Prepare Level 6 Progress Tests x10

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Progress test 1 (Units 1 and 2)

1 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 When you join the tennis team?
a did b  have c  are d  had
2 I to start focusing on exam revision.
a am needing b  have needed c  have been needing d  need
3 We any good bands since last year.
a don’t see b  haven’t seen c  aren’t seeing d  haven’t been seeing
4 Who the answer to this question?
a does know b  know c  do know d  knows
5 We about different educational systems around the world at the moment.
a have learnt b  learn c  are learning d  learnt
6 What you talking about just now?
a were b  do c  are d  have
7 you been following the career of any celebrities, lately?
a Are b  Do c  Have d  Were

2 Complete the text with one suitable word in each gap.

I (1) never been very good at science because it (2) really interest
me very much, but (3) we’ve had a new teacher, I (4) started
to enjoy it more. We (5) doing a project on the solar system this term. To be
honest, I (6) really like working in groups but I’m going to do my best to join in!

3 Use the verb in capital letters to form a noun that fits the gap in the sentence.
1 I really enjoyed the to the enrichment programme. INTRODUCE
2 I’ve still got quite a few university to post. APPLY
3 takes place between 10 am and 3 pm tomorrow. REGISTER
4 Everyone has a valuable to make. CONTRIBUTE
5 Good is essential if you want to do well in your exams. PREPARE
6 Do you think our teacher will give us to leave class early? PERMIT

4 Complete the text with one suitable word in each gap.

Ben broke (1) for the summer holidays last week and now he has six weeks to focus
on music, which is his passion. He doesn’t listen to any of the music that is (2) the
charts because he thinks it’s boring. He has an amazing voice and is the lead (3) in
a band that plays mainly folk. They’re giving a live performance at a local concert soon, so they’re
busy practising. I think they have real musical (4) and I’m one of their most devoted
(5) . Of course I am, because I’m Ben’s mum!

Total: 24

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Progress test 2 (Units 3 and 4)

1 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 Canada is a deal colder than I’d expected.
a great b  lot c  much d  big
2 We often on family holidays when I was little.
a had been b  used to go c  were going d  have been
3 Mark to the airport when he heard about the volcanic eruption.
a used to drive b  had driven c  has driven d  was driving
4 The recent floods were by the worst in living memory.
a far b  much c  quite d  easily
5 I a landslide before, so I was really shocked by the devastation.
a didn’t see b  didn’t use to see c  hadn’t seen d  wasn’t seeing
6 The winters here aren’t as cold as they used to be.
a almost b  slightly c  easily d  quite

2 Complete the text with one suitable word in each gap.

Do you remember the Icelandic volcanic eruption of April 2010? I (1) visiting friends
in Prague at the time and (2) already bought my return ticket, but of course there
(3) no flights for days. The disruption to international travel was a (4)
greater than anyone could have imagined. I never (5) to worry about natural
disasters before that April, but now I keep an eye on the natural world and as a result I’m much
(6) respectful of the forces of nature.

3 Complete the second sentence using the word given. Do not change the word. You must
use between two and five words including the word given.
1 ‘I’ll tell Tom what’s happened,’ said Steve. THREATENED
Steve Tom what had happened.
2 ‘Let’s go to the new James Bond film,’ said Laura. SUGGESTED
Laura to the new James Bond film.
3 ‘You borrowed my tablet without asking, didn’t you, Alex?’ said Chris. ACCUSED
Chris his tablet without asking.
4 ‘I’m sorry I read your emails, Danni,’ said Claudia. CONFESSED
Claudia Danni’s emails.
5 ‘Don’t go hiking Brad, because it’s too risky,’ said Brad’s dad. WARNED
Brad’s dad hiking, because it was too risky.
6 ‘It wasn’t me who told Mark about his surprise party,’ said Sarah. DENIED
Sarah Mark about his surprise party.
7 ‘Apologise to your father immediately, Paul,’ said his mum. ORDERED
Paul’s mum to his father immediately.

4 Complete the text with one suitable word in each gap.

I started at a new school last year when my family moved to another part of the country and
at first it was really hard. A lot of my classmates picked (1) me because I was the
new kid. They laughed (2) me too because I had a strong accent. Looking back, I can
honestly say that I (3) through some difficult weeks. I felt that the teachers didn’t back
me (4) and I even (5) out with my best friend because I was so stressed. So,
when anyone talks about not enjoying school, I can really identify (6) them.

