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Mr. Harvey lights a candle.

Religious Studies Stage 1.

Summative Task #2
1. Phil’s doesn’t have any understanding towards Mo’s beliefs in the early stages of the film; he
stereotypes him because he is a Muslim, different to himself.
2. Yes the film does show Phil and Mo being reconciled at the end in the scene where they are
both painting graffiti on a wall and agreeing that there is one god.
3. The bus driver’s attitude towards religion is that it in general is evil, that it causes problems.
He thinks that it creates more problems than it solves.
4. Mr.Coles attitude towards religion is that of respect, as he respects that different people
have different beliefs and doesn’t judge them on that fact, but he doesn’t take any effort to
understand them.
5. Mr.Harveys underlying reason to go to the Salisbury Cathedral is a pilgrimage to where he
had on the same date proposed to his now dead wife.
6. The student Helen dislikes the bus driver because he had been starring at her scars on her
wrist, which made her feel embarrassed.
7. The importance of the wallet is that it held the photo of his wife, and he needed the picture
to remember her face when he was at the cathedral. It also reminds him of his marriage and
when he was happy.
8. Mr. Harvey says that people wouldn’t be able to build a cathedral nowadays as religion has
become a joke and “Without a cross the cathedral would be of no significance”, he says that
it takes dedication and faith.
9. The comment “without the cross there’d be no cathedral” means that without the cross the
building itself would not represent anything.
10. The contrast in the attitudes of the boy praying and Mo praying is that the boy is praying just
because he wants to win the game whereas Mo prays for faith and forgiveness, praising god.
11. Mr.Harvey asks this question to Mr.Cole to point out that he is defending something that he
knows nothing about, showing that to defend the religion you need to understand or believe
12. Mr.Harvey is pointing out that what he is saying is not tolerance but it is indifference, that he
basically doesn’t care. He wants him to take a side not to be passive through laziness.
13. Helen harms herself because she is depressed and believes that no one cares about her.
14. Mr.Harvey is so angry with Helen because she is doing what his wife did, and doesn’t want
her to follow the same tracks.
15. The moments of reconciliation within the film are the fight between Mo and Phil, Mr.Harvey
talking to Helen about her wrists and Mr.Harvey talking to the whole group about the
16. The comments that Mr.Cole said show that he doesn’t understand the importance of what
Mr.Harvey was saying to the group, and why he would go through the trouble.
17. The comment that Mr.Harvey made about his wife meant that it is easier to give up and
choose death over life, and it is much harder to keep fighting and problems you may have
and keep living.
18. The phrase means that God is always looking, always watching over you.
19. Mr.Harvey meant that you can’t teach religious understanding; you had to going it through
religious experience when it happens it is very important.
20. The candle is symbolic of life and Mr.Harvey saves Helens life, thus lighting the candle is
creating life.

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