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Images 202012299384416430 SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) Use separate schedtie(s) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS tor each catogory ofthe Detabod Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER: (check only one) Oe As A An» As ze ae “Any Infomation copled from such Repors and Statements may not be 601d or used by any person forthe purpose of sofeting contibalons (Ffor commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to sol contibutons fiom such commie. NANE OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) Fal Name of TranGual (Cash, Fe ‘A. Holi, Deborah, . iMaling Adtross 7907 Kent R@ ‘Wide Tia) o Full Organization Name iy | State Alexandia [va ip Code FEC ID number of contributing {ederalpoltical commits. Transaction 1078012. 73628.25" Name of Employer (or aay [Oscupaton (or mawwualy critiscaitaaaeeaasl Piety Pooh [ee] “Amount of Each Receipt this Period Ln i OSS BE wero tom Homer Homemaker JFE Transfer Coral fr Majrty Leader 1008 ‘Receipt For: ‘Aggregate Year-to-Date ¥ - [Primary [] General seven [Homer (pec y 000.00 a Nara of aca ast Fra, WES al oF FON Orpen Name 8. Hsieh, Eva, Date of Reco alin Mies 1269 SE Moira ve |e f 2 | Chy a ‘State ZipCode Si Mf Pasasons cA 91106 ‘amount of Each Recep this Period FEC 1D numberof contbting fer piel conte 720090. | amo of Enpive (or rah Ceaipaton (or J Mero tem Eve by Eve | Designer IFC Transfer McConnell for Majority Leader 1009 Flaoelet For: ‘Aggregate Year-to-Date Primary [~] General ‘other (spect 720090 Fall Name of incivval (Last, First, Middle Inlay oF Full Organization Name c. . Date of Receipt iy Nite TST oe eee ots syraneaction To 7 8A1d2828.27" ‘South Ps cA { 91030-4132 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing ~ (een pea coe Ic eaen ‘Name of Employer (lor individual) [Occupation (for individual) BG Momo tem ‘ame = vere tore er ay ene 8 i — Tose Yara V Primary [) General — ‘Other (specity) ‘ i 1000.00 UETOTRL Pegi Fag ren ee TOTAL Ta Prd nt pgp i ember or , : FEC Schedule (Form 8X) Rev. 082018 ‘Image# 202004068216597830 SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR UNE NOMSER: [PAGE 277 OF B15 Use separate scheauiets) | (eneck ony one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Lor each eatogory of he i = Detaled Summary Pape | [2] [ne fale us a as fie iz. “Any information copied rom such Repors and Stalemenis may not be sold or used By any person forthe purpose of salting contibutons for commarcial purposes, other than using the name and address of any poltical comimatee 1 soll contibutons fom sun commie "NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) Fal Name of indivaual (Last, FFs, Modi Inia) or Ful Organization Nae Mating Adres 1798 Camino Lingo 7 oy ‘Sato ]2ip Code _ Sout Pasadena cA sroso-atse “Amount of Each Recap Bis Period FEC 10 numberof conuting waa fedora! pltalconmaoe c . a OT ERTS TF TATA or TF WTA 56) Memo tm Fugen ceo cGonnel for Morty Leader JFC Transfer Memo Reco For agegate Yearto-Date ¥ 201 Primary ("] General Other (speci rooo000 | Fa Name of inidual (Laat, Fs, Mae Tila) or Fall Organization Name B, Hsu, Paul, Date o Receipt ialing Access 70 Ready Ave, NW pr ererrey =—— = eo 2 Si} b 20 ay [Stato ip ade - Fon Walton Beach FL | 264s ‘Amauntof Each Recep this Pood FEC 1D numb of conbuting federal potical commit. Cc : »_ 10000,00 ane o Epa (or alain TOszupator Ter aswauay—) 5, Mam rn “otal Pars Pus Chairan MeGonnel for Melony Leader JF Transfer Memo Resobpt For: ‘agrgate Yoaro-Date ¥ pent Primary [] Gonecal Other (spect 4 f | Tia War ot nual (cas, Ft, Meda Tay or Fol Organization Name ©. _Jasnof, Jeffrey, Date of Receipt Mang Accs 9012 Cotstot Tice neem Porat, 6 hy may Ere yas adits a AT Prospect ine 40089 “Amount of Each Recept tis Perod FEC 10 number of contrbutng ‘edera! political committee. Cc : 150000 ame of Enel (or navavay Oszapaton (or raviva |X Memo tem area Heatncare