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Corpus tasks test 1 (Units 1–4)


  You will hear five short recordings. Listen and choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 You hear a boy called Jack talking about end-of-year 3 You hear a girl called Julia talking about her school
exams. How does he approach his revision? days. How did her classmates react to her?
a He gets on with it straight away. a They all picked on her.
b He puts it off as long as possible. b Most of them identified with her.
c He never gets round to it in time. c Some of them backed her up.
2 You hear a boy talking about opera. Where do his 4 You hear a boy called David describing a natural
parents go to see opera productions? disaster. What kind of natural disaster is he describing?
a Italy a an earthquake
b Berlin b a tsunami
c London c a volcanic eruption
5 You hear a singer called Amy talking about her band.
What is she nervous about?
a having a massive hit
b going solo
c touring the world

Read this blog on family relationships. Are the sentences ‘True’ (a) or ‘False’ (b)?
If there is not enough information to answer ‘True’ (a) or ‘False’ (b), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (c).

I’ve got an identical twin sister and when we were younger people didn’t know who was who! It was great because
we used to play tricks on our teachers and classmates. We lived in our own world and for a time we even had our
own language. It’s different now because we’re at different universities but we definitely still have an incredibly close
Our parents always encouraged us to want to be top of the class, the best in the team or ‘number one’. It was quite
stressful because I wasn’t particularly good at school and I always got the feeling that my best wasn’t good enough.
My brother, on the other hand, was brilliant at everything and used to get really upset if he didn’t win. It didn’t matter
what he was doing.
I’d always had a good relationship with my family, especially my sister, but she went through a strange time for a while
and used to get into trouble a lot. One time she took some money from our parents and for some reason they accused
me of having taken it. Laura didn’t tell them the truth and for a long time I felt really angry because it changed everything.
Anna’s like a sister to me. I tell her everything and she always listens and gives really good advice and we do loads of
stuff together. I’m much closer to her than to my real sister. We don’t really have much in common and we don’t often
hang out together even though there’s only a year between us. Well, as they say, you can choose your friends but you
don’t choose your family.
When I was younger I used to feel sad sometimes because my friends all had brothers and sisters. But now I realise I
was quite lucky in a way as I’m used to my own company now and I’m very independent. Of course it’s a bit lonely when
it comes to family celebrations but on the other hand, you don’t need to spend so much money on presents!

1 Lucy has fallen out with her twin sister. 4 Kate gets on really well with her sister.
a True b  False c  Doesn’t say a True b  False c  Doesn’t say
2 Max’s brother was very competitive. 5 Sarah is an only child.
a True b  False c  Doesn’t say a True b  False c  Doesn’t say
3 Chris’s sister Laura confessed to stealing some money.
a True b  False c  Doesn’t say

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Write a profile of someone in your family. You can include the following information:
• what they do
• their likes/dislikes
• your relationship with them
Write the profile in 100–120 words.

Choose the correct word (a, b, c or d) for each gap.
1 I’ve no idea what’s the charts at the moment.
a in b  on c  at d  of
2 Lava down the side of the mountain.
a fell b  erupted c  dragged d  ran
3 We go to visit my aunt and uncle once in a .
a month b  while c  time d  moon
4 Just give me a few minutes and I’ll figure the answer for myself.
a through b  over c  out d  down
5 Don’t forget me when you get to the airport.
a calling b  call c  to calling d  to call
6 These floods were the worst we’ve had.
a easily b  far c  slightly d  more
7 It’s dangerous to leave the house, so please stay here.
a so b  too c  such d  to
8 I remember you but I’m not sure where!
a to meet b  to meeting c  meeting d  meet
9 It’s not nice to laugh people.
a at b  away c  for d  to

Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words including the
word given.
1 I started playing tennis five years ago. PLAYING
I tennis for five years.
2 ‘Let’s get tickets for the concert’, said Harry. SUGGESTED
Harry tickets for the concert.
3 When Lisa was a child she didn’t like vegetables, but now she does. USE
Lisa vegetables when she was a child, but now
she does.
4 The music was so loud that I had to leave. SUCH
It that I had to leave.
5 My sister is more sociable than me. AS
I my sister.
6 My parents have always supported me with my school work. BACKED
My parents have always with my school work.

Total: 30

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Achievement test 2 (Units 5–8)

  You will hear five people talking about food. For questions 1–5, choose from the list A–H
what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not
need to use.
1 Speaker One A I was often hungry as a child.
2 Speaker Two B We always had to eat everything on our plate.
3 Speaker Three C There was something wrong with one meal I had.
4 Speaker Four D It’s too expensive to go to restaurants.
5 Speaker Five E I never eat junk food.
F I could eat cheese all day.
G I shouldn’t eat so much chocolate.
H If I want a snack, I usually have a piece of cheese.

