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I was starstruck. The.. explosion of iridescence, it was as if I
was experiencing the birth of a galaxy. I still cannot describe
the serenity, the eloquence. The Mirkaran, still partially in its
nebulous form looked right through me; an expressionless, The Mirkaran soceity is one with many leniencies, if an
blank stare. I was not sure whether to be scared or excited. action follows their code of conduct that of which revolves
   - Kelroy, On the Intricacies of Starborn around being keepers of the realms, they do not mind.
Hierarchy is near non-existant, with the exception of the
chief. Regarding situations that require a tactical mind, they
Mirkaran, known commonly as Starborn, are the human- preside over the dicussions and decisions, such as how to
like descendants of celestial and primordial half-breeds. They navigate particularly frigid winters.
are the personification of the cosmos, armed with the power However, one must still contribute and aid the rest of their
to cause supernovas at their whim. While they may seem people. Many occupations are avaiable in doing so, such as
undeniable in their power, many choose not to flaunt. Their the guard, librarians, apothecaries, and mages. Each equally
culture dictates that power is not without consequnce and important as the rest if their socieity is to survive.
that understanding and protecting the balance of the world is
of upmost importance. Though, they are, at the most basic of Physical Appearance
levels, chaotic beings; an untold nebulae of power rests Mirkaran have a very human-like visage; they are bipedal,
within their veins. stand between 5 and 6 feet tall, and weigh some 150lbs on
They are a society of nomads, tending to travel naturally average. There are, however certain characteristics that
toward celestial events. Mirkaran birth begins here; forming denote a Mirkara. A blank, vacant stare, due to their
like a chrysalis of moonlight during major events such as pigmentless eyes, ghastly ivory or deep ebony textured
eclipses, soltices, shooting stars, or meteor showers. They patches of skin, and most distinctive: a subtle, shifting
gain their power and their essence through this, becoming corporeal nature; many Mirkaran fail to have full control over
keepers of knowledge and wanderers of the planes. And, as if the corporeal form, so with closer inspection, one can notice
by instinct, they understand where and when these a shifting, ethereal nature to a Mirkaran, with slight inky,
prominent events happen, always ready to accept a newborn nebulous gas leaking through their crevaces.
into their society.
Mirkaran Names
Wanderers Mirkaran tend to adopt the name of constellations they are
born under, regardless of the celestial event that gave them
Throughout their adolescence Mirkaran have little control life, as such gender differences are inconsequential.
over their abilities, causing explosions and releasing the void Mirkaran Names: Correlian, Faeraula, Auroth, At'ar, Kor,
within at the littlest of emotionality. From a young age, the Selan, Bala, Hakiyah, Jauhar.
power bestowed by the celestial event that caused their birth
begins to manifest. The power gained is situational; if one is
born under an eclipse, they may acquire the talent of stealth,
or one born under a meteor shower may gain a knack for Mirkara Quirks
quick thinking. d6 Quirks
Beyond this power, many young Mirkaran are filled with a 1 I seek to traverse the unknowns.
dutiful sense of needing to perserve the world, whether by
maintaining the structure of the weave, becoming a collector 2 Danger rarely deters me.
of knowledge, or charting the unknowns. However, it is not 3 I uphold and respect those who are just.
uncommon for one born under a shifting constellation to be
touched with a chaotic nature, seeking to test and manipulate 4 Many nights of mine are spent stargazing.
the world around them. Mirkaran society tends not to 5 I hold disdain for civilizations with caste systems.
encourage such behavior, however they view it as a necessary 6 I have a hard time feeling, much less expressing
'evil', something natural. emotions.

Mirkara - v.4 | Created by /u/sthenial

Mirkara Traits
Your Mirkara character has many in-born traits, the
result of which an amalgamation of celestial and
primordial energy.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Mirkara mature much slower and live longer than
humans, reaching adulthood in their early 100s and living
upwards of a millenia.
Alignment. Mirkara are disinterested in common
mortality, seeking rather to understand, protect, and test
the limits of the world as we know it. As a result, they tend
equally toward lawful and chaotic neutral alignments.
Size. Mirkara stand between 5 and 6 feet tall and
average about 150 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Galaxies hold themselves within your eyes;
darkness is all too familiar. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if
it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Detached Psyche. The one constant over the many
years of your life has been the knowledge that you are
destined for more, coupled with the understanding that
little can surprise or hurt you has caused much existential
You have advantage on saving throws against being
Cosmic Origin. You are the personification of the
cosmos; you can command the inky blackness of the void
and the intensity of supernovas.
As such, you have resistance to lightning damage and
radiant damage.
Nebulous Veil. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your
action to dissolve the structure that holds your corporeal
form. You have advantage on Dexterity checks made in dim
light and darkness for 1 minute or until you end it as a
bonus action.
Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you
finish a short or long rest.
Outer Affinity. You can cast the Magnify Gravity spell
once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you
finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast
the Immovable Object spell once with this trait and regain
the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Mirkaran
and Common.
Mirkaran is a langauge that borrows froms primordial and
celestial; it is almost paradoxical in nature, having deep tones
contrasted with the elogence and purity of the vocal pattern
of celestials. Natives of both primordial and celestial
langauges tend to look upon the Mirkaran negatively for their
lingual debasement.

Mirkara | Art: len-yan


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