erectus, H. heidelbergensis, H. neandertalensis) were present in large
proponents suggest, however, that these cases represent refugia parts of Eurasia for roughly two million years, so Eurasian mammals
populations in favorable habitats in the far north. should have co-evolved with hominins in a fashion similar to
Ultimately, additional data on vegetation shifts (studies from Martin’s African model. With the first AMH arriving in various parts
pollen and macrofloral evidence) across the Pleistocene–Holocene of Eurasia between about 60,000 and 50,000 years ago, apparently
boundary, including investigation of seasonality patterns and with more sophisticated brains and technologies, AMH may have
climate fluctuations at decadal to century scales, will be important sparked the first wave of megafaunal extinctions at 48,000 years
for continued evaluation of climate change models. ago (Barnosky et al., 2004).
Overkill opponents argue that the small number of documented
2.2. The human overhunting model megafauna kill sites in the Americas and Australia provides no
empirical evidence for the model (Field et al., 2008, 2013; Grayson,
The human overhunting model implicates humans as the 1991; Grayson and Meltzer, 2002; Mulvaney and Kamminga,
primary driver of megafaunal extinctions in the late Quaternary. 1999). For North America, Grayson and Meltzer (2003) argued that
Hunting, however, does not have to be the principal cause of only four extinct genera of megafauna were targeted by humans at
megafauna deaths and humans do not necessarily have to be 14 archeological sites. In South America, even fewer megafauna kill
specialized, big game hunters. Rather, human hunting and sites have been found (see Fiedel and Haynes, 2004:123). Australia
anthropogenic ecological changes add a critical number of has produced no clear extinct megafauna kill sites, save one
megafauna deaths, where death rates begin to exceed birth rates. possible site at Cuddie Springs (Field et al., 2002, 2008, 2013;
Extinction, then, can be rapid or slow depending on the forcing of Mulvaney and Kamminga, 1999). In both Australia and the
human hunting (Koch and Barnosky, 2006:231). Americas, these numbers are based on conservative interpreta-
The human overhunting model was popularized by Martin tions of archeological associations, however, and other scholars
(1966, 1967, 1973, 2005) with his blitzkrieg model for extinction in argue for considerably larger numbers of kill sites.
the Americas. Martin argued that initial human colonization of the Years ago, Martin (1975:670) argued that the dearth of kill sites
New World by Clovis peoples, big game hunting specialists who could be viewed as evidence supporting his blitzkrieg model:
swept across the Bering Land Bridge and down the Ice Free Corridor
13,500 years ago, resulted in megafaunal extinctions within 500– Sufficiently rapid rates of killing could terminate a prey
1000 years as humans spread like a deadly wave from north to south. population before appreciable evidence could be buried. Poor
Similarly, the initial human colonization of Australia instigated a paleontological visibility would be inevitable. In these terms
wave of extinctions from human hunting some 50,000 years ago. the scarcity of known kill sites on a landmass which suffered
According to Martin (1973), this blitzkrieg was rapid and effective in severe megafaunal losses ceases to be paradoxical and becomes
the Americas and Australia because these large terrestrial animals a predictable consequence of the special circumstances. . ..’’
were ecologically naı̈ve and lacked the behavioral and evolutionary
adaptations to avoid intelligent and technologically sophisticated Few archeologists have agreed with this assertion, but the lack of
human predators (Martin, 1973). Extinctions in Africa and Eurasia evidence may be partly the result of taphonomic biases and
were much less pronounced because megafauna and human differential bone preservation. Waguespack and Surovell (2003),
hunting had co-evolved (Martin, 1966). Elsewhere, Martin (1973) for example, noted that large portions of the United States,
reasoned that since the interaction between humans and megafauna particularly the American southeast, have produced precious few
was relatively brief, very few archeological kill sites recording these archaeofaunal assemblages due to poor preservation.