Read this travel blog. Put sentences a–f into the correct places (1–5) in the text. There is one
sentence you do not need to use.

Day three in Sydney and here we are chilling out on Bondi Beach, watching all the surfers. It really
is a surfer’s paradise, just like all the pictures you’ve seen on TV, with sun, sand, sea and surf. The
waves are really huge. Jack’s about to get in the water and give it a go but I’m not sure that I’m
brave enough! (1) .
Sydney is such an amazing city. (2) . Everyone is really friendly and helpful there
and we’ve already made friends with some other backpackers who are also travelling around
Australia. On our first evening we decided to try out some of the local food, so we had kangaroo
steaks, which were delicious!
It’s hard to know what to do, as there’s so much to see. We signed up for an organised tour on
our first day, so we went to the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge and the Botanical Gardens.
(3) .
Yesterday we went to the Zoo, which was just fantastic. We got to see all the animals that are
native to Australia and we even fed a koala! (4) . Well, you can’t come here without
doing something like that, can you? To be honest, I think Jack was a bit embarrassed but I loved it.
We took the ferry back and then spent the evening just wandering around.
Tomorrow we’ll go inland and fly to Alice Springs. You can’t imagine how huge this country is until
you’re here. (5) . We want to go to Uluru, so we’ve booked ourselves on a camping
trip. I’m really looking forward to being in the ‘outback’ and learning all about the history of the
country. I don’t know when I’ll have another chance to update my blog but probably when we get
back to Alice Springs.

a I know it’s a bit touristy but it was fun.

b We thought about going overland but it would take ages and we don’t really have that much time.
c We’re staying in a hostel close to the city centre.
d I think I’ll hire a jet ski instead.
e I just want to see as much as I can before we move on.
f I took loads of photos of all the exotic plants so have a look at them on my Facebook page.

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Write a story beginning with this sentence:

Lucy couldn’t believe her eyes when she opened the front door.

Write 140–190 words.

Choose the correct word (a, b, c or d) for each gap.
1 I feel sorry Alex because he always loses when we play video games!
a to b  for c  with d  by
2 Isn’t this the place you first met Phil?
a where b  which c  when d  who
3 As far as I can see, Dan just lives football. It’s all he ever talks about!
a on b  with c  to d  for
4 We to get a great last-minute deal on our flights yesterday.
a could b  might c  managed d  succeeded
5 Max meat since he saw a documentary about meat production.
a hasn’t eaten b didn’t eat c  doesn’t eat d  wasn’t eating
6 We stopped in Singapore on our way to Australia.
a out b  through c  down d  over
7 I found the characters in the book a bit ridiculous.
a main b  primary c  lead d  head
8 This video game is not for children.
a keen b  suitable c  addicted d  bored
9 Fred scored 1,500 points on his last game. I’ll never be able to him up.
a make b  take c  count d  catch

Complete the text. Use only one word in each gap.
I’ve always wanted to be a writer and I think I’m quite good (1) creating fictional
worlds. In (2) my first ever story won a prize at school, (3) came as a
big surprise. It was a simple story but I was very proud of it! When I leave school I (4)
probably study English literature because I’m interested (5) learning more about all the
different literary genres. Of course, I’m also going to continue with my own writing and who knows,
one day I (6) even write a best-seller!

Total: 30

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Achievement test 3 (Units 9–12)

  You will hear five short recordings. Listen and choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 You hear a boy talking about chores. What is he doing this month?
a loading the dishwasher
b sorting the recycling
c sweeping the floors
2 You hear a girl talking about money. What is her problem?
a She’s short of cash.
b She doesn’t have a bank account.
c She doesn’t earn enough in her job.
3 You hear a girl talking about changes that have happened. What is new at the school?
a virtual classrooms
b touch-screen computers
c interactive whiteboards
4 You hear a girl talking about her friend Hannah. Which adjective best describes Hannah?
a easygoing
b reliable
c sensitive
5 You hear a boy talking about lessons on personal finance he’s had at school. What is he going to do as a
result of the lessons?
a start his own business
b spend his money more wisely
c open a savings bank account

Read this forum on friendship. Match the paragraph headings (a–f) to the paragraphs (1–5). There is
one heading you don’t need.
a Falling out c Making friends e Shared interests
b Making up d Personal qualities f Best friends
I’m really shy, so I’ve never found it easy to start talking to people. I remember my first day at school.
Everyone was chatting away and I just stood on my own, wishing I was brave enough to go up to someone
and say ‘Hi’. Luckily, I ended up sitting next to a really nice girl and she helped me get over my shyness.
There are lots of characteristics which are important in a good friendship. For me, the most important thing
is honesty. I need to know that my friend will always tell me the truth. And, of course, they should be there
for you when you need them. I know I can always count on my close friends. And let’s not forget, a sense of
humour is important too!
It’s good to have loads of things in common with your friends, but I don’t think it’s necessary to do everything
together. I love sport but I also love playing the guitar, so I have some friends who are sporty and others who
are into music. They know one another, but they don’t necessarily hang out together.
I think I’m pretty easygoing and I don’t like having arguments with my friends, but just recently I found out that
my best friend had been saying things about me and yet when I asked her about it, she denied it, so we’re not
speaking to each other. I feel sad that I’ve lost my best friend, but I’m sure it won’t last long.
I’ve known Josie for ever! People who don’t know us, think that we must be sisters because we’re always
together and we even look the same. Dad’s got a new job, which means we’re going to have to move, so
Josie and I won’t be able to see each other very often. At least we can call each other, but it won’t be the
same. I really hope that we don’t lose touch.