Total: 25

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Progress test 3 (Units 5 and 6)

1 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 I thought that meal was great, surprised my mum because I don’t normally eat her spicy food.
a that b  which c  what d  where
2 I’ve only bought this new video game, so I’m not very good at it.
a yet b  still c  just d  already
3 I that you’re allergic to strawberries.
a haven’t known b  don’t know c  wasn’t knowing d  didn’t know
4 I like playing video games there are realistic characters.
a where b  which c  that d  what
5 When playing that video game with the disgusting creatures?
a have you started b  did you start c  were you starting d  do you start
6 I still Japanese food but I will one day!
a didn’t try b  don’t try c  wasn’t trying d  haven’t tried

2 Complete the text with one suitable word in each gap.

My mum (2) always enjoyed cooking so she watches all the cookery shows on
TV and sometimes she even prepares the recipes (2) she (3)
seen. In fact, yesterday we had a delicious lasagne, (4) was surprising because
she doesn’t usually cook pasta. She hasn’t given us any sushi (5) , but I’m sure
it’s only a matter of time! I’m not complaining though because we’re very lucky to have a mum
(6) can really cook.

3 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word. You must use between two and five words including
the word given.
1 My parents like to go to local restaurants when they’re on holiday. OUT
My parents like to when they’re on holiday.
2 You really should reduce the amount of junk food you eat. CUT
You really should the amount of junk food you eat.
3 Come on, please finish your meal! EAT
Come on, please !
4 I’ll warm the soup I made yesterday. HEAT
I’ll the soup I made yesterday.
5 Don’t eat that fish – it smells really bad. GONE
Don’t eat that fish – it .
6 Peter’s amazing – he only eats burgers and French fries. LIVES
Peter’s amazing – he burgers and French fries.

4 Use the word in capital letters to form another word that fits the gap in the sentence.
1 I don’t want to have another about tidying my room. ARGUE
2 Jo went red with when she met her favourite tennis player. EMBARRASSED
3 I was really surprised by the of everyone we met. FRIENDLY
4 My levels are not what they should be. FIT
5 What are the for tomorrow’s party? ARRANGE
6 At night, the in the countryside is completely black. DARK
7 One of my is dark chocolate. WEAK

Total: 25

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Progress test 4 (Units 7 and 8)

1 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 I might to see you tomorrow.
a can b  could c  am able d  be able
2 I’m not sure yet, but I won’t go to Paul’s party.
a probably b  definitely c  certainly d  surely
3 According to the timetable, what time the train leave?
a can b  does c  will d  might
4 I’m so excited! Yesterday I get tickets for the Wimbledon men’s final.
a have to b  might have c  need to d  managed to
5 Clare to have a gap year after she finishes school.
a is going b  will c  can d  might
6 I’m sure you yourselves on the trek, once you get started.
a enjoy b  are enjoying c  ’ll enjoy d  could enjoy

2 Complete the text with one suitable word in each gap.

I (1) read before I went to school and I was (2) to write quite well by
the time I was 7. I’ve always wanted to be a published author and I enjoy writing stories for my
family and friends. I think I (3) apply to study English literature at university, but I
(4) change my mind and do something else instead! I’ve still got time to decide but
one thing’s for sure: I’m (5) to make it and one day my first novel (6)
be on sale on Amazon!

3 Complete the sentences with one suitable word in each gap.
1 I’ve always been interested geography.
2 I was furious Ben for taking my tablet without asking.
3 Don’t worry, you don’t need to order a taxi. We’ll see you at the airport.
4 I’m afraid you can’t check until two hours before your flight.
5 I’ve never been motivated money.
6 Are these trainers suitable trekking?
7 I’m addicted Stephen King’s novels! I think they’re just brilliant.

3 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.