events were created or preserved. As Grayson (2007) noted, critical to resolving some of these
Much of the supporting evidence for the overkill model is debates will be continued high-resolution dating of the initial
predicated on computer simulation, mathematical, and foraging human colonization of the Americas and Australia and the
models (e.g., Alroy, 2001; Brook and Bowman, 2004; Mosimann extinctions of individual megafauna species. A large-scale and
and Martin, 1975). These suggest a rapid, selective extinction of interdisciplinary research program of this type may well resolve the

Please cite this article in press as: Braje, T.J., Erlandson, J.M., Human acceleration of animal and plant extinctions: A Late Pleistocene,
Holocene, and Anthropocene continuum. Anthropocene (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2013.08.003
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possible linkages between humans and late Quaternary megafauna over the last 50,000 years, but not the sole mechanism. Climate
extinctions. change alone can explain the extinction of the Eurasian musk ox
and the wooly rhinoceros, for example, but the extinction of the
2.3. Middle ground Eurasian steppe bison and wild horse was the result of both
climatic and anthropogenic influences. Lorenzen et al.’s (2011)
A number of other models propose that megafauna extinctions findings demonstrate the need for a species by species approach to
resulted from a complex mix of climatic, anthropogenic, and understanding megafaunal extinctions.
ecological factors (e.g. Lorenzen et al., 2011; Ripple and Van The most powerful argument supporting a mix of humans and
Valkenburgh, 2010). Owen-Smith (1987, 1999) argued, for climate for late Quaternary megafauna extinctions may be the
example, that large herbivores are keystone species that help simplest. Given current best age estimates for the arrival of AMH in
create and maintain mosaic habitats on which other herbivores Australia, Eurasia, and the Americas, a wave of extinctions appears
and carnivores rely. Loss of these keystone species, such as to have occurred shortly after human colonization of all three
mammoths, from climate driven vegetational changes or human continents. In some cases, climate probably contributed signifi-
hunting can result in cascading extinctions. Other models suggest cantly to these extinctions, in other cases, the connection is not as
that the reduction of proboscidean abundance from human obvious. Climate and vegetation changes at the Pleistocene–
hunting or other disturbance resulted in a transition from Holocene transition, for example, likely stressed megafauna in
nutrient-rich, grassy steppe habitats to nutrient-poor tundra North America and South America (Barnosky et al., 2004:74;
habitats. With insufficient densities of proboscideans to maintain Metcalfe et al., 2010). The early extinction pulse in Eurasia (see
steppe habitats, cascading extinctions of grassland dependent Table 3) generally coincides with the arrival of AMH and the later
species such as horses and bison were triggered. Robinson et al. pulse may have resulted from human demographic expansion and
(2005) have identified reduced densities of keystone megaherbi- the invention of new tool technologies (Barnosky et al., 2004:71).
vores and changes in vegetation communities in eastern North This latter pulse also coincides with warming and vegetation
America by analyzing dung spores. However, continued work will changes at the Pleistocene–Holocene transition. Extinctions in
be necessary to evaluate the relative timing of extinctions between Australia appear to occur shortly after human colonization and are
megafauna species. not clearly linked to any climate events (Roberts et al., 2001),
Ripple and Van Valkenburgh (2010) argue that human hunting although long-term aridification may have accelerated the
and scavenging, as a result of top-down forcing, triggered a extinctions (Wroe et al., 2006), and the chronological relationship
population collapse of megafauna herbivores and the carnivores between human colonization and megafaunal extinctions remains
that relied upon them. In this scenario, Ripple and Van controversial (Field et al., 2013).
Valkenburgh (2010) envision a pre-human landscape where large
herbivores were held well below carrying capacity by predators (a 3. Ancient island extinctions
predator-limited system). After human hunters arrived, they vied
with large carnivores and the increased competition for declining The late Quaternary extinctions of continental megafauna will
herbivore megafauna forced both to switch to alternate prey continue to be debated, but extinctions and other ecological
species. With a growing human population that was omnivorous, impacts on island ecosystems around the world shortly after initial
adaptable, and capable of defending themselves from predation human colonization are much more clearly anthropogenic in origin
with fire, tools, and other cultural advantages, Pleistocene (see Rick et al., 2013). These extinctions resulted from direct
megafauna collapsed from the competition-induced trophic human hunting, anthropogenic burning and landscape clearing,
cascade. Combined with vegetation changes and increased and the translocation of new plants and animals. Some of the most
patchiness as the result of natural climatic change, Pleistocene famous and well-documented of these extinctions come from
megafauna and a variety of other smaller animals were driven to Madagascar, New Zealand, and other Pacific Islands.
