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powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month www.powerDOJO.

Copyright © 2016 by Mixed Martial Media Inc. – All Rights Reserved. No part of
this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without
express written permission of Eric Wong or Mixed Martial Media Inc.

Published by: Mixed Martial Media Inc.

1139 College Street, 1st Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M6H 1B5

This program is designed to improve your fitness. Not cure cancer, gonorrhea, or
any other disease you may have. While a lot of time and effort has been invested
in making this program as effective and safe as possible, you may still hurt
yourself while doing it. You may even die. While both are unlikely, if either
happens, it’s not my fault. It could’ve been just the trigger for something that’s
been hanging around for a while, waiting to come out. That’s why before starting
any exercise program, including this one, you may want to get cleared by your
doctor. If you have any weird symptoms like dizziness, pain in your left arm,
forgetfulness, or anything else that’s not normal, stop and seek medical help. If
you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your
physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in
the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. I don’t
know what the law says if your doctor is fat and unhealthy, though, in which case
you may want to get a new doctor. You can’t give what you don’t have! This is my
legal disclaimer as well as a tidbit of sound advice.

powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

If you watched Episode #5 of the powerCAST, then you know
how pumped I am to have finally come up with powerDOJO’s

The # itself is dynamic and will change as more people

join/leave my VIP Newsletter list and the Inner Circle.

You may have received an email from me where I broke down

the 4 keywords in this mission, but if you didn’t get it, here’s the
breakdown for you:

EMPOWER: the definition is “to give power or authority to” –

it’s important because I don't just want to share techniques and
programs, but also the theories behind them so you don't just
follow blindly, but understand what you're doing.

PRACTITIONERS: ya’ll should know what’s up with this

word as I go into depth about the concept of being a
Practitioner in my book POWER, but let’s review -- by its root
latin definition it means someone "fit for action" and looking at
the word and how it's composed, you clearly see the word

So a Practitioner is "someone who practices to become fit for


PURPOSE: when we move our bodies, we have a definite goal

for the way we move, whether it's a specific exercise used to fix a
problem or simply to let loose to feel free. Either way, we're
moving deliberately and with intention.

So many trainers promote exercises and workouts only because

they're "hard" but as you now, we do things differently around

powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

here and I feel this approach needs to be adopted by more
trainers (and trainees).

PRECISION: I love this one - the definition is "being exactly

that and neither more nor less". Being precise means that we
focus on moving with proper technique, firing only the muscles
we need when they're supposed to fire, no more, no less.

Practically speaking, moving with precision conserves energy

and that energy can then be used for higher performance in the
exercise/workout itself, more juice for other exercises and/or
faster recovery.

It took a lot of thought and reflection to finally come up with

this concise mission statement that I felt accurately reflected
what I’m all about as a Coach and what we do in the DOJO and
the Inner Circle.

And if you missed Episode #5 of the powerCAST where I talk

about coming up with it, you can watch that in The Mastermind
right here.

Now that I have this mission staring at me in the face everyday

(I printed it and pasted it up on the wall), I know exactly what I
need to do to achieve my overall Vision of impacting how people
move not only their bodies, but through life.

No longer will I be distracted by “shiny objects” that vie for my

attention and I can focus on what I’m here to do.

Part of this is delivering purposeful, precise workouts to those

who choose me as their coach, so that’s what we’ll talk about for
the rest of this PDF.

powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

In Hybrid I, we worked important exercises that aren’t a part of
the Grading including the Deadlift, Bulgarian Split Squats,
Dumbbell Presses and 1-arm Rows.

Now, it’s time to transition towards the Grading exercises so

that when Hybrid III comes around, we’ll be ready to hit the
specific exercises that will help us “level up” hard and go into
the Grading primed to set personal bests.

Here’s how the exercises chosen for this month’s WoM will
prepare us for the Grading exercises come Q3/2016:

Clean High Pull, Push Jerk, Front Squat  Clean & Jerk, TGU

 Working these 3 exercises allows us to focus on particular

segments of the full C&J, so we’re able to use more weight
to progress how much we can handle in the full C&J

 Also, the decreased technicality of these 3 exercises

further allows us to push a little more iron to build the
necessary strength to handle big loads come Hybrid III

 The Push Jerk in particular will help with the overhead

pressing strength needed to hold a weight up during the
TGU, since the Push Jerk allows us to lift quite heavy
weights at lockout via momentum

Reverse Lunge, Front Squat, the KUMITE  Back Squat, TGU

 The hip muscles will get their fill through maximum range
of motion (ROM) with the Rev Lunge and Front Squat,
ensuring that we can hit good form with heavy weights
when we move to the Back Squat; the KUMITE will then
just blast us ;-)

powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

Speed Pullups + Dips  Pullups/Pushups or Muscleups

 Working high speed Pullups and Dips gets us primed to

do Muscleups because they are a high speed movement
and even if you’re not at the Muscleup level yet, following
Hybrid I where max strength Pullups and Dips was what
we worked helps us progress by working a different end of
the strength-speed continuum

Flat DB Press + Speed Dips  Bench Press, Pushups, 1APU

 It’s pretty clear how these exercises work synergistically to

transition nicely to putting up a big Bench Press, a ton of
Pushups or working up those 1-arm Pushups for the

As for cardio and CAGE Cardio workouts, I’m prescribing

workouts in this WoM that will help build up speed for the
1600m/1mile run as well as the X-Drill.

And of course, we’re also continuing our work on the

gymnastics movements: Front Lever, Handstand Pushup
and/or 1-arm Chinup (1ACU).

All in all, this is an awesome fucking workout and periodized 3-

month plan.