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Write an article about your favourite piece of technology. You can use these prompts.
• What is it?
• Why is it important to you?
• Why do you like it so much?
You should write 140–190 words.

Choose the correct word (a, b, c or d) for each gap.
1 There have been a(n) number of complaints about the latest range of tablets.
a maximum b  record c  minimum d  wide
2 My parents always me help with chores unless I had a lot of homework.
a tried b  allowed c  forced d  made
3 Of course we will your work experience into account.
a put b  give c  take d  make
4 Dad always made sure that his credit card paid off in full every month.
a had b  did c  has d  was
5 I well recently because I’m worried about my exams.
a haven’t been sleeping b  not have slept c  don’t have sleep d  am not sleep
6 We’ll come and see you if we time.
a have b  might have c  could have d  will have
7 Amelia’s party is on Friday, so I look for a new dress tomorrow. Can you come with me?
a will b  am going c  can d  might be
8 Paula’s really . She’s done so many interesting things in her life.
a thoughtful b  generous c  easygoing d  fascinating
9 Please up your mess before you go out.
a fold b  put c  clear d  sort

Complete the sentences. Use the word in capital letters to form another word that fits the gap in
the sentence.
1 What’s your idea of ? HAPPY
2 That film is definitely not for young children. SUIT
3 To be a teacher, you need to have a lot of ! PATIENT
4 The gas is so you can’t see it. COLOUR
5 The party was more than I was expecting it to be. ENJOY
6 Jack is obsessed with and spends at least two hours a day in the gym. FIT

Total: 30

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Achievement test 4 (Units 13–16)

  Listen to the conversation between two teenagers, Max and Lucy. Are the statements true
or false?
1 Max and Lucy have just watched a programme on environmental damage.
2 Max is optimistic about the future.
3 Lucy’s class has won a recycling competition.
4 There’s a wind farm by the sea near where they live.
5 Max has some clothes to give to Lucy.

Read this article. Five sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences a–f the one
which fits each gap (1–5). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Making a good impression

A lot of books have been written about body language and how important first impressions are.
Did you know that the effect of a handshake will stay with you for much longer than the handshake
itself? Can you remember how a weak, ‘wet’ handshake feels as opposed to a strong, firm
handshake? (1)
Now think back to a time when you’ve had to make a good impression. It might have been your
first day at school or an interview for a part-time job or a college interview. (2) Was
there anything you did to make yourself stand out from the crowd?
There are a few simple pieces of advice when it comes to creating that all-important first impression.
Try to get off to a good start. (3) Then, make sure that you don’t sit with your arms
crossed, as that will make you look unsure and defensive. You want to appear confident and at ease.
There is other body language you can avoid. (4) Of course it’s natural to be nervous,
especially if you’re in an interview situation, but the secret is to hide your nerves!
Finally, be natural. There’s no point trying to be someone you’re not. If you’re in an interview
situation, make sure you’ve done some preparation so you can ask, as well as answer, any
questions. (5) Remember, it’s about them as much as it is about you. As they say,
practice makes perfect and all the effort you make will be worth it in the long run.

a A firm handshake and eye contact are instantly positive.

b Prepare a few things you want to ask them about.
c How did you prepare?
d If you yawn, people will think you’re bored.
e Don’t play with your hair or your jewellery, as this will show people you’re nervous.
f Which one feels better?

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Write a report about a school event. You can include the following information:
• the type of event
• what you liked and why
• what you didn’t like and why
Write 140–190 words.