Executhe MeConne fer Majoty Leader JFC Transfer Mena ‘1 ‘Aegrogste Yario-Date ¥ 500.00 ‘SUBTOTAL of Recep The Pago (onion. smn 4 sa tate Md TOTAL This Period (ast page this ne number ony) > ss FEC Schedule A (Form 3X) Rex 062016 Imago® 201801318001100260 SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR UNE NOWGER; [PAGE 218 OF 373] Lo soparatescheaios) | {cnsok ony oe) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Br cee aaiogory of tne 1a) stb tte [x]12 oamccomeey roe | A Ae Ae ES oe ‘any information copied from euch Reports and Statements may not be sald or used by ary person forthe purpose of solcting contributions oF for comercial purposes, other than using the name and adcress of any political committee to sol Conbutions trom such committee NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Ful) Fat aso al [a FL aS TTA) OF Opa Kae A, Wu, Grace, | ban ra | ee pen prererens a Pel f gored oy Sais —]25 Come head date’ kee ca | orran ‘nant of Each Paco is Pood FEC 10 umber of conuang ‘eceral poitcal commie. Cc “ a ee — BE wae tn wa Vowseue MCCONNELL WAORITY LEADER TRANSFER MEMO eco Fa ragga YeartrDae 7 ey [Gone (eee aT [ober emetii a0 a are ofl (ah, FL GG Ta) oF Oran Nae B. Hsieh, Ming, ye Dt of Reon pA 1756 Carine Undo | PRL rere tle i a ap coe : : South Passena sroxoatse ‘nour of Each Rect ti Pood FEC 10 rumee of conbatng 7 hones fer plc ones. eam ‘Name of Employer (for Individual) [Occupation (for Individual) (36 Memo tiem ge ceo WECONNELL WAJORITY LEADER TRANSFER MEMO ai Fo yoo YurtoDate¥ Primary [7] General Aaor09 Or pect y seoao0 a a nl, Fe, WE A OF Cea Wa cc. Li, Yonggian, , Date of Receipt iatieg Alsons 12 swainoAe pg pity Ry wy foe [on a Sule Jap case inns Pasadena Lea | sito “Amount of Each Receipt this Perod FEC 10 mumbo of cong Togeralpoltcal commie, c “ oe Name of Employer (or Indu [Oazupation (or inva) | 36. Mama tom te By Eve eco ECONNELL MAJORITY LEADER TRANSFER MEMO pap Pa | Aesrow Yoorie bao 7 ome foram ney Other (specity) Geonn0 [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Pago (option > 0.00 ‘TOTAL This Period (ast page this line number ony) > FEC Sehedule & (Form 34) Rev 08/2018 Images 15950164014 SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) Use separate schedulo(s) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page FOR LINE NUWBER: PAGE 60 OF 2 {heck only one) sta ]b Fite 2 As Ae Ais FE oo ‘Any information copied trom such Repons and Statoments may not bo cold or used by any person forthe purpose of eolcting contributions of for commercial purposes, ther than using the name and adres of any poicl comitiae to solst coniouions fom such commits NAME OF COMMITTEE (nF ra dae Ta) A 17938 Camino Lindo Dat of Receipt sent eee) ow Sale p Case Sou Pasadena CA __otoaoatsz “amount of Each Reco his Period FEC 1D nurber of combing Cc = ‘ede potc! commie, | deat AatendaBin faerie aan (0c121 MeConrl Vicry Kentucky Canmnite Meme Fuge ceo Flcalpt For: jate Year-to-Date [MEMO ITEM] Primary [7] General Aoares " Other (opti . eT) Fat Nae (at Fist We Tia B. Robert Hugin Maing Adcees 19 Gasex Ra = - Summit Nu "Amount of Esch Receipt this Period FEC ID numberof contouting ‘eceralpoitizal conmitee. c | : sina nt, ane HERG rceeupator 1 0221 Meonnel Veo Kentucky Commitee Memo Cagene Cop Exonutve Management Fost For veri Dato ¥ 7] Primay — [] Genera — {MEMO ITEM] Oner eel og tatgon Fal Name (am, Fra, Wee ay ¢. John Cordt Huneke Date of Receipt Malling Address 7502 Deer View Ct s . | zona Zp Coe sarzt7e7625 40241-1070 “Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC 10 numberof conbting {dorl palteas comma, c 2 ese ane orempoyer — (0.21 MeConel Victory Kentucky Commitee Memo Notalistcs LLC ceo Receipt For: ate Year-to-Date ¥ [MEMO ITEM) Primary [7] General = Otter pect y | 0900 ‘SUBTOTAL of Receipis Tis Page (option... TOTAL This Petiod (last page this ne numer ony). 0.00 esas FEC Schedule A (Form 8x) Rex 0208

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