1 How could you up all night watching films? Aren’t you really tired?
a stay b  wake c  stand d  hang
2 Let’s around the neighbourhood before we decide where to eat.
a check b  watch c  see d  look
3 Why don’t we up for a whale watching tour?
a make b  sign c  write d  hold
4 I’m so tired. I need to away from it all for a few days.
a go b  take c  get d  have
5 To a long story short, the holiday was a complete nightmare!
a break b  chop c  cut d  slice
6 Someone next to you who doesn’t stop talking is the thing you need when you’re trying
to sleep.
a last b  main c  only d  best

Total: 25

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Progress test 5 (Units 9 and 10)

1 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 We’re going on holiday tomorrow so this time next week we ourselves at the beach.
a ’ll enjoy b  ’ll be enjoying c  ’re going to enjoy d  could enjoy
2 Most household tasks done by machines these days.
a had b  were c  have d  are
3 Tokyo is very expensive so you to take a lot of money with you.
a ’ll need b  ’ll be needing c  ’re needing d  could need
4 A lot of new houses built in the town since we moved here.
a are built b  have been building c  have been built d  have built
5 You well run out of money if you’re not careful!
a may b  will c  are going to d  can

2 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word. You must use between two and five words including
the word given.
1 My parents gave me a tablet for my birthday. 4 Time magazine publishes really interesting
GIVEN articles. BY
I a tablet for my birthday. Really interesting articles magazine.
2 John accused the boys of stealing his wallet. 5 It’s possible that Sally will have a birthday party
WERE this year. MIGHT
The of stealing his wallet. Sally a birthday party this year.
3 People should tell you what’s going on if there is 6 They won’t do anything about your test results,
a delay with something. BE so don’t worry. DONE
You what’s going on if there is a Nothing about your test results, so
delay with something. don’t worry.

3 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 Could you please up the mess you’ve made?
a clear b  sort c  put d  fix
2 When I was very young, my parents didn’t me watch television every day because they thought
it was bad for me.
a make b  let c  allow d  permit
3 A lot of people nowadays have to live very low salaries.
a for b  off c  through d  on
4 Mum always folds the but I never do.
a plants b  surfaces c  towels d  floors
5 Dad gives us all a weekly . I’m saving mine to buy a new phone.
a bargain b  cash c  allowance d  budget

4 Complete the sentences with one suitable word in each gap.

1 I’m a bit of cash at the moment, so I can’t go out this weekend.
2 There’s growing number of young people who are unemployed.
3 It’s my job to load the when we’ve finished having dinner.
4 Don’t forget to the plants while we’re away – you know mum will be upset if they are dead
when we get back.
5 My laptop’s not working so I need to get someone to it.
6 I picked up some really good at the end-of-season sale. Everything was reduced by 70%.
7 My dad always pays his credit bill in full every month.
Total: 23

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Progress test 6 (Units 11 and 12)

1 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 Most people put on weight if they a lot of junk food.
a ate b  will eat c  would eat d  eat
2 I tennis regularly for the last five years.
a ’ve been playing b  ’m playing c  played d  play
3 If we hurry, we be in time to catch the start of the match, but if not, we can always watch it
on TV later.
a will b  need c  would d  can
4 I say anything to Dan if you don’t want me to.
a don’t b  couldn’t c  won’t d  wouldn’t
5 Stephen very happy recently. I wonder what’s wrong.
a hasn’t looking b  hasn’t been looking c  isn’t looking d  isn’t looked

2 Complete the text with one suitable word in each gap.

(1) your parents move to another area, it’s important to stay (2) touch
with your old friends and it’s easy to do that with social media. I’ve (3) going to my
new school for six months and I have some new friends, but I still really miss my old ones. If my
parents let me, I (4) go and stay with my best friend during the summer holidays.
We (5) been texting each other much since I left, so we’ll have lots to catch up on.
If everything goes well, she (6) come and stay with us too, but we don’t know yet.

3 Use the word in capital letters to form another word that fits the gap in the sentence.
1 One of the things I love about Amy is her . GENEROUS
2 We had an day with our cousins yesterday. ENJOY
3 I don’t have the to move those boxes. Could you help me please? STRONG
4 What do you need to become a teacher? QUALIFY
5 James always wears such clothes! I wonder if he knows how funny he looks
sometimes. COLOUR
6 I don’t know why my dad bought a tablet when he can’t even use his mobile phone.
It’s absolutely to him! USE
7 Joanna is so . She’s always making things. CREATE

4 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.

