Revision B2 IXa Xa

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English Grammar and Vocabulary Revision

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.
1. A: ___________ (you/want) to come over tonight to play computer games?
B: Sorry, I can’t. I ___________ (go) to the cinema with some friends.

2. A: ___________ (Ann/talk) on the phone?

B: No, she ___________ (do) her homework right now.

3. A: How often ___________ (you/go) swimming?

B: Three times a week.

4. A: Bob and Sophie ___________ (study) hard these days.

B: Yes, I know. They ___________ (want) to pass their exams.

5. A: I’m so happy Jim! My parents and I ___________ (go) on holiday next week.
B: That’s great! Where ___________ (you/go)?

2. Put the verbs into the past simple or present perfect simple.
a. The tourists ___________ (have) a great time ever since their arrival. They
___________ (arrive) by plane three days ago.
b. The students ___________ (start) the exam at 8 am. They ___________ (not
finish) yet.
c. We ___________ (learn) a great deal of English since we ___________ (come) to
this school.
d. No one ___________ (find) Helen’s glasses yet. She ___________ (lose) them
during the Physical Education class.
e. Mr. Brown is our English teacher. He ___________ (teach) in our school for
five years. He ___________ (graduate) from the University ten years ago.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, the present continuous, be going
to or will.

A: Would you like something to drink? A: What time _______ (the bus/leave)?

B: I _______ (have) a glass of orange juice, please. B: In half an hour.

A: I don’t understand this exercise, Dad. A: Have you decided what to get Jim for his
B: Ok, Peter. I _______ (help) you.
B: Yes, I _______ (buy) him a watch.

A: I _______ (go) to the cinema. There’s a new film A: Look at that car!
on. Would you like to come?
B: Oh no! It _______ (hit) the lamppost!
B: What time _______ (the film/start)?
4. Choose the correct item:
a. ______ you play the guitar?
A. Can B. May C. Must
b. They live in a huge house and own three cars. They ______ be rich.
A. Can’t B. Can C. Must
c. ______ I help you carry these bags?
A. Will B. Shall C. Would you like
d. You ______ water the plants. I’ve already watered them.
A. Can’t B. Don’t need to C. Couldn’t
e. He had studied hard, so he ______ answer all the questions in the test.
A. Is able to B. Was able to C. Can
f. You ______ be rude to your parents.
A. Mustn’t B. Must C. Couldn’t
g. You ______ eat more fruit and vegetables if you want to stay healthy.
A. Should B. Had better C. Could
h. I ______ read or write when I was four years old.
A. Can’t B. Couldn’t C. Wasn’t able

5. Rewrite the sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Write between two and five words.
a. Jack really likes football and never misses a match. Crazy
Jack ____________________ football and never misses a match.
b. My uncle worked on a sailing boat until he was thirty. Was
My uncle ____________________ until he was thirty.
c. Do you want to watch TV? Feel
Do you ____________________ TV?
d. John participated in a swimming competition last week. Part
John ____________________ in a swimming competition last week.
e. June and I had a game of tennis. Against
I had ____________________ June.
f. I played chess almost every day when I was young. Used
I ____________________ chess almost every day when I was young.
g. Volleyball doesn’t really interest me. In
I’m not ____________________ volleyball.
h. Layla doesn’t like watching sport on TV. Keen
Layla ____________________ watching sport on TV.

6. Add question tags to the following statements.

a. Ann called Sam, _____?
b. She won’t tell us the truth, _____?
c. Rosa has got a pet cat, _____?
d. They aren’t going to Paris, _____?
e. She can sing well, _____?
f. Paul will do the shopping, _____?
g. He never speaks rudely, _____?
h. She has breakfast at 7:30 am, _____

7. Put the verbs into the correct tenses:

a. If the dog _______ (keep) barking, the neighbours will complain.
b. The teacher _______ (be) angry if you come late for school again.
c. If I _______ (finish) my homework early I’ll go out with my friends.
d.You won’t understand unless you _______ (listen) carefully.
e. If she joined an after school club, she _______ (make) more friends.
f. If I _______ (be) you, I would talk to my parents.
g. If he _______ (drive) more carefully, he wouldn’t have crashed the car.
h.Unless you apologize, Margaret _______ (not/forgive) you.
i. If I had known about their business plans, I _______ (tell) you.

8. Fill in: at, on, in.

9. Fill in the gaps with both, all, neither or none.

A: Was the test difficult? B: Yes. They are _______ doing their
B: Not really. I’m sure we _______ passed. homework.

A: How are Lin and Kim doing at school? A: Why didn’t you and Maggie come to the
B: Great. _______ of them are very good cinema last night?
students. B: _______ of us felt like going out.

A: Are Tina and Kate at home? A: Why didn’t you buy any of those trousers?
B: Because _______ of them fit me.

10. Combine the following sentences by using AFTER/BEFORE.

a. My mother took her umbrella. She went out. _________________________________
b. Frank called me. I went to school. _________________________________
c. I washed the dishes. I watched TV. _________________________________
d. She washed her hands. She had lunch. _________________________________
e. The boys bought a ball. They played football. _________________________________

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