extinction. In Madagascar, a wide range of megafauna went extinct after
Flannery (1994) and Miller et al. (1999, 2005) argued that human colonization ca. 2300 years ago (Burney et al., 2004). Pygmy
anthropogenic landscape burning after the initial human coloni- hippos, flightless elephant birds, giant tortoises, and large lemurs
zation of Australia contributed to megafaunal extinctions. may have overlapped with humans for a millennium or more, but
Combined with the long-term trend toward increasing aridity, each went extinct due to human hunting or habitat disturbance.
extinctions may have resulted from a complex feedback loop Burney et al. (2003) identified proxy evidence for population
where the loss of large herbivores increased fuel loads and decreases of megafauna within a few centuries of human arrival by
generated more intense fires that were increasingly ignited by tracking declines in Sporormiella spp., dung-fungus spores that
humans (Barnosky et al., 2004; Wroe et al., 2006). Edwards and grow primarily on large mammal dung. This was followed by
MacDonald (1991) identified increases in charcoal abundance and dramatic increases of Sporormiella spp. after the introduction of
shifts in pollen assemblages, but arguments still remain over the domesticated cattle a millennium later.
chronological resolution and whether or not these are tied to Shortly after the Maori colonization of New Zealand roughly
natural or anthropogenic burning (Bowman, 1998). Evidence for 1000 years ago, at least eleven species of large, flightless landbirds
anthropogenic burning in the Americas and Eurasia is more (moas), along with numerous smaller bird species, went extinct
ephemeral, although Robinson et al. (2005) reported evidence for (Diamond, 1989:472; Fleming, 1962; Grayson, 2001; Olson and
increased charcoal and human burning in eastern North America in James, 1984). Moa butchery and processing sites are abundant and
the terminal Pleistocene. Similar to some earlier syntheses (e.g., well-documented in the archeological record (Anderson, 1983,
Nogués-Bravo et al., 2008), Fillios et al. (2010), argue that humans 1989) and recent radiocarbon dating and population modeling
provided the coup de grâce in megafaunal extinctions in Australia, suggests that their disappearance occurred within 100 years of first
with environmental factors acting as the primary driver. human arrival (Holdaway and Jacomb, 2000). Landbirds across
In a recent study, Lorenzen et al. (2011) synthesized arche- Oceania suffered a similar fate beginning about 3500 years ago as
ological, genetic, and climatic data to study the demographic Lapita peoples and later Polynesians colonized the vast Pacific.
histories of six megafauna species, the wooly rhinoceros, wooly Thirteen of 17 landbird species went extinct shortly after human
mammoth, wild horse, reindeer, bison, and musk ox. They found arrival on Mangaia in the Cook Islands (Steadman and Kirch, 1990),
that climatic fluctuation was the major driver of population change for example, five of nine on Henderson Island (Wragg and Weisler,

Please cite this article in press as: Braje, T.J., Erlandson, J.M., Human acceleration of animal and plant extinctions: A Late Pleistocene,
Holocene, and Anthropocene continuum. Anthropocene (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2013.08.003
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Table 4
A sample of landbird extinctions on Pacific Islands after Late Holocene human colonization.a

Island group Island # Species % Extinct Reference

Archeologically identified Extinct or extirpated

Cook Islands Mangaia 17 13 76 Steadman (1997)

Easter Island 6 6 100 Steadman (1995)
Hawaiian Islands Hawaii 16 5 31 Olson and James (1991)
Hawaiian Islands Kauai 23 13 57 Olson and James (1991)
Hawaiian Islands Maui 37 29 78 Olson and James (1991)
Hawaiian Islands Molokai 23 19 83 Olson and James (1991)
Hawaiian Islands Oahu 35 23 66 Olson and James (1991)
Henderson Island 10 6 60 Wragg and Weisler (1994)
Mariana Islands Aguiguan 9 2 22 Steadman (1999)
Mariana Islands Rota 20 14 70 Steadman (1999)
Mariana Islands Tinian 15 8 53 Steadman (1999)
Marquesas Hiva Oa 7 7 100 Rolett (1998)
Marquesas Nuku Hiva 9 6 67 Rolett (1998)
Marquesas Tahuata 10 7 70 Rolett (1998)
Marquesas Ua Huka 15 13 87 Rolett (1998)
New Caledonia 27 11 41 Balouet and Olson (1989)
New Zealand 93 32 34 Worthy (1999)
Society Islands Huahine 15 10 67 Steadman (1997)
Solomon Islands Anuta 3 0 0 Steadman et al. (1990)
Solomon Islands Tikopia 10 2 20 Steadman et al. (1990)
Tonga Eua 26 14 54 Steadman (1995)
Tonga Lifuka 7 5 71 Steadman (1989)
After Grayson (2001); Jones et al. (2008) also noted a gradual extinction of a flightless duck (Chendytes lawi) on California’s Channel Islands after human colonization with
Chendytes hunting beginning at least 11,700 years ago (Erlandson et al., 2011).