Included with your powerDOJO Inner Circle membership.

Thanks for being a member, now let’s put this program to work.

powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

1) Push Jerk 2 Explosive 1 – 2 min 3–5
2) Front Squat 5 Control 2 – 3 min 3–4
3) Front Lever or 1ACU ~ ~ ~ 10 min
4) Flat DB Press 6–8 Control 1 – 2 min 3–4
5) Bent-over Row 8 – 10 Control 1 – 2 min 2–3


1) Practice catching with both feet forward

Exercise Date

1) Push Jerk 3 sets 4 sets 4 sets 5 sets

2) Front Squat 3 sets 3 sets 4 sets 4 sets
3) Front Lever or

4) Flat DB Press 3 sets 4 sets 4 sets 3 sets

5) Bent-over Row 2 sets 2 sets 3 sets 3 sets

powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

1) HSPU Track 1 and/or 2 ~ ~ ~ 10 min
2) Clean High Pull 2 Explosive 1 – 2 min 3–5

A3) Speed Pullups Max Velocity Fast  5–8

A4) Speed Dips Max Velocity Fast 1 min 5–8

5) Reverse Lunge 5 per Control 1 – 2 min 2–3
6) Side-lying External Rotations 10 – 12 per Control 30 sec 2


A3/A4) Do as many reps as you can with max velocity – once speed slows down, stop the set
and rest for the next one

Exercise Date


2) Clean High Pull 3 sets 4 sets 4 sets 5 sets

A3) Speed Pullups 5 sets 6 sets 7 sets 8 sets
A4) Speed Dips 5 sets 6 sets 7 sets 8 sets
5) Reverse Lunge 2 sets 3 sets 3 sets 2 sets
6) SLER 2 sets 2 sets 2 sets 2 sets

powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

A little more A+A action for ya because the KUMITE and Intervals are going to really challenge
the Lactic energy system.

In between the “power bursts” keep moving doing whatever you want to do at a moderate
intensity cardio – jogging, jumping jacks, skipping, shadowboxing.

Each power burst lasts for around 20 seconds, then you do 30 seconds of moderate intensity
cardio and alternate back and forth without resting until the workout is complete.

NOTE: reps are TOTAL unless indicated with a per, meaning how many reps per side

Power Burst 1 Power Burst 2 Power Burst 3

180 Squat Jumps x 4 Push Plank x 4 Hovering Hockey Stride x 6

OAPU x 1 per Lunge Jump x 4 Clap Pushups x 4

High Knee Run x 20 T-Pushup x 4 Hovering Curtsy Lunge x 6

Details Date

# of Rounds 3 4 4 5

REST 1 min 1 min 30 sec 1 min

powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

This month we’ll be doing reverse pyramid style intervals that will help build speed and
conditioning so we can all have impressive 1600m/1mi runs come Grading (for Blue belts and
above) or simply lower our RHR (everyone).

Each set is made up of 3 separate distance: 400m, 200m, 100m.

You’ll rest 1 minute after the 400m and after the 200m, then 3-5 minutes after the 100m and
repeat for 1 or 2 more sets. You should feel relatively fresh after the longer rest period and
make sure once you settle on it, you use the same amount each week.

To avoid any confusion, it’ll go like this:

Set 1: 400m, 1 min rest, 200m, 1 min rest, 100m, 3-5 min rest (pick same amount each week)
Set 2: 400m, 1 min rest, 200m, 1 min rest, 100m, 3-5 min rest
Set 3 (weeks 2-4 only): 400m, 1 min rest, 200m, 1 min rest, 100m, DONE

I suggest writing your times down for each segment so you can push yourself to run a bit faster
each week.

Week # 400m 200m 100m 400m 200m 100m 400m 200m 100m

powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

This month we’ve got 2 exercises based on the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)
system, which is all about rotational movements that cross the midline of the body and that are
performed with muscular contraction and control throughout the range of motion.

Hips M3: Supine Straight Leg Hip PNF

Similar to last month’s Hip PNF exercise, we’re working through a full range of motion with
rotation, but using a straight leg this time, which you’ll find will mobilize more of the muscles
(hamstring/groin/outer hip) versus the Standing Hip PNF.

Do at least 2 reps in either direction on each leg.

Shoulders M3: Hovering Pushups

This is a sneaky one that is a lot morem difficult than it looks – make sure you keep your hands
as low as possible and you need to extend the wrists and fingers too.

Hold for 10-30 seconds at a time and get 2-3 minutes of total work (hold) time in.

As with every M3, these movements are best performed DAILY and I suggest you even throw
them in multiple times per day as these are movements that restore joint health, mobility and
stabilizer strength.

powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

OK this is going to be downright dirty.

Calculate 0.75 times your bodyweight.

For me, this is 165 x 0.75 = 123.75 lbs

Round UP to the nearest 5, so 125 lbs

Then do Back Squats with this weight for as many reps as possible.

Most reps wins!

powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

Here’s the recommended training schedule for this month’s WoM if you’re training 3
days/week. You can always do any of the Cardio or CAGE Cardio workouts on separate days or
at a different time on the same day if you wish.

Week # Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 1
KUMITE Intervals CC

2 Day 2 Day 1 Day 2

KUMITE Intervals CC

3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 1

KUMITE Intervals CC

4 Day 2 Day 1 Day 2

KUMITE Intervals CC

… and 2 days/week (kind of, I recommend you do the Cardio on a separate day still):

Week # Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

1 Day 1 Intervals Day 2

2 Day 1 Intervals Day 2


3 Day 1 Intervals Day 2


4 Day 1 Intervals Day 3


powerDOJO May 2016 Workout of the Month

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