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Takiya Grace, Social Studies, October

2019, 6th Period
Foods in Spain
1.Tortilla Española 2. Paella

Educational System—--Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
Fact 1: Every kid must attend school.

Fact 2: There are 8 minor subjects taught in

secondary schools.
Celebrations In Spain
Three kings parade

● This celebration falls on january 6 every

● Kids receives their christmas presents
Spain’s Government
Government: Monarchy, Parliamentary
system, Constitutional monarchy, Unitary

Pedro Sánchez:
Spain’s Language (Idioma de españa)

Spain’s language is Spanish

Family Structure
Spanish children generally do not have a set bedtime as is
common in the English-speaking West.

Pre-teen children are usually allowed to stay up late with

their parents and parents’ friends at restaurants long past

They often play with the children of other families whilst

their parents socialise.
Bullfights -------------------------------------


Spanish Fiesta----------------------

Since Spain is a very diverse country, there

are no set values or culture
Traditional Clothing

matador suit flamenco dress

● GDP Per Capita -- last recorded at 33146.40 US dollars in
● Unemployment Rate -- 14.02
● Labor Force -- 23,061
● Exports -- : capital goods,food, beverages and tobacco,
automotive sector, chemicals,consumer goods
,non-chemical semi-manufactured products,and energy
● Top Export partners--France, Germany,Portugal, Italy, And
● Imports-- Energy, vehicle parts, and packed medicaments.
● Top Import Partners -- Germany,China,Italy,France, and
Social customs

As foreigner it is best to greet in spain by using a

handshake and say “good day” or “good evening”,
whatever fits the day. Be polite and respectful by saying
thank you and you’re welcome. You know the routine.

Roman Catholic (94%)

Other (6%)
Romanesque is the type of
architecture used in Spain
Urban Legends
The girl on the curve---A driver picks up a young woman who’s hitchhiking late at
night on a dark highway. The girl warns the driver to be careful going around the
next curve, as it’s especially dangerous. The driver asks her how she knows this,
to which she explains that she was killed on the curve. During her chilling
response, the mysterious hitchhiker slowly vanishes into thin air. They say that the
legend originated in Illinois and later ended up reaching Spain in a time long
before the internet existed.
Culture- Facts
1. Nudity is legal in Spain-There are currently no laws against nudity in public in Spain, which means that
you can go anywhere in the country naked., nudity is legal in the country due to its mainly Mediterranean climate
and very hot summers. But just because you’re allowed to walk around in the nude, it doesn’t mean people do it
whenever, wherever. It would be very out of the ordinary to spot someone strolling through central Barcelona
without any clothes on, but lying out on the beach naked, for example, is commonplace. People won’t bat. 2.
Wild fiestas-While religious fiestas are a big deal in Los Indi Spain, locals don’t limit themselves to just those.
Spain is home to some of the wackiest, weirdest festivals in the world. Whether you’re dressing in white and
chucking talcum powder at each other,, or pelting people with tomatoes, there really is no lack of crazy activities to
take part in in Spain, it’s a festival that involves jumping over babies. Pretty much these festivals are anything wild.

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