1994), seven of 10 on Tahuata in the Marquesas (Steadman and continental and local impacts on ecosystems, recent research
Rollett, 1996), 10 of 15 on Huahine in the Society Islands suggests that the effects may have been larger in scope than
(Steadman, 1997), and six of six on Easter Island (Steadman, scientists once believed. Associated with the extinctions, a number
1995) (Table 4). In the Hawaiian Islands, more than 50% of the of studies have identified the reorganization of terrestrial
native avifauna went extinct after Polynesian colonization but communities, the appearance and disappearance of no-analog
before Caption Cook and European arrival (Steadman, 2006). These plant communities, and dramatic increases in biomass burning
extinctions likely resulted from a complex mix of human hunting, (Gill et al., 2009; Marlon et al., 2009; Veloz et al., 2012; Williams
anthropogenic fire, deforestation and other habitat destruction, and Jackson, 2007; Williams et al., 2004, 2011). Some studies link
and the introduction of domesticated animals (pigs, dogs, and these no-analog communities to natural climatic changes (e.g.,
chickens) and stowaways (rats). On islands without significant terminal Pleistocene changes in solar irradiation and temperature
prehistoric occupation, in contrast, there is little evidence for bird seasonality), but they also may be linked to megafaunal extinctions
extinctions prior to European arrival. In the absence of permanent (Gill et al., 2009; Williams et al., 2001). Gill et al. (2009) used
prehistoric human settlement on Floreana Island in the Galápagos Sporormiella spp. and other paleoecological proxies to demonstrate
Islands, for example, Steadman et al. (1991) identified 18 bird that the decline in large herbivores may have altered ecosystem
species four of which are now extinct, but all probably survived structure in North America by releasing hardwoods from predation
into historic times. pressure and increasing fuel loads. Shortly after megafaunal
In the Pacific, many island extinctions were probably caused by declines, Gill et al. (2009) identified dramatic restructuring of plant
the accidental introduction of the Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans) communities and heightened fire regimes.
from mainland southeast Asia. This stowaway on Polynesian sailing In Australia, Flannery (1994:228–230) identified a link between
vessels has been implicated in the extinction of snails, frogs, and the arrival of the first Aboriginals and a change in vegetation
lizards in New Zealand (Brook, 1999), giant iguanas and bats in communities toward a fire-adapted landscape. While some
Tonga (Koopman and Steadman, 1995; Pregill and Dye, 1989), and a scientists implicate anthropogenic burning, Flannery (1994:229)
variety of birds across the Pacific (Kirch, 1997; Kirch et al., 1995; suggested that there are ample natural lightning strikes in
Steadman, 1989; Steadman and Kirch, 1990). The staggering story of Australia to consume vegetation. If humans began systematically
deforestation, competitive statue building, and environmental burning after they arrived, this would diminish the effects of fire as
deterioration on Easter Island (Rapa Nui), often used as a cautionary lighting more fires increases their frequency but lowers their
tale about the dangers of overexploitation (Bahn and Flenley, 1992; intensity, since fuel loads are not increased. Flannery (1994:230)
Diamond, 2005; but see also Hunt and Lipo, 2010), may be as much a suggested that the extinction of large herbivores preceded large
story about rats as it is humans. Flenley (Flenley, 1993; Flenley et al., scale burning in Australia and the subsequent increase in fuel loads
1991) identified Polynesian rat gnaw-marks on the seeds of the now from unconsumed vegetation set the stage for the ‘‘fire-loving
extinct Easter Island palm, suggesting that these rodents played a plant’’ communities that dominate the continent today.
