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States the location and main goal of Telosa.

white color of font maybe hard to read.
Sliding images showing us the major flaws of current cities and how Telosa
will be different. Black and white picture to project gloomy mood. Contrast
with Telosa’s bright and clean images. Bia
Voting system is interactive. I feel like I am making a
change if I interact. Pathos maybe?
Location: USA already stated.

Statistics of approximate size and population of

Telosa within 10-20 years. Realistic or not?
Telling us to imagine, inclusive.
Various aspects of Telosa.
Big clear title and looks professional. Consistent
font size and style usage.

Moving picture of Earth

which I think hooks audience
into wanting to know more. I
think the image is really cool.

Playable video introducing us to Telosa. Marc Lore

talking about what Telosa would be like. Stating
missions. But are they realistic? Ethos because Marc
Lore looks professional and Kairos because equality is
today’s main goal for everyone.

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