1 It’s been raining now for days end.
a on b  at c  with d  in
2 Unfortunately, I touch with a lot of my friends when we moved.
a stayed b  kept c  made d  lost
3 Tom’s so . He never pays for anything.
a dull b  mean c  reliable d  mature
4 classrooms will be quite normal in the future.
a Unreal b  Cyber c  Virtual d  Cloud
5 Dan’s really . Nothing seems to bother him.
a impatient b  pessimistic c  fascinating d  easygoing
6 Nicola is very . She’s never late and she’s always there when you need her.
a reliable b  childish c  generous d  insensitive

Total: 24

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Progress test 7 (Units 13 and 14)

1 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you please me what you want me to do?
a say b  explain c  confirm d  tell
2 Dad asked me him in the garden.
a to help b  to helping c  for helping d  for help
3 Mum has always me to follow my dreams.
a proposed b  encouraged c  suggested d  warned
4 I told you Martin it was your birthday!
a has forgotten b  forgets c  had forgotten d  is forgotten
5 Jasmine that she couldn’t make it to the meeting.
a told b  reminded c  proposed d  explained

2 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word. You must use between two and five words including
the word given.
1 ‘How do you keep in such good shape, Richard?’ said Mike. ASKED
Mike in such good shape.
2 ‘Can you take me to the hospital, Alex?’ said Dan. ASKED
Dan to the hospital.
3 ‘I’ll see you at 6 o’clock,’ Sarah said to her sister. SAID
Sarah at 6 o’clock.
4 ‘Do you remember Tom’s phone number?’ said Nick. KNOW
Nick wanted Tom’s phone number.
5 ‘Call me when you arrive, Luke,’ said his mum. TOLD
Luke’s mum when he arrived.
6 ‘I can lend you some money if necessary,’ Maria said to me. SAID
Maria some money if necessary.

3 Use the word in capital letters to form another word that fits the gap in the sentence.
1 Josie received by email of the booking she made online. CONFIRM
2 What are your for next year’s world championships? PREDICT
3 There’s been a lot of of footballers’ behaviour recently. CRITICISE
4 Matt and Joanna have obviously had a about something. DISAGREE
5 You’ll never get a out of Rob. CONFESS
6 I’d like to hear your for the new sports centre. PROPOSE

4 Complete the text with one suitable word in each gap.

I (1) a bad fall the other day while I was running for the bus. I don’t actually
remember how it happened, because I also (2) my head on a signpost as I was
falling and passed (3) for a couple of minutes. Everyone was really helpful and
a nice lady even (4) me a hug! Unfortunately, I’ve had to call (5)
this weekend’s team hike that I had planned to lead, as I can’t really walk at the moment. So,
all in all, I can say I’m in pretty (6) shape!

Total: 23

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Progress test 8 (Units 15 and 16)

1 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 I must you to have a look at my laptop, because it’s not working properly.
a get b  make c  have d  let
2 If we all reduced air travel, we produce fewer ‘greenhouse’ gases.
a would b  need c  will d  must
3 I wish it raining. I hate this wet weather.
a stops b  stopped c  will stop d  would stop
4 When was the last time you your eyes tested?
a have b  have had c  had d  would have
5 If only I taller! I’d really like to join the basketball team.
a were b  am c  have been d  would be
6 We save rainforests if we decided to stop cutting down trees.
a wouldn’t b  don’t c  won’t d  could

2 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word. You must use between two and five words including
the word given.
1 I don’t have much free time. ONLY 4 I asked Daniel to help me. GOT
If more free time. I to help me.
2 We get a lot of homework. WISH 5 Unfortunately, Simona can’t come to my
I so much homework. party. IF
3 The mechanic is fixing Dad’s car. HAVING to my party.
Dad fixed (by the mechanic). 6 The hairdresser has cut my hair. HAD
I cut (by the hairdresser).

3 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 Lucy always when she’s embarrassed. She looks really pretty!
a blushes b  yawns c  nods d  stares
2 We set on our trek at 5 o’clock in the morning.
a on b  down c  over d  out
3 You can come with us as as you don’t keep complaining!
a often b  much c  long d  soon
4 Come on everyone, please help .
a yourselves b  yourself c  ourselves d  themselves
5 a matter of fact, I’m scratching my ear because I’m nervous and not because I’m lying!
a For b  As c  By d  With
6 Don’t you know it’s rude to at people!
a blink b  nod c  shake d  stare
7 Everyone in our family is involved in nature .
a generation b  power c  conservation d  farms