significant role in the extinction of this species, the decreased A similar process may have played out much later in
richness of island biotas, and subsequent lack of construction Madagascar. Burney et al. (2003) used methods similar to Gill
material for ocean-going canoes and other purposes. et al. (2009) to demonstrate that increases in fire frequency
postdate megafaunal decline and vegetation change, and are the
4. Post extinction transformations: plant communities and fire direct result of human impacts on megafauna communities.
regimes Human-assisted extinctions of large herbivores in Madagascar,
North America, and Australia, may all have resulted in dramatic
While the extinction of large herbivores and other megafauna shifts in plant communities and fire regimes, setting off a cascade
around the world in the late Quaternary and the Holocene had of ecological changes that contributed to higher extinction rates.

Please cite this article in press as: Braje, T.J., Erlandson, J.M., Human acceleration of animal and plant extinctions: A Late Pleistocene,
Holocene, and Anthropocene continuum. Anthropocene (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2013.08.003
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5. Domestication, agriculture, and colonialization: a legacy of In our view, the acceleration of plant and animal extinctions
extinction that swept the globe beginning after about 50,000 years ago is part
of a long process that involves climate change, the reorganization
With the advent of agriculture, especially intensive agricultural of terrestrial ecosystems, human hunting and habitat alteration,
production, anthropogenic effects increasingly took precedence and, perhaps, an extraterrestrial impact near the end of the
over natural climate change as the driving forces behind plant and Pleistocene (see Firestone et al., 2007; Kennett et al., 2009).
animal extinctions (Smith and Zeder, 2013). Around much of the Whatever the causes, there is little question that the extinctions
world, humans experienced a cultural and economic transforma- and translocations of flora and fauna will be easily visible to future
tion from small-scale hunter–gatherers to larger and more scholars who study archeological and paleoecological records
complex agricultural communities. By the Early Holocene, worldwide. If this sixth mass extinction event is used, in part, to
domestication of plants and animals was underway in several identify the onset of the Anthropocene, an arbitrary or ‘‘fuzzy’’ date
regions including Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and will ultimately need to be chosen. From our perspective, the
parts of the Americas. Domesticates quickly spread from these defined date is less important than understanding that the mass
centers or were invented independently with local wild plants and extinction we are currently experiencing has unfolded over many
animals in other parts of the world (see Smith and Zeder, 2013). millennia. We believe one of the most interesting aspects of
With domestication and agriculture, there was a fundamental defining the Anthropocene is striving toward a broader under-
shift in the relationship between humans and their environments standing of how humans have shaped and modified earth’s
(Redman, 1999:53–126; Smith and Zeder, 2013; Zeder et al., 2006). ecosystems and biological resources over the longue durée.
Sedentary communities, human population growth, the translo- The degree of human involvement in late Quaternary conti-
cation of plants and animals, the appearance and spread of new nental extinctions will continue to be debated, but humans clearly
diseases, and habitat alterations all triggered an accelerating wave played some role over many thousands of years. We view the
of extinctions around the world. Ecosystems were transformed as current extinction event as having multiple causes, with humans
human subsistence economies shifted from smaller scale to more playing an increasingly significant role through time. Ultimately,
intensified generalized hunting and foraging and to the specialized the spread of highly intelligent, behaviorally adaptable, and
and intensive agricultural production of one or a small number of technologically sophisticated humans out of Africa and around
commercial products. In many cases, native flora and fauna were the world set the stage for the greatest loss of vertebrate species
seen as weeds or pests that inhibited the production of agricultural diversity in the Cenozoic Era. As Koch and Barnosky (2006:241)
products. argued:
In tropical and temperate zones worldwide, humans began
‘‘. . .it is time to move beyond casting the Pleistocene extinction
clearing large expanses of natural vegetation to make room for
debate as a simple dichotomy of climate versus humans.