Choose the correct word (a, b, c or d) for each gap.
1 Please me to hand in my project.
a remind b  remember c  confirm d  propose
2 Sean and Mia a huge quarrel yesterday.
a made b  had c  gave d  did
3 The film is in a small Italian village in the 1950s.
a made b  given c  done d  set
4 Even I knew the answer, I wouldn’t tell you.
a when b  if c  so d  though
5 It was such a huge shock that he .
a gave out b  got back c  passed out d  got over
6 Can you please your date of birth for our records?
a confirm b  propose c  claim d  emphasise
7 Luke has recently developed an allergic reaction nuts.
a on b  with c  to d  for
8 The teacher asked us in our homework after the lesson.
a hand b  handing c  to handing d  to hand
9 The match was called because of the heavy rain.
a off b  out c  down d  up

Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words including the
word given.
1 ‘Yes, it was me who lost your keys,’ said Harry. ADMITTED
Harry my keys.
2 ‘Please don’t tell my mum what happened,’ Marina said to me. BEGGED
Marina her mum what had happened.
3 ‘Rob, will you just be quiet and listen!’ said the teacher. TOLD
The teacher and listen.
4 ‘Why do I get so stressed before exams?’, Tom said to his friend. ONLY
Tom said to his friend ‘ so stressed before exams?’
5 I’ll help you but you must tell me the truth. LONG
I’ll help you me the truth.
6 It’s annoying that you won’t help me. WISH
I me.

Total: 30

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Achievement test 5 (Units 17–20)

  You will hear five teenagers talking in different contexts. For each speaker, complete the
1 Art exhibition: The bottles are filled with and .
2 Stolen bag: There were a lot of to the theft, but no one helped.
3 Favourite place: His father built him a(n) in the garden where he plays .
4 Class mates: Isabella is the most girl in her class and she’s good at .
5 Amazing people: Malala is a(n) to her. Malala Day is in .

Read this internet discussion on favourite places. Look at options A–H. Put the correct
person (1–5) next to the correct option (A–H). There are three options you do not need.

1 Chris
One of my favourite places is my best friend’s house. There’s a fantastic room where we can
hang out and his parents never bother us. I wish my parents were as relaxed as his! We usually
get together at the weekends and just mess around. It’s Ben’s 18th birthday next week and we’re
having a big party to celebrate, so I guess it’ll be quite noisy but normally we’re pretty quiet … at
least I think so!
2 Alex
My favourite place would have to be the river. I’m not really into computer games and stuff like that.
I like to be outdoors, so when the weather’s good, I cycle down there and spend the day reading
and fishing. I don’t often catch anything but even when I do, I’ll always throw the fish back in the
river. I know most of my friends think I’m a bit weird, but we spend enough time at school sitting
down in front of computer screens.
3 Amy
I’m really into athletics, so I spend as much time as I can at the local sports centre. Mum worries
about my school work but I manage everything. I was really inspired by the Olympics, the passion
of all the athletes, so I’ve decided to focus on sport now. Everyone there is very supportive and
they let me use the facilities when the centre isn’t open to the general public.
4 Penny
When my grandparents retired, they moved to Spain because they love the weather and the way
of life. It’s brilliant for us because we go and visit them every summer. I love it there because
they really spoil us and they let us do whatever we want. Last summer I took my best friend with
me and we spent most of the time chilling out by the swimming pool. It’s so different from life in
5 Claudia
There’s a new café for students in the town centre and that’s my favourite place at the moment.
The atmosphere’s great and there are usually interesting people to talk to. They have live bands
every Friday night and they’re hoping to open a small gallery for local artists. Up until now there
hasn’t really been anywhere for us to go so let’s hope it does well.

Who …
A enjoys being at home?
B is allowed to do something when other people aren’t?
C has strict parents?
D wants to spend more time with friends?
E appreciates the new venue for young people?
F plays in a band?
G doesn’t like being inside?
H enjoys going to a foreign country?

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015
Celebrities like film stars and sports people are paid far too much.

Write your essay in 140–190 words.

Choose the correct word (a, b, c or d) for each gap.
1 I’m quite capable doing this myself.
a on b  for c  of d  at
2 There was a(n) view of the mountains from the hotel.
a breathtaking b  passionate c  relaxed d  eye-catching
3 Jake shows great , so I hope he’ll live up to our expectations.
a inspiration b  potential c  challenge d  honesty
4 Don’t be so ridiculous! A broken leg isn’t exactly life- !
a breaking b  attacking c  endangering d  threatening
5 Two rooms in the gallery were to the artist’s later works.
a awarded b  devoted c  entitled d  established
6 I wish I your advice. I would be in a much better position now.
a had taken b  would take c  took d  have taken
7 I’ve never enjoyed too much time on my own.
a to spend b  spend c  spending d  to spending
8 When will you get to tidying your room?!
a over b  up c  off d  round
9 I think you’re being rather fair. Mark isn’t that bad!
a im b  un c  in d  dis

Complete the sentences. Use the word in capital letters to form another word that fits the gap in
the sentence.
1 Ben never does what he says he’s going to do. He really is so . RELY
2 is essential if you want to get to the top. DETERMINE
3 I feel really about environmental issues. PASSION
4 Sally’s behaviour has been very recently. MYSTERY
5 Our coach expects total from everyone on the team. COMMIT
6 Our local policeman won a national award for . BRAVE

Total: 30

Prepare! Level 6 This page may be photocopied © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015

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