4 Complete the text with one suitable word in each gap.

I love watching people, so every weekend I go to my favourite coffee shop and sit by the window
(1) that there’s a free table. A lot of people sit by (2) and don’t
(3) eye contact with anyone. There’s one regular customer who always sits in the
same place. He orders a coffee, takes out his book and (4) his lip nervously while
he’s reading. People have tried to talk to him but no matter (5) they do, he ignores
them. Even (6) they joined him, I guess he still wouldn’t speak to them!
Total: 25

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Progress test 9 (Units 17 and 18)

1 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 Playing such loud music on your headphones be good for your ears.
a could b  can’t c  mustn’t d  might
2 I wish I history of art when I went to college.
a studied b  would study c  study d  had studied
3 You John if you’d arrived earlier.
a had seen b  would see c  would have seen d  saw
4 You well be right about Joe. He does seem a little distracted these days.
a could b  can c  must d  would
5 If I’d known what was really going on, I have been more sympathetic.
a must b  can c  might d  should
6 You know who the Beatles are. Everyone knows!
a can b  could c  would d  must

2 Complete the text with one suitable word in each gap.

There’s no point having regrets but I (1) I (2) paid more attention to
my parents because I (3) have made very different choices. My mum was always
very patient with me but there (4) have been times when she wanted to shout at me.
She always said I could (5) been a good musician but I was just too lazy and now
I’m in my final year at school and I don’t know what I want to do. It (6) be brilliant to
know your own potential.

3 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 That famous painting is as one of the greatest works of art in the world.
a regarded b  established c  entitled d  awarded
2 My uncle was very much by his father.
a devoted b  composed c  prohibited d  influenced
3 I’d better go now and get with my homework.
a round b  on c  over d  out
4 There will be many challenges to over the months to come.
a take b  head c  face d  hold
5 I prefer pictures of people and places to art.
a abstract b  unique c  bizarre d  complex
6 My brother’s really good at getting doing any household chores. I don’t know how
he does it!
a away with b  round to c  up to d  out of

4 Complete the sentences with one suitable word in each gap.

1 The film is on a tropical island.
2 It was his not to give up that kept Joe Simpson alive.
3 ‘ is the best policy.’ This means that it is important to tell the truth.
4 You’ll never away with your plan. Someone is sure to catch you.
5 ‘Bravery’ is another word for .
6 He was as the class president, but I didn’t vote for him.

Total: 24

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Progress test 10 (Units 19 and 20)

1 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 What a terrible experience. You have been really scared.
a can b  may c  might d  must
2 The crime he committed last night, money from the woman’s purse, was only one of several
this month!
a stealing b  to steal c  having stolen d  steal
3 Paul really enjoys out near the river.
a to hang b  hanging c  hang d  to hanging
4 How anyone have known I was here?
a may b  might c  could d  had
5 I look forward you next weekend.
a seeing b  to see c  see d  to seeing
6 everything into consideration, I think we’ve done really well.
a To take b  Take c  Taking d  Taken

2 Complete the text with one suitable word in each gap.

The house I grew up in (1) have been any nicer, being so close to town but so
near the countryside, (2) . (3) to the local school on time was never
a problem and I would usually walk back home for lunch if we didn’t have anything special to do
in the lunch hour. In the holidays our family used to love (4) camping by the river.
Mum (5) have worried about us because we often stayed out for hours without
(6) anything to eat or drink!

3 Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.
1 The burglar was to two years in prison.
a committed b  sentenced c  charged d  convicted
2 Dan the charge and claimed that he was innocent.
a denied b  admitted c  committed d  defended
3 You can yourself quite a lot of harm by staying out in the sun all day.
a make b  give c  have d  do
4 This project has been very time- .
a cutting b  breaking c  consuming d  catching
5 I’ve just read a -warming story about a young boy and his pet dog.
a heart b  mind c  brain d  head
6 Please don’t do anything legal!
a un b  il c  im d  dis
7 I don’t know how you can work with James as he’s so organised.
a un b  in c  dis d  im

4 Complete the sentences with one suitable word.

1 Crime suspects are usually driven to the police station in the seat of a police car.
2 There are usually twelve people on a(n) in a UK court.
3 Mum always makes mouth- desserts.
4 Have you ever a crime?
5 The police are the burglary.
6 This is an award- design.

Total: 25

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015

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