agricultural fields and grazing pastures. As carrying capacities
Human impacts were essential to precipitate the event, just as
increased and urban centers grew ever larger, habitat destruction,
climate shifts were critical in shaping the expression and
land clearance, and human-environmental impacts grew from
impact of the extinction in space and time.’’
local to regional and continental scales. New competitors and
predators were introduced from one end of the globe to the other, Viewing the current extinction crisis as an outgrowth of a long and
including rodents, weeds, dogs, domesticated plants and animals, continuing process facilitated by humans may help foster an
and everything in between (Redman, 1999:62). Waves of extinc- understanding of the full range of factors that shaped today’s
tion mirrored increases in human population growth and the ecosystems and focus conservation efforts on practical solutions to
transformation of settlement and subsistence systems. By the 15th preserve and restore biodiversity in various regions around the
and 16th centuries AD, colonialism, the creation of a global market world. Let us not fiddle as Rome burns.
economy, and human translocation of biota around the world had a So far, the Anthropocene has been defined, primarily, by
homogenizing effect on many terrestrial ecosystems, disrupting significant and measurable increases in anthropogenic greenhouse
both natural and cultural systems (Lightfoot et al., 2013; Vitousek gas emissions from ice cores and other geologic features (Crutzen
et al., 1997b). Quantifying the number and rates of extinctions over and Steffen, 2003; Ruddiman, 2003, 2013; Steffen et al., 2007).
the past 10,000 years is challenging, however, as global extinction Considering the acceleration of extinctions over the past 50,000
rates are difficult to determine even today, in part because the years, in which humans have played an increasingly important role
majority of earth’s species still remain undocumented. over time, we are left with a number of compelling and difficult
questions concerning how the Anthropocene should be defined:
6. Summary and conclusions whether or not extinctions should contribute to this definition, and
how much humans contributed to the earlier phases of the current
The wave of catastrophic plant and animal extinctions that began mass extinction event. We agree with Grayson (2007) and
with the late Quaternary megafauna of Australia, Europe, and the Lorenzen et al. (2011) that better chronological and contextual
Americas has continued to accelerate since the industrial revolution. resolution is needed to help resolve some of these questions,
Ceballos et al. (2010) estimated that human-induced species including a species by species approach to understanding their
extinctions are now thousands of times greater than the background specific demographic histories. On a global level, such a systematic
extinction rate. Diamond (1984) estimated that 4200 (63%) species program of coordinated interdisciplinary research would contrib-
of mammals and 8500 species of birds have become extinct since AD ute significantly to the definition of the Anthropocene, as well as an
1600. Wilson (2002) predicted that, if current rates continue, half of understanding of anthropogenic extinction processes in the past,
earth’s plant and animal life will be extinct by AD 2100. Today, present, and future.
although anthropogenic climate change is playing a growing role,
the primary drivers of modern extinctions appear to be habitat loss, Acknowledgments
human predation, and introduced species (Briggs, 2011:485). These
same drivers contributed to ancient megafaunal and island We are grateful for the thoughtful comments of Torben Rick and
extinctions – with natural forces gradually giving way to anthropo- two anonymous reviewers on earlier drafts of this paper, as well as
genic changes – and accelerated after the spread of domestication, the editorial assistance of Anne Chin, Timothy Horscraft, and the
agriculture, urbanization, and globalization. editorial staff of Anthropocene. This paper was first presented at the

Please cite this article in press as: Braje, T.J., Erlandson, J.M., Human acceleration of animal and plant extinctions: A Late Pleistocene,
Holocene, and Anthropocene continuum. Anthropocene (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2013.08.003
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Please cite this article in press as: Braje, T.J., Erlandson, J.M., Human acceleration of animal and plant extinctions: A Late Pleistocene,
Holocene, and Anthropocene continuum. Anthropocene (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2013.08.003
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Please cite this article in press as: Braje, T.J., Erlandson, J.M., Human acceleration of animal and plant extinctions: A Late Pleistocene,
Holocene, and Anthropocene continuum. Anthropocene (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2013.08.003

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